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Everything posted by Silent

  1. (I don't know if anyone will get this. . .I don't really know if *I* even get this. . .It's just some minor ramblings I had........) The sadness burns Like the thousand words That were never said I guess I'll never learn It'll never be my turn I'll always see red But I put on a smile And laugh for a while Just for the sake of the Facade I'll fight through this trial I'll walk another mile Just for the sake of the Facade You got to hide While my world died Just for the sake of the Facade You got the lie While I had to take the truth in stride Just for the sake of the Facade I still don't know what it means Still can't find my broken dreams Lost for the Facade I've lost myself,it seems In the torn seams I smothered myself for the Facade Now I know I can't be perfect That's it's just not worth it And I won't pretend Not for another second Not for the Facade
  2. Kathryn looked up at the person whom had just entered the office.She gave him a single,apathetic glance-over,then lowered her gaze once more to the floor as she leaned against the wall.She didn't say a single thing. "Ah,yes--"Said Legg,a triumphant grin splitting his broad face,"--Thank you for coming,"--though he didn't sound thankful at all--"If you'll have a seat.. .?" Leg continued on to explain his "deal",while Kathryn sat silently on the sidelines. "You'll be working with this young beauty,"Leg said,motioning toward Kathryn.Kathryn looked up only long enough to give an acknowledging nod to Evean,and to shoot a warning glare at Leg,"along with three others that have yet to turn up.Miss Spelling here won't neccessarily be the 'leader' of your crew,but she will be the one to keep in contact with me.It'll be the same--bounty hunting and what not--only you'll be with a crew,and I'll be making the occasional bounty request.And I can pay three times more than any ISSP office or other private organization.Now,you can walk away from this now without consequence,if you so desire.So. . .what will it be,lad?"
  3. Kathryn glanced up at the door,expecting some burly bloke to step through.Instead,a slender woman with large glasses and neat,mouse-brown hair poked her head in.It was Leg's secretary. "Um,sir--" "Does it involve the hired bounty hunters?"Leg demanded with a barking note in his voice. "Um,no,but it's,um--" "Then I don't want to hear about it!"He said,his voice most definitely irritated now. A sarcastic grin slid onto Kat's lips."So much for your 'team',"She said mockingly. "They'll be here,"Said Leg,but there wasn't much conviction to it,"They'll.Be.Here."He repeated,as if trying to convince himself as much as her. "Yeah,okay,whatever,"She said,leaning against a wall.The wall opposite her was made completely of glass,and she stared out of this window at the various hovercraft zooming back and forth across the town.There wasn't much else to do.With no word of where these "crew members" had gone to,she could only wait until they showed up.If they did at all.She really hoped that they didn't.A crew meant people--and God forbid they had pets(she hated animals).People and pets and other such nonesense were things she just couldn't deal with. . .It was why she'd left the syndicate. . .Or was the syndicate the reason she hated people. ..?
  4. I have to agree that SD gundam is nothing but a mockery of the real stuff and it's about as stupid and mindless as Hamtaro.. .However,it is nice to have a lighter take on the gundams,and I say this rather grudgingly.It's nice to have a half hour everyday after school in which I can be totally mindless--and to the tune of my favorite anime series.It's rather stupid,as the gundam's have no pilots and seem to walk around of their own accord. . .Isn't that just a rip off of Transformers.. .?
  5. Silent


    I love Rammstein,though it's hard to really get into it since I can't understand it.And I can't really sing to it without totally murdering the pronunciations.And I really don't wanna be singing something I don't understand and happen to be walking by someone who *does* understand.I heard that one of the songs is about killing or burning babies or something(can't remember which one).I don't wanna be walking past a German person and be singing about killing kids. . .Anyway,they have a nice mixture of electronic and heavy metal,and I really like it.Plus,German just sounds so much more. . .angrier. . .than english. . .I dunno,maybe it's just me.
  6. (I know I sorta stole that "Does it for the drugs" line from Smile Empty Soul,but I was listening to that song the other day and had to write this. . .I just kinda changed some words around and stuff and. . .yeah.. .Anyways,here it is. . .) No one knows her No one would ever dare She doesn't know herself And she'll never care She can't let them know Can't let them see The dirty secrets that she keeps -'Cause she does it for the drugs She does it 'cause it makes her feel clever She does it just because She knows she'll never be anything better- He doesn't know why He just has to lie Just has to say things he doesn't mean He doesn't know why And he just wants to cry He wonders if he'll ever feel clean -'Cause he does it for the drugs He does it 'cause it makes him feel clever He does it just because He knows he'll never be anything better- And the sad thing is They're just like everyone else And in the bottle Is the only place they find help They're just like you And just like me A part of us will always be dirty -'Cause we do it for the drugs We do it 'cause it makes us feel clever We do it just because We know we'll never be anything better-
  7. "Please,sir--" "Look,lady--" "PLEASE! It's all the money I have in the world!" "Lady,I DON'T care,so just hand over the purse!Killin' is fun fer me,so don't go pushin' yer luck!" The woman--probably about in her mid-fifties--whimpered as the ragged,unshaven man inched his knife closer to her threateningly.Hiis eyes were bulging and slightly mad,and his hair was a wild tangle atop his head.He itched to draw blood,to see the crimson stuff spill free,but he had a price on his head now,and he really didn't need to give them a reason to raise his bounty.Then he'd have even *more* hunters after him,which he really didn't want.He knew they were a dying breed,but the ones who remained were tough as nails and desperate. "C'mon,lady,just.Give.Me.The.BAG!"He needed the money for the trip to Goymean.He needed to get out of this place,that was for sure. The woman burst into sobs,"Please,mister,it's all I have to feed my kids with!" "I.Don't.CARE--" "Let's see. . ."Said a new voice in the dark alley,"Ruthless.Stupid.Ugly.Yep,you're the guy I'm lookin' for." The man clutched the woman to him immediately,spinning on his heel to press his back to the wall and to put the woman ahead of him like a shield.He held his knife to her throat,and the woman had gone nearly hysterical,screaming and sobbing.The man's eyes darted about the alley,searching the shadows,expecting some snake-like cop to be hiding from him in the shadows.Although cops were almost as rare as bounty hunters,there were still a few--a very few--who did their jobs. Instead,the man found a young woman standing quite out in the open.Long,gleaming ebony locks framed deep blue eyes that seemed to be pierced with a pain and sorrow untold for a thousand years,but they also glittered with mischief.Her lean,lithe body was cloted in a torso-hugging,plain black t-shirt that exposed a narrow strip of toned midriff.Overtop of this was a slightly too large white dress shirt,left unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows hap-hazardly.A pair of loose black jeans were slung low around her hips,held up by a wide leather belt.Her feet were adorned in clunky shoes that glinted with silver buckles.In fact,her entire person glittered with the presence of silver,as her wrists and neck were adorned in a number of silver chains and bangles,and each of her ten fingers bore a bulky silver and black ring.A slight smile spread across her full lips,and the bounty's eyes shot to the gun in her hand. "Who the hell are you?!"The man demanded. "Me?Well,I'm just an old fashioned cowgirl." The man's eyes grew to twice their original size--which was saying something. "A bounty hunter!!" The woman smiled slyly,reminding the man of a fox--but she seemed far too relaxed to be planning anything. "T-take one step closer and I'll s-slit this lady's throat wide open!"The man declared shakily. The woman shrugged.She raised her gun and aimed it directly between the man's eyes. "I-I'm serious!P-p-put that away or I'll--I'll do it!" "It's not my job to protect the innocent.I'm not a superhero and I'm not a cop." "Wha--?!Why you little--"The woman,who had been building up hope,was cut short by a threatening press of the blade to her throat. "Put the gun down!"The man demanded,his eyes bulging dangerously close to bursting from his face. The young bounty hunter fired. The shot rang through the bounty's head,and in his shock,he dropped the woman and the knife.He felt weak now,like all the blood had been drained from his body.But a few moments later,he came from his shock to find that the wall beside him had exploded with the force of the bullet striking it,and the bounty hunter had strode forth,and had raised the but of her nine-millimeter.Then,everything went black for him. ___ "What did you want with him,Leg?He was just a useless little man.. ." "I had my reasons,Kathryn,"Said a deep voice from the chair behind the desk.The back of the chair was to Kat,so she could only see the column of smoke that drifted toward the ceiling,"Remember our agreement,Spelling--no questions." "Yeah,I remember."She said firmly.She was good at the no questions thing most of the time.She only wondered what this corrupt business man would want with a petty thief and murderer. "I've formulated a team for you,"Spendor Leg said after a long pause from the depths of the black chair.Kat's gaze shifted quickly from the window to the back of the chair. "What?" "A team,"He repeated,"A crew.A crew of bounty hunters." "I don't need a crew."She said flatly. "I'm the one dishing out the woolongs here,"Said Leg stiffly,"I think I should have the right to decide if you use a team or not." Her brow furrowed,but she said,"Okay.Whatever." "That's a good girl.You should be meeting them any second.I've called for a meeting here at this very office." Kat didn't say anything.She often didn't say anything.Silence was often much more effective than any words could be. Just then,the door opened. "Ah,here comes the first of them now. . ."
  8. Okies,I think we've got enough characters to at least start,so I'll be putting up the first post sometime tonight or tomorrow.
  9. Foreword:This story isn't a fanfiction.In fact,I don't even think it can be called a story.It's just a rambling bit of inspiration I had one day.I'm going to try and finish it.It'll be the first story I've ever finished in almost. . .::Thinks back::. . .four years of writing.However,I won't continue unless I get some kind of positive response.The last thing I want is to spam up the OtakuBoards with a story that nobody even reads.By the way,it may seem kind of stupid now,but I guarantee that it will get darker and more depthful as it progresses.Well,so,here goes nothing. ..Oh,and I'm also still looking for a better title. . .Open to suggestions. . . ________ Chapter 1-- Algebra 1a,second period.Otherwise known as Hell.This was the current dispostion of our heroine--me,Kathryn Wisdume.Stuck in math class with the never ending blather of Mr.Tier.He was a portly,half-bald old man who was shaped in a most turtle-ish way.His back kind of. . .sloped up to his head,and the said head was almost bald on top except for a sparse few long white hairs.I'd taken to affectionately(and by that I mean "mockingly")calling him "Yurdle the Turtle" behind his back;that way,all the students would know who I was talking about,but the staff would be none the wiser. But enough about Yurdle.The entire reasone I'm writing this is so that I can tell my story--a story that contains no magic,no science-fiction exploits,and no incredible,life altering events involving the supernatural.It's just a story about a sixteen-year old junior attending a crack-pot school in the middle of nowhere.Well,Mulberry Highschool isn't really all bad,I suppose.It's not the best,and it's not the worst.Though it's hard to believe that there are worse places on earth sometimes.This was one of those times. I was stuck in math class,searching desperately for a way out with the pangs of super-boredom closing in upon me from all sides.I was trapped,trapped like a humanoid rat by the horrible hybrid of letter and numbers called Algebra.Yurdle continued to blather as he scribbled away on the overhead.I stared at the projection on the wall ahead,seeing the numbers but not really seeing anything at all.I could feel the brain cells in my head screaming for mercy as they died away.I came out of this almost comatose state long enough to look around the room.The boy next to me was lying face down on his desk,asleep.The girl behind me was staring inot space somewhere,a spittle of drool hanging from her mouth.I could tell I wasn't the only one being submitted to the torturous stupor that Yurdles's very prescence inflicted.It was slaughter--SLAUGHTER,I SAY.We were being killed by this weapon of mass destruction disguised as a turtle-y,balding old man--- "Miss Wisdume?" Yurdle's voice quite suddenly broke through my haze of boredom,mostly because he was addressing me. "Huh--?"I sputtered stupidly. "Miss Wisdume,where's your textbook?"He demanded with an annoying air of superiority.Indeed,I didn't have my text book out,but we rarely needed it--he usually spewed the entire thing to us each class period as well as every other absolutely useless fact he knew. "I. . .ate it."I replied dully,sarcastically. "As witty as ever,Miss Wisdume,"Yurdle replied disapprovingly,"Will you please retrieve your textbook and see me after class--"A demand,not a request,as usual,"And as for the rest of you--stop laughing,Miss Wisdume's comments are rarely funny and this is no exception.The next snicker I hear will earn a detention.Now,about the number five.See,in under water exploration. . ." I reached down to my backpack on the floor and fished out my book with exaggerated labor,dropping it onto my desk with a heavy sigh.Yurdle had now continued on in his useless prattle and I had tuned out again.I shook myself to attention,knowing that I needed to stay awake. ~Really~I told myself,~if you go to sleep,you'll be clueless on the homework~ But I felt myself slipping and the next thing I knew,Yurdle was doing a tap dance and a monster chicken was drooling in the seat beside me.I knew,vaguely,that I had fallen asleep.That was the power of Yurdle--to make you fall asleep while thinking about how you need to pay attention. Yurdle,continuing his tap dance,had also begun to sing an opera version of my favorite heavy metal song.Meanwhile,the girl behind me leaned foward and asked,"Have you had your break today?"At this point,I was extremely confused,and I slouched down into my desk(which was now rainbow colored)in an attempt to escape all the craziness,even as the boy behind me(who was now a large goat in a McDonald's uniform)continued on to ask if I wanted fries with that. Quite suddenly,a large hand was placed on my shoulder,startling me at first.However,there was a calming element to the action,and I felt very at ease.I twisted around in my seat to see who the owner of the hand was.I blinked.I was relieved to find that it wasn't a goat or a chicken.In fact, I couldn't tell *what* it was for a second,as there was a strange bit of light enveloping it--a light that seemed infinitely bright and yet abysmally dark.The light(if that's,indeed,what one would call it)receded eventually and I blinked again.It was a boy--a guy.A guy I hadn't seen in almost four years.I was surprised to find that his face so readily sprung to the forefront of my memory. Bright,playful blue eyes were just visible beneath a fringe of unruly,jet black hair.A lean body--much taller and broader than I remembered--was clothed in a plain,form fitting black tee-shirt and a pair of plain,baggy black pants,riddled with chains and zippers and the like.There was a faint quirk to his lips that matched the mischief in his eyes,and his jaw had a five o'clock shadow.Everything about him seemed somehow dark--from the chains that encircled his neck and wrists,to the bulky black and silver rings that adorned each of his ten fingers,to the simple feeling I received from his presence(not a bad feeling,just a.. .feeling).Everything--except for one(or rather,two)things-- The massive,feathery white wings on his back. Okay,let's back track a bit.Remember when I said that this story wouldn't contain any "amazing,life altering events involving the supernatural"?Well--I lied. "Hiya,Kit,"He said brightly,stepping down completely to the ground for the first time.His hands were thrust into his pockets, and he came to stand in front of me as if we had never seen a day apart from each other,and as if he *weren't* sporting magnificent,9 foot,ivory wings. "Hi. . .hi,Josh."I said in a stunned voice,"What. . .What're *you* doing in my dream?" Instead of answering my question straightaway,he looked around the room,at the giant chicken and the monster goat and the tap dancing math teacher."Well,"He said finally,"It's easier to communicate with people through their dreams,so long as one is on good terms with the dragons." I stared at him skeptically,my shock gone.This was just a dream,I reminded myself,it's not real.He might as well have just been another chicken. "Riiiiiiiiight,"I replied with a role of my eyes,"Dragons.Makes perfect sense.Or actually,it doesn't,and that's why it does--I mean,of course you'd be talking about dragons. . .You're just another part of my extremely screwed up psyche." He smiled warmly at me,as if I were *SO* predictable.However,his eyes quickly became clouded with something sad and dark,"Believe me or don't,"He said finally,"It's your choice.But. . .well. . .I'm an angel.Of sorts.A Fallen Angel." I stared at him for a long moment. "Uh---what?"I asked,eyes still quite wide. "It happened three years ago,"He said casually. "What happened?" "I died." ". ..oh. . ." "Y'know that steel company my dad worked for?"He asked,"Well they offered him a job in some middle-of-nowhere town in Ireland.So we moved.There was this forest. . ."His eyes misted over as he continued,and he stared not at me,but at my multi-colored desk surface,"I loved to wander back there.It was always so calm and peaceful.The first time I ever wandered those woods was my last.I don't know what it was,still to this day.Something attacked me.Left me bleeding there in the grass.Some people say there's a light.There isn't.There's just the pain and anger and sadness. . ."There was a bite of bitterness to his voice now.I only sat there quietly. "I'm. . .sorry."I said. . .What was I supposed to do--console him for his loss? "Eh--"He said distractedly,"Not your fault.Anyway,the Creator wouldn't let me into Heaven--said he had *one* more job for me to do for him before everlasting peace.I was to be a guardian angel." "So....."I pressed on,"What happened?" "Well,"He said,"To make a long story short,I was attacked by vampyres--who,among a few other creatures,can see angels--about a year ago and,even though I thought it was impossible,I died--again.I was reborn by a daemon through the bitterness and hatred that had formed in my spirit's core.I became a fallen angel,bound to Earth forevermore because a daemon happened to sense the negativity in my soul." I gawked at him,"Vam. . .pires. . .?"I asked slowly. "No,no,Vam-PYRES,not 'pires'.There's a difference."He said,looking at me with that bemused expression that had become somewhat annoying.Just who did he think he was,barging into my dreams and spouting nonsense about dragons and angels and demons and vampires(vamPYRES,whatever)?!? "Y'know,I must be really losing it if I'm dreaming crap like this,"I said flatly. "I don't know,"He said idlely,"Maybe you are.Maybe you arn't.That's up to you to decide." I rolled my eyes and made an exasperated noise,"Okay,okay,let's say that what you're telling me is true and that you're even real--what do you want with me?" "Well,"He said slowly,fishing in his pocket until he produced a package of cigarettes and a lighter,"I'm prolly not s'pose to,but I came to tell you that you're world's about to be turned upside down,"He lit his cigarette and took a long drag off of it,"And you're about to play a big--very big--role in the 'grand scheme of things'." "Wha--" But he held a hand up a hand to silence the onslaught of questions I had begun to voice and cocked his head to one side,as if he'd heard something. "The bell's just rung,"He said with a sad smile,as if he wished the bell were for him,"You'll be needed to wake up now.Don't worry,"He added,seeing the alarmed expression on my face,"We'll talk again.Until then--Good-bye,Kathryn Wisdume." Quite suddenly,I was back in Yurdle's class.I was extremely confused.What the hell had just happened. . .?!? ____ End Chapter 1 _____
  10. Kathryn had nothing else to say or ask or add to the conversation at all,and so she saw no reason to remain there.She stood and left,placing her earphones back into her ears as she left.She assumed that everyone would know she would be at the helipad,and so she didn't even bother wording it.Talking wasn't her strong point anyhow.She just wanted to get on with this mission and get back.Missions were never a big deal to her.It didn't matter to her--really--if she came back or not.However,if anyone had been around at the moment,they would have heard her quietly whispering the Unbeliever's Prayer just before she arrived at the helipad-- "Almighty God forgive me for my agnosticism; For I shall try to keep it gentle,not cynical Nor a bad influence. Human I am,though, And if I should fail at these things, Please forgive me for that as well And if Thou art truly in the heavens, accept my gratitude For the life thou hast granted me And in return I shalt fight the good fight." It was her only pre-mission ritual,and she made sure that no one ever discovered it. _______________________
  11. Kathryn had flopped unceremoniously into a chair to listen.She was silent for a long moment,face blank as she considered the words said. "Sounds dangerous. . ."She said casually,flatly. She let the words trail off into silence again.She didn't really care that it was dangerous.The word itself had been scrubbed from her vocabulary.All that mattered was going in and getting the mission done successfully.When people started worrying about the danger,that was usually when they screwed up. "So,"She continued eventually,"What're the details?I mean,what's the plan,how tight's security?Do they have any idea we might be planning this at all?"She spoke casually of it,as if discussing the planning of a picnic,though she was very serious about it.She didn't sound at all as if she were about to enter an extremely dangerous and risky mission.
  12. Yeah,I understand perfectly well why they changed *some* things,but can anyone tell me why Mystique had to be nude. . .?I mean,as far as I know,she's always worn clothes.The only reasonable explanation is that she's naked just to bring in more people,but I'd really like to think there's a more depthful reasoning behind it. . .In addition,why doesn't she talk?I mean,she's got about 10(if *that* many) lines between both movies. . .In the comics,Mystique never had a hard time talking.And she often had her own agenda,apart from Magneto's,whereas in the movie,she's just sort of another one of his lackeys(sp?). . .
  13. [QUOTE] Alright well first of all Logan never did fight with Captain America, and in the 90's one they did show a lot of past actually. A lot more than they did in Evolution. [/B][/QUOTE] Well. . .actually. . .Logan did fight with Cap,and in the exact period that Evo depicts.I didn't watch the 90s 'toon too much,so I can't say about that,but the Evo 'toon is pretty good at alternating the continuity,but also keeping it the same--which sounds strange,I know,but it's true.I thought the Logan/Cap episode was pretty cool...I like the way they did it,w/ Logan 'n' Cap saving Lensherr and all.I think most all of the episodes are done beautifully. . .except for Power Surge. . I will forever hold a grudge against that episode. . .
  14. I love X-Men:Evolution.I like it even more than the 90s cartoon.Granted,I wasn't a die-hard viewer of the 90s cartoon,but I still think that Evo is better.The art is modern and sleek,something that the X-Men deserved.I like the way,especially,that Scott's beams are done.They arn't just red lines.The visuals are awesome.I think that they should've made it more adult,however.They're greatly limited in character design and plot with it being a kids' show.I suppose that would just make it a slightly different Ultimate X-Men,though. . .Anyway,I haven't been able to watch it in a very long time.I think the last time I saw it,Apocalypse had just been released,with the show ending as Apocalypse's tomb opening.I can never figure out when the show's going to come on.In it's early days,it was on at like 7:30--sometimes.One week it was 10,another it was 8.And everytime I'd scramble to the TV,they'd be playing the same episode--Power Surge.That's the only episode name I know,because they played it so much. . .Anyway,I think Evo's great.I mean,it's fantastic what they did with Rogue and the Scarlet Witch.I am a little irked about Shadowcat's character though. . .She'd always been super intelligent and stuff. . .Now she's kinda. . .airy-fairy,with the word "like" in every other breath. Besides,that,though the idea of taking all our favorite heroes and casting them with the problem of highschool acceptance *and* the utter destruction of the world all at the same time. . ..genius. By the way. . .Does anyone know if Evan was a real character in the comics. . .?I'm almost positive that he wasn't(I can't recall there ever being a mention of Orroro having a sister.. .),but it still bugs me because I don't know for sure.. .
  15. Well,I agree that the Age of Apocalypse was one of the best story arcs,but that would be SOOOooo hard to explain and fully show in under three hours and with a limited budget.I also didn't like the alternate universe thing.I mean,if you're gunna do an X-Men movie,shouldn't you keep to the X-Men continuity?I do understand why they didn't totally stick to it,but still,they even changed Wolverine's background and everything. . .And the fact that the original team wasn't. . .well,the original team(Scott,Jean,Warren,Bobby,and Hank) is gunna change a lot of stuff. . .I wonder what they're gunna do about it. . .
  16. Well,where ever Nightcrawler came from,he's still a very interesting and depthful character. As for Storm's character,I think that she should be included in the movies.I mean,she has a close relationship with almost all the characters,including Jean Grey and Cyclops.I've heard rumor of an attempt at Gambit being introduced,and Storm had a very strong friendship with him as well,as they were both thieves and could relate. As for the cameos,if you watch the list,you can spot a ton of characters,from Remy Lebeau to Samuel and Paige Guthrie.And I also caught the Beast cameo,as the guy being interviewed on TV.They had wanted,or so I heard,to do a full-blue Beast cameo,but didn't have the budget. I think one of my favorite scenes was when Colossus transforms into his steel form.I think they did that wonderfully.It was so awesome! I really wish he'd had a bigger part.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I don't know who you talk to[/B][/QUOTE] Well,I read about six reviews of the movie in various newspapers and such and all six referred to the movie as being "Less than intelligent,but still entertaining."The general complaint of the six reviewers was that the movie was hard to follow and they made several refrences implying that the first movie had the same "problem."I suppose I could be over-generalizing. Anyway,they can do just about anything they want with the movie,I don't care,so long as it stays true to the X-Men and doesn't wander off into some overrated,cheesy,made-only-to-milk-the-frachise direction,I'll be happy.:babble: As for Nightcrawler,he's always been a part of Marvel,as far as I know.His demonic appearance was created by his parents--Mystique and Sabretooth.Which isn't quite surprising,when you take into consideration the physical mutations of both these mutants--yellow eyes and blue skin of Mystique,and the "fur" of Sabretooth.As for his religiousness,I don't believe there was any logical explanation for it.I believe the writers simply decided it'd be a good twist to his character...And it,indeed,is.He's always been one of my favorite characters besides Shadowcat and Pete Wisdom,mostly for his religiousness.I'm not personally religious,but his character fascinates me in that aspect.Continuing to believe even after being cursed with his demonic appearance,even as most people cower from him--believing him evil. . .Well,anyway,I hope to see more of him and his character in future movie(s).BTW,did anyone notice the Munich Circus Posters on the walls in his little hidey-hole in the church that was actually original concept art from way-back-when the Fuzzy Elf had just been created. . .?
  18. I can't believe that they're actually gunna do the Pheonix Saga.I mean,if non-fans were confused by the first two movies,then I don't even want to know what's going to happen when they watch the film adaptation of that story arc.I think Brian Singer did a good job with the film line up so far(besides the way he undermined Orroro's character).The first movie was supposed to be a sort of introduction,while the second was an adaptation of the 1980s arc by Chris Claremont called "God Loves,Man Kills."I'm interested in seeing how he plans of putting the Pheonix Saga into a comprehensive form,seeing as it was one of the most confusing arcs in all of comic book history.I mean,how will people react when they find out that [spoiler]Jean didn't really die[/spoiler]...?
  19. Indeed,they could simply say that Jackman and Berry's characters simply "went somewhere" but,seriously,what would they do without Wolverine or Storm?The only reason they chose the line-up that they did(because in the comics,this particular team never existed) is because these are the characters--Jean Grey,Wolverine,Cyclops,Storm,and Rogue--that non-fan people are most familiar with.I mean,even if you're not totally into the comic scene,you've probably heard of Wolverine and Cyclops and Storm and maybe even Jean Grey and Rogue.I mean,if you take out Storm and Wolverine--Wolverine especially--they've got nothing.If they tried to do a movie without those characters, it'd just be some half-done,weak attempt to make money.And I'd rather that they just stopped than try to make an X-Men movie like that.
  20. So,about the X-Men movies. . .Well,I'm a huge X-Men fan,so I was really excited just to see my favorite characters on the big screen.It was very well done,for the most part,though they did make a few mistakes,in both movies.However,I heard that lots of non-fans(quote,unquote,"Normal people")couldn't understand it and thought it was stupid or boring.So,what did YOU think. . .?:p
  21. ((Sorry 'bout my seriously late entry--computer trouble)) Kathryn sat outside,in the park,head nodding slightly to the beat that poured into her ears from her headphones.People--kids and parents,mostly--that walked by gave her cautious glances and ushered their kids past a little faster.Either that,or they glared at her disapprovingly.It didn't much matter to her,what other people thought,however.She'd long since the passed the stage of caring.She wasn't doing much of anything at the moment,only enjoying the cool breeze,the quiet rustle of the leaves and the gentle laughter of other people who were simply enjoying their day.Of course,she'd never admit the second part of that statement. "Ah,gosh,"She heard one child nearby say to another,"I wish it would snow." "It's way too hot to snow,John,"Said the second kid. "Yeah,but,still.. .." Kathryn smiled slightly.She closed her eyes and leaned her head back,pretending to be even more engrossed in her music.At the same time,she focused her thoughts on the patch of molecules above the two boys.Immediately,she could feel every air molecule at her fingertips,awaiting her commands.She thought of the molecules getting colder,imagined them freezing,pictured the snowflakes that would be caused by the freezing of the molecules.And,thus,it came to be.First just one,then another,and another,until the two boys were dancing beneath a flurry of snow that was only about five feet across,and began only about a foot above them.Kathryn casually got up and left before any of the parents took notice.Of course,the farther away she walked,the weaker the "snow-storm" became,until it died away altogther.She smiled to herself,just as her music stopped and a flat,computer voice spoke through her head phones: "Incoming message" She looked down at her CD player,pressing a small,barely noticable button on the bottom side.Immediately,the false top cover slid back to reveal a screen.It read: "Incoming Message-- New Mission.Report to base immediately." She sighed.It had been such a nice day.She did,however,change her course and head toward the mall.~Well,~She thought to herself,~For every good thing,there must be a sacrifice. . .~ ______________________
  22. I have to agree with just about everyone--it was a fitting ending,but I wish there was more to see.I mean,it took me forEVER to see the whole thing,but once I got to the last episode,and the credits started rolling,I was like--"No,wait!It CAN'T be over yet!Noooo!"It was a rather sad and pitiful moment in my life as I stood,protesting to my TV. . .However,I'm a firm believer in letting things go before they become overrated.*cough*DBZ*cough*Don't get my wrong,DBZ was cool the first six million times that unstoppable aliens came to destroy the Earth,but--it kinda got old after a while.Anyways,I'm glad it ended the way it did.This way,no one can take Spike and mess him up--he'll forever be. . .Spike.And no money-hungry media-types can ever screw him up. BTW,Maladjusted,I love your banner.It's probably the best I've seen so far.Granted,I've only been here for about,um,two days. . .Well,it's still the coolest I've seen.
  23. All-in-all,I LOVE Cowboy Bebop.I really don't think there's a better series out there(though some rank right level with it--Trigun,for example).It was a perfect blend of intelligent humor,suspense,action,beauty,and unpredictability.I knew this as I watched the final episode,but even so,the moment that [spoiler]Julia was shot,I felt the biggest pang of shock and sadness that a show has ever caused me.It was SO well done. . .And then those final moments when Spike staggers down the stairs with nothing left in the world--no loose ends,no arch enemies to take care,but worst of all,no Julia--and he looks up and utters that single word--"Bang."[/spoiler]It was just. . .awesome.I was nearly at the verge of tears.It was like [spoiler]watching a sibling or something die.[/spoiler]You got to know and love Spike so well throughout the series.[spoiler]I never expected him to die.I mean,I expected it,but I didn't really think they'd go through with it.Not till Julia died.Then I knew--I knew it was over for Spike.[/spoiler] Well,anyway,was anyone else as surprised?C'mon,I'd like to hear some other opinions on Cowboy Bebop!:p [color=teal]Spoiler tags added, just in case. -Syk3[/color]
  24. From now to then From then to now It all gets mixed up somehow We grow up We change and fold Grow cold and old Bend and mold We snap and break We love and hate We give and take And all for what? Please tell me this Or perhaps I'll live In ignorant bliss It's all for something I know that much But it's hard to believe When you're cold to the touch So leave me alone You don't talk to me anymore And that's just fine I wish it weren't so But you can't be mine We both are so sorry But that can't help this time Things will never change now Things will always be the same now So leave me alone They said, They said we were dead They said we'd bled Everything out of us I guess they were right Cause I lie awake at night Wondering what happened to me Wondering where I'd be If I hadn't met you What would I do? I'd probably be gone But would that be so wrong? I wouldn't know this ache Wouldn't know how much you could take Away from me Or who I used to be I'm not me now I can't be now So just leave me alone So let's play games no more For they make me ache to the core Let's allow this to decay And let's both go home So go away And leave me alone Listen to me I sound like a lunatic All this sadness is ludacris I forgot to mention that I'm getting better Getting clever They say time heals all wounds But that's not true Trying to heal is no use If you don't want to You can drown in your self loathing You can keep your coating Of hatred on your life Or you can look the other way At that brighter day At the light shining on the decay And it's small at first It's nearly invisible But cling to that light Make it indivisible From who you are Think about it with all your might Hold onto it tight Because it's all you've ever been All you ever could've been It's you And after that,see You're day is only as bad as you allow it to be
  25. Hmm. . .This sounds good,even if it's a bit confusing.I'm probably the biggest X-Men fan around,so I'm extremely interested in seeing how this is going to turn out. . . Real name:Kathryn Wisdom Codename:ShadowFire Age:18 Occupation:(Unknown) Legal Status:Citizen of the U.K. with no criminal record. Group Affiliation:(Okies,this is where I get confused so I'll just pick one. . .)Operation Group #4 Eyes:Ice blue with feline pupils Strength Level:Possesses the normal strength for a physically feet teenager. Mutation Type:Can manipulate air molecules Special Quirk:Though she's normally a hard rocker,she often falls to the beats of other songs(and will never admit that she likes Justin Timberlake's "Rock Your Body"),and loves to dance.Her fighting style often resembles her dancing style. Known Superhuman Power:Can manipulate air molecules,thus heating them to the point of combustion(though the flames,oddly,are black),or lowering their temperature to the point of freezing.With much,much concentration,she can even solidify air molecules into simple shapes.She can also use the air to rise or lower herself,not neccessarily flying,more like--"walking on air". Others:Has shaper than average senses and feline-like reflexes.Her movements are often far more graceful and fluid than others' of her age. Brief History: She doesn't like to discuss her past,preferring to leave it be.She grew up in the service of the British Secret Service,like her father before her--Peter Wisdom--even though her father did his best to steer her from it before his death.She's very secretive,though she rather laid back and non-challant.She doesn't like to fight--but if you start it,she'll finish it. Appearance: Long,dark brown--nearly black--locks frame pale,ice-blue eyes and a soft but deadly face.A faded black t-shirt bearing the like-wise faded and nearly non-existant words "Hellfire Highschool" clothes her torso,and a pair of loose,chain-ridden pants are slung low around her hips.Chains and bangles of every sort decorate her wrists and neck,while her ears sport several piercings.On closer inspection,it's seen that a single,plain hoop pierces her full lower lip.Despite her rather. . .dark. . .apperance,a smile graces her lips--and a welcoming one too. ((Just tell me if you want anything changed)) Identity:Vitually none
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