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Everything posted by Arcadia
[size=1][color="#993300"]Otakufan, hold that thought. If you'd like to do some role playing on the boards, you first need to head over to the Recruitment Forum, which is a subforum of the Adventure Arena. There you can sign-up for an RPG or make your own. If you're going to make your own adventure, then I suggest taking a look around before hand - it'll give you a better idea of how RPGs are made. Generally, all RPGs must have a decent backstory. After all, a plot is a very important thing in a story, and that's really what the Arena is - a place to tell stories. Only once you're done recruiting do you move the RPG into the Adventure Arena. I'd advise you to take a look at OB's rules before you do anything else on the boards. Also, check out the stickies at the top of the Adventure Arena (the ones by terra). Those, along with the rules, will give you a much better understanding of how the boards work. If you have any questions or comments afterwards, don't be afraid to PM myself or terra. Otherwise, welcome to the boards. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#993300"]Yes, it should have been in the Recruitment Forum. Which is why I'm closing it now. All RPGs start off there; once you've got all the sign-ups you want, then you move it here. However, you should also note that this is not a proper RPG - you must have a backstory with a few solid paragraphs and an actual purpose. Houka, I do believe I've warned you about spam before, as well. There is no double posting, and there are no one-line posts. Period. If it's not important to the story, then you will keep it to PM only. Please read OB rules and terra's stickies at the top of the forum. You obviously haven't yet, or you wouldn't still be breaking the rules. I'd like to remind you that fail to follow these rules is grounds for a banning. Hopefully we won't have to take it that far. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#993300"]Okay, you're getting warmer, but there's still a few things you might want to add. Such as, the purpose of the RPG. Who is Lira, what is she doing here? Does she have any goals, a vendetta, maybe? It's important that those who would sign-up understand what exactly they're getting themselves into, and in order for that to sink in, you should probably explain it a little more. Also, just a suggestion, but you might want to inlcude more in your RPG's sign-up. A character's personality or background are important factors in any RPG and it's definitely helpful to know that ahead of time. The sooner you make these changes, the sooner you can get this thing off the ground. If you still have any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to PM myself or any of the other Arena mods. - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#993300"]If this is still under construction, then it shouldn't be here. At all. RPGs must first start in the Recruitment Forum, where you explain your story and [i]recruit[/i] other members to join in. Only after you've got the people you want do you start a new thread with the story in here. Be sure to read over OB's rules (in the menu to the left) and the stickies for the Adventure Arena (at the top of the forum) for a better understanding of how the boards and the Arena work. If you have any questions afterwards, PM either myself or terra and we'll help you out. Welcome to the boards, goldengriffin. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#993300"]AmberWolf, darling, I'm afraid I have to close this thread. All RPGs must first start in the [b]Recruitment Forum[/b]. If you'd like to begin a new adventure, make sure that you've got a full, thought-out background story and a few standards that you want others to meet. If members are interested, they'll sign-up. Only after you've got the response that you're looking for do you move it to the [b]Adventure Arena[/b]. You might want to check out OB's rules if you haven't already. Also read over the stickies at the top of both this forum and in the Recruitment Forum. All of this will help you get a better grasp of what we expect and it'll help keep you out of trouble. ^_~ Welcome to the boards. Live long and prosper, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#993300"]Houka, a few things. First, please do not double post. If you have information to add, just edit your previous post and type in what you need. As it happens, your second post is considered spam on the boards and is also against the rules. You might want to read those - you can find the link to them in the menu on your left. Second, you might want to put a little more thought into your story. What exactly is the purpose? The RPG isn't going to go anywhere unless it has direction, and right now I can't see it. I highly suggest going over OB's rules and also the two stickies that you'll find at the top of the forum. Both will give you a much better understanding of what we expect in the Adventure Arena. If you have any questions afterwards, don't be afraid to PM myself or terra. Also remember to make these neccessary changes or else the thread will be closed. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#993300"]I waited a little to see what changes would be made, but it seems as if a few things still need to be straightened out. First of all, [b]all RPGs must have a backstory[/b]. The Arena is a place in which role players can come together and tell a story, but unless they have something to work with, then there's no story. You cannot post up a character and hope that somebody else will do the work for you. Second, I need to emphasize the importance of detail to you all. Your sign-ups are poor and very few of them come close to being acceptable. It seems like none of you have put any thought into this, whatsoever. Characters should be interesting and dynamic, and their sign-ups should reflect that. They are, after all, the driving force of any story and without them, you have nothing. A few lines for a background absolutely does not cut it. I'm closing this thread. When you've thought up a decent background (with a few good, solid paragraphs to describe it with), then you can try to recruit again. Also note that this is a warning for all you to improve the quality of your posts. [b]Read the stickies above the forum[/b] - they're there for a reason. Also, take a look around at some of the other recruitment threads to get a better understanding of what we're asking. If you have any questions or comments, PM me and we'll talk about it and try to work something out. Until then, please put a little more effort into what you do on the boards. - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF6600"]In order for this thread to continue, Angel_Wolf, you first need to think it through a little more. You must have some sort of story line or background information to begin with. Without it, the story doesn't even exist. There's no direction, no purpose, and all RPGs in the Adventure Arena need both of these things to survive. Read over the rules thread for OtakuBoards and also the two stickies you can find at the top of the forum. Both will explain in detail what you need to know. I also want to stress the importance of quality to both of you - a lot of time and effort goes into RPGs here on the boards and it shows. Please think about your sign-ups. Again, please review both our rules and the stickies and edit this thread so that you meet our requirements. Otherwise, it will be closed. If you have any questions or concerns, PM either myself or terra and we'll help you out. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF6666"]Sephiroth, you might want to go over a few of OB's rules before you do anything else. You'd find that double posts are considered spam on the boards and are therefore discouraged. The easiest way to add more information to a thread is to edit your previous post. Otherwise, you'll just have to wait for someone else to post first. Please make sure you edit and delete the extra posts you have here. Just copy and paste them all together, if you like. If you have any questions, PM myself or terra and we'll straighten them out. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][b]Name:[/b] Marque Jones [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Biography:[/b] Born into the rubble and chaos of the early 1940s, Marque never knew her father, like many other children of WWII. Though he was an honest, brave soldier and a good man, he was also a black man. Divisions like his were sent out on suicide missions to parachute into enemy territories, steal German intelligence, and destroy the nearly impenetrable Axis compounds. While a rare few of the black divisions managed to win the day and come back in a blaze of glory, most were slaughtered. Marque?s father was one of the slaughtered. All she and her mother got in return was an officially stamped letter from the President and his sincerest sympathies. For a long while it seemed as though the two Jones women were destined for misery ? they had made the mistake of being poor, female, and black in a time were all three were held in low regard, if any at all. It took all they had to keep their father?s little corner store from going under. Thankfully, Marque?s mother was a careful, clever lady and her business acumen saved them many times over. Luckily, the woman?s ventures did not go unnoticed. A prominent figure in Triton (the small shore town Marque grew up in) and also in business began making regular stops into their store. At first, the Jones women thought he was just another white vulture, swooping down on them in order to buy them out. But as they saw more of him they discovered that their previous suspicions were only half true. While Mr. Markson had initially planned to do that very thing, his continuous visits had also lent him a different perception of these women, especially Marque?s shrewd mother. By the time he made his move, his plans had changed entirely, and he was secretly developing a bit of a crush on Mrs. Jones. He offered the woman ownership of one of his own stores in nearby Key City, as well as continual ownership of her late husband?s store, if the two businesses merged together. And so just after Marque?s nineteenth birthday, she and her mother hired a manager for their Triton store and moved to Key City in order to begin a new life with their new business partner. Marque loved the city instantly (though Triton would always be her home) and eventually enrolled herself at the local university. Life still wasn?t easy for the two Jones women, but they had no doubt that they had made the right decision. Currently Marque is in her fourth year at the university, majoring in business. She helps out at the store as much as she can and also does her part in a certain Civil Rights movement that has spread like wild fire across the country. Although she isn?t always accepted because of various racial or gender reasons, Marque continues to fight and prove herself ? something she learned from both her parents. [b]Personality:[/b] Marque is a very willful woman with a strong sense of right and wrong. She grew up under her mother?s guidance and because of her father?s store, she knows what hard work is and isn?t afraid to get her hands dirty. She?s also learned to fight for what she believes in and for what she knows is right, even when it seems like the whole world is against you. Both her parents were fighters and really, her life was exactly like that ? one battle after another. She also feels very strongly about civil rights and lends tons of time and effort into the cause, though she doesn?t believe that the different riots and street skirmishes between blacks and whites are the way to do it. WWII, though now decades old, still shadows much of her life and if there?s one thing that she desperately wants to stop, it?s that kind of brutal violence and discrimination. Because of her involvement in both the movement and with Mr. Markson, she?s also learning that gender and ethnicity are not standards to judge a person by and is striving to remember that. Despite that, however, Marque has a strong dislike for the government and especially for the military. She strongly disapproves of their actions in WWII (including her father?s suicide missions and later the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and sometimes finds it hard to conceal that disgust when working towards change. [b]Profession:[/b] Ms. Jones is currently a student enrolled at Key City?s local university. With a major in business, she hopes to eventually join her mother and Mr. Markson and continue the dream that her father once had. On the side, she?s an activist for civil rights both on the campus and in the city itself. [b]Physical Description:[/b] Dark-skinned and fairly pretty, Marque leaves an impression on most people she meets. Her dark hair is short and slightly curled and her almond shaped eyes are a deep, warm brown. What gets most people, however, is her smile ? always big and bright and friendly. Tall and graceful, she?s a practical dresser, but can look comfortable in just about anything. [/size]
[size=1][color="#FF6666"]Another thing we'd like you to remember, Aurora, is that the Adventure Arena (and OtakuBoards as a whole) works to emphasize quality. This means that each post should be well thought out and should contain proper grammar (capitalization, spelling, punctuation, etc.) so that your ideas are clear and it's easy for other members to read what you've written. If you want to tell a story, then you have to make sure that others understand what you're trying to say. Programs like Word are easy to use and can help you clean out a lot of mistakes. You can write your posts in there and then just copy and paste it onto the boards. Please put a little more effort into your posts, and as both terra and I mentioned before, look over the stickies that have been posted at the top of this forum. If you want to become an active member on the boards, then your post quality [i]must[/i] improve. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1]I wasn't a huge fan of the first one, but I thought that Spider-Man 2 was a great improvement to the series. The special effects were [i]much[/i] better in this one than in the first, as Kazuko mentioned. Much more believable. Especially Doc Ock's arms.. those were just cool. And while I'm not going to hail the actors performances as pure works of art, it was at least entertaining, and that's good enough for me. I thought that Dunst as MJ was a lot better in this one than in the first because she didn't act like a trashy whore, but that's just my opinion. The one thing I thought was sort of interesting about the movie (after I thought about it) was when [spoiler]Dr. Octavious said that thing about "using your intelligence for good" to Peter. I don't know a ton about Spider-Man, but originally didn't Peter Parker actually make his own sticky web stuff?[/spoiler] Kind of fitting, I guess. I am looking forward to the third movie, though. Even though [spoiler]the whole scene with Harry talking to his dad in the mirror, and then subsequently finding all his dad's old Green Goblin stuff was kind of.. eh, James Franco is going to rock my socks when starts causing chaos.[/spoiler] ^_^;[/size]
[size=1][b]Name:[/b] Jenna Wright [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Thin and a bit on the short side, Jenna?s sinewy build is of a woman who works out regularly. Because of that, she?s a freakishly strong little girl. Jenna?s dirty blonde hair is short, cropped off at her chin and her almond-shaped eyes are a dark brown. Her natural skin tone is a little darker than a blonde?s should be, but because she?s always outside (for one reason or another), Jenna?s already tan skin gets even darker. More often than not you can find her in a pair of old blue jeans, a tank top, and the occasional baseball cap, although she doesn?t go anywhere without her trusty running jacket. [b]Background:[/b] Born and raised in Ottawa, Jenna has grown up hating the small-town mentality and as a child, did her absolute best to not fit in with the other kids. She wound up getting in trouble a few times, but eventually when her teachers realized that she wouldn?t change, they stopped caring. When they stopped paying attention to her antics, Jenna stopped. For the most part. Instead, she focused more on sports, especially track and field. She went through high school without a stitch, and even managed to graduate with honors. Her scholastic achievements helped to give her a free ride to the local university, where she is currently majoring in journalism. At the moment she holds an internship with Ottawa?s biggest newspaper and has made something of a name for herself, but that?s still not enough. Her hope is to get her degree and then move out of Ottawa as fast as she can, and possibly get a job with a different newspaper or magazine somewhere on the east coast. Her recent break-up with her boyfriend of a year has only fueled the need to get away. Although she knew that the two would never actually last, she hadn?t really expected it to end as soon as it did. Or as ugly as it did - she had caught him in a rather horrific position with her roommate. She didn?t consider it a big loss, especially since she didn?t actually like her roommate ? the woman was obsessed with her stupid, fat cat. She does have the sneaking suspicion, however, that she?s going to need therapy. Now freshly single and more motivated than ever, Jenna?s moved into a new apartment with [I]no[/I] roommate, a large area devoted to her writing and photography, and no cats. [b]Equipment:[/b] A small digital camera, which she habitually takes everywhere on the basis that good stories can be found anywhere. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Obviously, she has no love for cats in the slightest, and because of an accident that happened when she was a little girl, she?s deathly afraid of bridges and large bodies of water. [b]General:[/b] Zombies are scary.[/size]
[size=1][color="#FF6666"]Aurora, a few things. First, all RPGs should first start out in the Recruitment Forum, which is a subforum of the Adventure Arena. That's where you explain your story and [i]recruit[/i] characters. Only after you've done that do you move the RPG over into the Arena. Second, if you check around a lot of the threads in the Recruitment Forum, you'll find that they have at least one thing in common - every background story is a few solid paragraphs long. Thought and detail have gone into these RPGs, and it shows. If you'd like to join an RPG or start your own, I highly suggest taking a look at some of the others so you get a general idea of how things are done. If you haven't already read over OB's rules, definitely do that now. You can find them in the menu bar to your left. Also, check out the stickies at the top of this forum. Those will be a huge help to you in understanding how the Arena works. If you have any questions or concerns, just PM myself or terra and let us know. Oh, and welcome to the boards. ^_^ Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[quote name='wrist cutter']You should've asked me that when I was 5, then I could've given you an answer.[/quote] [size=1]Yeah. lol I love Jurassic Park, and I've always liked dinosaurs for one reason or another. For a long time I was [i]sure[/i] I was going to be a palaeontologist. It's just so darn [i]fascinating[/i]! I know I've seen the first one plenty of times (and in French, no less - thank you high school), but it's been a while since I've seen the second one, although the idea of letting a tyrannosaurus loose on New York was kind of exciting. I'm pretty sure I've never seen the third movie, unfortunately. Bean makes a valid point, though, with the "man vs. nature" theme, and the idea of "playing God" is incredibly revelant to genetic issues. In the movie, Hammond used the genes he found in old fossils and mosquitos stuck in bits of amber to recreate the dinosaurs. In real life, scientists are using genes to clone animals, they're altering genes with steroids and other weird supplements, using gene therapy to help and heal those who have specific genetic diseases, and so on. While some of it is being used for the greater good and for a better understanding of the human body, a lot of it is obviously controversial and many fear that we as humans are messing around in places we shouldn't be. I just think it's pretty cool that the book and movie sort of cover both sides of the argument and still make it incredibly entertaining and easy to understand without actually hitting people over the head with it. [/size]
[quote name='Arcadia][size=1][color="#FF6666"]I'd also like you to check out the stickies that are at the top of this forum. We require that any potential RPGs have [b]at least a few good, solid paragraphs for a backstory[/b]. Please put a little more detail into yours. Explain more about the battle, what brought it on, who the key players are (if any), etc etc. To get an idea of what I mean, check out some of the other threads in the Recruitment forum.[/color'][/size][/quote] [size=1][color="#FF6666"]I see the changes that you made, and I appreciate the fact that you're working with me here, but I need to emphasize that one paragraph as a background still doesn't cut it. Try using some dialogue as a sort of introduction to things, or even a mini-battle to get things started. But you have to add something. If there's two of you working on this, then it shouldn't be too hard to think something up between the two of you. Again, check out the stickies at the top of the forum, and also read through some other threads in the Recruitment Forum for more ideas. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know through PM. Otherwise, this is your second warning. Next time you won't get one, and the thread will be closed. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF6666"]Unborn Lord Xion, please flesh out your story a little more. What you have now is more like an outline - give it more thought, more detail. Explain more about the movie and the idea of the Pagemaster. I know that I've never seen it, so I haven't any idea of how all of this would work. Chances are, there are others who feel the same way and might sign up otherwise. If you have any questions or concerns, PM me and let me know. In the meantime, make whatever changes you need so that I don't have to close this thread. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF6666"]Although you can be sure we're all extremely happy for you, please don't post spam like this again. The Adventure Arena is for role playing only. If you'd like to join in a game, check out the Recruitment Forum to sign up. Otherwise, I suggest going over OB's rules, which you can find on the menu at the left. You'll become much more familiar with the boards and all that's expected of its members. Welcome to OtakuBoards. ^_^ Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF6666"]Please put a little more work into your backstory before you continue. All RPGs in the Recruitment Forum must have at least a few good, solid paragraphs in order to explain the general storyline and the direction it will probabaly take. Right now, you do not have enough. You put a lot of effort into your character's bio, so hopefully you'll be able to do the same with the RPG itself, or the thread will be closed. I suggest you read terra's stickies at the top of the forum to get a better understanding of what we expect from RPGs. If you have any questions or concerns, just PM myself or one of the other Arena mods and let us know. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[quote name='KarmaOfChaos][color=deeppink'] I'd still like to know more about your characters...you're keeping us in the dark. ;-;[/color][/quote] [size=1]That's what I'm saying. Another good chapter, old boy. Spot on. There were a few parts that made me laugh and I don't know that they were actually supposed to. Twas this, [i]Jacob was sure that these lights had caused their fair share of epileptic fits over the years.[/i] ... and this, [i]After wiping a stray banana peel off of the top of his head...[/i] Epileptic is such a cool word. Right, back to the story. This chapter was actually a little slower for me than some of the others, possibly because I (as the reader) already know what Jacob is just finding out - that the government is up to some fishy business. I do really like the introduction of the piano man, though, and his strange ability to entrance people with his music. That's cool. Mr. Smith is creepy, though.[/size]
RPG Brave Fencer Musashiden: Thirstquencher's Revenge
Arcadia replied to PiroMunkie's topic in Theater
[size=1]"Well, this is silly." After somehow making it out of her family's garden alive and cleaning as much strawberry as she could out of her robes, Melon's mother had immediately set her to work again. This time she was to make a quick trip to the grocery to get a few things here and there for dinner, which was her usual job in the first place. But as she stood outside the grocery, Melon realized that she couldn?t remember what it was her mother had sent her out for in the first place. [I]It?s nothing if not up to par,[/I] she thought absently, chewing on one of her many braids. Ten minutes later, Melon realized she was still standing in front of the grocery. A slight bit of pink colored her cheeks and she sighed, and then started towards the fountain. She hoped that if she sat and thought about it, she might be able to remember what it was that she needed to buy. ?Not that it had ever worked for her before, but it was at least worth a shot. Besides, she had always liked the fountain. The water was so clean and sparkling and it was always a great spot to relax. There were times that Melon was sure the sound of splashing of water helped clear her thoughts. Her mother had even told her once that there was some water that, when you drank it, actually did heal and cleanse. Her eyes wandered around the center of the village as she perched herself on the cool stone. There were a few people out and about, but she only recognized one person, a boy in white robes with a strange black cloth over his mouth. She might not have actually known the boy, though. It was entirely possible, in fact, that she didn?t know him at all. That sort of thing did occasionally happen to her, after all. A sudden ticklish feeling in her nose caught Melon?s attention and she froze instantly. A wave of dread washed over her as she whispered urgently to nothing, ?Oh no, not now, not now, not now...? She tried to rub away the sensation, but it only grew stronger. She shook her head, sending her braids flying, but still it grew stronger. And then it happened ? the unthinkable! - her eyes squeezed shut and her hands flew up to cover her nose as? [I]she sneezed[/I]. Not once, but three times. There was a pause before Melon cracked one eye open, half expecting the fountain to be in shambles or thunder clouds to come rolling in. But there was nothing. Nothing! ?Nothing!? She cheered happily, jumping to her feet. ?Nothing, nothing, nothing!? Immediately following her victory dance, Melon remembered exactly what it was that her mother wanted her to buy: extra milk for dinner. Now feeling particularly fabulous (despite the rather unattractive strawberry stains on her robe that had cause her some grief earlier), Melon skipped off to the grocery to finish her mission, humming happily.[/size] -
[size=1][color="#FF6666"]Okay, before this gets any further, we need to go over a few things. First on the list, [b]Hell_knightumi[/b], I'd like to refer you to a few links. One of them is OB's rules thread, which you can find on the left hand side of the page (in the menu). After reading through that, you'd see that we don't like [i]double-posting[/i] here - if you've got information to add to your thread and no one else has posted, just use the [i]edit option[/i] and add whatever it is you want. I'd also like you to check out the stickies that are at the top of this forum. We require that any potential RPGs have at least a few good, solid paragraphs for a backstory. Please put a little more detail into yours. Explain more about the battle, what brought it on, who the key players are (if any), etc etc. To get an idea of what I mean, check out some of the other threads in the Recruitment forum. Second, I have to stress the importance of quality to all of you - remember to use proper punctuation and spelling within your posts. Make sure your ideas are expressed clearly and that you've covered all possible parts of the bio. The more effort you put into your sign-ups, the better your character will be and the better the RPG will be overall. If any of you have any questions or concerns, just PM either myself or one of the other Adventure Arena mods and let us know. Also, please edit the thread and add to your story or else I'll be forced to close it. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[quote name='KnightOfTheRose][size=1']I don't neccessarily think people are afraid of death, but of leaving the world behind.[/size][/quote] [size=1]I think that's a big part of it. I'm not afraid of dying. I don't know what - if anything - happens after death, and right now I don't think it matters. I have a life to live and that's more important to me. If I died now, it would suck because I'd miss out on a future full of adventures, but at least I would have tried to live my life to its fullest up to that point. There's no point in worrying over something that might or might not happen. What I am afraid of, however, is my loved ones dying. It's not this huge, constant fear or anything, but it's there. And it's definitely one thing that I will [i]never[/i] be ready for, no matter what.[/size]
[size=1]Well, that really sucks. Poor dead manager. ^_^; It took me a bit, but I finally caught myself up and read through all ten chapters. The story is awesome - I have no idea what's going at all, but I love it anyway. All the little hints and new perspectives you introduce only add to the feeling, and it definitely keeps up the interest. Well, that, and you used the name Julia. ^_~ I don't really haven't any complaints grammar-wise. I like the use of repitition (when it's used for the literary purpose, of course ^_~) and the as-a-matter-of-fact-ness that a lot of the sentences seem to have. Some of it is very [i]Catch-22[/i] to me, but it's also obvious that you've got your own thing going here and I can't wait to see where you're going to take it. So yeah, whoo for Shin! [/size]
[size=1][color="#FF6666"]Jynxthehero, please read over the Arena's two stickies (and also OB's standard rules, if you haven't already). You'll notice that we have a few simple rules for all RPGs made. First, you must have a detailed back story. A few good paragraphs are necessary if you don't want this to be closed. Second, you should think about what you want from each character. What sort of stats should potential players include when they sign up? Should the sign ups for each class (wizards, swordsmen, etc.) be different? These sort of things are important. Not only does it show that you've actually thought about the story and put some effort into making a quality RPG, but it also shows other members what direction you want to take the story in. Check out other RPGs in the Recruitment forum to get a better idea of what I mean. Also note that proper grammar and spelling are required. Any sort of spell check systems (like in Word) are your friends. If you have any questions or comments, don't be afraid to ask. Just PM myself or one of the other Arena Mods, and we'll do our best to help you out. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]