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Everything posted by Artemis

  1. Megumi momo, that was really well put. I especially agree with the Wufei stuff. It bugs me when fangirls try to set him up with Sally. There's really no relationship potential there. *shakes head* There's also no real potential in the 1x2 department. Duo is definitely too much Heero. (He always reminded me of Michealangelo from the Turtles...) Heero's too quiet and serious to really work well with Duo. He'd probably kill Duo, if he hit on Heero.
  2. Lady Asphyxia, that makes sense. You have really have to look at things before running away with a story idea. That can be my problem a times. Which is why all of my books end at about chapter four....lol
  3. Artemis

    Kids' Movies

    I think sometimes I watch these movies (note: for your sake, DeathBug, I won't call them [i]kid's movies[/i]) as though checking to make sure they really are suitable for kids...Dreamworks tends to err in that department, even if it's fleeting. Like, in Road to El Dorado, there's some sexual inneundo....that really bugged me since I had little brothers watching it. There's also a moment in Sinbad when Marina picks up bra lying in Sinbad's cabin noting that it was from a brothel in some city which she names. It was only a moment, but I thought it was tasteless to put it in there. OtakuSennen, I agree w/ you on the corny morals thing. That stuff really annoys me (in anything, not just [i]these[/i] movies.) I'd like people to respect my intelligence enough to drown me in that senseless crap.
  4. Has anyone else read [i]The Hero and the Crown[/i] or [i]The Blue Sword[/i]? I don't remember the author's name because I borrowed them from a friend. [i]The Sword of Maiden's Tears[/i] was also interesting, but I haven't gotten around to reading the sequels yet. The first one wasn't edited properly (you'd find random, blatant typos which got really annoying.) My friend is completely in love with the main character: Melior the elf. I think I'm avoiding the next two books so I don't get into a discussion with her....:rolleyes: Thanks for the suggestions! I'll have to look into them once I've finished reading [i]Gulliver's Travels[/i] (which I passionately hate) for my English class....
  5. A movie? Hmm... I'd be skeptical on how it would turn out. It could inspire people to read the books, but only if it's done really well. Didn't he do some of the writing for the "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" TV series? I might be thinking of someone else.
  6. I'll have to see the Hasselhoff version....I was interested to see how we're going to perform it. We've got a lot of pressure to do well b/c it's the drama teacher's favorite musical [i]ever[/i]. *shrugs* I guess we'll pull it off somehow. Personally, I'd like to perform [i]The Secret Garden[/i]. That has some [i]beautiful[/i] music.
  7. Is anyone else going on the March for Life in D.C. this Thursday? I'm really excited about it! (I get to miss three days of school for it!) I went two years ago, and it was a phenomenal experience. For anyone who doesn't know what it is, it's a protest march against abortion. We march to the capital bearing signs. It's really, very powerful. Last time, we went to The Holocaust Museum the day before. It's amazing how similar abortion is to The Holocaust. (Okay, I'll stop there before I start a huge argument over a taboo topic...:rolleyes: ) Anyway, I probably won't get to post again for another week, so I'll tell you then how it went! ~art~
  8. Has anyone else had to build a toothpick bridge for a physics class? I have to, and it's driving me crazy! :drunk: :cross: I feel like I'm getting nowhere on the stupid thing, and I've probably already put 12 hours into it... :bawl: It's also pretty much frying my brain. After 3 hours straight of working on it, you'd really better not bug me or I'll probably snap and do something I may or may not regret later...I'm taking this a sign that architecture is [i]not[/i] for me! If you guys did have the assignment, what sort of design did you use? I can't really take any of them for myself at this point since mine's already drawn up and construction has begun, but I'm curious. ~art~
  9. I wish I'd done more with drama. I'm going to be in the musical (Jekyll and Hyde) this year, and I'm really excited! (Even though I'll probably only be in the chorus.) The one thing that bugs me about it is that I can already see that there will be backstage dramas. One being that at least three of our guys are gay at a Catholic school....The other being that our drama people can be kinda two-faced....there's a lot of backstabbing going on....such is high school...:rolleyes: Last year, in Forensics, I performed an Informative Speech about the history of Pepsi and Coke and a Prose from [i]The Phantom Tollbooth[/i] about Milo's lost week (he conducts the color symphony and makes the sun go too fast.) It had a lot of description and was great fun to perform! I was pretty surprised because last year, as a novice, I won more medals than anyone else in Forensics (which I think may have pissed off another girl in my grade who's been in it since freshman year...haa haa!) :demon: ~art~
  10. At the beginning of the schoolyear, our air conditioning went out and, since Kansas summers are pretty hot, they let us out early. All the public schools were making fun of us for "being such babies", but they were all on the heat plan anyway. So they were having half days for the first week or two. Talk about babies, most of the high schools have air conditioning! It's the poor grade school kids who have to go without sometimes! duo, wow, I didn't know about the car wreck. Although I did hear that it was more than just our school. It's so funny how excited everyone gets when there's about to be a blackout. When it started flickering in 2nd hour, you'd hear cheers. Then when it came back on, you'd hear groans. I think they were breaking some sort of late or school code by making us stay more than 1 hour with the power out. Especially when the PA system was working, and they could have announced dismissal at any time.... Such are the powers that be at BCCHS.... ~art~
  11. OOC: Did Shonya show up before or after Vash's battle with Shuno? If it's before, well, I don't think Shuno could keep running at him this long. They weren't [i]that[/i] far from each other. I think I'm going to wait 'til that's answered b/c I don't want skip Vash and Shuno's battle if it's supposed to be right now. I probably won't get write again for a week. I'll be out of town for awhile. ~art~
  12. OOC: Molleta, do remember that in Greek mythology, Hermione was the daughter of Helen of Troy, if that tells you anything... ;) "My name's Elizabeth," Liz said, offering Harry her hand. "Hi! I'm Harry," he began to point around the table, "and that's Remus, Karen, Ron, and Hermione." Liz turned to Hermione excited, "I heard you pretty much took the class away first hour! Why aren't you in Ravenclaw? You're brilliant!" Hermione looked genuinely surprised, "Thanks. I think the hat really wanted to put me there, but ended up with Gryffindor anyway." Liz shrugged, "It's too bad." The panic Liz had felt during Defense Against the Dark Arts had passed away, and she felt like her old self again.
  13. I'd like some help coming up w/ some good fantasy/sci-fi books to read. I've recently finished The First Rider's Call (sequel to The Green Rider), and I could use a new book to read, soon. Does anyone have any good suggestions? What are your fave fantasy books, and what makes them so great? Mine, currently, would have to be: LotR--pretty much self-explanatory the Pern books--the world McCaffrey has created is incredible! the Pendragon Cycle--I'm not sure what they have to do w/ King Arthur yet, but they offer a nice escape. The Chronicles of Prydain--Um, I was a little late starting these oens, but they're good...pretty simple to read (considered children's books) Harry Potter--again, self-explanatory Hmm...I know they're others, but I'm a little tired. ~art~
  14. His other reason for not committing suicide was that he knew it was wrong. It goes against the laws of nature and God. I have to agree on liking Hamlet best of the plays. Romeo and Juliet is a [i]terrible[/i] intoduction to Shakespeare. I don't think anyone at our school liked it when we read it freshman year. Ranking after Hamlet I'd have to put both Macbeth and Othello. The Merchant of Venice is good, too. I need to read more of the comedies. It seems like I never have time for them. *shrugs* c'est la vie. ~art~ "Words, words, words..."
  15. Has anyone else read those two books? They're some of my favorites (although, the endings tend to piss me off: cliffhangers). They're well-written (compared to quite a few other fantasy books I've read) and have a good setting. They contain occassional Tolkien rip-offs, but that's to be expected. Karigan, the lead character is very strong and likable. So, if you've read them, which do you like better and what do you like about them? ~art~
  16. Hmm....I haven't gotten to read [i]Reality Bug[/i] yet (I'm dying to, but I haven't been able to find it yet.) For me, it was really close b/t 2 and 3. I picked #2 b/c I like the Atlantis parallels. #3 is darker. I mean, with Bobby having to [spoiler]allow all those people to die[/spoiler]. It really put a damper on the mood. I really like the books, although I wouldn't say they're my favorites ever. I really wish ppl would post more on our Pendragon RPG. :flame: ~art~
  17. During the week, I'm [i]always[/i] tired, even if I get 8+ hours of sleep. However, on weekends, I'll stay up really late, and sleep in relatively late. Then, I'm just fine. I think I operate best if I sleep from 3 a.m. to about 9 a.m. Maybe my college schedule will work out like that... ~art~
  18. LB, I have to agree with you whole-heartedly on Zechs being the most complex. Obviously, for all the same reasons you stated. It's incredible how he manages to get through it all. I was a little creeped out by the way he practically goes insane near the end of the series when he's against Heero & co. ~art~
  19. I don't really mind her. Her politics are a bit extreme, but total pacifism was the way she was raised. I happen to think that Heero has feelings for her, be they minute, I believe they're there. Relena has a strong will and is much braver than people usually give her credit for. I'm not a huge fan of her, but I do get sick of people complaining about her all the time. It strikes me as unfair. *shrugs* I do have to agree that she could have been written better. ~art~
  20. Whoa.... Um...as far as placing restrictions on PDA goes, I don't see hand-holding as a problem (My bf and I almost got demerits for it our sophomore year), but at a Catholic school, there's no need to make out in the hallway. It's often very disgusting and being pushed [i]way[/i] too far. My freshman year, there was one couple you'd just see [i]everywhere[/i] making out. My point is, that's not what school's for: It's a place to learn and make friends, not make out. ~art~
  21. Does anyone else here do Forensics? (as in Speech and Drama, not the science.) I started last year, and I [i]love[/i] it!! The next season is starting, and this year, I'm performing a duet from [i]The Hobbit[/i]. My friend and I are doing the riddle sequence, and I get to be Gollum!! It's really exciting! I also have a prose piece I'm reading from Les Miserables. It should be good, too. This thread can also apply to drama and debate people as Forensics is a combination of the two.
  22. You'll probably get yelled at for double posting, but I won't tell on you! ;) I like it! I've written a song pretty similiar to it (lyrics at least), but I don't have it with me. Do you have music to set it to? It really would make a good song. I like the feelings it envokes. It's one of those places everyon'es been. Out of curiosity, did you go through a recent break up? ;) (PM me if you need to) Good work! Keep it up!
  23. It's a great poem! I really like it. Lady Macbeth is such a chilling character. She's pretty much the Shakespearean equivalent to Euripides' Medea. They're both so [i]cold.[/i] However, LM has more depth, from what I can see. At least, the sleepwalking scene seems to show the guilt she feels. What's interesting is to compare her to Lady MacDuff. They're like polar opposites.
  24. Has anyone else heard of the J&H musical? We're performing it this at our school. I'm pretty excited b/c I've never been in the school musical before (the drama teacher scares me), but I decided not to miss out on my senior year. I'm sure everyone knows the basic story; I was just wondering about the musical specifically. We haven't gotten our scripts yet. ~art~
  25. I've written a little here and there. I'm an avid piano player, so it's all for piano. One is theme and variation on the theme song to an anime I've never seen (ask duorocks17), and another is based on a minor version of Pachabel's Canon in D. Those are the only finished ones, and only the second has lyrics. It's really fun though! I enjoy it. It at least gives me something to do. I might possibly perform (play and sing) the Canon in D Minor for our upcoming variety show.
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