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Everything posted by Artemis
When your head has gone back to normal size, I'll invite you to KSU. (Kansas State University) You can at least make a visit and see Amy and me... lol What you need to think about is what you might possibly major in if something happens and you can't play football. I know that KSU is pretty good in football (a hell of a lot better than KU), but it's also pretty good academically. It's my #2 choice right now (for architecture, not football obviously...). I can tell you that it has a nice atmosphere, and that it relatively small and laidback. It tends to be more conservative while KU is more liberal *gags*. K-State's engineering department is really good, too. That and architecture are among the top in the nation. But, honestly Tony, if you're really as awesome as you say, you'd be a national figure, and, as of yet, I haven't heard of you outside of this site. So maybe you're BigStuff in GA, but, seriously, you need to work on your D*** EGO!!! I've gotten really sick of it! :rolleyes: *rants* *raves* *slaps Tony across the face in an attempt to shrink his head slightly* If you'd like to know, I'm probably as good academically as you are w/ football, but I'm not foolish enough to assume that [i]good[/i] colleges are going beg me to come to their schools. We've already compared ACT scores, so that had better shut you up... :p And...you had better get a few other hobbies and extra curricular activities besides football and "Pimping". I've met enough jocks just like you to know the situation you're in. Remember Tony, I only "rag" on you so much b/c you think so highly of yourself. I love you enough to try bringing you back to earth... ;) ~art~
Sorry guys, meant to post a [i]long[/i] time ago. As nearly everyone else has said, this has to be one of my absolute favorite movies of all time! It was incredibly well done, and it had better get Best Picture, or a few members of "the Academy" won't be reviewing movies any more by the time I'm through with them... :flaming: One of my fave parts had to be [spoiler]Pippin singing! *sighs* I nearly melted! I'm a sucker for guys who can sing...just so all you men out there know... ;)[/spoiler] There's been a lot of talk about the false endings. The only one that really bothered me was when [spoiler]Frodo and Sam were on the rock, it faded out and returned to the same scene only with them now laying down. What I want to know is...what happened there??? :laugh:[/spoiler] But all the false endings were necessary. You needed a last look at all the characters, and there were a ton of loose ends to tie up. [spoiler]Sam and Rosie's wedding was very necessary. It proves there's nothing b/t him and Frodo as funny and flaming as they seemed together... The best part of the wedding was Pippin catching the flowers. When he looked over at Diamond (if I'm remembering her name correctly), I nearly died laughing! Everyone else stopped laughing before I was halfway done...it was late, I spent the next several minutes shaking w/ silent laughter...:laugh:[/spoiler] Maybe I was just really tired (saw it at midnight), but there were overwhelming gay notes in the movie, as much as I'd like to dispell them... It's really sad that things like that are considered gay, but in today's soceity, you can't help it. The worst was [spoiler]Frodo on the hospital bed... What were Merry and Pippin doing?!?! And then, as each person came in, their expressions...[/spoiler] Oh God! I was smacking myself in the head it was so dirty!! As far as the Orlando thing goes, when the first movie came out, I really liked him, but I liked Aragorn as well (not to mention Merry and Pippin). The thing was that I loved Aragorn in the books and Merry and Pippin as well. However, I sort of ignored Legolas in the books: he was cool, but I paid more attention to Gimli b/c of his connection to Gloin in The Hobbit. I was actually sort of wary b/c Legolas was a Mirkwood elf. I'm really sick of all the girls who only went to see the LOTR movies for "Orli". :rolleyes: When the Pirates of the Caribbean preview aired before TTT last year, there was actually a roar of cheers when his name flashed across the screen. (of course, I was the only one who went, "Oh yeah!!!" when it said "Johnny Depp". *cries* He's so wonderful!!) *steps off of anti-orli soapbox* I actually missed the Purging of the Shire. (I'm not worried about the other cut scenes since they'll at least be on the DVD.) That part may have seemed anti-climatic, but Tolkien didn't write his books w/ the audience really in mind. I mean, if he really had us in mind, would have kept long sequences of untranslated Elvish in them? No. It was written as a mythology, a more lyrical, narrative history, but a history nonetheless. The Purging of the Shire was necessary to show how far the evil had reached. It also displayed the abilities of the hobbits when left alone without all of their big protectors. It also showed how blind people are to the true heroes sometimes. [spoiler]In Hobbiton, Merry and Pippin got all the credit b/c they led the rebellion. The hobbits couldn't see how it helped at all that Frodo and Sam and taken the ring to Mount Doom.[/spoiler] Wow...um...I think I've written too much. If I come up w/ anything else, I'll add it later! ~art~
OOC: Since it seems I'm not the only one who's confused, I'll go ahead and post. ;) Stocatta tossed and turned, but could not sleep. She had known there would be a raging battle, but she hadn't known it would be such a psychological one. She didn't have the strength to block such forceful thoughts so near. The voices raged back and forth in her head. [i][color=green]You don't have the courage do you? The courage to shoot your own brother. You don't have what it takes to do what you need to. That is why I abandoned you. Because you are not strong.[/color] [color=purple]Shut up. You abandoned me because you don't have a shread of remorse about what happens to everyone else as long as you're happy. And I'm just letting live a bit longer because you're my brother...that's why I haven't pulled the triger yet.[/color] [color=blue]Sounds like Mai and Legato. Maybe she and I should start a support group for women he's psychologically and emotionally abused.[/color][/i] Stocatta smiled ruefully. She knew that if such a group was started, there would be many more members besides Mai and herself. She rolled her eyes and tried to concentrate on what to do next. [i][color=blue]I could at least try helping Mai summon the guts to kill him. That would solve a lot of things for me. She's probably the only one who [/i]can[i] kill him! Her own powers likely cancel his from working on her. If she can do it, she had better![/color][/i] The new resolve gave Stocatta strength. She sat up and began to concentrate fully on Mai. [i][color=blue]Mai, can you hear me? Please listen to me. You may be the only one who can stop Legato. That gives you a duty to kill him. He has to be stopped. Someone as evil as he is should not have the powers that you two have.[/i][/color] Stocatta faltered for a moment and wondered if he really was completely evil. Despite the position he had forced her into, he had always been very kind, gentle, even reverential, when dealing with her directly. A tear trickled down her cheek. He was the only family she had ever really known, as terrible as he was. [i][color=green]Do know that I can hear you, Stocatta darling. Please do not try to interfere any more. You shame me by trying to plot against me like this. Nothing will come of it, and be sure that you'll be punished, love.[/i][/color] The resolve burned in her anew. His threats were not at all endearing him to her. [i][color=blue]Mai!! Listen!! Do it now! He's a liar and killer. Whatever else he might be, he's a danger to the races of humans and humanoids. I know it's hard destroying him like this, but you won't be completely alone. You'll still have me, your sister-in-law...[/i][/color] OOC: Why did you think her last name was "Bluesummers"? ;)
OOC: I'm sorry I have to be the mean one again, but I'm really trying to keep the plot in here plausible. If Shuno has the "Demon's Eye", then humanoids cannot be faster than it just b/c they're humanoids! Vash couldn't conquer it until he concentrated on the pain in his finger. And even then, he was only just as fast as her, not faster. :rolleyes: We can't all pretend like we're invincible! We have to have some weaknesses or the story just becomes stupid. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood, but I'd like this story to make sense. I'm not going to add to the story until I can really figure out what's going on. Sorry. ~art~
Anime The importance of being....(insert name here)
Artemis replied to duorocks17's topic in Otaku Central
I tried "Strongbad" just for the heck of it. Here's what it says: As Strongbad you have a great love of nature and the out-of-doors, and could have a desire to be in an occupation which takes you outdoors and involves you with the products of the earth. All the finer things of life and beauties of nature are an inspiration to you and you are attracted to the mysteries of nature. Difficulty in expression results in your being too positive, blunt, and candid in speech. Although you are easily offended by others, you do not show it. You crave affection and understanding, but rarely find it as others do not understand you and accuse you of being cool and aloof. If you'd been to homestarrunner.com you would know that this is completely opposite to his character. It made me laugh... :laugh: ~art~ -
Wow... my first kiss was awful. It was third date w/ my first boyfriend ever. (sophomore year, I was 16, he was about a month from 16.) I didn't know what to expect. I thought, "Hey, you just pucker up and touch lips, right?" Unfortunately, he was used to the kind of kissing he did w/ he previous girlfriend. He wanted to make it openmouth, no tongue. Needless to say, he lips were completely around mine, and it was really gross. Plus, we were both chewing gum at the time. And his timing? He asked me to let him kiss him during one of the prisons scenes of [i]The Count of Monte Cristo[/i]. I think there were a few, more romantic times he could have done it...but oh well. Our second kiss was much better, but it didn't happen for several more dates. I was rather grossed out. I love this story: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i] [B]My first Kiss is: Non-Excistant. well my former boyfriend tried to fiss me but ended up with a broken leg and a bloody face and arms, and legs. (i pushed him of the top of a oddly steep hill *wink wink nudge nugde* a cliff it wasn't that high but it is steep!) [/B][/QUOTE] Sounds like something my friend, Allison, would do... (if you knew her, you'd be laughing right now.) Kissing tips, eh? 1. No tongue!! It's gross and should never be done! 2. Don't let it be the only part of the relationship. It's more romantic when it doesn't happen as often... It becomes special. 3. Spit out your gum [i]first[/i]! If I come up w/ more, I'll post 'em. ~art~
Okay...here we go! Name: Elizabeth Jones Appearance: petite, auburn hair, green eyes, slender, sharp chin and high cheekbones House: Ravenclaw Friends: Hermione Granger Short Bio: Liz was raised in the U.S. where her parents Eric and Menolly Jones were working as embassadors from the British Ministry of Magic at the Congress of Magic in Salem, Mass. In the past year, Mr. and Mrs. Jones died mysteriously. Liz was sent to live w/ her mother's sister: Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy. Liz hates her cousin, Draco, with a passion and has deep suspicions about her parents' deaths. She is an intensely brilliant young woman which is why she gets along so well w/ Hermione. Most decent people, like Harry and Ron, hate her b/c she's Malfoy's cousin. Amy, I've got a love-hate relationship in the works for her and Harry!!! You can't have him!!!! If you have to have him, I'll switch her to a slightly older girl and set her up w/ Wood... *giggles* ~art~
OOC: Oh Lord...the demon's eye has returned... *remembers Trigun episode* ... yeah... Stocatta shifted slightly. She opened her eyes to discover she was in a small, dark room lying on a simple cot. [i][color=blue]I'm sick of waking up to find myself injured...[/color][/i] "If you'd do as you're told, this wouldn't happen..." Legato said in reply. Stocatta glared up at him. It was very weird for her to carry on a conversation with him in person. It happened very rarely. "What are you doing here, anyway?" she asked warily. "You and Shuno seemed to be having some trouble. I thought it might help if I were in the vecinity to control those who need to be controlled. You're the only one I can really take care of from a distance." "Since when was it 'taking care of'? As far as I can tell, it's a deprivation of free will," she spat back. "Now, darling," he cooed to her, "I only do this to protect you. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, love." Stocatta rolled over painfully to avoid looking at him. She knew better than to attempt physical retaliation. He would stop her from doing anything before she could hurt him. "Stop sulking! I need you to heal so you can help Shuno." He knelt down to examine the bullet wound in her right side. It had missed all the major organs, luckily, but she had lost a great deal of blood. He lifted her shirt slightly to bind the wound. [i][color=blue]I can't believe how gentle he is...It's kinda creepy. How can one person be so good and so evil at the same time?[/color][/i] Legato finished binding the wound and looked piercingly into her eyes. Again, she had to look away. "I have to leave you for a while. Shuno needs my help. But I'll be back soon." "Alright," Stocatta whispered bitterly, refusing to look at him again. Legato got to his feet and silently left the room. OOC: If you guys haven't guessed yet, Legato's one of my bishies... *blushes* :love: :love2: :love: ~art~
Out of curiosity, how many of us here are crazy enough to go see it at midnight? I'm going to, even though I have school in the morning. I'll probably be posting again in the wee hours of the morning after having seen it. *excitement* I've been dying for it to come out. It really should be the best one yet. Last week I got to see the extended version of TTT. Did anyone else think that they sort of screwed up Faramir's character? He's supposed to be noble and meek (in a manly sort of way), but they made it look like he's doing everything to please his father which isn't quite true. [spoiler]When he volunteers to go to Rivendell, it looks like he's just trying to gain some renown and make up for his past blunders. In actuality, he was well schooled in Elvish and would have been a much better choice for the job than Boromir. They made it look like he just couldn't do anything right.[/spoiler] I guess you can't really have everything right. It seems like all the characters have been morphed slightly to accentuate the power of the ring. It seems to have an even more powerful hold than it did in the book. For example, Faramir, in the book, never took Frodo and Sam to Osgiliath, but he did in the movie for some reason. Regardless of my purist objections, I've been very impressed with Peter Jackson's storytelling. RotK should be awesome! ~art~
OOC: Sorry it's taken so long for me to post...big family...hard to get time to use the stupid computer... Hmm...*confused* weren't Legato's words in green? oh well...I'm just gonna keep w/ the color scheme I started. I've read through this a few times, and I think that Sarah was supposed to have been the one who shot Stocatta. And, as long as we're makin' pleas...Please proofread your posts people!! I'm a grammar/spelling nut. I'll try to be good about it, too. Stocatta began to sit up, but her head began to spin suddenly w/ the loss of blood, and she fell backwards again. [i][color=blue]Okay...we're gonna have to take this slowly, then...[/color] [color=green]Which is why I've stepped in...[/color][/i] Stocatta squinted upwards as someone blocked the sun in her face. "Legato..." she whispered. He knelt down to help her ease her way up. "So you've finally come to do your own dirty work," she spat bitterly at him. He glared at her for a few moments as he wiped the spittle off his cheek. After about a minute, Stocatta had to look away. She could normally last longer in staring contests w/ him, but she was too weak right now. [i][color=blue]I just want to be a child again...I want someone to look after me and tell me I'm safe...[/color][/i] Legato tried to get the girl to stand, but she went weak at the knees again and passed out. He was forced to carry her towards the town where Shuno was waiting. In the entire trip, he never caught sight of the young girl, Komeko who had been w/ Stocatta. [i][color=green]She must have run off when Stocatta was shot. She probably realized the spell Stocatta was putting on her.[/i][/color] He looked down at the quiet girl for a moment. [i][color=green]I'm not surprised. She places spells rather easily...[/color][/i] Legato halted his thoughts. He knew better than to let himself become attached to his weapons...for that's all that they were... He entered the town to find Shuno whistling nonchalantly...a smug look crossed the sax player's face. How's that? ~art~
Does anyone else here play "Risk"? It's an awesome board game of strategy and chance... world domination... war... All kinds of good stuff... :D (whatever...) Anyway, it's really fun, but it takes an incredibly long time to play, even when you play the shortened version it can take 3 or 4 hours. I've never tried the long version. There's also a computer game for it, but I grew playin' it old school, so the computer version makes no sense to me. (They throw in a bunch of extra features and complicated rules...) So...Does anyone else like this game? ...*crickets chirp*... Riiiiight... Any other board games that ppl like? ~art~
None of you can beat this... My uncle calls me: Doozleheimer Don't ask why; I have no idea. He's called me that since I was even shorter than I am now. Off topic: How tall are you ChibiHorsewoman? I'm 5'1/2". DDG, I love your banner!!! Three of my fave bishies!! :love: :love2: :love: ~art~
*cringes* Oh Lord... Yeah... that's what I was afraid of... I caught on to quite a bit of it while reading, but some of that seems like modern twists on what he wrote...:eek: *shudders* :twitch: ~art~
I've been thrilled w/ the first two movies and I'm jumpin' up and down to see RotK. It was my fave of the books, and it really should be well done. *crosses fingers* I heard that they're cuttin' the [spoiler]Faramir and Eowyn romance[/spoiler] 'til the extended DVD... *sniff* But, I think I'll be able to handle it... lol I really think the first 2 were Best Picture worthy, but apparently, not everyone agrees w/ my movie taste... I really don't get it... :confused: :laugh: ~art~
The guy I was talking about is single. If you were thinking of my oh-so-gracious-exboyfriend, then I can tell you right now that he's a big baby afraid to even talk to me... :laugh: If it wasn't him, who were you thinking of? Anyway, I should probably say something vaguely on topic. :laugh: You're right, Boba Fett, we can't get rid of the creeps, unfortunately. The best we can do is try to put up w/ them. ~art~
I started thinking about the last several times complete strangers hit on me. I can think of two distinct occasions where I flipped off idiot guys for honking or whistling at my friends and me. I used to think I'd take that kind of flirting as a compliment, but once I'm actually in the situation, I find it really insulting for some reason. I'd prefer to get to know a guy as friends before moving on to anything else. A relationship that starts out w/ immediate flirting, as far as I've seen, will only turn into a physical relationship unless good communication is established, and that means really being friends with the other person. ZytaZiouZ, that's funny. I could tell it was you before I even looked at your name. That sounds exactly like what I'd expect from you. You're right. There are too many people like the ones we've been describing at our own school. *shakes head* Pity, huh? ~art~
OOC: Thanks for clearing things up for me guys! It all makes so much more sense now! ^_^ Everyone's had good posts lately. I hope this one turns out okay... Stocatta watched as the mysterious Mai left with Julie. [color=blue][i]So, what are ya gonna do now, Legato? It seems your little sis is puttin' a crimp in your style.[/color] [color=green]That's none of your concern. You've got a job to do, and it's all up to you now that Shuno's gone.[/color][/i] Stocatta could sense the irritation in his thoughts and grinned despite herself. [color=blue][i]And, just how am I supposed to go about this now that they've all seen me?[/color] [color=green]Use your imagination!! You're a lot smarter than you make yourself out to be!![/color] [color=blue]How sweet of you...[/color][/i] Stocatta let the conversation end with that dry remark. She knew there was no way that Komeko could fight anymore until she had recovered, and the group was beginning to look at her funny. "Look, miss," one of the young girls said, "We don't want anymore trouble from you. If possible, would you mind getting out of here?" Stocatta's face contorted in pain and regret as her legs began to bring her stiffly towards the group. Her right hand reached jerkily to her gun. She watched as they each reach towards their own guns, preparing herself. Suddenly their faces and thoughts revealed fear and surprise as each gun had moved swiftly out of its respective place and was now floating in the air aimed at each owner's head. Each gun seemingly cocked itself, and Stocatta could sense the fear increasing. Her expression of pain and regret turned swiftly to cruel humor. As long as she was in control, she had no problem manipulating these simple people. She closed her eyes and focused her mind on the guns. As soon as these had been taken care of, she'd only have to finish off Julie. The triggers inched slowly backward, and then, suddenly, a shot rang out. Stocatta and the guns fell to the ground. OOC: Wow, I'm probably gonna have to come back to this one sometime when I'm more lucid. If you need a better picture of what was happening, watch the first X-Men movie. The scene where Magnito aimed all the guns at the police men was what I was goin' for. BTW, I looked back at what I said to you, JoyKaiba, and it was kinda edgy. I'm sorry! :( That was a bad time of the month for me to say anything to anyone... :rolleyes:
*laughs at immortAldeath's page* That was great! :laugh: I'm definitely not a feminist like the ones mentioned in their. For one, I'm very staunchly pro-life. I think the feminist movement has gone too far, at least here in the U.S. I feel bad for guys getting crap all the time so that women can placed "evenly" with them. I'm rather conservative and traditional. I think that most women make better stay-at-home moms than men make stay-at-home dads. There is a definite difference in how men and women operate, not only physically, but emotionally and psychologically, too. I don't think it's right for girls to mooch off of guys, but I also think that the man should be the primary provider in most cases. I believe men and women are in equal in diginty, but the roles we carry out are different. As earlier stated, my complaint is with people being shallow and disrespectful. "Evan" had been making a lot of comments about girls' bust sizes and other physical features in a rather demeaning way. I thought it showed very little class on his part, especially since most of his friends are girls and he was around quite a few when he was saying it. I think all of us were rather insulted. ~art~
Writing A few poems (Hopefully someone will review this time.)
Artemis replied to Amorphous's topic in Creative Works
:twitch: That first one was pretty graphic... :twitch: But, I liked them. Your imagery is really good. :D -
Wow, fave love song... "I'll Stand by You" by The Pretenders is really good. I get all weak... :nervous: "I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight" by Cutting Crew was my "song" w/ my ex-boyfriend. It's kinda cheesy and a little too 80s-ish considering we went out in 2002. lol I also really like "Yellow" by ColdPlay, but I think what really drew me to it was seeing an Escaflowne music video to it... Hmm... Ok, last one: "I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You" It's from The Mask of Zorro, right at the end. It's [i][b]beautiful!!![/i][/b] ~art~
Loreena McKennit is pretty incredible. She has a way of really taking you to another place and time. I guess that's what I love about Celtic music. Almost all of it does that. :love2:
I think I'm very lucky to have a family like mine. It's big, but that only multiplies the love rather than divided it. (rants: I can't stand it when people think that you can't love many children as much as you can love one. The only difference is material blessings...) Ok, got that out of my system... :D Anyway, everyone in family loves each other. We may have bad days and be angry, but when it comes down to it, it's unconditional love. (the only exception is my sister--the second oldest--who apparently thinks that the rest of us hate her. She pushes our parents away from her and feels like she has to live up to me. She causes a lot of problems, but we all love her anyway.) It makes me really sad when I think about people who don't have good family relationships. :( No matter what, these people are still your family. Family [i]should[/i] mean love and support. ~art~
LOL :laugh: Thanks for apologizing, HellsFire, but you're right, Evan isn't you. lol He's a guy I go to school with. (And he's not the ex I told you about.) I'm really happy that I haven't gotten a whole bunch of guys in here complaining the girls are so much worse. I would like to point out that girls can be shallow and arrogant as well. (and [i]all[/i] shallow, arrogant annoy me...not just the guys.) Believe me, I'm not worried that I'll end up drawn in by Evan. I'm actually worried about some of my friends who are getting drawn in by him, too. One of them suffered a pretty embarrassing three week relationship that ended w/ the guy getting back together with his ex and leaving her high and dry. *shakes head* poor kid. But my main reason for posting this thread was to complain about shallow, disrespectful people. :flaming: I guess I've done that, huh? :D BTW, HellsFire, I'm really sorry that girl broke your heart :( , but don't take it out on the rest of us!! lol I'll keep praying for you... ~art~ Oh yeah, I'm from the U.S. There are a lot of great guys here, and I'm not limiting myself to the jerks I go to school with, so don't worry. :D
[b]Katana, I think I'm seeing what you meant about "controlling", but it's not you...Um...JoyKaiba, I think Sarah was not intended to be in league with Legato (she works solo) and I don't think Duorocks wanted Sarah's secret spilled yet. (Duo and I go to school together, and she's been telling her plan to me.) This is my first RPG, so I'm not sure how much people can think and act for other characters than their own. Since you're the one who started this story, JK, I feel really bad about trying to place a restriction on you. :nervous: Let me know if I'm out of line.[/b] Off in the desert, there was an explosion of gunfire. Stocatta and Komeko had no problem finding the group of humanoids and their friends. The only problem was, it seemed that someone else had gotten a jumpstart on attacking the group. [i][color=blue]Legato, why didn't you tell me you were sending Shuno?? He can take care of things just fine![/color] [color=green]I thought he might need back-up...[/color] [color=blue]You might've at least told me...You need to learn to trust me...You're so damned paranoid...[/color][/i] Stocatta shook her head in disgust. Komeko watched her with an odd look on her face. [i]Man, this lady is [b]weird!!![/b] [color=blue]Is there something wrong with that?!?![/color][/i] Stocatta thought idignantly back at the girl. She was not in the mood to put up with any crap. Komeko looked back at her in surprise for a few moments before replying warily, "No, ma'am, nothing at all." Her expression said otherwise. "Never mind," Stocatta said irritably, "Let's just keep moving. I'll deal with moron carrying the saxaphone. I want you to sneak around the back and start shooting the group from behind. They'll never know what's comin' to them..."
I love Queen, but I don't think they're [i]the[/i] greatest rock band. Although I'm not really coming up w/ anyone else at the moment. The bicycle song cracks me up. *searches for duorocks* Where are you, duo??? She loves Queen. Her dad used to be a DJ at one of our local rock stations, so they have a ton of music memorobilia etc. (70s 'til now almost) I love Bohemian Rhapsody. My friends and I will break into it randomly... "I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me." "He's just a poor boy from a poor family." etc. lol ~art~