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Everything posted by Artemis

  1. Kaguya was just timid, somewhat flighty, but very beautiful girl who always needed others to help her make decisions. Her entire life changed when Idou and the Mad Prince Seeu entered her dimension in a fight over which would kidnap her. She soon found herself dragged through a blackhole stranded on a new planet with the doll, Gold, modelled after Seeu's dead friend, Kagami. In a short amount of time, Kaguya learned that the universe was nearing its end, and that she, The Princess of Choosing, would have to pick which of the nine earths (each in a different dimension) would survive. The people of the different earths travel between them by use of "collapsers" and prevent others from reaching their own planets by use of "anti-collapsers". Alliances quickly formed between some of the planets and enemy lines were drawn between others. The third world (our earth) remained isolated and unaware of the others (criminals are sent there. It's pretty much, Australia...), and the fifth world, remained neutral. The first and ninth worlds have been destroyed, and the second has been altered beyond recognition. I'll provide more information on the other planets when I get a chance to borrow the books again (Planet Ladder is some of the best manga I've ever read.) Here's a basic list of characters: Kaguya Kagami/Gold (old friend of Seeu/doll belonging to Seeu) Prince Seeu (resident of the second world) Idou (former priest of the eighth world. Now serves Kura.) Emperor Kura (ruler of the seventh world, also controls the sixth and fourth worlds.) Bambi (a beautiful young woman who takes in Kaguya and befriends her on the fourth world. Bambi is originally from the ninth world.) The 3 Sages (I'll have to research their names) Deimion(sp?) (one Kura's best warriors.) Take(that's his nickname. He was once a human of the third world, but his soul now resides in a large doll, in the form of a rooster...):laugh: See [url]http://lijaka.tripod.com/planetladdermain.html[/url] for more information. I'm trying to find a better site, but even the "official" ones seem pretty skimpy. Some of the characters have odd living weapons, but I haven't been able to find much clarification on them. You can create new characters if you'd like. In some cases, we may need to toss characters original to the story. Here's a basic application: [b]Name:[/b]Telani [b]Age:[/b]22 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Planet:[/b]Geo (seventh planet) [b]Description:[/b] Telani is of medium height with chesnut brown hair and emerald green eyes. [b]Bio:[/b]She is rather beautiful and is kept among the other girls at Kura's palace as eye candy. (Kura is quite ravenous in his hunger for women.) However, she manages to avoid Kura at all costs. When forced to be in his presence, she pretends to be a simpleton and remains quiet. She realizes that if he knew of her superior intelligence, he would try to use her in his war against the eighth world: Asraitsu, Idou's former home. Deimion is the only one in the palace who knows of her intelligence and tries to make it known to Kura, but Kura doesn't believe him. Telani secretly receives lessons from some of the swordsmasters and scholars on Geo. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] two concealed short swords strapped to her thighs and stilettos (long thin knives) in her sleeves If you have more information on Planet Ladder and can help me inform those who've never heard of it, please PM with information or post it here! I would like to request that all members of this RPG post with as much attention to grammar and spelling as possible. Enjoy yourselves! :cool: ~art~
  2. If you don't mind me taking a third element, I'll take "life". With "life", Artemis can heal any other living being on the brink of death. (The being must have a least a tiny fame of life left.) She can also create new life, usually in the form of plants and animals. She has to be careful of using this power because it drains some of her own energy. If you'd rather I stick with two, that's fine. This should be a great RPG! ~art~
  3. Hmm.... Let's give this a shot... [b]Name:[/b] Artemis Leto [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Element:[/b] Water, Life, and Forest [b]Power:[/b] Water-She can call forth all nearby water and manipulate it as she pleases. She can work with ice and water vapor, but she works best with liquid water. Life-Artemis can heal any other living being on the brink of death. (The being must have a least a tiny fame of life left.) She can also create new life, usually in the form of plants and animals. She has to be careful of using this power because it drains some of her own energy. Forest-Artemis can use the energy of the forest and the animals within it. They are under her protection and are loyal to her. [b]Weapon:[/b] Bow and Arrows [b]Description:[/b] Like water, she can shift her shape, so, theorectically, she look like anything and anyone. However, she can [i]never[/i] be massless. In her preferred human form, she stands roughly 5'4" with forest green eyes and jet black hair with scarlet streaks. Her skin is pale from the dark forests she inhabits. [b]Elemental Description:[/b] As said before, she's a shape shifter, so, normally she'd use this to her advantage in a fight. Ergo, she'd begin by changing her form in someway or another. [b]Birthplace:[/b] a forest stream [b]Bio:[/b] She's basically the Greek goddess Artemis but without the connections to other gods. She's sort of your "girl power", sporty girl but a bit b****y. She doesn't like being around other Titans or people. She prefers the companionship of nature alone. She was born sometime before the original battle began. For her part, she was simply trying to protect the forests she loves.
  4. *tries [i]very[/i] hard to be nice* I definitely have to agree with Lalaith Ril. Profound means something much deeper than simple happiness. Your teacher probably thought you were very materialistic. I know that I'll never be given a plasma TV or a "skinny" computer. (I come from a very large family. Not a whole lot of money to be spent...) So, even on basic happiness, my happiest moment would have more to do with spending time with family and friends. As far as profound moments goes...I think I'd have to go back to 8th grade when I went on my first church retreat. That's when I realized I needed to take my Catholic faith more seriously. It was a weekend long event that touched me deeply. Out of curiosity, what was your second essay about? Now that you understand what was meant by "profound", I'm curious to know what was the most profound moment of your life.
  5. Artemis

    3 Evils

    First of all, I think you mean "bearable" and "unbearable". Secondly, I'm not really sure what you mean by all of this... Hmm... I think I would set overbearing, arrogant people as the "3rd evil". Terrible snowy days when we don't get off from school would probably be in that category as well. My really goofy friend, Ann, would be under the 1st evil. There are times when you just want to bang your head against the wall a few times after she's said something. lol :laugh: (Duorocks17, I'm sure you know what I mean...) I'm having a hard time finding something that fits in the 2nd category...
  6. Hmm... modern drama...as far as theatre goes, I think I prefer musicals. Then again, I'm a really big music person. Right now, I'm listening to the Secret Garden soundtrack. I think it's pretty good. In March, I'll be in the chorus of Jekyll and Hyde at my school. Over the summer, I saw both Footloose and The Scarlet Pimpernel (the latter being far better in my opinion.) My dream is to some day see The Phantom of the Opera. *sighs* As to normal theater, I'd like to look more into Oscar Wilde (I love "The Importance of Being Earnest"!) Last year, I read Bus Stop by William Inge simply because he's one of the only playwrights from Kansas. The man, from what I've seen, was rather crazy. The play is interesting, but don't see the movie...*pukes* Marilyn Manroe's in it. She turns it a little too melodramatic. go figure...
  7. Artemis

    Kids' Movies

    Those are some great movies, but I think that Who Framed Roger Rabbit is [i]definitely[/i] not a kids' movie. The villain [i]terrified[/i] me! My mom didn't like my little brothers seeing Jessica Rabbit either... My dad got in some trouble for showing that one to us... Now that I'm older, it's a great movie, but I wouldn't show it to young children. I think, like Shrek, it works better for older people who remember those old animated characters and stories, but have a more mature sense of humor now. I saw Shrek in the theater with my two cousins. There were some children there, but they didn't laugh as hard as my older cousin and I did. The younger one laughed a lot, but not nearly as much as we did. There was a specific age group that Shrek was funniest for.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]This topic is one of the gems illustrating the declining quality of the Lounge. I honestly belive we should re-inject the thread with better topics than "I'm making a tooth-pick bridge, have you?". I am completely aware with how difficult it can be as almost everything has been discussed and that's everyone's fault I suppose. Please people, think of something better than [i]this[/i]. I'll let this continue utnill it becomes repetative. [/B][/QUOTE] ouch Forgive me, Oh-Savy-One. :rolleyes: I was about half-crazy from the stupid bridge when I posted this thread. Sorry about that. I figured a bunch of architecture students would have interesting stories about various projects they'd done. From what I've heard, all of them at Kansas State are crazy nocturnal people...:drunk: lol Anyway, I'll try to be better, Drix... :D
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by naomisan24 [/i] [B]Cannibalism is atrocious. However, eating animals is, to me, just as wrong. If it were up to me, there would be reproductive mud with nutrients. However, it's not up to me. And if mud could reproduce, it would be a living organism and nothing would be accomplished.It's natural for kingdom animalia to eat their brethren, but NOT IN FRONT OF ME!!! We kill each other in war anyway, so we may as well put the dead to use. But feed it to animals, that's where it belongs. And SUVs are bad, too. [/B][/QUOTE] Reproductive mud...:rolleyes: So, what do you eat, naomisan24? Plants are alive and so are animals. Do you eat dirt? rocks, perhaps? I think James made a good point: Humans [i]are[/i] omnivores. If you choose not to eat meat, fine, but don't tell the rest of us that [i]we[/i] can't. By the way, what are you going to do about all those evil SUVs? :naughty:
  10. OOC: I thought the flying lessons were for all the first years together, but I may be wrong. *shrugs* I think Alex and Liz are about half an hour or so ahead of everyone else. I don't think much more can happen in our Transfiguration class. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are little harder to work with (no antagonist). Liz spent the last ten minutes of the class silent from embarassment. When the bell rang, she and Alex scurried out of the class in a hurry. "What was wrong?" Liz asked Alex, concern lacing her voice. Alex shrugged, "I guess I just started to feel stupid after awhile. I didn't feel like I knew even half as much as you and the other Ravenclaws." Liz smiled, "I won't let you fall behind in [i]any[/i] of our classes! If you ever have any trouble, come find me, and I'll help you!" "Thanks," Alex smiled back, "What class do we have next?" Liz looked at her schedule and groaned softly. "We've got Potions. I heard Snape's the toughest teacher in the school!" Alex laughed and put her arm around Liz, "Don't worry, you've got me!" The girls laughed softly together as they headed towards the dungeon. OOC: We need more H & R characters! I'm feeling really detatched from everyone else! We only see you guys at meals! :cross:
  11. They're going great, duo! Let me know when you move up to PhotoDraw like you said. Then you can make me a bishie banner...lol :love2: lol I have to say, your billy banner cracks me up, but then, you have to have seen that little video. "I have a question. Is Dr. Pepper a real doctor? I don't think he's qualified to be a soft drink." lol
  12. Whoa, I'm going to try to avoid the intense argument going on in here... My cousin, Thomas, got busted for drugs. The problem with them is that they hurt more than just the person who uses/sells/buys them. He belongs to a mixed family. (His dad remarried a woman with two little girls of her own.) Because of Thomas, his stepmom could have lost custody of her children simply because he was living at home at the time of his arrest. On top of that, he was a bad role model to these young girls (they're in 1st grade and preschool if I remember correctly.) It also reflected badly on our grandfather (Thomas' employer). From what I've seen, drugs are just far too harmful. They're not worth the risk. Too many people have made dire mistakes under the influence of drugs and alcohol. They're not an excuse. Most of us have been told enough to avoid them that we should know better. For example: I went through the DARE program in 5th grade. (Drug & Alcohol Resistence Education) If I've insulted someone who uses drugs, I guess that's just too bad. I've never seen a good excuse for using them. Even if you want to claim that you can do whatever you want to your own body, as I stated before, you hurt others as well. People look up to you, rather you realize it or not. Alright, *steps off soapbox* I think I'm done here... :rolleyes:
  13. Stocatta looked at the sobbing Mai and then at Knives. She sighed and pulled him aside. "Look, Knives, I know you really care about Mai, but she's not ready to be close to you. She may not be for quite awhile. Right now, she needs time to grieve. She had to kill her own brother." "I know," Knives hung his head looking very crushed. "You're right though. I do care about her a lot. I wish I could make it all up to her. It's so hard for people to trust me now." "It's going to be like that for awhile. You've caused great evil in your very long lifetime. Even once people believe you've truly been converted, it'll take more time for them to completely forgive you for your transgressions." Knives shook his head dejectedly, "You hate me, too, don't you?" Stocatta smiled at him warmly, a rare occassion for the young woman, "Knives, I've caused just about as much evil as you have. Besides, what have you done to me that could really make me hate you? So, you gave me to Legato to be controlled, but if you hadn't taken me in, in the first place, then who knows where I'd be now? I have no memory of anything before you. I can't hold Legato's demise against you since I never knew before he was under your wing. And Mai's not a saint either. No one's perfect. Some just have fewer sins than others. And yet, human nature leads us to judge each other. I believe that you have the strength to hold out until people can trust and appreciate you. Do you believe that?" "Yes," Knives rewarded her with a small smile. "Good. There's a quiet church down the road a bit if you'd like somewhere to think alone for a while." "That'd be nice. Thanks, Stocatta," Knives hugged her like a sister. She watched as he headed down the road. After a few moments, she braced herself and began walking towards Mai. [color=blue][i]Why am I suddenly everyone's counselor? With my history and lack of normal human interaction, how can I be of any help?[/color] [color=red]Not only do you read minds, but you also sense emotions. You can tell what people are feeling without them having to find words for it.[/color] [color=blue]Did I ask for your opinion, Spikey?[/color] [color=red]Oh, come now, is name-calling anyway to treat your bodyguard?[/color] [color=blue]I already admitted my gratitude for you saving my life. Besides, the one who offered to work for doughnuts! I'll get those when I'm done with Mai, but right now, you need to leave me alone. I'm sick of you getting into my head like this![/color] [color=red]Perhaps, you want me in here, and you just don't know it...[/color] [color=blue]Stop acting like there's something going on between us! I have absolutely no attraction to an idiot like you![/color][/i] However, Stocatta began blushing inspite of herself. She forced herself not to mentally acknowledge this and let him know. [color=red][i]Fine. I'll leave you alone. But don't forget that you owe me a doughnut date.[/color][/i] Stocatta tried not to acknowledge the hint of dejection in his thoughts and turned her concentration to Mai who was now sitting passively with silent tears running down her cheeks. She heaved a sigh and prepared to begin conversation, but Mai beat her to the punch: "Thanks for getting rid of Knives." Stocatta nodded, "We've got a lot to talk about."
  14. [color=red] [b][u]General Awards[/b][/u] [b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] James [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] Charles [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] Queen Asuka [b]Staff Member of the Year:[/b] James [b]Funniest Member of the Year:[/b] wrist-cutter [b]Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year:[/b] Poison Tongue [b]Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years:[/b] James [b]Best Newbie:[/b] Dagger IX1 [b]Best Oldie:[/b] Sephiroth [b]Most Likely to Become a Staff Member:[/b] Poison Tongue [b]Most Improved Member of the Year:[/b] [b]Favorite Banned Member:[/b] [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b] [b][u]Random Awards[/b][/u] [b]Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall):[/b] Oh c'mon! No one can beat dancin' Strongbad! I don't think I'll ever change it just b/c it's so memorable. [b]Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall):[/b] Sara [b]Best Location (Best Specific Location):[/b] Drix D?Zanith [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] Queen Asuka/Piromunkie [b]Best Looking Otaku:[/b] [b]Otaku Clique of the Year:[/b] OtakuBoards? League of Not-So-Extraordinary Gentlemen [b]Best MyOtaku:[/b] [b][u]Otaku Writers[/b][/u] [b]Poet Laureate:[/b] [b]Writer of the Year:[/b] [b]Orginal Story of the Year:[/b] [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] [b]Brawler of the Year:[/b] [b]RPG of the Year:[/b] [b][u]Social Otakus[/b][/u] [b]Otaku Social Member:[/b] ChibiHorsewoman [b]Entertainment Otaku:[/b] [b][u]Otaku Artists[/b][/u] [b]Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):[/b] Syk3 [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.):[/b]Queen Asuka [b]Best Spriter:[/b] Wow, I felt really unqualified to pick a lot of these. Hmm...maybe I should try posting in more than just Otaku Lounge and my RPGs... [/color]
  15. I understand what you meant by this thread. From what I can see, you're not really considering suicide or anything, you were just thinking philosophically. Don't think that it makes you weird to think about things like that. Another big one you've probably thought about is: "Why is there anything rather than nothing?" In other words, why do I exist rather than not exist? As an avid lover of philosophy (which is redundant since "philosophy" mean "love of wisdom"), I think it's actually kinda fun to just think about weird stuff like that. But it helps when you have guidance and come up with at least some of the answers. As a Catholic, I can fall back on Thomas Aquinas (who based a lot of his thought on Aristotle). Like Muslims, we consider earthly life a test in a way. When I die, unless I have an unconfessed mortal sin on my soul, I'll likely go to Purgatory, a place where souls are purged before entering Heaven. (Very few people go directly to Heaven, although some do.) Instead of "living life to the fullest", I try to be moral and virtuous. It's a full life, but it isn't always the most enjoyable. If I didn't believe in an afterlife, carpe diem (sieze the day) would likely be my motto. ~art~
  16. I'm gonna say here and now that I hate PETA with a passion (them and NOW, but that's gonna start a really messy debate), but I think they were just equating cannibalism with eating meat, not condoning it. What pisses me off about them is that they have no understanding of the human soul. They don't realize that we're different from animals in many ways. What kind of animal could create a society as complex as ours? Do any of them really have language? No, dolphins do not really have a language in the true sense of the word. I do not condone the abuse or other inhumane treatment of animals, but they are one of our major food sources. I happen to like hamburger a great deal, and I'm not a bad person. And if you wanna go on the wussy "It's wrong to kill anything for food" slogan, you end up incapable of eating veggies, too, making you a very hungry vegan. What can they eat any way? From what I've heard, nothing with a shadow... :rolleyes: gtg: Mom's making smoked turkey for dinner....
  17. Liz was having a wonderful time in Transfiguration. She didn't stand out as much as Hermione had because there were so many Ravenclaws in the room, but she did answer quite a few of the Professor's questions. About halfway through class, she noticed that Alex had sunk deeply into her seat. Concerned she scratched a quick note: "Are you alright?" Alex caught her eye and shrugged unconvincingly and quickly scratched back: "Let's talk about it after class." Liz failed to noticed that while she was reading the note, Professor McGonogall had called on her. When the professor called her name a second time, she looked up with a start realizing that she'd forgotten the question. "Um, Professor," Liz asked sheepishly, "could you repeat that?" "Um, Miss Jones," McGonogall replied in a light mocking tone, "could you pay attention?" "Yes, ma'am." Liz turned to her notes and textbook, trying not to look at anyone. In a moment, she received another quick note from Alex: :D
  18. Stocatta awoke feeling rather refreshed. Her wound seemed to be mostly healed, and she walk without limping. She and Sarah sat down in the restaurant together. They both ordered bacon and eggs and ate in silence. Stocatta closed her eyes for a moment. There were emotions flying all about the room. As Mai and Kayla entered, she sensed the raging emotions nearly double. For Nick, it was frustration with the waitress. For Kayla, it was exhaustion and concern for Mai. Knives was dwelling in confusion and guilt with a hint of love for a certain young woman. A ghost of a smile appeared on Stocatta's face. The intrique in the group fascinated her. Especially as she sensed Mai's all consuming hatred for Knives. Vash, however, was particularly difficult to read. He had originally struck her as a lady's man, but the number of girls who'd become obsessive about him seemed to scare him. Vash chose that moment to stand up and belch quite loudly. Stocatta rolled her eyes and concentrated on the tray of food behind him. It floated up above his head about to tip over on him. In a split second, his arm flashed around, gun in hand, and a quick bullet knocked it away. In the next moment, he turned and met her with a piercing gaze. The room had gone silent with the gun shot. Stocatta glared back at the spiky haired man, choosing to ignore the room full of people staring at them. [i][color=blue]You could be more polite, Vash. Your burping like that is quite unbecoming.[/color] [color=red]You're mad at me aren't you?[/color] [color=blue]No, just bored. They told me that you stopped Shuno from killing me. I wish you'd stopped him before he'd punched me, but I am grateful.[/color] [color=red]Well, I couldn't bear to see such a beautiful young woman be hurt. Of course, I had to stop him as soon as I could.[/color] [color=blue]"Don't feed me no lines, and keep your hands to yourself", Vash. Don't give me that crap. Waste your cheesy pick-up lines on one of your starry-eyed little fans. I prefer serious men.[/color] [color=red]And Legato was about as serious as they come.[/color] [color=blue]If you're trying to piss me off you're doing a good job, Spikey.[/color] [color=red]Oooh, low blow.[/color][/i] Stocatta rolled her eyes and turned away to find Sarah looking at her with amusement. "You two sure know how to cause a scene." Slowly the lull returned to the room as people began talking again. "You've got it bad for him, don't you?" Sarah continued with a grin. Stocatta turned red, "I don't know where you got that! The man annoys the hell out of me!" Sarah shrugged nonchalantly, "I won't pretend to know what you guys told each other since I can't read minds, but that prank you pulled on him is a clear indication of a classic schoolgirl crush." "I wouldn't stoop to that level," Stocatta replied, glaring at the woman. She stood up and announced to the room: "I'm going for a walk." She strode past Vash without glancing at him. When she reached Mai she asked quietly, "Would you like to come with me?" Mai nodded and stood up, momentarily shooting daggers at Knives. (no pun intended...) Kayla sighed as the two women walked out together, their blue and silver hair flashing as they entered the sunlight. "She's at least talking to [i]someone[/i]," Kayla muttered to herself, "even if she's a psychotic freak."
  19. Sorry I didn't rejoin the conversation sooner. I didn't back home 'til late Sunday night, and I was swamped all day yesterday. [QUOTE]As for the argument about a taboo subject-I once started a topic about asking people if they were pro-life or pro-choice. I don't see how abortion is such a taboo anymore.[/QUOTE] I figured they didn't want to talk about it on otaku b/c I looked up an abortion thread and found that it'd be closed. I'm trying not to get this one closed as well. As far as the abortion and holocaust comparison goes, I can see in our country that a massive number of people are being killed every year, denied of their basic right to life. Science is proving more and more that babies are [i]alive[/i] within the woman. Ergo, abortion is murder, and it needs to be stopped. PM me if you want to discuss it more. I don't to piss off the mods. As to the March itself, I wasn't one of the shouters. For me, it was a way of showing that I support the pro-life movement. The only really radical person I ran into was some weirdo saying that George Bush isn't pro-life. He said we should all vote for some guy from the "Constitutionalist" Party. :rolleyes: Our government is a two-party system. No one else has a real chance at winning. This bozo would only split the pro-life vote. The spin-doctor also lacked a basic understanding of how the government works. He blamed Bush for waiting 'til his third year in office to pass the partial birth abortion law. :rolleyes: [i]Congress[/i] passes the bill. The President [i]signs[/i] it. He's the kind of idiot that makes pro-lifers look bad. *shakes head* He and those radicals who blow up abortion clinics. *shakes head* I have been to an abortion clinic before, simply to pray (mostly the rosary and the chaplet of Divine Mercy), but I don't think Tiller's has been open any time I've been there...maybe once...I don't know. The March as a whole was a nice experience. You'd be walking along, and someone from another group would start singing "Hail Holy Queen" or another hymn, so you'd join in a feel this cool connection w/ a complete stranger. That's one of the most awesome things about being Catholic!! :D (And World Youth Day in Toronto was [i]amazing[/i]!) I was considering putting this in another thread, but I think ppl should be aware of this. And since it happened on the same trip I'll say it now: On Friday, a group of went to tour the National Archives. Included in the group were my friend, Kree Kenton, and her dad, our history teacher. Mr. Kenton belongs to some sort of James Madison organization, so he was really excited to show us "Jimmy Madison's" signature. We enter the building and prepare to go through security. Kree recently had knee surgeory and was wearing a metal leg brace, which, of course, set off the metal detector. She's pulled aside, and we all think the security guard is going to go over her real quick w/ the wand. Instead, he tugs on the sleeve of her sweatshirt which says "Abortion is mean", and asks, "Do you have something on underneath this?" She replies that she does, and he insists that she either take it off wear it inside out. She decides to wear it inside out, but it took it a moment for it to click as to why he was making her do it. Apparently, it's insulting to the Bill of Rights, The Constituion, and The Declaration of Independence for Kree to express her freedom of speech in their presence....Do you see something wrong here? It, quite honestly, made me sick to my stomach. I can say right now, that I very strongly dislike D.C. The people there are incredibly cranky, and you have no freedom of religion or speech if you're conservative. *shakes head* It was almost as depressing as the Holocaust Museum. Okay, that's enough for now! ~art~
  20. Liz and Alex began to head to Transfiguration together. "Wow! You and Hermione really hit it off!" Liz grinned, "I'm so happy that I'm making some good friends here, and, by the way, I saw you talking to Ron the Redhead. Don't think I didn't notice." Alex starting blushing as her hair turned red as well. Liz giggled uncontrollably. "And you seemed pretty happy to meet Harry!" Alex teased back. It was now Liz's turn to blush, "He's a nice guy. Ron seems like a troublemaker, though." Alex raised an eyebrow and grinned mischeiviously. In a few moments, they reached their next classroom. The sight of Professor McGonogall sobered them quickly. "Wow, this is going to be an intense class, Liz." "I bet we'll learn a lot though." "Class," the professor began, "settle down and find your seats." Liz and Alex sat down together and exchanged anxious glances. OOC: Yes, thank you, Molleta! That was perfect!
  21. OOC: Well, swordmaster13, we could come up with a little battle for Vash...lol :p ;) Stocatta slowly got up and found a wall to lean against. She was still peeved at Vash for preventing her from killing Shuno. [i][color=blue]Now what's your excuse for not stopping Shuno before he got to me, Mr. Bodyguard?[/color] [color=purple]Stocatta, he's the one who stopped him from doing any worse.[/color][/i] Stocatta looked at Vash in surprise. She'd thought that he'd betrayed her. She took a moment to consider the recent events. [i][color=blue]Alright, Vash. Take care of him your way.[/i][/color] OOC: It's all yours, Mai!
  22. I haven't gotten to see it yet, but I'd kinda like to. I heard that actually do portray large families in a positive light. (I'm from a family of 10, my mom was 1 of 8, and her mom: 1 of 12.) I think big families get too much grief from people...as though some kids will go unloved in a large family...:rolleyes: Don't get me started on that. Another good movie is Yours, Mine, and Ours. It's a bit older (Lucille Ball playes the mother), but pretty good. It's sort of a Brady Bunch type but, if I remember correctly, it's based on a true story. A widow (Lucy) and a widower with eight and ten kids respectively meet and fall in love. They end up getting married and putting their two families together. She's an army nurse (ex-nurse, maybe?) whose first husband was in the military. He's a naval captain. By the end of the movie, they've had another kid between the two of them (thusly: yours, mine, and ours). It's really a good movie and quite funny. I'd definitely recommend it. and, this is my last newbie post! [i]finally![/i] ;)
  23. I don't know about anyone else here, but I thought Timeline was a great movie! It didn't do all that well from what I've heard (you end up rootin' for the French which doesn't really work in current American politics.) Here's a run-down of the plot: Some archaelogists are working on a dig in Castleguard, France. They open up a new site and find their professor's handwriting (and signature) on 600 year old document, as well as one of the lenses to his eyeglasses. They call the science lab in New Mexico where he was supposed to have gone two days before, and the people won't let them talk to him. The group flies to the lab only to find that they have discovered a wormhole that takes them to 14th Century Castleguard (which is why they were financing the group's dig). The professor asked to go back there, but got stuck. Some of the group chooses to go after him only to find themselves in the middle of a war between England and France. They have to try to get the professor out w/o drastically changing history. I enjoy movies with time travel because I like to ponder the possibilities and dynamics of it. For girls, Paul Walker's in it (if that's any incentive.) There's also a really good looking guy w/ a Scottish accent (gotta love the accents!) His character (Marek) struck me as noble and honorable. I really liked him. (He was also very competent, something that Chris (Walker's character) lacked at times.)
  24. I'm a big vash/meryl fan myself. I guess it's because I see so much of Meryl in myself. I put up a tough front, but deep down I'm a complete softy. Vash is also such an incredible person: sweet and noble, but he's also hilarious and fun-loving. I prefer love/hate relationships. (I haven't quite figured out why.) I used to think that Shinji and Asuka would work, but he's a little too gay and she's a little too spoiled and b****y. :rolleyes: I like Hitomi and Van from Escaflowne. There really a sweet purity and innocence to their relationship. It really get the romantic in me... :love2: Can anyone come up with a good match for Folken (preferrably a female)? I don't think the cat sisters really work. He cared about them, but he didn't really love them romantically. He was more like a big brother to them (in his mind at least....) I'm not really sure if he's the type who could be in a relationship... hmm....
  25. I need to have closure when I'm caught up in a story. I like things to end on a hopeful note, but I don't mind too much if major characters die. My main complaint against anime is that almost all of it ends unresolved. I think that's the difference between Eastern and Western cultures. Eastern philosophy in general is very different. It's interesting to study and gives you a broader view of the world, but I prefer Western philosophy. (It's all about Aristotle...lol) I voted "happy" but I think I'm somewhere between that and the exactly middle. The ending should fit the story (not too out of place), but, regardless, there should be an element of hope. Even in Shakespeare's tragedies when virtually everyone dies, order is restored at the end.
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