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Everything posted by Estraya

  1. how can anime NOT change a person? It definatly(sp, sorry) has changed me in so many different levels. It gives me something to do, i spend so much more time drawing now than i ever did before, and i spend alot of time on the comp readin fanfics or looking at pics or whatever. If it weren't for these things, i probably would be out there doing something stupid, ya know? It has helped me get closer to my one other friend whos into anime. We have to stick together, cause at times, it seems like we're the only ones. But, in a higher level than that- it has given me much more self confidence. I would talk about anime so often, and my friends would make fun of me. No one else knew what it was. But i knew that i liked it, and i stuck with it, and that taught me so much, right there. It made me different than everyone, and that was my first step outta comformity. It has opened my mind so much, i'm thinking things i never would have imagined before, and what seemed like sacriligous (sp) thoughts before, now are normal. And most of all, its taught me that im not alone. There are so many animes out there that i can relate to, that show me that im not the only one on this crazy ride. And it shows me i can get through it its has let me down in one way though. I get so caught up in it, in the characters and their worlds and thoughts and dreams, that i leave the real world far behind. I travel in a fanstasy world, so when i have to come back to earth for one reason or another, its such a huge shock for me. Sometimes, this world is so dull, bland and boring compared to what i live in, in my screens. And so unromantic. So it makes it hard for me to live in reality, but as hard as i try, i can't stay in my fanstasy worlds. But thats the only way anime's affected me negitivly. Everything else is positive. *looks up at what i wrote* eek! sorry that was sorta long.... but what can i say? (alot apparently)
  2. For a second, stop thinking about science and think about english. In order to read and understand alot of the older pieces of writtings (ie Beowulf...) we have to understand that the people in those days were for the most part, strictly Christian. So, you have to have disscussions about how their lifestyles and their beliefs influenced them to understand their writting. Its the same in science. Both theories have influenced science, so both theorys must be taught. Yet, they cannot tell you that "this is how it is." People have the right to believe in what they wish, if they want to believe that purple bananas created the world, then they are welcome to, and that belief should not be held against them. Yet, its not the purple bananas theory that changed the way science is delt with, its the two theories that we are now dealing with. So, both should be taught, but in only in a "so and so theorized this, and so and so theorized that," kind of way, not a "so and so said this, and it must be true" kind of way.
  3. like matto said, i wouldn't want to change anything, cause then, how would i learn? but, if there was a reason that i didn't need to learn the lesson, i would go back and change my relationship with my first b/f, i would've tried harder, and not given up on the relationship so easily.
  4. pb&j + oreos. yum. ^_^ my sis eats french fries and mayonase (sp). uck. i have a thing with white condiments, i don't like any of them...
  5. Between Dragons and Phoenix, its an easy choice for me. Phoenix hands down. Just the pure symbolism of the destructive flames and rising from what that fire left behind, the healing ablities, and of course, the flying. Not to mension its prettyness ^_^. but what can i say, i've always been attracted to birds. I also love elves. They're always so wise and beautiful. And when i think of them, i think of forests, with light shinning down between the leaves of trees... gorgeous. So yeah, those are my two favorite creatures.
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