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Everything posted by Arcadia
[size=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Daermon_Nashabe, you've been here long enough on the boards to know that you're going to need a better backstory than that before this thing can continue. Please put a little more effort into the RPG - maybe some details about the gangs and their relations to each other, if they have specific territories within the city, if they have special signs or colors assigned to them, etc. Make these necessary changes so that I don't have to close this thread. I also suggest reading over the stickies at the top of the forum in order to re-acquaint yourself with the level of quality that the Arena is trying to uphold. Thanks, Arcadia[/COLOR][/size]
[size=1][b]You might want to think this one out a little more before starting it up. First of all, the Arena really frowns on RPGs that consist of only one paragraph. While it doesn't have to be something epic, we do ask that you put some effort into it. Four or five paragraphs describing the backstory and the general direction you'd like the RPG to go in is a good way to start. It also helps if you're clear with the ideas being presented. Tell us a little more about Lita - how she ended up in the dungeon, maybe, or who she was before it all went down. Who is the Baronness, and where did she come from? You might also want to be specific about the kinds of powers you allow people to use. Is it strictly magic, or is a more wide range of weapons available? These are the kinds of questions you ought to ask yourself before you start any RPG. It'll make your story stronger and people are more likely to sign-up because they know that you've thought it out and are ready for a good, fun story. Check out the Inn's stickies, which are located at the top of the forum. They'll give you a better understanding of what we look for in RPGs here on the boards. Also check out other RPGs to see what other members are doing with their stories. I'm sure that after you check all these things out, you'll be ready to continue with yours. If you have any questions or concerns, PM me or terra and we'll help you out. Thanks, Arcadia[/b][/size]
[size=1][b]If you'd like your RPG to continue, I suggest putting a little more effort into the backstory. One paragraph really doesn't cut it. Perhaps if you explain the circumstances a little better - go into depth about why the Dragons of Earth want to kill everyone, or tell us if the two groups have respective leaders (like in the show), and if so, who they are, what their motives are, etc. If you just put a little more thought into your RPG, I'm sure you'll find that you can come up with some pretty cool ideas. Check out some of the other threads in the Inn to get a glimpse of what other people are doing with their RPGs. Also, the stickies at the top of the forum are always helpful - read those to get a good understanding of what's expected of you in the Arena. ^_^ Thanks, Arcadia[/b][/size]
[size=1][b]ReturnofthePro, You're also kind of spamming, which is something you're not supposed to do. Please read OB's rules, which you can find in the menu to the left. I also suggest going over the stickies. Reading both will give you a better understanding of what's expected in the Arena and on the boards in general. - Arcadia[/b][/size]
[size=1][color="#993366"]Lynn, double-posting is kind of not allowed on the boards. It would be much easier if you just edit your first post and add any extra information you have in that one, and then delete the second one. I'd suggest reading over OB's rules, as well as the Inn's stickies, to get yourself better acquainted with how things work on the boards. If you've got questions, don't be afraid to PM me or terra. Welcome to OB. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[QUOTE=gsdash7seren]well i would but what do i do im len cross[/QUOTE] [size=1][color="#993366"]The first thing you should do is read over the Inn's stickies. These are the guidelines that help to hold the place together, and they'll give you a good idea of how to go about making or applying to an RPG here in the Inn. If you've still got questions after you're done reading, then PM me or terra and we'll help you out. Otherwise, welcome to the boards. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1]That's because the entire movie was filmed in front of a blue screen. None of the background you see is actually real. The actors had no props to work with, no set, only their lines and their own talents. I'm going insane with excitement for this movie. The entire 40's feel to it is just awesome, and I'm definitely a huge fan of the oldies. I even joined the official site because I'm that cool. [/size]
[size=1][color="#993366"]Regardless of whether or not the story as a whole has a specific plot, you still need to give a better explanation of how this is going to work exactly. There's got to be at least four good paragraphs to introduce the basis of the RPG to people. You can explain the purpose of the mental hospital, if you want, maybe describe the place and give it some personality so that people know what they have to work with. And the story needs direction - even if you're not directly participating, as the creator, you need to exert some form of control. You could do that by using a chapter system, if you like, and introduce the characters one chapter at a time. That would also make it easier to keep the focus on the characters and their own personal stories. I'd suggest reading over the stickies at the top of the forum, and also checking some of the other RPGs here so you get an idea of how things flow. If you've got questions, PM me or terra and we'll help you out. Welcome to the boards. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#993366"]I'd like to take the moment to remind you all of a few rules. First of all, there is [b]no double-posting[/b] anywhere on the boards. There is no reason for it, and there is no excuse. If you've got information to add, then you should edit your previous post or wait for someone else to post first. Second, [b]spam is also quite bad[/b]. Any posts that are too short, have nothing to do with the story, and can otherwise be put into a private message (PM) are considered spam. This includes letting people know you're busy or arguing about the language used in the thread. The Arena is also home to a certain [b]level of quality[/b], so please remember to keep your posts neat and tidy. Proper punctuation and spelling is essential, so continue to keep an eye out for those little things. Read through both [b]OB's rules thread[/b] (on the menu to the left) and the [b]Arena's stickies[/b] (at the top of the forum). Both will give you a better understanding of what's expected here in the Arena and on the boards in general, which is most definitely something all of you need to keep in mind. If you have any questions afterwards, feel free to PM myself or terra and we'll help you out. Otherwise, you've already had one warning. I don't think you can afford another. - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1]I like the idea of a western. I've always been partial to a quick draw, anyway. Although I have to say that I think it's really pretty hard to get away from cliches in the western genre. You can most certainly try, but some of the charm comes from that in the first place. Personally, I think it would be kind of cool to include a few as throwbacks to John Wayne and other famous westerns. You could easily create some humorous elements out of that, if you wanted - like mini parodies, if you will (think Blazing Saddles). Having the good guys be outlaws is a cool idea, too. To follow up on the Riddick idea, maybe the town's sheriff and his law enforcement buddies could be the bad guys, continuing the whole role-reversal thing. I'm sure you could easily fit the anti-hero idea into that somewhere, or mix the whole concept up a little so it fits whatever else you've got in mind. I definitely suggest renting some old westerns to get a feel for the genre as a whole, though. It might even give you some more ideas. ^_~[/size]
Discuss Anime Stereotype High School Underground [PG-VSL]
Arcadia replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
[size=1]Just a thought, but part of the slowness right now might be because nobody's quite sure how to proceed with the classes. I know at least that I'm a little hesitant to push anything forward because I don't know if you've got any particular ideas about how it should run, how long the classes should be, etc. etc. Other than that, though, you already know why [i]I've[/i] been a little ... inactive ... lately. T.T;;[/size] -
[size=1][color="#993366"]Actually, what you all really need to do is read the stickies at the top of the Inn (they're also in the Square) before you do anything else in this forum. For instance, all RPGs in the Arena must have a backstory of some kind (even if it's based off of a pre-existing anime). You must have four to five decent paragraphs describing the general plot and were you'd like to take it or else you really don't have a story at all. When you get right down to it, that's what this forum is for - collaborative story-telling. Other things to look out for: spelling, punctuation, detail, and of course, the overall rating of the RPG. The better your posts are in terms of grammar, the more you have to look forward to in terms of quality. Please, read through both the Arena's rules, as well as OB's, and make the needed corrections to this thread. If you fail to cooperate, then the RPG will be closed. It's not something I like to do, so be sure to fix it up in the next couple days. If you have any questions after reading through the rules, feel free to PM myself or terra. Welcome to the boards! - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1]While quite a few of the school's students were up and about, Aya was still snoozing comfortably in her bed. How she got in her bed, she wasn't entirely sure, but it was a little cozier than the broom closet she'd been in earlier. Especially since that mop kept trying to molest her. Except ... hadn't that been Saturday, and not yesterday? She puzzled over the lost time before coming to the conclusion that it really required too much effort on her behalf, and promptly forgot whatever it was that had previously occupied her brain. After a few minutes of trying to snuggle deeper into the matress and back to blissful sleep, she gave up and stared blearily at the clock. [i][b]10:41[/b]? Almost lunch time.[/i] (Nevermind the fact that she didn't have breakfast, of course.) Yawning and stretching like a cat, Aya decided that the idea of lunch was a very good one and began to make herself presentable to the world. After seven minutes of careful attention to her teeth, she moved on to her daily shower. As she washed, carefully shampooing every strand of her unnaturally healthy, greenish hair, she thought ahead to what she might wear for her first day of class. After all, three years of Hair and Beauty had taught her many, many things, and like any true feline Aya was very particular about her appearance - especially that manicured bedhead that she was infamous for. She had just barely finished rinsing her beloved hair when the water completely shut off. There was still conditioning to do, and herbal treatments, and water was certainly necessary for both (even though she wasn't a huge of fan of H20 in general). Hissing something very unladylike under her breath, Aya quickly pulled on her fluffy yellow robe and marched out of her room, still sopping wet. She [i]hated[/i] being wet, but even worse was the fact that she wasn't anywhere near done with her shower. [i]Somebody[/i] was going to pay for this monstrosity, that was for damn certain, and she was pretty sure it was going to be the first person she met.[/size]
[size=1][color="#6699CC"]I'd appreciate it if you guys would put a little more effort into your sign-ups. While I'm not asking that you write some sort of epic about your character, you could at least submit a few decent paragraphs about what shapes them. One line (which seems to be the popular trend here) certainly doesn't cut it. After all, your characters are the driving force of the entire story - the more you think about them, the better the RPG will become. Also, some of you should remember to use proper spelling and punctuation. It makes your post easy to read and helps with the overall quality of the RPG. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#993300"]This thread is a little out of control. I'd like all of you to [b]read the rules and the Inn's stickies[/b] before you post anything else anywhere. Your RPG [b]must[/b] have a background story, period. If you've based it off of the anime, then it should be that much easier to come up with four or five decent paragraphs about the story and the general direction you'd like it to go in. The same goes for your sign-ups - you know who the characters are, so there's no excuse for a poor biography. I'd also like to emphasize how important quality is to the boards, especially to the Arena. Please use proper spelling and punctuation, and think about your posts. Put some time and effort into them. People will pay more attention to your story and your ideas and are more likely to take you seriously. Unless you make the changes specified above, this thread [i]will[/i] be closed. If you have any questions about anything I've said here or about any of the rules I'm sure you will read, then PM myself or terra and we'll help you out. Thanks, and welcome to the boards![/color][/size]
[quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']I don?t want to sound like a broken record here, but back in the "old" days there were only maybe a few dozen constant posters in the Adventure Arena and as such getting into an RPG made by a respected poster was difficult. This influenced those new to the Arena (myself included) to go back and work on their quality until it was at an acceptable level to get in. Whereas now we don't have that as respected role-players stay the heck away from quality-lacking RPGs and those who create them no longer attempt to up their quality as their RPGs are filled anyway.[/SIZE][/quote] [size=1]Perhaps that worked in the old days, as you say, but I have to remind everyone that the boards have changed [i]incredibly[/i] in the last couple years they've been up. I'm not about to say that I've been here the entire time and I've seen it all, but in the year that I have been here, I've noticed a difference. That's going to happen, whether you want it to or not. The rules that worked then are [i]not[/i] going to work now because of that. RPGs themselves are becoming more creative, and their creators on the whole have been putting a lot more time and effort. They're also opening up their ideas to a lot more people and letting a larger number of members participate. How is this not a good thing? Yes, there will always be a few of those simple, easy RPGs, and yes, there will probably always be spam, as much as I hate to think about it. But as terra mentioned, members have been improving and that's awesome. If you encourage and help them, you can look forward to more of that. But if you continue to belittle them and cut them down, then what else can you expect but spam and flames and the like? On a slightly different note, I think that the amount of 'spammy RPGs' hasn't actually changed that much. Sometimes there's a little more of it, sometimes there's a little less. When there aren't a lot of high quality RPGs in the Inn, then you're bound to notice the low quality ones a little more. Give it a couple weeks and things will be back to 'normal'.[/size]
[size=1][b]Sept. 5, 4:50 pm[/b] The first person of the year to see the school?s infamous orange cat was a small, timid freshman with no real purpose to the story at all. He had been lingering outside Kyoto House, trembling with fear, you see, when the large cat-like creature seemed to appear next to him, sniffing at his bag. The boy had been afraid to go into the dormitory because he had, in fact, seen a very scary and very [I]hairy[/I], muddy creature stomp in earlier. The big creature had obviously been in a foul mood and the first year boy was definitely not brave enough to follow after it. So he opted to sit outside instead and wait for his stomach to stop doing somersaults when the oversized housecat had somehow slinked up to him unnoticed. ?Um,? The boy covered his bag protectively, not quite sure if he should fear this cat or hug it incessantly. It was, after all, the cutest damn thing he?d seen all day, despite the fact that it was almost his size. Compared to the living, breathing snacks from the reception hall (which he now regretted eating, because it most definitely felt like it was still bouncing around in his stomach) and the scary mud man that kept him out of his dorm room in the first place, this big kitty seemed pretty harmless. Tentatively, he scratched the cat behind the ears. ??nice cat.? It was about then he noticed that the seemingly harmless kitty had something green in its mouth. As if on cue, the cat dropped the object onto the boy?s lap. It turned out to be a smallish Cactuar plushie. Where the orange cat had found this plushie, the boy knew not. And if he had known, he probably would have dropped it and run away quickly, but alas, he didn?t know. In return, he pulled a cookie out of his bag that he?d been saving for later (this one didn?t look alive, but you could never really be certain) and held it out in offering. The cat purred very loudly, approvingly, took the cookie and slinked off again. The freshman boy merely waved goodbye and said to himself, ?What a nice kitty.? He didn?t have a lot of time to reflect on his new plushie toy, however, as he was viciously tackled by a cat-man who was yelling something about a Mr. Spiklings. The sleek, orange cat was already inside the building, however, unaware of the possible casualty occurring outside. It pranced upstairs to the fourth floor where it proceeded to curl up in front of somebody?s door, munching very happily on a cookie that was very, entirely inanimate.[/size]
[size=1]Before the movie actually came out, I remember watching the previews for it and wondering if it'd actually be worth going to see. A lot of people were talking about it, but most of it seemed pretty negative. And then I saw Will Smith talk about the movie on Letterman, and then I talked to my mom about the book and realized that it was Asimov, and then the decision was really, really easy. I think it's better than people make it out to be. Very solid acting, awesome effects. Obviously, as others have said, we're pretty used to the man vs. robot/technology idea by now. The fact that the movie was based off of Asimov's book, however, gave it some grace for me. So I'm biased. It's still pretty entertaining, though, and it definitely makes me want to read the book. Like always.[/size]
[size=1]Honestly, this movie was just awful. I was really, really disappointed because I was expecting something with more depth and more thought and instead I got this flimsy thing that only really skimmed the surface here. I think that the idea behind the film - [spoiler]the idea that a few warped couples decide to exile themselves so that they can seperate themselves from violence and sorrow[/spoiler] - was a fairly interesting one, and it could have been well done. But it wasn't. [spoiler]From the very beginning, you see that death and sadness is inescapable, which is probably the major point of the entire story. And yet, at the end, they decide to continue with the false existance? They're just a bunch of cowards.[/spoiler] Maybe [i]that[/i] was a point as well, but whatever it was, it sucked, lol. The beginning of the movie was possibly the worst part of it. I've always understood that in the beginning, you've got some primary characters to introduce and, one way or another, you've got to get the audience to care about what happens to them. It doesn't matter if they love them or hate them, just as long as they care. Watching the beginning of The Village, I realized that I simply did not care what happened to any of these people. Like the entire story itself, I feel like I could have liked these characters had they had a little more depth. But everything felt so forced and rushed, like MNS (to borrow Alex's abbreviation ^_~) was just trying to stuff it all together in time for his big surprise twist, which wasn't actually a surprise at all because a lot of what happened was ridiculously predictable. The Noah discussion. If anything, I'd have to go with the ideas that [spoiler]he was the one who skinned the animals and put them in various places. Like somebody else said, we already saw that he was a violent character (when he was hitting the other guys with sticks), and he probably got locked in that room hundreds of times before. He obviously wasn't afraid of the creatures and he laughed while everyone else was busy pissing their pants. It was all just a big game to him. If anything, Noah was just a child. He did what he wanted, took what he wanted, and when Ivy was taken from him, he retaliated. He may have that "child-like innocence" thing going for him, but also remember that children can also be incredibly cruel without actually meaning to be. They don't know any better.[/spoiler] Okay, I so got distracted there. Anyway, The Village was a definite miss for me, which really doesn't happen that often. The last time I actually despised a movie is when I went to see King Arthur. I even liked Unbreakable and Signs.[/size]
[size=1][b]Sept. 5, 11:28 AM[/b] Aya Kunetsu waved cheerfully at Imric as he was dragged off by a rather fearsome-looking student, knowing quite well that the murderous look in the blue-lensed boy's eyes was most definitely meant for her. Turning abruptly as he disappeared from sight, she gave a loud, satisfied sigh and said to no one in particular, "This is going to be a really great year." She wandered back to her bags and slung them over her shoulder before starting towards the reception in the Hall. The introductory speech had been long and, having heard it numerous times already, Aya had grown incredibly bored in a very short span of time. Luckily she'd managed to entertain herself with some young, fresh meat-- er, nice looking Freshmen boys that were sitting close to her. She was sure that counseling could work out any problems or phobias she might have [i]indirectly[/i] caused. Whistling cheerfully, she skipped into the Hall and proceeded to fling her bags into some unsuspecting passerbys as she began loading her plate with some unnecessary candies and curiously decorative cakes, sending said passerbys crashing into a nearby janitor's closet. The sound of mayhem and destruction that followed turned a few heads, but Aya was already around to the next table, well away from the chaos. The incident did spark something from her memory, however. She had yet to see one Janitor Takahashi, and that was very unfortunate. Though he seemed to loathe her with a passion only equalled by his love for school policy, Aya was quite fond of him. Or at least, fond of teasing him. "So many wonderful memories," she sniffed, brushing away a lone tear that didn't actually exist. One of the students who'd been knocked into the spare closet was now wobbling out, cross-eyed and looking for all the world like he'd been run over by a mob of angry dust bunnies. He eventually collapsed, twitching, to which Aya only tsked at. As she stepped over him to take a seat at yonder table, she shook her head and admonished, "Really, this is no way to behave on your first day of school." The boy glanced up at her retreating form, only to see her strange, cat-like mask grinning back at him from its place around her neck. He promptly fainted.[/size]
[size=1][color="#993300"]Angel_Kiss, you might want to read over the forum's rules before you go any further. All RPGs in the Arena must have some sort of background, even if they are based off of movies or television in some way. If this is based off of Inuyasha, then it should be that much easier for you to come up with four or five decent paragraphs explaining the purpose of the story and the direction you'd eventually like it to go in. Sign-ups should also be included and should also be fairly easy, seeing as the characters already exist. All you have to do is look up the information on the net and create a history appropriate to that character. Like I said, be sure to read OB's rules and also the stickies at the top of the Inn. Both will help you get started and will give you a better understanding of what's expected of everyone on the boards. Also, take a look around the Inn and see what else people are coming up with - that'll give you a better idea of how things are done here. If you have any questions, PM myself or terra and we'll try to sort it out. Otherwise, be sure to edit this post and add the information needed. Thanks, and welcome to the boards. =) - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]I like how EVERY character gets the full treatment and each and every one of them gets developed. That was one things that bothered me in Kill Bill: Why was it so necessary to know so much about the past of O-Ren, but not Vernita Green? What exactly DO we know about Vernita Green? [/color'][/size][/quote] [size=1]I agree with La Tori about this. Part of what appealed to me so much about Kill Bill was the amount of depth that went into some of the characters. All the members of the Viper Assassination Squad got a moment, though some obviously got more than others. I think that Vernita Green got shafted on hers because her story was probably the most straight-forward, and it was kind of like a miniature version of one the important themes in Kill Bill. She chose to be a mother and a wife over everything else, like The Bride; that took priority in her life. Kill Adam has done really well with bringing that sort of character development over into the RPG. What motivates each person, what makes them tick, how experiences from their pasts factor in, all these little things are finally being highlighted on, even more than what was in the movie, and it's pretty cool. In fact, I'd say that it's helped to put more of an emphasis on character development in the Arena in general. [/size]
Art Hand [First Artwork in Years. Slight Harry Potter Reference.]
Arcadia replied to Lady Asphyxia's topic in Creative Works
[size=1]Like Mimmi said, I think you've captured the hand pretty well. I know that I for one [i]suck[/i] at drawing hands, so there's not a lot of advice I can give about that. It does look good, though, and the best I can say is to keep drawing them, heh. I don't know if you know how to shade or not, but I think that it would help give this a little bit of a realistic element. Maybe. The colors help with the fantasy aspect of it, though. I'm definitely sensing magic, but that might also be because I'm a Harry Potter freak. >_>;; Anyway, I likes it a lot. ^_^[/size] -
[size=1]Well Moses, I think that I can safely say that this is the best animation I've seen on the boards in some time. It's just beautiful, partially because of the sexiness that is Dragon Warrior, but also because you make old men look hot. In a purely.. platonic way... of course. >_>;; Anyway. Very well done. Looking forward to further triumphs, as always. ^_~[/size]
[size=1]Funny you should mention that. There hasn't been too much action so far and I think that after Anubis reveals a little bit about himself, that will probably change. I believe that Kaze is going crazy inside the city, and both Elda and Ensis are still back at the airship's ruins outside of the city, along with what's left of the ship's crew (read [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=569423&postcount=140"]this post[/url] if you need to). To be honest, I think we're probably just stalling long enough for Maia and the others to gain some ground towards Ma'Uriith. That, and I'm hoping it'll give them all a chance to kind of show off their magic/fighting ability (or maybe their lack of). How you'd like to do that exactly is entirely up to you guys. Really, though, roasting marshmellows is [i]fun.[/i][/size]