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Everything posted by Artemis
"Oh, c'mon!" Liz muttered under her breath. "How long could this possibly take? This must be some sort of torture they dreamt up for the first years!" A boy off to her left began snickering, "You're American, aren't you?" If there was one thing Elizabeth couldn't stand, it was being mocked. She turned to see an odd boy, wearing a scarf. He had insanely poofy, curly brown hair. "Is there something wrong with my accent? At least I don't have a muggle afro!" The boy shrugge nonchalantly, "It was more the impatience that gave you away. Americans have no sense of waiting patiently. For them, everything has to be now, now, [i]now![/i] It's quite amusing, in fact." "You don't look like [i]you're[/i] enjoying the wait!" He shrugged again, quite smugly (oh, how that irked her), "I didn't say I enjoyed waiting. But I'm not complaining about it either." The two children were silenced by a glare from the forbidding Professor McGonagall. Liz turned away from the rude boy and proceeded to ignore him. She was quite struck by the way she could be so shy and timid until a smart ass started hackling her. "Well," she thought to herself, "that's [i]2[/i] people who I need to avoid now. This is looking like a rather promising school year..." OOC: Okay, if I'm not mistaken, we still have 2 ppl who haven't posted yet. One of them is older, so she really doesn't need to post before the sorting. The other is Malfoy (I think). Since he's a main character (as in, from the books), he really doesn't require opening exposition. Could we just go, duo? Please?!? :p I could always take Pippin hostage... *cackles evilly*
OOC: Ok, so the stuff in [color=sienna]sienna[/color] is...sort of Shuno's other self? Sort of like Gollum and Smeagol? Correct me if I'm wrong, Hayate! [color=blue][i]Fine...I'll agree to your little ultimatum.[/color] [color=red]Why, thank you.[/color][/i] Stocatta found herself rolling her eyes at the odd man despite the fact that Vash wasn't even looking at her. He was still losing money at the poker table. However, as she began to pay more attention to the game, she realized that the other players were growing more and more confident...not to mention drunker and drunker. Within twenty minutes, the tide of the card game turned completely in Vash's favor, and he had held off drinking for sometime. [color=blue][i]You're smarter than I thought. I'd taken you for stone drunk half an hour ago.[/color] [color=red]Well, I'm not so drunk so as to assume I'm sober. I'm still a little tipsy.[/color][/i] Demonstrating, Vash teetered back and forth for a few moments as though about to tip over. [color=blue][i]I can see. Well, if you don't mind, I'm going to concentrate on my survival until I've healed. Listen in if you want. I really don't care anymore.[/color] [color=red]Fine.[/color][/i] Stocatta leaned back in her chair. As she preferred, she was back in a corner, away from at least the physical commotion. The thoughts and emotions of everyone in the room still bounced around in her head like background noise. It took concentration to block it all out. [color=blue][i]I should probably start by tracking down Shuno. I don't even know where he is right now.[/color][/i] Stocatta focused on her adversary. [i][color=sienna]I've always been here, shuno. Now, with him gone, you can take the spot light[/color][/i] Stocatta blinked for a moment. The voice was strange. It seemed like Shuno perhaps, but Stocatta couldn't understand why he be talking with himself in such a way. One thing she did discover, he was nearby, in a building in the same town she was in. [color=blue][i]Perfect. That's just what I needed[/i][/color] The sarcastic thought reeled through her mind. She knew she was too weak to ditch Vash and kill Shuno. They would have to leave, and soon, too. Stocatta's blood ran cold for a moment. Shuno was leaving the building he'd been in, and there was anger and hatred in his demeanor. [color=blue][i]What is he up to?[/color][/i] Suddenly, an nearby explosion rocked the tavern. Stocatta jumped up and looked at Vash urgently. [color=blue][i]I guess that answers my question. Vash, we're leaving. [b]Now![/b][/color][/i]
I don't mind! :D I didn't put a whole lot of energy into my post (as you can see). It was really late at night when I did it, and duo had been on my case to try for it. She told me that you gave me permission to be Arwen for the bit of time she's in the Fellowship. Is that true? I just thought I'd better check first. Have fun w/ the RPG everyone! I'll be sure to read it! ~art~
We all have bouts of depression now and then. It's part of being human. You can't fully control your emotions, and sometimes we have down time. Sometimes, we just need to be alone. It's completely and perfectly natural. In a house like mine, ten kids (I'm the oldest), alone time is something you crave. But it's not safe to cut yourself off from other people for too long. I've noticed a [i]lot[/i] of angsty people at this site (and a lot who, as far as I can tell, wish they were angsty.) All humans need to have connections with other humans. Some need less than others, but community is a central aspect of humanity. There are many dangerous risks that arise from total isolation. Sure, have your alone time, but don't let it consume you. Hmm....I think, we may be speaking more of psychological breakdowns...I guess it's pretty close to a mental breakdown...*shrugs* I don't know if I've really helped anyone. If you (anyone of you) really need someone to talk to, PM me. I'll at least be a listening ear. :) ~art~
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Might be modern twists onto what he wrote, but check out The Norton Shakespeare: Oxford Edition. Probably one of the definitive volumes on Shakespeare...very...[i]extensive[/i] history, footnotes, interpretation, background, notes of Elizabethan and Jacobean terminology and innuendo. [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm...I'll have to look into that. As long as we're discussing Shakespeare, who's up for a bit of "Merchant of Venice" discussion? Some friends and I did a presentation on it for English class. We changed some things and set it in Roaring Twenties, New York. It was a whole lot of fun. Has anyone else done modern renditions of Shakespeare? ~art~
I'll try to take all of that into consideration, Dan L, but Tony and I have had on-going arguments about his ego problem and social status at school. I guess I feel a need to bring him back to earth considering he's told me that he's a god. (Not joking.) As far as helpful hints to college, well, Tony, you already know, I'm going through a lot of the same stuff being a fellow senior. My best suggestion is to apply for other scholarships in case the football stuff falls through. Also, visit some of the collegs you're interested in. You need to know what you're getting into before you go. Other than that, I can't help thinking that you've dropped the ball (no pun intended) for athletic scholarships. Please, I'm begging you Tony, do NOT assume that everything is fall in your favor. Be prepared. ~art~
I like mostly the religious carols: [b]What Child is This [/b] (esp. w/ [b]Child of the Poor[/b], the countermelody...*sighs* [i]beautiful![/i] [b]God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen Night of Silence[/b] (counter melody to [b]Silent Night[/b]0 I also like [b]Carol of the Bells[/b], any arrangement, but particuarly Manheim Steamroller...*dies in awe of the beauty* :love2: I do like a few goofy songs: Adam Sandler's Hanakah Song The Hippopotamaus Song But the one I hate above all others: [b]Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer[/b] (The sibs love it and play it over and over again...Soon, I'm ripping my hair out...) ~art~
Hmm.... *sniff* I really wanted to be Arwen... I guess that's not possible though... I would fight it out for Aragorn, but I like Jokopoko's post. May I call dibs on Arwen when she [i]is[/i] around? Please? *bottom lip quivers* Anyway...guess I'll be Sam....*attempts to delve into the mind of a male hobbit* Name: Samwise Gamgee Age: early to mid 30s (drawin' a blank at the moment) Gender: Male Character filling in for: Sam Weapons: Sam's only "weapon" is his sword--really a dagger to most people--but his fists are weapons enough most of the time. Armor: Sam wears armor only in RotK, the armor of a dead orc to desguise himself. *compares beak sizes with Frodo* (Yeah, that was for you, duo...lol) Appearance: Okay...you guys all know what Sam looks like...Sean Astin...chubby...curly brown hair...I'm not very computer literate, and I'm having trouble getting my picture of him to load in here. Duo...you wanna help me? ;) Race: Hobbits, Halflings, Shirefolk Personality: Sam is intensely loyal, particularly to Frodo. He is kindhearted but certainly not the Einstein of Middle-earth. As a garderner, he works well with plants and loves nature. At first he is rather skeptical of Merry and Pippin, but he warms up to them. In fact, he is wary of any new person who might threaten Frodo's safety. In all ways, he is a true friend, willing to sacrifice even his own life for the sake of another. Though in the modern world he may seem gay, he is, in actuality, perfectly heterosexual. He fancies Rosie Cotton, a barmaid at the Green Dragon, and dreams of someday professing his love for her. Biography: Sam was born and raised in the Shire. It's his home, and he loves it dearly. His father, the Old Gaffer, worked for the Bagginses as a garderner. Once Sam was old enough, he joined in the work and eventually took over. He became a close friend of his employer, Frodo Baggins, and, when duty called, agreed to join him in the Quest to Destroy the Ring. Sam left the Shire, Rosie Cotton, his garden, and everything else he held dear and familiar. In a rather victorious step, he went further from home than he ever had before. In a town called Bree, he encountered a dangerous, powerful man named Strider and, along with his companions, entrusted his life and the quest to the man. alright...it's 2:30 in the morning...I'm not making coherent sense...Vicky, I'm in the Harry Potter RPG. If you need more, let me know. Oh yeah...and KKC, you're in the Pendragon (Denduron) RPG...we need ppl to post in that... ~art~
OOC: And you thought [i]you[/i] were late, Molleta? lol It had been a harrowing trip to the school for Elizabeth, but now that she had arrived, she knew she didn't want to leave. Where could she have gone anyway? The Malfoy household was the worst home she'd ever known. She certainly was not in a hurry to return there. She gazed about in utter awe and amazement as she and the other first years were shoved into the Great Hall. Suddenly, she realized she was still clutching the book she'd been reading on the train. It was a muggle book she'd had since childhood, a collection of fairy tales by Hans Christian Anderson. Somehow, the simple book comforted her. She could remember her father reading stories from it at bedtime every night since she was three years old. She knew that it a sign of weakness to still be so dependent on it, but, somehow, she couldn't help it. Her parents' deaths were still so recent, so fresh. Who could blame her for still mourning? Despite the good reasoning for still having the book, it embarrassed Liz to be clinging to it in front of so many of her new schoolmates. She attempted to hide it in her robes. Something important was to happen soon. One of the teachers was preparing to speak.
OOC: um...technicality, not really important...it can't Ryowa's 17th birthday unless he was in the womb for 12 months...no biggie... Diana stared in shock at the beautiful woman before her. "Alright," she breathed to herself, "so this isn't a dream...What now?" "You begin instruction of course!" Artemis replied impatiently. Diana gulped. She had never been a very good student, and the idea of taking lessons from a formiddible woman armed with a bow and arrows did not sound like fun. "It will not be anything more than your mortal mind and body can handle," Artemis continued rolling her eyes. Diana inhaled as though preparing to dive into deep, dangerous waters. "Alright," she agreed, standing up, "Bring it on!"
OOC: Hmm....seems odd to have someone join so late...but...whatever JoyKaiba says...:twitch: Stocatta leaned back in her chair, grateful to be finally sitting after the walk to the next town. She'd wanted to avoid contact with Shuno and with Julie's gang. It seemed every town in the region had a tavern or two, and Mr. Vash had insisted on stopping in the first one they found. Currently, he was on his fourth or fifth beer, Stocatta had lost count. The Humanoid Typhoon was losing badly at a game of poker. For someone as smart as he was, he certainly sucked at gambling. Stocatta sighed herself. The whirlwind experiences of the past few days had her emotionally drained. Somehow, she didn't think that Legato would really be leaving her for awhile. Stocatta found it quite ironic how a person could love and hate someone so passionately at the same time. [color=blue][i]Legato, you know this really isn't fair. But I should have known that your memory would haunt me. Afterall, it's been years since I existed without you in my head. You're not going to leave, are you?[/i][/color] Stocatta found herself scowling sarcastically. Irony seemed to be her middle name. [color=blue][i]What I really need to do right now is concentrate on Shuno. I wonder if I should go w/ the ol' "the best defense is a good offense." It might be better to attack him as soon as possible. Vash has gotten past the demon's eye before. I bet he could do it again.[/color] [color=red]That wasn't part of our job deal, ma'am.[/color][/i] Stocatta jumped at the sudden intrusion. She looked over at the poker table to find Vash meeting her eyes for a split second. [color=blue][i]How long have you been listening?[/i][/color] Anger edged her thoughts. [color=red][i]Long enough. Had ya fooled w/ my drunk act, eh?[/i][/color] His taunts were not helping the situation. [color=blue][i]What if I happened to fall into Shuno's hands? You'd have to save me, wouldn't you? You agreed to be my bodyguard.[/color] [color=red]Let's get one thing straight here and now: [/i]I[i] will not be doing [/i]any[i] killing. I don't care what promises I made to you. I made the promise not to kill long before it. I also release myself from your service if you should kill anyone.[/color][/i] Stocatta glared at him. [i][color=blue]Some loyal bodyguard you are![/color][/i]
Diana wasn't sure why, but she always seemed to save her homework until she was nearly ready for bed. She opened her math book and began to struggle through logarithms. Within moments, she far too frustrated to get anywhere in her assignment. It was 11:58 pm. As long as she were asleep by 3, she'd be able to function as well as usual at school the next day. Diana tossed the math book aside and delved into her literature book. "Medea,"she thought to herself while trying to answer the study questions over the play, "Now there's a strong woman, but what's with this ending? Like the gods would actually send a chariot for her!" Suddenly the clock struck midnight and there was a flash of blinding light. Diana's arms shot up reflexively to shield her eyes from the piercing brilliance. Slowly, she lowered arms and gazed curiously in the direction the light had come from. The sight which met her arms was a strange one. A tall, imposing woman dressed in a Greek toga and sandals stood before. A thin circlet with a cresent pendant crowned her head and a large, dangerous-looking hunting knife rested in a sheath on her belt. On her back, she wore a quiver of arrows accompanied by large, beautifully engraved bow resting on her right shoulder. Her eyes were steely gray, like Diana's, gave the impression of a hidden loneliness and, somehow, reminded one of the full moon. Her complexion was pale, almost translucent, as though the woman never let sunlight warm her skin. Thick brown hair was pulled back into a simple, practical braid, so similar to Diana's own hair that she absent mindedly pulled her hand back to touch her own braid. The woman appeared at first glance to be youthful, but she held an air of centuries of experience and knowledge. Finally, Diana found her voice and whispered hoarsely, "Who are you, and what are you doing in my bedroom?" "Diana Torrens," the strange woman replied in a cool, lilting voice that held in it the engery of a sprinting deer or a soaring eagle, "I have come to instruct you in your duties as a Daughter of Olympus." Diana's eyes widened in shock. It was only moments before she began shrieking, "What are you?!?! Some sort of freakish Amazon?! I don't what you're talking about, but you're trespassing on private property, and you had better leave right now!" The woman glared down on Diana, her wrath now incited, "I am no simple Amazon! I am Artemis, the Goddess of the Night! And you, foolish mortal girl, have no ability to remove me from your humble dwelling." Artemis gazed around herself in disgust. After the destruction of Mount Olympus, nothing else met the glory of her former home. Diana cringed back in chair, utterly terrified. She had never been in a situation as bizarre as this. Though she prided herself in being able to handle her own problems, a tempermental Greek goddess encroaching on the sanctuary of her room was more than she could handle. "What's going on here?" she whispered. Artemis' features softened, "You were chosen 18 years ago, while in your mother's womb, to carry on my position in the world of mortal men. I shall guide you in your duties, but only you will be able to see and hear me." Diana stared back at the woman, dumbfounded. "I must be dreaming," she thought to herself. She closed her eyes tightly and pinched her arm. Cautiously, Diana opened her eyes again only to find Artemis looking at her as though she was completely mad. Diana decided to herself, "Well, it's not a dream..." OOC: Okay...so I cheated and used the post from Recruitmen...sorry. My b**** sister is spazzing b/c she wants to use the computer. I'll post again ASAP! ~art~
This is awesome, you guys! I'm thrilled that you seem to have a pretty good knowledge of Greek mythology. I'm sure we'll have disputes later (the myths are incredibly diverse and often contradict one another.) Katana, I'm glad to see you here! It'll be great workin' on another RPG with you! Heartless Me, whew... I wasn't honestly expecting Eros to be the first god chosen... Oh boy...this could be interesting. (I have a big thing against Aphrodite. Eros/Cupid isn't quite as bad though...:p) Inuyashafan418, you've gotta love the Moon goddesses... ;) Rei seems like a pretty awesome character. It looks like we can start... Anyway else who's interested in joining is welcome to hop in here! I'll try to check this frequently. ~art~
OOC: Yeah... I've read the first 3 books, Lrb. (When's the 4th coming out?) Hmm...we certainly made it down the hill easily...I take it we have no quigs to get past... (FYI: quigs are the guardians of the gateways. On Second Earth, they're terrifying rabid dogs. Here on Denduron, they're huge grizzly bear type creatures...lots of fun...) I'll try not to be a b**** about sticking with the books... :p [COLOR=sienna]"Sounds like a plan to me," Tara shrugged. There seemed to be one main street in the tiny village. It separated roughly two dozen houses at the most. "I'll search the houses on the right," Tara volunteered. "Who's coming with me?" "I'll come!" Cay piped in brightly. "Alright," Matt agreed, "Johnny and Kari can come with me. We'll meet back here in about fifteen minutes." "Let's go," Tara said turning to Cay. They walked cautiously up to the first house. There was one small window but no glass in it. Tara peered in warily. No one was there, but the glowing embers in the fire pit proved that someone had been there earlier in the day. The primitive nature of the dwelling was almost shocking. Then again, the clothing they had been forced to wear had been quite telling of the technological advances of this alien soceity. The one room hut was quite small but appeared to house several people. Off to one side of the room, away from the crude table, were four rough animal furs. They appeared to Tara to be sleeping mats, but she couldn't be sure. Finally, Cay tapped Tara on the shoulder, "She's obviously not in there, Tara." "Don't you think we should try to learn a bit about these people before we run into them?" Tara countered rolling her eyes. Cay looked slightly hurt. Tara was being a little more abrasive than usual. "Sure I do, but it's important that we find Loor soon! We really have no idea what we're doing here! Anything could happen to us!" Tara could hear the panic growing in Cay's voice. Her patience was waning. "Cay, listen to me. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I'm the youngest black belt in town...well, back home at least. I doubt they have black belts here." Tara glanced around as though looking for another martial arts master. "You see," she continued with a smile, "We're perfectly safe. You've got nothing to worry about." But at that exact moment, a bloodcurdling scream rose up from the opposite side of the street. It sounded like Kari...[/COLOR] OOC: Um...when is someone else gonna post in here?!?! Is it [i]that[/i] weird of a storyline? ~art~
[i]Diana wasn't sure why, but she always seemed to save her homework until she was nearly ready for bed. She opened her math book and began to struggle through logarithms. Within moments, she far too frustrated to get anywhere in her assignment. It was 11:58 pm. As long as she were asleep by 3, she'd be able to function as well as usual at school the next day. Diana tossed the math book aside and delved into her literature book. "Medea,"she thought to herself while trying to answer the study questions over the play, "Now there's a strong woman, but what's with this ending? Like the gods would actually send a chariot for her!" Suddenly the clock struck midnight and there was a flash of blinding light. Diana's arms shot up reflexively to shield her eyes from the piercing brilliance. Slowly, she lowered arms and gazed curiously in the direction the light had come from. The sight which met her arms was a strange one. A tall, imposing woman dressed in a Greek toga and sandals stood before. A thin circlet with a cresent pendant crowned her head and a large, dangerous-looking hunting knife rested in a sheath on her belt. On her back, she wore a quiver of arrows accompanied by large, beautifully engraved bow resting on her right shoulder. Her eyes were steely gray, like Diana's, gave the impression of a hidden loneliness and, somehow, reminded one of the full moon. Her complexion was pale, almost translucent, as though the woman never let sunlight warm her skin. Thick brown hair was pulled back into a simple, practical braid, so similar to Diana's own hair that she absent mindedly pulled her hand back to touch her own braid. The woman appeared at first glance to be youthful, but she held an air of centuries of experience and knowledge. Finally, Diana found her voice and whispered hoarsely, "Who are you, and what are you doing in my bedroom?" "Diana Torrens," the strange woman replied in a cool, lilting voice that held in it the engery of a sprinting deer or a soaring eagle, "I have come to instruct you in your duties as a Daughter of Olympus." Diana's eyes widened in shock. It was only moments before she began shrieking, "What are you?!?! Some sort of freakish Amazon?! I don't what you're talking about, but you're trespassing on private property, and you had better leave right now!" The woman glared down on Diana, her wrath now incited, "I am no simple Amazon! I am Artemis, the Goddess of the Night! And you, foolish mortal girl, have no ability to remove me from your humble dwelling." Artemis gazed around herself in disgust. After the destruction of Mount Olympus, nothing else met the glory of her former home. Diana cringed back in chair, utterly terrified. She had never been in a situation as bizarre as this. Though she prided herself in being able to handle her own problems, a tempermental Greek goddess encroaching on the sanctuary of her room was more than she could handle. "What's going on here?" she whispered. Artemis' features softened, "You were chosen 18 years ago, while in your mother's womb, to carry on my position in the world of mortal men. I shall guide you in your duties, but only you will be able to see and hear me." Diana stared back at the woman, dumbfounded. "I must be dreaming," she thought to herself. She closed her eyes tightly and pinched her arm. Cautiously, Diana opened her eyes again only to find Artemis looking at her as though she was completely mad. Diana decided to herself, "Well, it's not a dream..."[/i] Have I got ya hooked? I hope so! I believe that clip (all my own work, this is rpg is 100% original) gives you a basic idea of what's going on in the story. A few other points: Centuries ago, Mount Olympus was destroyed, and the power of the gods began to fail. In a final attempt to keep a hold in the Mortal Realm, Zeus (the king of the gods) came up with a system. Each god would pick a mortal, while in the womb, to be his or her "chosen one." This mortal would then be a Son/Daughter of Olympus. Once this set of mortals had died, all the gods would choose again. Ergo, every Son/Daughter of Olympus (of each generation) would be within 9 months of each other. The "chosen ones" furthered the ideals of the god(des) who chose them and care for any particular type of person or animal that their god had sworn to protect. The god(des)es may not begin to converse with their "chosen ones" until midnight, 18 years after the choosing. (This allows them to grow up as normal mortals.) Each god(des) may converse with their own "chosen one" alone except for Zeus. Zeus does [b]not[/b] pick a "chosen one" and may appear to any of the "chosen ones" at his discretion once they have come of age. [b]Requirements:[/b] 1. Your character [i]must[/i] be a 17 yr old with a corresponding [i]Greek[/i] god(des) as a mentor (and of the same gender: i.e. No guys attempting to further the ideals of Aphrodite...:rolleyes: ) 2. You must attempt to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your posts. 3. Any god(des) choices must be from actual [i]Greek[/i] mythology and are at my mercy for acceptance. 4. You must have somewhat decent knowledge of Greek mythology for your own sake and the sake of the thread. Otherwise, you'll be lost, and you'll only hindert he progress of the story. 5. Follow the example below for character sketches. I will begin once there are 3 recruits besides myself, but others may join mid-story. [b]Name:[/b] Diana Torrens [b]Mentor:[/b] Artemis Goddess of the Night, of Virgins, and of the Wild [b]Appearance:[/b] Diana is tall (5'9") with an athelitic, but attractive build. She has tan skin and dark brown hair. Her eyes are steely gray. She has a strong, defiant chin and a slightly crooked nose (broken in a childhood softball game). [b]Personality:[/b] Diana is a jock and loves it. Her book learning is about average. She knows she could do better, but books have no hold on her, so she doesn't apply herself academically. She tends to be somewhat feministic; she used to beat up the boys in grade school. She loves hiking in the woods and is a night-owl. She is not interested in dating (neither boys nor girls) and is normally comfortable being alone. [b]Background:[/b] Diana had a relatively normal childhood. She's smack dab in the middle of a loving, five-child family. She's also the only daughter (earning her a room of her own and tomboyish habits). Her elder brothers are overly protective, and the younger ones annoy her. But she loves all of them dearly. Both parents work, but they try to make family time a priority. Okay, that's it! Please PM me if you have any questions. Thanks! ~art~
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lrb [/i] [B][color=teal] OK! Your both accepted and we can start now if you guys want. I mean there'd only be one more joiner anyways. So if you two want to we can. Otherwise this RPG is gonna die out. -Lrb[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Alright, Lrb, I'll join, but I expect some things from you, too: If you're going to be picky on grammar, spelling, and punctuation, then please try to be good about it yourself. Nothing bugs me more than people using "your" when they mean "you're" or vice versa. (now, I'll probably be the next person to do it... :p) I'm assuming that "Matt" is the relative equivalent of Bobby from the books, right? Ok. Um...other problem: [QUOTE]An elderly but beautiful young lady was standing.[/QUOTE] Standing...where? And, how is she "elderly" and "young"? *confused* .... *shakes head* I guess I'm the 4th friend... [b]Name:[/b] Tara Carver [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] (I'll come up with a pic if I can.) Tara is quite petite (pushing 5' 2") with bone-straight auburn hair and deep emerald eyes. She is slender but not anorexic. ;) She has a pale complexion with high cheekbones and a slightly pointed chin. She normally wears dark green, dark blue, or black. She prefers dark jeans or black stretch pants and close-fitting but modest tops. She wears only eye make-up and dark chokers offset with matching earrings. (Question: Will our characters be forced to wear the garb of the natives? That'll really negate the need for clothing desciptions. Also, how much are we changing the story? The fact that there are 5 of us, plus your uncle, from Second Earth sort of messes up the deal about 1 Traveler per territory...) [b]Biography/Personality:[/b] Tara tends to be the skeptic of the group. Comparitively, she's the most "gothic" of the group, but is, by no means, an extreme goth. She has a sarcastic wit, and often neglects to hold her tongue. She's not exactly a "people person," but she can handle being part of a group. She is somewhat distrustful of men because she witnessed her father beat her mother to death. She took up self-defense and martial arts classes shortly after that tramatic event. She lives in a foster home with six other foster children. It's a good home, but it lacks the stability she really needs. Her friends, particularly Cay and Kari, provide the balance and support she craves. Cay, Kari, Matt, and Johnny are the only people at Tara's school who really accept her. Most of the students think there must be something wrong with her because of her father's criminal actions and her fosterchild status. Lrb, I'll send you my sample paragraphs ASAP. ~art~
off topic: Love the avi, Jaganshi! on topic: I'll probably end up teaching at a high school and trying to write on the side. (I don't want to count on my books to support me until I get something published.) I'll likely teach English and/or History (part. ancient), hopefully to honors students. There's a chance I'll become an architect, I've got a knack for math. ~art~
Euripides was an incredible playwright. There was a lot of forward thinking on his part. It's too bad that most of his colleagues belittled him....(aristophanes in particular) As for Medea, I would [i]love[/i] to portray her on stage (Lady Macbeth and Ophelia would be fun, too...) even though I don't take drama (can't stand the teacher). Medea has such a depth of character, a psyche that's not seen in non-euripidean Greek drama. ~art~
awww....Of course I care! ;) I'm getting frustrated though, b/c all the guys I'm meeting on here are quite a bit younger than me...*sniff* Oh well.... I'll get over it... Yeah...If you wanna see ultimate prima dona tenor, see my thread "chauvinism". "Evan" is the biggest male prima dona I've ever met... :rolleyes: Out of curiosity: Who here has gotten to sing "Carol of the Bells"? I was in an all ladies' choir, so we got stuck w/ crappier songs. It's been my dream to perform "Carol of the Bells", but I'll have to wait 'til college. ~art~
I'm having to laugh now, b/c the problem has either changed or been solved. "Evan" flat out admitted to being gay recently (to me, at least). I'd been suspicious of it for awhile, but never really sure. Even now, I'm convinced that it's an attention-getter. He wants to be the only gay guy at our Catholic school and puts down all other guys who act gay or who think they might be. :rolleyes: So, the ego is still ever-present, but somehow, it's all gotten funnier. :laugh: (Perhaps he's bi....that would explain a lot...) So, ZZ, have you figured it out yet? He was Peter Pan, Marcellus, and Joseph in several of our recent drama productions. And the guy you were referring to, Schippers, well, let's just say we pray for him a lot...He hasn't been too bad, lately...amazingly enough. He even went to RotK with us even though he has intense arachnidphobia... lol ~art~
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Marik_Duelist [/i] [B][COLOR=red]Enya sang for LOTR, maybe thats why it sounds Celtic. And, Artimis, I'm Irish and I can't stand Celtic music of any sort (I'm more Rock/Metal). You don't need Irish or Celtic blood to like or hate it. Just my two cents! LOL![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] um...Yeah...I know that I don't have to have Irish blood to like Irish music. I just thought it might be fun to be able to say, "Kiss Me! I'm Irish!" Stuff like that. Celtic lore often has to do with particular bloodlines. (note: Numenorian blood is very important in Tolkien's novels, just as an example.) It's too bad that you don't like Celtic music, Mark, it can be extremely calming and uplifting, but I can understand the rock/metal thing (I like it, too. Pretty much everything but rap, r&b, and a lot of country...ok so, any type of rock or new age music...odd combo...) ~art~
I've got a question: Could people post the years of the characters they introduce? It'll help a lot, esp. since there's a bit of an assumption that we're all Harry's age. FYI, my character is a first year. Some of you guys have bios that don't work for first years. One other question: Isn't Dariuh Chang a little old to hit on Harry? She's older than Cho! *cringes* Poor little Harry! :p ~art~
OOC: I don't know if anyone remembers the color coordination, but we haven't used [color=red]red[/color] in a while (it was supposed to be other people's thoughts/feelings inside Stocatta's head, but everyone has indidivual colors now), so I'm gonna use [color=red]red[/color] for Vash's thoughts. Here's a recap of ppls colors: [color=blue]Stocatta (blue)[/color] [color=green]Legato (green)[/color] Yeah, he's dead, but for the sake of flashbacks, we'll keep it. [color=pink]Julie (pink)[/color] [color=purple]Mai (purple)[/color] [color=gray]Nick (gray)[/color] [color=sky blue]Komeko (sky blue)[/color] And I'm thinking there was someone in [color=teal]teal[/color], but I'm not findin' it. c'est la vie Since we'll probably have Knives' thoughts too, how about [color=orange]orange[/color]? Stocatta forced herself off the cot. [color=blue][i]I'm sick of being here all alone, away from the action. I've got to get out of here.[/i][/color] She struggled to her feet, and trudged slowly out the door, stopping every few seconds to catch her breath. The presence she had sensed no longer seemed near Mai because she had moved. Though there was another person with her, it was not the strong presence she had first noticed. Stocatta carefully worked her way to the alley where Mai had been crying not long before. The alley was strewn with beer bottles, half-eaten apples, torn paper bags, dented overturned garbage cans, dirty ratted laundry (which had fallen from the clotheslines above), and other worthless trash, but there, among the rubble, Stocatta spotted a booted foot connected to a filthy hobo of indiscernible height. The odd man, wrapped in a tattered brown blanket, was clutching a box of doughnuts which he attempted to devour as inconspiculously as possible. He didn't appear to notice her as she leaned against the wall of the alley. [color=blue][i]Who are you?[/color][/i] She asked, not wishing to overexert herself by communicating verbally when there was no need. [color=red][i]How about if you first explain who you are, and why Legato Bluesummers is lying dead back there?[/color][/i] This had to be either a humanoid or a powerful human if he could return telepathic conversation so easily. [color=blue][i]Legato is dead because he was both dangerous and evil. He was a threat to humans and humanoids alike. Now that I've answered one of your questions, answer mine: Who are you?[/color] [color=red]You're his wife aren't you? Well,[/i] widow[i] now, I suppose. Anyway, I'm sure you can guess who I am.[/color][/i] She could sense a hint of both amusement and sorrow in the man's thoughts. Through the entire conversation, he had continued eating the doughnuts as though she weren't there communicating with him. [color=blue][i]I think, you're the one they're all looking for, the one I was supposed to kill, Vash the Stampede.[/color] [color=red]That would be correct.[/color][/i] He finished the last doughnut and slapped his hands together several times to remove as much of the excess icing as possible. He came to his feet and righted one of the trash bins so as to place the empty doughnut box in it. At his full height, Stocatta found Vash quite imposing. She was not accustomed to men being that much taller than her. "So," he began softly but intensely, "are you going to kill me or not?" Stocatta studied him skeptically for several moments before replying in a whisper, "No, but you're stick with me for awhile, or I [i]will[/i] kill you. I need a bodyguard." Vash looked her up and down then answered, "No problem! I'll work for free." The expression on his face proved to Stocatta that, no matter whatever else he might be, he was still a typical guy. [i][color=blue]He's better than nothing. It's easier to protect myself from rape than from Shuno's wrath. He'll be furious when he learns my part in Legato's death.[/color][/i] "You had a part in his death?" Vash asked sternly, deciding to be serious once again. "Yes," Stocatta shot back heatedly, "and I'm proud of it, too." He glared at her for a moment before replying softly and, somewhat, nostagically, "No one has the right to take the life of another." She turned away and muttered quietly to herself, "I need to remember not to think so consciously with him. He wouldn't understand." She began to work her way out of the alley, and called back to him, "C'mon! I'm gonna need your help until I heal!" Vash the Stampede began to follow cautiously behind her, quietly speaking to himself, "I hope Knives is alright. I may not be able to return to him for awhile." OOC: Okay, again, I wrote this while rather tired. let me know if anything I said doesn't work. ~art~
FireBall Island is an awesome game, Posion Tongue! We actually own that one...somewhere....*searches* nevermind. I know it's here, but I haven't the energy to find it. I can't believe I left off Stratego!! We have about three copies of that game in our house, and only enought pieces to really play one of them.... *shakes head* I've discovered another game that I really rule at: LotR Trivial Pursuit...yeah!!! We played it at a party, and ppl were pissed off at how long my turn would last...then again, most of the questions were [i]really[/i] easy... Any other awesome games I left off? ~art~
OOC: Is "Kayla" in the recruitment? I couldn't find any info on her! :( And I have no idea where on the Otaku earth FirePhoenix went! *shrugs* So...um...what exactly happened to Shuno? An unseen force shoved Stocatta back on the cot. She winced at the physical pain, but the sudden emotional and psychological pain was far worse. It was as though something had been ripped out of her, quite relentlessly. In the last moment, she could sense Legato's final call: [i][color=green]Forgive me.[/i][/color] Relief and sorrow flowed throughout Stocatta's body. Tears streamed down her cheeks. [i][color=blue]I can't believe I'm actually grieving. He really isn't worth this...[/color] [color=purple]Oh God! What have I done! Have I truly killed my brother?[/color][/i] Stocatta grimaced again, taking in Mai's thoughts. [i][color=blue]She needs my help and support. She can't do this alone.[/i][/color] Suddenly, Stocatta sensed another presence near Mai...someone Mai knew...[i][color=blue]But...Who is it?[/color][/i] OOC: Wow, that was a crappy post... *sighs* Oh well... I'm too tired. ~art~