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Everything posted by Artemis
In general, Disney's sequels have been pretty bad. The only sequel that contended with the original was Toy Story 2, and that was really Pixar rather than Disney. ~art~
I'm rather old-fashioned, so I really like the idea of chivalry. However, chivalry (as far as I learned sophomore year) extends to both men and women. It's about common courtesy to all people. It's really sweet when I guy holds the door open for you, but, if he's a ***$ to guys, then there's a problem. Consistency is the key. ~art~
this question is for the women only! guys can view but no post
Artemis replied to a topic in General Discussion
Be honest. Compliment her. Tell her how you feel about her. Unless you're good at poety, don't try to make a poem out of it. If she really cares about you, though, she'll like whatever you put in the letter. BTW, I love your banner, Ryoko T.D.C.!! *drools over Johnny* ~art~ -
Our school had a black out earlier today which lasted 2 hours. duorocks17 and I were stuck in the dark in our Physics room and started playing MASH. (If anyone doesn't know what it is, it's a game little girls play when they want to plan out their futures. :rolleyes: ) Anyway, we used to have them [i]all[/i] the time. We'd look forward to them b/c it meant getting out of schoolwork, and, hopefully, going home. Does anyone else's school have problems like ours? It wouldn't have been bad except that it happened only 45 minutes 'til the first lunch period. I guess we could do w/ this: What do you do when you're bored? We tried to play pictionary on the blackboard (in the dark), and raced across the room in dark (amazingly enough, we didn't run into each other...). We also worked on a manga we're writing together. It was great fun!
OOC: Well, I was going to wait for someone else to post, but we need to keep moving. Stocatta looked around, but the darkness pervaded in every direction. All about her was nothingness, not even a horizon. She was lost, all alone...until the voices came...memories...thoughts...feelings... [i][color=purple]Legato...if only I knew why you want these people dead so much.[/color] [color=blue]I just want to be a child again...I want someone to look after me and tell me I'm safe...[/color] [color=sky blue]Stocatta...where are you...I have to find you...[/color] Why did i just help her? It's not like i care about them or anything. [color=green]I only do this to protect you. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, love.[/color] [color=blue]I can't believe how gentle he is...It's kinda creepy. How can one person be so good and so evil at the same time?[/color] [color=purple]I promise you, the next word you say will be your last![/color] [color=green]You don't have the courage do you? The courage to shoot your own brother. You don't have what it takes to do what you need to. That is why I abandoned you. Because you are not strong.[/color] [color=blue]Mai, can you hear me? Please listen to me. You may be the only one who can stop Legato. That gives you a duty to kill him. He has to be stopped. Someone as evil as he is should not have the powers that you two have.[/color] [color=green]Do know that I can hear you, Stocatta darling. Please do not try to interfere any more. You shame me by trying to plot against me like this. Nothing will come of it, and be sure that you'll be punished, love.[/color] [color=blue]Mai!! Listen!! Do it now! He's a liar and killer. Whatever else he might be, he's a danger to the races of humans and humanoids. I know it's hard destroying him like this, but you won't be completely alone. You'll still have me, your sister-in-law...[/color] [color=purple]Oh God! What have I done! Have I truly killed my brother?[/color] [color=blue]She needs my help and support. She can't do this alone.[/color] [color=red]Why Legato Bluesummers is lying dead back there?[/color] [color=blue]Legato is dead because he was both dangerous and evil.[/color] Revenge revenge on the world for how it betrayed me revenge on all those whove wronged me but most to kill that traitor stoccatta she will pay most dearly for her greivious sin. [color=sienna]remember your masters last words[/color] [color=green]Shuno, remember, you may do as you wish after you find and destroy Vash the Stampede.[/color] [color=purple]Damn you Knives...you made a perfectly good soul go evil. No matterr what I am forced to keep my grudge[/color] Death by my sax isn't enough for you, traitor...You'll die by the blade!! [color=blue]That debris should have killed him! It must have gotten knocked aside by something...[/color] [color=red]Like a bullet, perhaps?[/color] [color=blue]Some bodyguard you are![/color][/i] Suddenly, the flow of voices brought her back to the present. In an almost physical blow, Stocatta was shocked by the light of the sun, blinding after so long in dark. She gasped for breath, as though she'd been underwater the whole time. She was lying on the dusty earth, and Shuno was now running, not at her, but at someone else: Vash. OOC: Okay, so that had an Evangelion influence (even though I hate it). If you didn't get it, PM me. ~art~
Within several minutes, Liz found herself in a small classroom waiting to learn from an odd, skinny man wearing a turban on his head. He smelled strongly of garlic and appeared to be terrified of his own shadow. He had a terrible stutter, but Liz tried to make the first day of class as easy for him as possible by raising her hand to answer every question. She was enjoying herself immensely until Professor Quirrel turned to write on the chalkboard. A sudden chill washed over her. She shuddered and tried to turn back to her notes. "Liz? Are you alright?" Alex whispered urgently. "You're white as a sheet!" Liz tried to smile at her friend, "I'm fine."
Does anyone else here frequently watch kids' movies? I guess it's b/c that's almost all we have at my house (I'm the oldest of 10), but I feel like I never completely grew out of them. I mean, I still instinctively analyze and compare kids' movies. For example, I'll judge the virtues of Disney animation vs. Dreamworks. Earlier tonight I was baby-sitting and ended up watching Disney's [i]The Black Cauldron[/i] and Dreamworks' [i]Sinbad[/i]. The former is one of my favorite Disney movies, although a lot of people have never heard of it. The latter, I was watching for the first time. I've been pretty impressed w/ Dreamworks: [i]The Prince of Egypt[/i] is pretty darn good. Additionally, when I think of my favorite movies of all time, a lot of kiddie movies end up in the list: [i]Anastasia, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Cats Don't Dance, The Black Cauldron, The Great Mouse Detective, Mulan[/i], etc. How 'bout you guys? Do you still watch kids' movies even though you're a little old, and, perhaps, embarrassed? :blush: Let me know what you guys think. ~art~ [b]Edit: For those of you not reading what's been discussed before you came, we've already decided that most of these movies are not made strictly for kids. They're for everyone. I don't want to get grilled by [i]everyone[/i] for that![/b]
duorocks17 let me borrow the Discovery album awhile back (so, now, most of it is on my computer...) I could swear that I'd heard "One More Time" somewhere else, but I still can't remember where. *shrugs* Oh well. They're pretty good. I like music I can dance to if it's not R&B or Pop. So, Irish Jig music and techno music...lol :laugh: Hmm...so...Daft Punk's [i]French?!?![/i] :twitch: duo failed to mention [i]that[/i]... Oh well, Johnny Depp lives in Paris. France can't be [i]that[/i] bad... lol
Angelus, you can count on being in! I like your work in duo's Harry Potter RPG. now....if we could only get a George and a few meanies....Please? Anyone? I suppose, if no one comes for awhile, we can double up on characters. I'll check this again in a week and half. If no one else has joined, we'll just start. ~art~
OOC: Well, well, Molleta, looks like all the boys are after you...lol..."Hermione the Bombshell"...it's got a nice ring to it...:p Professor Sprout's class was fascinating. Liz soaked up all the information like a sponge. Slowly, she began to feel like her old self again, before her parents' untimely deaths. Having a new friend also helped. Even in one class period, she was able to determine that Hufflepuffs were quite friendly people and that the Ravenclaws tended to be quite bright like her. The class ended as quickly as it began. Liz looked down at her schedule for her next class: Defense Against the Dark Arts with [i]Hufflepuff[/i]. Liz tried not to shout for joy. "We've got the next class together!" She said, turning to Alex. "I know!" Alex nodded. "Most of our day is together!" "By the end of the week, we'll be sick of each other!" Liz replied jokingly. "I doubt it," Alex responded with a smile. "I've definitely made a friend," Liz thought to herself happily as she and Alex walked in doors.
"Herbology first," Elizabeth thought to herself. "We have it with the Hufflepuffs." Liz began walking outside, several steps behind the other Ravenclaw girls. They all seemed to have become friends quite quickly since the night before. She glanced over at the Hufflepuff girls and noticed one who's hair was rapidly changing color. "I remember her from last night!" Liz thought. The girl seemed to be somewhat alone, so Liz approached her cautiously. "Hi, my name's Elizabeth. What's yours?" "Alex," the girl replied with a smile. "Do you know anything about herbology?" "Sure! I've always loved plants! I'm really excited to learn more about them!" "I heard we have to partner up. Do you want to work with me?" "That sounds great!" "It seems like I'm making a friend," Liz thought.
Man, your 6th grade teacher sounds like Mrs. Pedruzzi, one of the Spanish teachers at our school. That woman is insane!! Luckily, I never had her for Spanish, but she was a sub for our music teacher back in grade school once. Everyone hated our music teacher, but after having Pedruzzi for one day, we were beggin to get Mrs. Bouska back! Speaking of switching voice parts, I talked to my current choir teacher before Christmas break, and she let me switch spots w/ a mezzo soprano. Yay! Now, even though I sit in the front, I don't have to sit next to my evil section leader!! (On two-part harmony, I still sing soprano, so I haven't changed much.) I was thinking of starting a new thread for this, but it's related: Has anyone else had to go through big try-outs for music related things? I'm trying out for the musical and we have call-backs on Tuesday...I'm excited, but a little nervous, too. I'm going to have to sight-sing. I hate sight-singing... ~art~
OOC: *cries* I lost everything again!! I hated juno... *starts from scratch...once again* [color=purple][i]Stocatta, you're crazy. But, since you're you and you've got Vash on your side, I'm going to trust on this. Good luck. [/color] [color=blue] Why, thank you, Mai![/color][/i] "Death by my sax isn't enough for you, traitor...You'll die by the blade!!" Shuno began running at Stocatta, his sword raised. Stocatta focused all her attention on the bullet wound in her right side. She waited a few moments and then opened one eye. Shuno was still coming, but in realtime (to her, at least). Before he knew what was happening, a large piece of rubble (from building ironically destroyed by himself) flew towards him, knocking the sword out of his hands and destroying the demon's eye. He staggered backwards for a moment, and then glared at Stocatta, still standing several feet away. "Alright, bitch," he spat bitterly, "Let's finish this the old-fashioned way!" He clenched his fists and came at her again. Weak from her previous exertion, Stocatta stood in shock for a moment. [color=blue][i]That debris should have killed him! It must have gotten knocked aside by something...[/color] [color=red]Like a bullet, perhaps?[/color][/i] Suddenly, Shuno was upon her, and his fist contacted with her tender right side carrying the force to knock her to the ground. She lay there for a moment inhaling sharply. The blow had reopened the wound and the blood flowed out profusely. [color=blue][i]Some bodyguard [/i]you[i] are![/color][/i] The last sight Stocatta saw was a fist speeding towards her head. She blacked out.
Elizabeth woke up suddenly to realize that all the other girls in her dorm were gone. She quickly threw on her uniform and rushed from the Ravenclaw common room trying to find the Great Hall. Liz generally had a good sense of direction, but everything about the castle seemed to be constantly changing. After 20 minutes and 3 wrong turns, she reached the Great Hall just as some of the first years she'd seen the night before left the room. She began walking to the Ravenclaw table, but, as she passed her cousin, Draco called out mockingly, "Would you like to sit with us, Liz? You look like you could use a few friends." She glanced over at the Ravenclaw table, and, upon seeing no other first years, relunctantly sat down with the Slytherins, as far from Draco as possible. The boy with the curly brown hair, who she remembered as Illidas, noticed her and called out, "Ah, so it's the Yank!" Liz responded with a cold glare, "I have a name thank you very much fro-boy!" He shrugged and turned back to his food. "This is going to be a [i]really[/i] bad year if I don't make some Ravenclaw friends soon!" Liz thought to herself.
"We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine..." Hey everyone! Duorocks17 and I are starting this RPG using the characters from the crazy Beatles movie: Yellow Submarine. duo and i have dibs on Paul and Ringo. We will be jointly in charge of determining who qualifies for which character. Optional good guys: John- Paul-Artemis George- Ringo-duorocks17 Captain Fred- Jeremy/Hillary- Optional bad guys: The Glove- The Chief Meanie (His Blueness)- Max (2nd in Command)- The Blue Meanies- The Apple Bonkers- The Snapping Turtle Turks- The Count Down Clowns- If you come up with any others, mention them. If they're legit, we'll let you in. Other requirements: 1. grammar...[i]Please[/i] attempt to use good grammar and proper English...I can't stress that enough! 2. a good description of your character...not [i]all[/i] that important since there isn't a great deal of character depth involved. (It'll just help us decide who to put in. In cases of doubt, it'll go to the first entry.) 3. a sense of humor...this is, very obviously, going to be a humorous story. Please be funny! 4. knowledge of the movie or at least the Beatles...don't try to join if you have no idea what's going on! Sample application: Name: Paul McCartney Instrument of Choice (if applicable): bass guitar, keyboard, and flute Personality: Paul tends to be sure of himself. He's a bit of a lady's man and pulls it off nicely. His British accent is especially attractive. He is energentic and likes to get things done. Appearance: (you can post a pic if you'd like) Paul is fairly tall with dark brown hair. (He's the one of the far left.) [IMG]http://www.musicman.com/0ep/ysu.gif[/IMG] Good or Bad: Good We'll start the RPG when we have at least all 4 Beatles and a few bad guys.
OOC: Okay, that really sucked...I was half-way through and my internet disconnected on me...grrr.... Stocatta huddled silently next to her pensive bodyguard in another alley. Only a block away, buildings were exploding, and lives were ending. [color=blue][i]Vash! What are you doing? Get out there! People are dying, and you're meditating![/color] [color=red]For your information, I'm concentrating on how to get past the demon's eye. It blanks out your normal senses.[/color] [color=blue]We don't have all day! How'd you do it last time?[/color] [color=red]I concentrated on the pain of a wound. Now, please, leave me alone so I can work up the concentration I need![/color][/i] Stocatta remained mentally silent for a few moments then responded, [color=blue][i]I'll do it.[/color] [color=sky blue]What?! Stocatta, you're not strong enough right now! I can tell that you're wounded![/color] [color=blue]Which is exactly why this will work. Trust me, Komeko. I've got to finish off Shuno before I can live in peace.[/color] [color=red]Hey now! I don't want you killin' him![/color] [color=blue]Then beat me to him!![/color][/i] Stocatta ran out of the alley and into the street where Shuno was waiting. "Ahh," he began menacingly, "Not who I asking for, but you'll certainly do, Stocatta. You owe me for the death of your husband, traitor!" Stocatta simply shook her head sadly at the poor, misguided man but felt no mercy. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the wound in her side. Simultaneously, Shuno shouted, "Now, you will know the wrath of the demon's eye!!"
Back in September, I got dark red highlights in my brown (slightly red) hair. It really accented the natural color and looks good with my green eyes. The real problem was that my aunt thought she should use a cap even though my hair falls to my upper back...yeah...it was painful... Other than that, the only coloring I've done has been really temporary. Twice, I've dressed up as Rogue. (White hair spray in the front a bit.) That was only a problem b/c it made my hair really stiff. Earlier in Sept., I went to an Evanesence concert. Beforehand, I used some pink streaker gel that I picked up really cheap at the mall. I had to use a lot to get much color (it was never as bright as the bottle), but it was fun. I think the only permanent color I'll ever use is red, possible black. I've vowed to [i]never[/i] be blonde. I'm so sick of bleach blondes I could puke. ~art~
[QUOTE]university of miami hurricanes. harcore football team and pretty good academic standard and i know my grades are good enuff to get in.[/QUOTE] How about your English grades? Sorry...had to ask... ~art~
Has anyone else had a sudden burst of creative energy? I don't usually draw, but, on some weird kick, I spent a great deal of my Christmas vacation drawing...and some of it has turned out pretty good. (Ask duorocks17 and lovelyeowyn.) :p In fact, my sister was pissed off b/c I usually read all through the break (and I've got a new book she wanted to read after me) but I read a lot less this time. In fact, I'll often get distracted when reading b/c I want to write instead. I'll get ideas and feel like I need to work with them. So...has anyone else had sudden manifestations of creative talents they didn't know they had? ~art~
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Leh [/i] [B][size=1][color=blue] Oh, Dustin. He was the epiphany of the greatest boyfriend. Nadia was lucky - anyone could see that. Dustin hardly spoke to anyone, and when he did, his voice was soft. He voiced his opinions well enough to be respected, and defended anyone he cared about. His hair was dirty blonde and he usually went for the ?bed head? look, as did I, although my hair is a bit longer than his. [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Mainly, I've got grammatical issues. Stay in one tense or the other. Don't switch between present and past. Also, I think "epitome" (summary or abridgement) may be more of the word you were looking for. "Epiphany" means (roughly) "a manifestation" which also, sort of works, but not quite as well. You hear it used in cases like, "I've had an epiphany!" simliar to "Viola!" (It's also the Eastern rite holiday celebrating the birth of Christ, rather than Christmas. In fact, it's the 6th of January...) Other than that, you've got an interesting story going here. I wasn't expecting a gay theme. It makes it interesting. Although, the sudden switch from dialogue to action, as BB said, was quite jarring. I don't know if the mood wasn't right, or what. It just felt like it could use a bit of revision. Keep writing! ~art~
Pirates of the Carribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl!
Artemis replied to Hacker Kite's topic in Noosphere
This has to be one of my favorite movies of all time. (I'm still thinking LotR is better, but PotC is right up there!) One of the best parts is the music! I'm listening to it right now. It's just so fitting. It really catches you up in the story. I think I prefer scores to songs. I'm not really sure why. Hmm...I'll try not to be an obnoxious Johnny fan...(although, I'm the Johnny fan who went w/ duo to see it)...I've liked him for awhile. In fact, the first preview we saw for PotC was before TTT. A ton of ppl from my school were there (first semester finals had jus gotten out). When it flashed Johnny's name, I said, "Oh, we have to go see this!" But everyone else was like, "Yeah, whatever," until Orlando's name appeared. Then, there was an actual sickening teenage roar from the crowd. Yes, "Orli" was attractive in PotC (better than LotR), but he couldn't quite match Johnny. I think Depp's best attribute is that he doesn't play conventional roles. I mean...look at Edward Scissor Hands...or Sleepy Hollow...or From Hell...or Don Juan de Marco...he doesn't always go w/ the conventional movies either. (He was good in Chocolate, too.) I've heard lots of complaints that the other characters (besides Jack and Barbossa) were flat. I guess it never really bothered me. I think Will has some development. He at least stops hating pirates...that's something, I guess. I also appreciated that Elizabeth wasn't a prissy damsel in distress. She was able to manipulate the greater conniving Jack Sparrow with the rum. I have to appreciate the corset line: "You like pain? Trying wearing a corset!!" It amused me. Is it weird that I actually felt sorry for Barbossa when he died? Some of my friends gave me funny looks when I told them that, but I was actually close to tears..."I feel...cold." *breaks away from depressing death scene* Did anyone else notice the eunch jokes? At least one was cut out (see the deleted scenes on the DVD). The funny thing is that Johnny just kept throwing them in ad lib. The writers were slightly distraught at this, but they let him keep a few. (yeah...I got funny looks for mentioning that, too...) I think that's all for now. I should probably hit the sack. ~art~ Oh yeah! As far as I've heard, there are supposed to be [b]2[/b] sequels, but they aren't coming out for awhile. If I remember correctly, they won't even start filming until this summer. Which means, since it's a water movie (they'll have lots of delays), we may not see #2 'til summer '05. -
I'm really sorry, Mac Attack, about your bad experiences with choir. It sounds like choir back in grade school/junior high for me. Everyone hated the music teacher, but a lot of us ended up in choir anyway (in junior high, it was either take choir or take "music appreciation"). I've always been the "good student" in that, I can't bring myself to disrespect a teacher (to his/her face...:p) So, Mrs. Bouska put me on a pedastel as the "model student" just b/c I'd actually do as she asked, despite the fact that I hated it. However, since I actually enjoy performing music, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. That having been said, I feel like I might unintentionally be one of the suckups that kenshinsbabe hates. Sorry! *cowers* I think, more than anything, I'm simply respectful. My current choir teacher often chooses me for special duties even though I'm not a section leader. (but that might be b/c she doesn't like the soprano section leader, who, as mentioned before, is a rather bitchy prima dona. She's not nearly as good as she thinks she is.)
Actually, what annoys me is when the bilingual people use their command of another language to talk about you behind your back. I spent 6th and 7th grade in a vertible hell (clique problems) and much of it was because the Hispanic girls in my class had something against me (my brains). They would frequently speak Spanish in front of people who couldn't (even though their English was just fine.) I think that may be why I'm taking Spanish now. I hated the feeling of being the little white nerd-girl in the dark. What's fun is knowing a bit in a language that almost no one our age knows: Latin. I took it in 8th grade. I'd still be taking it now, but it isn't offered at my [i]Catholic[/i] school. What's up w/ that? (I've been told that parents fear we'll go back to all Latin if it's offered at the high school level...yeah...it's stupid.)