A man,doused in shadow,sits in a large,plush red chair.A column of smoke drifts from the cigar between his lips.He faces a large,flat screen,upon which is displayed something--much like a television.He begins to speak,though he hasn't acknowledged you prescence yet.
"It's been forty years since the death of bounty hunter Spike Spiegel.His death--along with his assassination of Viscious--brought him fame amongst others in his line of work.Jett Black,Faye Valentine,Ed,and Ein have disappeared,and not a single whisper has been heard from them in forty years.Most assume that they,like Spike,are dead.Who knows."
He pauses and taps his cigar on an ashtray next to him.He continues to watch the screen as he speaks.The program displayed doesn't appear to be average in the least.People dodging bullets and lounging around,aggravating one another and gambling and space traveling.There are no "commercial breaks" and no narrator.
"However,bounty hunters--though few and far between-- are still out there,capturing the criminals that put food on thier tables.Things--corruption,misdeeds,and the like--have worsened in the past forty years.With the ISSP floundering away to nothingness,and bounty hunters growing fewer and fewer,it's all too easy for murderers and criminals and the whatnot to have thier way."
Finally,he turns to you,his chair swiveling slowly.You still cannot completely make out his face.
"You shall ask no questions.You shall be a bounty hunter,but you will work for me.You will take the bounties that I ask without hesitation,and you will be paid handsomely in return."
"So,"You say,"You want me to be your private assassain?"
"No,"The man says with a hint of a smile in his voice,"Not exactly.You will be free to do anything you like,I just want the liberty to have my personally chosen . .criminals. . .taken care of."
He stares at you for a long moment in silence.
"Well?"He finally says,"Will you take it or leave it?"
This is a new story I've got all planned up.There will be five main characters who'll be Original--that you can make up--but each must have some likeness to one of the Bebop crew.In addition,there's room for all sorts of characters--bounties,ISSP officers,syndicates and syndicate members,as well as other antagonists--or allies.
My char--
Name:Kat Spelling
Weight:118 lbs.
Eyes:Blue. . .or brown.. .or are they one of each. . .?
Hair:Black. . .though. . .if you look at it in the right light. . .It has a sort of green tint to it. . .
Occupation:Bounty hunter
Weapons:Guns.More guns.Possesses an uncanny ability with firearms,but normally wields a custom 9 millimeter.
Brief description:
She doesn't discuss her past,preferring to leave it be.Despite her secretiveness and outwardly deceitful ways,she is honest,and very laid back.She's very good at what she does,though some would say that her apathy and occasional goofiness will be the downfall of her career someday.Strangely enough,she's always had a sort of fascination with the late bounty hunter Spike Speigel,as she is linked to him through her teacher and mentor--Faye Taylor.