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About YakkoChan

  • Birthday 03/12/1985

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  1. exuse me all... could you help me with a suggestion of what to do on a Anime Music Video... I made this video to the "Kim Possible"Theme and made it a Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter Video.. theres this one part in the video that has a communicater.. and i over laped Sailor Jupiter on the on the comunicator.. the the comunicator screen is round and the video is a square.. what should I do.. please help me out!!! Thanks YakkoChan
  2. oh yeah! I remember that of course!! Yakko:[drops the tiger cub] ohh.. I thought there were sapposed to land on there feet.....
  3. Dont you just wish that all of the episoded would appear on DVD.........I have a whole box full of Animaniacs tapes that I ahve taped off of Cartoon Network and when it was on Kids WB!! I have like 25 in all LOL and remember the one where they made fun of the Macerana..they called it "Dot The Macadamia nut" I have some more pics!! if they work...... [img]http://dokikittyproductions.freehomepage.com/images/DotTheMacadamianut.jpg[/img] [img]http://dokikittyproductions.freehomepage.com/images/Slappysquirrel.jpg[/img]
  4. not really but cool title...... anyway.... yeah Animaniacs...... I ahve to bring these guys up! LOL. Who couldnt forget the animaniacs? Whos your favorite Animaniac Charactor? Tell me a little bit about your animaniac stories I would surely like to here them! [IMG]http://dokikittyproductions.freehomepage.com/images/CutiePieYakkoKun.gif[/IMG]
  5. I have always wanted to ask this question.. i diddnt really know where to exactly put it but.... What is your favorite Anime Music Video? These are just a few snap shots that are in my music vids [IMG]http://dokikittyproductions.freehomepage.com/images/ranma-icanfeelitranma.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://dokikittyproductions.freehomepage.com/images/sailormoon-thepowerofsailormoon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://dokikittyproductions.freehomepage.com/images/allinuyashahasisamoped.jpg[/IMG] This pictures from: "Girls all the bad Guys want" a various video that I made for a contest at A-kon. Thanks for looking! [QUOTE]To be or not to be that is the pencil, very sharp and yet also pointless[/QUOTE]
  6. The lion king was my most favorite disney movie in the world........I remember it comeing out on theators.......in March, i went with my friend to go see it...we got there late and we came in as soon as the big boom came in and it said "Lion King" I thought that was kind of freaky thing myself.. LOL. I got the soundtrack to it.. I dont know if it still works though i got a t-shirt and a plushie of Nala and Simba kissing as cubs. I had the game board set which i only played like once.. LOL....I had two pillows of the lion king.. some lion king stamps. When I herd about the movie comeing on DVD i was like mom you gotta gt that for me!! for Christmass.. then I said the same thing to my brother... one thing I will remember though.. the vhs came out like on my b-day which is march 12........
  7. oh yeah forgot about that.. a comedy AMV!
  8. Yo! Yakko here! I'm a video editor.. right now I just make AMV's and I was wondering if you all wouldnt mind telling me.. what would be the best song for a various anime AMV? I dont want a love song..........or like a rap song or anything like that... please help! Thanks!!
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