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Everything posted by Megumi

  1. I find it very amusing, though the art style is a little lacking and it does sort of disturb me that the main characters are only 13, (though not as much as some of the pairings in your signature disturb me, maladjusted) but I still find myself loving it. I do think Obana-san would've been better off to keep the story in a high school environment as she first thought to.
  2. I'm related (in some way) to Robert E. Lee, and I have Swedish royalty in my ancestry. That's all I know.
  3. A little short... If you write some more it might be good.
  4. OMG, I love it! Very cute, nice work on the pose! It's so hard to draw things in proportion when they're in an odd position like that.
  5. ... When you tie a rosary around the vacuum cleaner... ... Whenever you bleed, you automatically stick your nails in the wound... ... When your grandfather starts trying to exorcise your boyfriends... I used to have a list of funny ones... but I forgot them. This isn't such a new idea, by the way. These are on a lot of websites, and even a few make it on fanfiction.net though they're not allowed.
  6. Well... I know "Fukai Mori" is "Dark Woods" in english... and in my fansubbed Inuyasha episodes they do translate the songs, but dont worry- Japanese songs never make any sense when translated into english- their metaphor use and poetry tends to just sound corny and oddly worded to us. *Uses a line from Rurouni Kenshin's translated version of "Freckles" as an example: "Now this little pain sitting in my heart has shrunken a bit, but it really does hurt me now..."*
  7. Far too many people are saying to get rid of love- but I don't think they know what they're saying. As a Christian, my whole religion is based on the concept, and since God is love, and everything good comes from him, if you erase love, you erase God. If there is no God, there wouldn't be anything else. Besides that, in the theoretical world where we could exist without love, we'd have no attatchment to anything, so we'd be emotionless, mindless zombies. Why should we eat? We no longer love ourselves, so there is no reason to take care of our bodies. Why should we live? We no longer love anyone, or anything, so there is nothing holding us to this earth.
  8. Megumi


    Erm, please be kind to the newbie, but is the Jukebox on the main page supposed to work? How is it supposed to work? Because I've never been able to get it to.
  9. "Life is like a hot bath... It feels good while you're in, but the longer you stay the more wrinkled you get." -Garfield "To laugh often and love much; to win the repect of the intelligent persons and the affection of children; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; to do so is to have succeeded." -Emerson "Beautiful is being comfortable in your own skin." -? :Edit: Oh yeah, and the "Holy cheese on rye" quote [I]ownz[/I].
  10. But getting in touch with his demon side isn't always good.... But I'll shut up before I start spouting spoilers. >.< Anyways, he is pretty cool looking when he's full demon.
  11. Out of curiousity, how many of you have read the manga Kodocha, or seen its anime, Kodomo no Omocha?
  12. Well, the first anime I ever saw was Sailor Moon (and I watched near a whole season of it- boredom at a sleepover, and she was Sailor Moon obsessed.) It was mildly interesting, but I can't say it did too much for me. Gundam Wing was next, I saw five episodes at a friend's house, and just about the same thing. I didn't get "into" anime until ninth grade, when given a different lunch than my friends, I asked a girl I knew from French class if I could sit with her. Well, she liked this thing called Ranma 1/2... She talked about the fanfics all the time, and before I had even watched a single episode, I liked it. I began reading fanfics, and then I saw the first movie, and finally most of the episodes. So, I went backwards, but hey, I ended up in the same place.
  13. I love Inuyasha... at least the subbed version. Been a big fan for a good two years (points to her fan site as proof). I've been downloading it, and I'm up to episode 120. The only problem I have with it is it never seems to END.
  14. O.o I didn't read the post above me, I swear! I thought I was being clever by saying apathy. XD
  15. Wah! I love that place. ^_^
  16. Yeah, I'm always looking for better pictures. I'll resize them and then repost. I'm having trouble with my text in Paint Shop, though, it's very pixelated, which it wasn't before. Anyone know how to fix that?
  17. Well, I just joined, and found out that everyone posts their banners here. I happen to have made some banners of various animes, so I'll just post them here for your aesthetic enjoyment. They're all different sizes because... well, because they are. Here. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/art2/megumi_kitsune/inubanner2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/art2/megumi_kitsune/justawanderer2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/art2/megumi_kitsune/raa2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/art2/megumi_kitsune/ken.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/art2/megumi_kitsune/Image8.jpg[/IMG] If any of these strike your fancy, you can use them on your sig as long as I get some kind of credit ( a mere "Banner made by Megumi" will do.)
  18. I have an account at fanfiction, but after the flight of my muse (yeah, always blame it on the muse) I haven't written in a good year or so. My name there is Naoko Cat Girl, if you want to check out the few Ranma or Inuyasha stories I DID finish.
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