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Everything posted by Flava

  1. I've rented Mario Party 4 before. Although I never finished it in time, it was fun. I really liked playing on ShyGuy's board. I always made an effort to stop in front of the ShyGuy statue (can't remember what it was) and "pray" for the water or something. Oh gosh, I really did play this a long time ago... I can't remember the details! ^^;;
  2. I'm with duelist22. I kick butt with Kirby. Even though he's pink and a lightweight, he should not be underestimated. ^_~ What's sad is that I suck with everyone else; I'm always playing as Kirby...
  3. I'm pretty sure everyone had this "I wonder..." thought: Sometimes I wonder what's it like to be someone else for a day. Could I handle his/her lifestyle? Is his/her life no different to my life? Stuff like that. I also wonder what's it like to have no feelings (as in emotions). Hmm... come to think of it, that sounds like Soujiro from RK. LOL. I know he sort of taps into his "human" side, but still...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]I am a Procrastinator Extraodinaire. It is really bad, I know, but OB or MSN just keeps distracting me. I could put more will-power into it, but I just can't be bothered sometimes. So i get up at 6:00 and finish assignments. Fun. I know that it is a really bad thing, but sometimes if you aren't in a work mood, then any work that you try to do will be second-rate. Sometimes I am in a work mood, and will turn out some pretty good stuff, but if I am not in a work mood, and force myself to work, my work will not be too good. But I do wish that I wasn't so much of a procrastinator. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree. Sometimes, it's hard to force yourself to do something when you're not in the mood. I procrastinate because I work better under pressure (like what Babygirl said). I remember in my last year of high school, I had a memory book/autobiography due and I completed everything at the last minute. I started around 4pm and ended 4am in the morning! Anyway, I earned an 'A' from it. I still procrastinate, regardless of the fact that I'm in college. It's become a nasty habit that I can't shake loose. But when I think of it, I've cleaned up a bit. I haven't gotten myself in a yucky mess, so that's good, right? :sweat: If you want to break away from procrastinating, it takes time (LOL) and effort. I mean, a LOT of effort... but I'm procrastinating on the effort part so don't listen to me. LOL.
  5. My friends and I went to Sizzler for a friend's birthday dinner last month. When we got there (with two cars), I got out and my friend got out. She locked the door and then I noticed that our friend was locked inside! He looked like a puppy trying to get out! Ahh, it wasn't my fault... it was hers! ^^;;
  6. I had a dog named Hunter. Several years ago, he ran off with another dog. And I never saw him again. I still don't know why that happened. *sighs* When I was about 7, my blue parakeet named Manut (You know, that basketball player? Hehe) died when I was on vacation. I was really crushed about that. That parakeet was the coolest parakeet in the world. *sighs again*
  7. Ketchup lovers unite! ^_~ I eat a sandwich with Cheetos mixed inside. It gives it a nice crunch. I don't eat McDonald's fries with ketchup-- I think it'll ruin it. With a Big Mac, I eat it layer by layer just for fun. I put ice in milk-- it makes it cooler.
  8. What made Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 2 extremely fun was that my sister was playing. We both argued over who got to kill what and where to go, but I never went at it solo. The third character doesn't get stuck; it's me that gets stuck in between trees, houses, rivers... you name it, I've been dragged through there but my sister! ^^;; It's kind of of amusing though... Anyway, this is OT, but I'm waiting for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles to show up next February! It'll have multiplayer action! Whoo! I'm a sucker for multiplayer games. I think Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King has 2-players as well. *does the cabbagepatch dance* [size=1][color=CC0000]*does the "you're an idiot" dance* If you're going to post anything off topic, then don't fuggin post it. If you want to talk about FFC, go check the thread on the first page. -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
  9. MXC is hella funny! Oh gosh, I don't remember the title of the challenge, but anyway, it's the one where the contestant has to hold a golden ball and cross a bridge while dodging flying balls. So yeah, there was this lady struggling across the bridge and she turned against the cannon. She was trying to balance in the middle of the bridge and [b]WHACK![/b] A ball hit her on her butt! XD
  10. To tell you the truth, I found the movie more hilarious than scary! XD Even the people in the theater thought so as well. Not one person screamed, LMAO! But really, I never thought I would watch [i]Freddy vs. Jason[/i]. I only did it because my friends were curious about it. Hehe. Plus the one calling the shots that day was the birthday girl, so I can't be a meanie about it. ^_^
  11. Ahh... I remember seeing thotaku.com flash during a break. And that was the first time I watched Adult Swim in over a year. It changed mucho. Anyway, I was somewhat sleepy that night and I thought I was hallucinating. o_o So when I saw that, I was like: Flava: *sleepily staring at the TV* [i]Whoa, I go there. Cool beans.[/i] I was recording something earlier that night; then I stopped the tape right after the show was over. X_x I could've helped those that didn't see it, but it wasn't meant to be... *hunches over and slinks her way out of the thread*
  12. Even though I'm new and I don't know you... you have my condolences. To tell you the truth, I'm at a lost of words. I don't know what it's like to have a child. The only thing that I and others on this board (most likely) can do for you is support you in your time of need. I was once told that if a baby is taken away, he or she is really an angel... Just as long as you hold on to the memories you have of Christophe, he'll be with you, always.
  13. Best vacation fantasy, huh? Anything far from home is a good vacation for me! Well, except for school, but still. Umm...okay. Here's one thing that my best vacation fantasy has to have: an isolated island with a turtle that brings my drink to me! Hehe.
  14. Okie dokie, I agree with everyone on the "I'm happy being myself," but I'll be dork and say that I want to be an anime character for just a quick minute or two, hehe! Anyway, I want to be Hiko Seijuro of Rurouni Kenshin! ^_^ There's just something about him that leaves me in awe. Maybe it's his cape. Or his pottery skills. Or maybe it's his hair? I have a thing for anime hair... ^^;;
  15. It's amazing how Santa can fit in my *closed* chimney and still leave presents! *_* Anyway, I've never seen a ghost, but I hear them. This tends to happen when I'm alone in my livingroom. I'm on the computer, happily typing away while listening to music through earphones. The next minute, I hear someone sitting on the couch. I turn around; no one is there. So I go back to my business. Then I hear someone messing with the stereo and turning on the TV (these things are to my left and right). I stop and a minor chill runs down my back... that's my usual case and I shrug it off like it's nothing. But this one time (in band camp, LOL), I think I was working on an essay and I could've sworn someone was calling out my name! I looked to the my left because that was where it came from; NO ONE WAS THERE! So I shut down everything and ran to my room! *sheepish grin* Oh yeah, this is my first post! *does a happy dance* I'm Flava. Nice to meet you all! ^_^ I'll try my best to stop by, but since I'm back in school, it'll be hard to juggle schoolwork and this. ^^;; Later!
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