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Little Gohan

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Everything posted by Little Gohan

  1. i don't board i blade some good places to skate, always watchin back for security though
  2. If you like them both keep both of them. You can't just pick 1 company because other people say it's better. It is possible to buy from more than 1 company ya know :). When I buy 2 tubes of paint I do'nt throw 1 out because 1 might seem better in the long run.
  3. gah, i wish it was cold. i'm burning alive down here.
  4. I have a older brother. He's awesome. But not on this board
  5. hey lg tenchi's cool, one of the best but not the best. welcome and have fun
  6. Instead of ingoring him/disrespecting him, try and enjoy his/her company as much as you can. You'll have 1 miserable month if you let him/her annoy you. Befriend them and it should go good.
  7. that's a pretty deep post man
  8. it's kind of hard to disagree with a fact
  9. We've helped so many other countries out, we payed Russia billions of dollars after we completly destroyed them because they probably wouldn't be on the map if we wouldn't have, we helped out so many other countries YET....... in time of everything that's happened now and in the past have you ever heard of another country helping us out.
  10. If you REALLY think about it, it's really sad. How 1 world should be like 1 country such as america is. United, yet were split up killing our [B]own people[/B] , just because I'm Jewish and someone elsewhere is a Arab doesn't make make us different to the point that we kill eachother.
  11. You have no idea how many allies we'll have if we destroy the Taliban. It's sick how they handle people, as if it a human life with a soul is a stuffed toy. They have a football field were they take people and hang/shoot people there, and if you haven't guessed it yet there is an audience.
  12. Yeah they built a fan in the PS2 to prevent just that. I would play my Playstation for maybe 2 hours it would be pretty warm and longer you play the more heat it generates. While where the longest i've played PS2 was something rediculous like 16 hours I felt it to make sure it wasn't ready to explode and it was nice and cool.
  13. I was just about to say how professional and well put together this topic was :D
  14. yeah earlier today, and we didn't bomb them, they were missiles I believe, but it would be easier to read if you'd actually put a , and . here and there ^_^ just a not so friendly suggestion
  15. O_O that's alot of things to do at walmart
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