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Everything posted by Ratix

  1. I think my english has an accent, but that's because I'm not english :) Could be that I have an accent when I speak normal, but I can't hear it so I dunno really.
  2. I'd like to erase Hate and see what would happen to me. I guess there wouldn't be anything left, Hate is the strongest feeling I have at the moment. Wow, aren't I just the depressed little f*cker.
  3. lol, s ok, it's not like i really know a lot about indie and besides, isn't it weird to classify bands by the label they're signed on? it doesn't really say anything about the music then i guess... oh well. i like most of the bands you named so i guess there are similarities between em.
  4. Ratix


    I dont like to call it a phobia, but I absolutely HATE spiders. Yeah I know, it's stupid and girlie and everything, and I swear I tried to get over it, but I just can't. Baaaah.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]My school is just stupid. Some of the new rules they got this year don't even need to be put on the earth at all. We can't go to the bathroom during lunch unless we finish then we have to wait in a line for 10 min. but if we don't go before lunch is over then we have to wait until we get home. Some people don't get their lunch until 5 min before it's over. Anyone in the hall without a signed agenda will get I.S.S. In the hall you have to stay pressed against the right side of the hall so everybody can have room to get through. The halls are 10 ft. wide and we have to stay on the wall. Nobody's that big. You have 2 min to get to class or you'll be marked tardy and given a level 1 and some people have to walk to the other side of the school. (Me being one of those people) If a male put their hands on a female then the female has the right to slap them but if they don't they get suspended. [/B][/QUOTE] This sounds outrageous to me. Since I'm not used to (such strict) rules, I'd feel myself obliged to break them. But then again, I'm a rebel :D woohoo.:naughty:
  6. Oh yeah, this thread was about overprotective parents... Well, I'm on this board with a few friends, and half of them are Real Life friends, the other half I don't know. So anyway, I told my parents I'd like to meet them some time, and even though they're not from the same country as I am, and they're at least 3 (THREE! :eek: ;) ) years older than me, they immediately said like, oh that's great, really, yeah, good idea, and if they need a place to sleep, they can always stay here!' It's a bit weird, it's like they WANT me to be raped by Dirty Old Men From The Internet or something... Hm....
  7. Yeah, pixely, blurry, and of course the typo... ;) But overall, I think it's ok :)
  8. I don't really have a problem with giving my name or whereabouts to certain sites. It may sound naive, but I really don't know how people could take advantage of that or something. But then again, yeah, I guess I'm naive..
  9. Anime isn't really well known here. I mean, we do have DBZ, Pokemon, Beyblade and **** like that, and we even had Gundam Wing for a while, but that's about it. So most people here don't know what you're talking about when you mention anime, although the word manga may ring a bell... My friends know what manga is, (although they refer to animes as 'manga' too :| ), and thanks to me, 2 of them are kind of interested in it, others just like the style and the rest of em thinks it's childish and stuff... But considering most people don't know anything about anime/manga here, they're doing pretty well :)
  10. Must be Travis. Which means they aren't indie either. And Radiohead are signed on EMI/Parlophone, just like Coldplay...
  11. :eek: Wow, that's quite strict compared to my school... We're not allowed to chew gum in class (not that teachers really notice if you do), you can't use the internet at school more than 15 times a month, if you're late more than 3 times a week you get two hours detention.. And that's about it. We're allowed to wear whatever we want, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of the second formers showed up in bikini's some day... Ok, so you have to take off your coat and hat, but that's not really a rule. It's weird though, most people who have to wear schooluniforms hate those things, but I think it would be so much easier if we had them...
  12. I'd love to go to Iceland once. Or Australia. Or India. Or Sweden. Hell, I'd even go to America, as long as it's Far Away from here! Seriously, I'd love to go anywhere, just on my own, with no-one around to care about. That'd be great...
  13. I love SpongeBob, I think it's brilliant. And it's not just for kids, I mean, some of the jokes are pretty.. dunno, mature? :) Like when SpongeBob says "Let's pretend we're plants! *photosynthesis, photosynthesis*!". Try and explain that to a 7 year old...
  14. According to me Travis aren't really Indie either, I always thought they were the definition of the new kind of britpop. But yeah, I suppose I don't really know what Indie is then... Come to think of it, Eastern Lane, are they Indie too? They're very good.
  15. Ratix


    Hm, I love Obstacle 1. But that's their only song I know... By the way, Evil Pancakes, I love your sig too. Electric Six rock! :)
  16. Well, since I wear baggy (boys) clothes almost all the time, I think most people consider me 'teh kewl sk8R' . Which is rediculous because I can't skate at all :) Which immediately makes me a prep of course.. Oh yeah, I also think they think I'm lesbian. Because I'm one of the few who don't constantly drool over boys and shout "OMG, he's liek, totally gorgeous!!!!!11!!11" all the time... Um yeah, 'liek whatever'....
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