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Everything posted by jadedshadow

  1. This si one of the best hand held rpgs i have ever played in my life .... the graphics the addictivness .... its all so great .... what do yall think of it ? :flaming:
  2. well .... ive been readoin managa for who knows how long .... im very fond of it .... and i want to start drawin my own .... i have the 1st book in the "how to draw manga" volumed books .... any advice form vetran maga artist out there or njust good artisit at all ....
  3. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3]has anyone ever read this book, i heard its good, i want to read, but i want comments 1st .... please enlighten me ..... [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  4. i loved findin nemo, mad eme laugh and enjoy myself, i had fun takin my bro. we both enjoyed it....!
  5. when was the otaku mentioned on adult swim ?
  6. I have a problem . . . Me and my girlfriend have been goin out ever since may.... We were good friends bvefore that, really good friends .... We started to go out and was having a lot of fun, she waould always worrie thopugh about how the relationmship would end up, i tried bein the best boyfriend by tellin her not to worrie and let destiny handle the path for us, later in teh relationship she told me i embarresed her and she was gettin bored, we stopped talkin for a minute then i saw her one nite and she ignored me like i was just some person, a week later she rights me aletter apologizin sayin that i do annoy her sometimes but she still cares for me and has loive for me, but on the first day of skool syhe dosnt wanna talk to me at all or even approach me, is she sendin me a signal of us breakin up or should i just be depressed an move on from the person i think is my one true love. :confused:
  7. jadedshadow


    :( good char. seems like they try and pose a lott i only like 1 of their songs, young and hopeless
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