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About mutsumi

  • Birthday June 1

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    hiyas!!!!! tokyo mew mew and love hina r the best!!! ok bye!
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  1. my friend is wiccan, and ive read about it a few times and was considering becoming but.. well.. thats a different story. anyways i got SOOO much lecturing by my "best" friend who is overly Christian even tho i told her i was still JEWISH. i dont see how people can be so closeminded!!! her mom was about to even make me WALK home from the mall because i had a Wiccan book that I bought FOR SOMEONE. I hate closeminded people like that!! you really should take legal matters even tho they most likely will not like it. but ya kno what? they signed a document, its a religion.. tell them to shove that up their arse! :)
  2. my best friend becca is so completely the dirty-blonde jessica simpson. ::walk in to american eagle:: "what does AE stand for???" "i want a bagel cause im thirsty" "i wish my name had a B in it" (her name is Becca) "IN YOUR EYE" ::points to cheek:: "isnt laryngitis a country??" and the grand finale... "can your uterus fall out???? CAN YOU REGROW IT???" i swear shes real smart and then we cant 4get this one from jessie... "my name ALMOST rhymes with jessie.. not quite.. but ALMOST" ahahaha
  3. *Jessicka from Jack Off Jill/Scarling is amazing.. so sad JOJ broke up... :( *Amy Lee from evanescence, well i think every one already established this but shes still amazing *Kittie has amazing singers
  4. the new CD is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! i listen to it almost everyday and my favorite songs right now are Duality and The Nameless. I also love Wait and Bleed from (i 4get what album). All in all CD gets a 8.5/10 from me!
  5. i play guitar (electric) and piano. i basicallly suck at guitar but its fun to be all like "hey i like that song... imma learn to play it!!!" my influences are velvet revolver (that solo from slither is amazing), metallica, matchbook romance, placebo, motion city soundtrack, taking back sunday, KoRn, SOAD, and others! i've been playin piano for 9 years and i guess you could say im good at it. i dont really have any influences but my favorite type of music to play is usually more popular music and not all that classical stuff. i also play keyboards and learn how to play rock songs and stuff.
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