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Everything posted by Arcadia

  1. Arcadia

    Fighting Back.

    [size=1][color="#FF6666"]Tinsely, you might want to read over the Arena's two stickies, as well as OB's rules, before you go any further. All potential RPGs must include both a well thought-out background story (which should be a few paragraphs long), as well as whatever rules and/or requirements that you personally have as the creator. This includes any sort of stats that you'd like the characters to have. For instance, with the wizard, you might want those who sign up to include any special spells or powers that he or she might have. For a better understanding of how the recruitment forum works, just take a look around. Please add to this by posting new information or editing your first post. Also, Ryu_Sakura, while your intentions were undoubtedly good, I'm going to ask that in the future you leave this sort of thing to us Mods. If you come across something like this again, you can report it by clicking on the exclamation point button in the top right corner of the post. If either of you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to PM myself or one of the other Arena Mods. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  2. Arcadia

    duel masters

    [size=1][color="#FF6666"]Eclips, please read over OB and Arena rules so you can better understand why I'm closing this thread. First of all, if you'd like to start an RPG, you should first post your story ideas in the [b]Recruitment Forum[/b]. There you can try and pick up other players for your RPG. Once you feel you've got enough people, you may then open the actual thread here in the Adventure Arena. Also, all potential RPGs [b]must have a background story.[/b] So if you're feeling too lazy to make one, then I'm afraid you're out of luck. Again, please read over both stickies at the top of this forum, as well as OB's rules - both will help you out and give you a better start here on the boards. If you have any questions or comments, please PM myself or one of the other Arena mods. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  3. [size=1]I think that Cowboy Bebop has a [i]ton[/i] of memorable episodes - nobody can deny that. Especially in the last couple DVDs, where everything starts coming together (or falling apart). That's what makes Cowboy Bebop a favorite to so many people. There's something for everybody. One of my most memorable episodes out of Cowboy Bebop is [b]Episode 18: Speak Like A Child[/b]. This is the one where Faye [spoiler]gets a mysterious package but refuses to pay for it. So Jet pays for it instead and then he and Spike end up searching all over Earth for the equipment needed to watch the video tape.[/spoiler] The entire episode is incredibly funny, and then in the last few minutes they're finally able to watch the tape and the mood changes entirely. [spoiler]The tape reveals images from Faye's past.[/spoiler] There was something about the episode that was sort of sad, and yet still touching, and I think seeing Faye [spoiler]as a little girl[/spoiler] really made you feel closer to her. Since she's one of my favorite characters in CB, it's an episode that definitely sticks out in my mind. ^_^;[/size]
  4. [size=1]On her knees in her family?s garden, picking various fruits and vegetables for her parents and avoiding thoughts about the incident that sent her out in the garden in the first place, Melon began to wonder how she ever got such klutzy genes. Her mother was the very picture of grace, and grandmother before that was one of the foremost female wizards of her time. Even the males in her family had all the grace that should have come naturally to her. And yet her little branch of the family tree was sadly lacking. She rubbed away a ticklish feeling on her nose, and then wiped her forehead, turning her gaze towards her house. From her spot under the oak, she could see her mother working in the kitchen, probably cooking up something wonderful and disaster-free. [I]The problem isn?t that I can?t cook,[/I] Melon thought to herself, sitting back in the dirt with a sigh. That much was true; the few times she?d managed to cook something without blowing up the kitchen the dishes had been quite delectable. [I]It?s just that I have the amazing ability to cause chaos with a simple flick of my wrist.[/I] And for a wizard, she flicked her wrists very well. ?Melon, dear, you?re sitting on the strawberries,? Her mother called from the window then, her expression a mix of humor and concern. The green-haired wizard just stared at her for a few seconds before dropping her head in her hands. [I]Why me?[/I] She spent the next half an hour salvaging whatever strawberries she could, muttering over the terrible irony of the situation and the terrible condition her robes would be in after she was through. She filled a small wicker basket full of them, and then set it by the window and then knocked on the glass. Her mother appeared and smiled, opening the window again. ?Thank you, Melon.? The older wizard took the basket and held it in one arm, using the other to prop the window open with a heavy stone. ?Finish filling the other basket and then we?ll see about picking up some extra milk from the grocery.? Melon nodded, wiping her forehead again before returning to the garden. Running errands was her usual job, seeing as she was not as likely to destroy something. It would be nice to see a few familiar faces, as well, and a trip to the grocery was exactly the way to do it. Once the vegetables were picked and sorted neatly in the larger basket, Melon grabbed it by the handles and began to carry it back into her house but unfortunately didn?t make it very far. As she stepped around the old oak, her foot caught on one of the roots and sent her sprawling. The basket nearly exploded, spilling its fresh, green contents all around her in a rather decorative way. A loud sigh escaped her lips as she set her chin in her hand, chewing lightly on one of her braids. ?Figures.?[/size]
  5. [size=1]I'm merely reposting the sign-up I used for Ms. Melon from the first round. Maybe this time she won't get into so much trouble so quickly. ^_~ [b]Name:[/b] Melon Straubarri [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Class:[/b] Wizard [b]Description:[/b] Average height and build for her age, Melon?s most defining characteristic is her light green hair. She wears it long and in separate braids, and has a tendency to chew on it whenever she?s nervous. Decked in simple brown robes, she is able to hide an amazing number of things in them. [b]Bio:[/b] Melon?s family has always produced wizards, and as a baby, Melon herself had shown very good signs of having the family talent. She learned to speak quickly and often crawled around the house curiously, wanting to know about everything. When she sneezed, peculiar things happened ? lights went out, windows blew open, and glasses exploded. However the more she grew, the more her parents doubted their original predictions, for Melon was turning out to be a rather clumsy girl. She often turned up late for her daily lessons, and had quite a tendency to fidget and/or zone out during them, much to her instructor?s dismay. And you could be quite certain that her parents wouldn?t let her anywhere near the cooking and dishes for fear that something catastrophic might occur. At 16 now, Melon?s grown up a little bit more and has a greater control over her mind and body, though she?s still prone to slip up a bit. She?s very proud of her spells, especially when she actually gets them off right, and practices very hard so that it stays that way. Occasionally strange things will happen still when she sneezes, something she has grown to dread. [b]Starting Point:[/b] Grillin Village [b]Primary Spell/Weapon:[/b] [u]Dragon?s Kiss[/u] ? Elemental attack that focuses on fire. Melon blows her enemy a kiss, resulting in a bath of fire and one very hot enemy. More often than not a very dragon-like roar accompanies the fire; the loudness of the roar is directly connected to the strength of the attack. [b]Secondary Weapon/Item:[/b] A charmed watch, with a simple silver chain. When Melon swings the watch, it acts as a pendulum and slows her attacker down. [b]Items:[/b] One First Aid Pack, a canteen of water, fruit. *I didn?t want to max her out with items yet since I?m not quite sure what?s possible and I'd prefer her to have some left over storage room in case she picks up some fun things. [b]Spell(s):[/b] [u]Hold Still[/u] ? An earth spell. Vines shoot up from the ground and latch onto the enemy, holding him/her/it in place. It buys her time (in the form of an extra turn) and/or allows for any companions to get one attack in. [u]Early Frost[/u] ? Ice spell. Creates a box-like encasement of ice around the attacker that stops him/her from making any physical attacks. Magical attacks can get still get through, but their potency is decreased by one half. [u]Cats and Dogs[/u] ? A sky spell that halts an enemy?s magic ability for one turn. A cartoonish cloud appears above the attacker and pours rain on them, canceling any spells made. It doesn?t do much for physical attacks except makes the person very wet and most likely angry.[/size]
  6. [QUOTE=Gotenks]I need an avatar of Super Sayin 3 Gotenks. Thanks.[/QUOTE] [size=1]Finding a good, not fuzzy/pixelly picture of Gotenks was hard, but I tried. ^.^;; Let me know how this one works out for you. [/size]
  7. [quote name='artmasta']well only 2 member spots left. Well Terra I don't need to give a storyline because if people saw Digimon: The Movie, theres no need to make up a storyline becuz if I did, there wouldn't be that many people joining this RPG..[/quote] [size=1][color="#FF6666"]On the contrary, my dear friend, [b]you must provide a background whether or not your RPG is based off of a movie[/b]. Since yours is based off of Digimon: The Movie, it should be that much easier to explain the basic story line because you already have it written out for you. All we're asking for is a little more effort on your part; a few decent paragraphs is not a big deal. If you can't meet that standard, then perhaps you should find another web board. If you have any further questions or comments, please PM either myself or terra. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  8. [size=1]While I've never read the actual manga, I've seen both X the movie and the series and I liked both of them, when I first saw them. Looking back on the movie, I probably wouldn't have liked it as much if I had seen it recently. The series is far superior to the film, hands down. It covers so much more about the characters and their stories and unlike the movie, it doesn't leave you feeling like you've been shafted. That, and the art is simply gorgeous. Unfortunately I don't remember the ending as well as I should, but I think I was pretty happy with it. It was definitely better than the movie version, but that's all the comparison I can give without watching it again. On a side note, one of my favorite things about the series is the jokes that my friend and I have made about it. If you've seen it or are a good ways into the series, you'll know that [spoiler]every time Kamui tries to fight Fuu he gets knocked out (rather easily, might I add) and then one of his friends dies.[/spoiler] For a series as dark and brooding and angsty as X is, the few laughs you can get out of it are very needed. All jokes aside, though, it's an excellent series. Gorgeous. [/size]
  9. [size=1]Right now I only know one thing for sure: [b]I am NOT voting for Bush.[/b] But at the moment I feel like I'd only be voting for the lesser of two evils. Once again, there doesn't seem to be much to choose from as far as good candidates goes. Not voting is the bigger crime, however, so I guess we'll just have to see how it goes.[/size]
  10. [size=1]I think I can safely say that Sara has more of the movie lines memorized than I do, but I could hold my own pretty well. [i]The Princess Bride[/i] is definitely one of my favorite movies - it's got witty dialogue, true love, giant rats, pirates, sword fighting, a creepy old lady that yells "Boo, hiss," eels, giants, Fred Savage (I loved the Wonder Years - so sue me), people rolling down hills, and a man with six fingers... it's just perfect! The Iocaine scene is probably one of my favorites in the movie. I actually used that as a monologue once for a theatre assignment. But picking favorites out of that movie is hard because the entire thing is just brilliant to me. Brilliant, I say![/size]
  11. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]QuakeChamp, I'm going to ask you to please read over both OB rules (found on the left menu) and also the Adventure Arena stickies (which are at the top of the forum). First off, double-posting is not allowed. Either you have to wait for another person to post, or you just add the information into the already existing post by using the edit button. Second, post quality. We have a standard in the Arena that we encourage all members to meet, and right now, you haven't met it. Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation should all be used in each post, as well as detail and description. Length is another issue - generally we ask for a few good, solid paragraphs in the Arena because, after all, we're telling stories in here. Please put a little more thought and effort into your posts. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  12. [size=1]I'd have to say that my brother plays guitar better than these guys do. If you know the basic cords, you can play their songs. There really isn't a whole lot to the music besides that. Just a few more guys getting their fifteen minutes. Don't get me wrong, though. I've got the JET CD and I love it, for the most part. It's fun music to dance around to while you're, say, cleaning, or getting ready to go out, or something like that. There's a lot of energy to it, which is always nice.[/size]
  13. [size=1]The walls of her mother's manor had proved to be entirely too suffocating to Ascencia and though try as she might, the only peace she could find on the entire estate was in the family's private temple. It was a small thing, but it was beautiful to the fencer, and she adored every little moment of peace it brought her. She sat at the altar now, bent over in reverence to her beloved Goddess, and prayed swiftly but quietly. Her eyes were shut tight and her clasped hands were white with tension once again. [i]Give me your strength, Goddess. Infuse me with your love. I am in great need of it. I fear this woman will make me insane - help me to right all the wrongs...[/i] The familiar burden of her royal blood was weighing in once again and not for the first time Ascencia wondered why she was ever born to take such a role in the first place. She knew, however, that there was a purpose in all things and despite all odds, the end would be a good one. And that was something she believed in whole heartedly. Eventually the scarlet haired woman found solace in her meditation and she sighed deeply before rising to her feet. The altar before her was so lovingly crafted and always adorned with fresh roses - an offering, of sorts. Sometimes just to look at it brought serenity to her heart. A small smile pulled on her lips and she bowed her head in respect before turning and heading for the door. On the way out, she collected her rapier. Instead of returning to the manor, however, Ascencia stopped at the stables and collected her faithful chocobo before making for the outskirts of her mother's property. The guards there were always preferable to the ones inside the house, and tonight Ascencia would rather stay out and keep watch than come within any close proximity to the Lady Blanche, for fear that the woman would have more to say. And she [i]always[/i] had more to say. "Lady Ascencia," the Captain of the look-out gave her a quick bow and a big grin - the Liaison's appearance here was frequent and most knew why. "I trust your journey home was safe?" Ascencia smiled and nodded an affirmative as she slid out of the chocobo's saddle. She gave the giant bird a gentle scratch on its neck, to which it responded with a happy sounding chirp. "As well as one would hope." "Too bad the welcoming committee wasn't much," one of the other guards ventured, barely hiding his smirk behind his collar. The Captain made to hit him over the head, but Ascencia simply laughed and waved for him to stop. "I'm afraid I'm quite used to it," she shrugged, still smiling. "Had it gone differently I would wonder what happened to my real mother." The guards laughed and Ascencia appeared to share in the humor. After a few further inquiries about her most recent trip away, she took a seat a good distance away and let her eyes drift with the thick fog. The moors were always their worst at night - there was no telling what you could find out in the dark.[/size]
  14. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]I'm going to ask you to put a little more effort into this RPG. One paragraph for the background just isn't enough. Try and explain more about these people and their ways, especially this new religion (not everyone is going to know what Jewish customs and traditions are). The more that people understand what sort of story you're trying to make and the direction in which you want the story to run, the more likely they are to sign-up for it. You might want to review the sticky at the top of the forum for a better understanding of what is expected in each new thread. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to PM myself or one of the other Arena mods. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Cysword, please try and flesh the story out a little more - as it is, one paragraph simply isn't enough. A little more detail and thought can go a long way and will insure a better, more dynamic story. If you have any questions, feel free to PM myself or one of the other mods. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]I'm afraid that if you want this RPG to get off the ground, you're going to have to flesh out the background a little more. One paragraph doesn't cut it. Some examples: Explain more about the specific types of dragons - why are the Reds great and the Whites low? Why is that important? You might also want to make a list of acceptable races. If all are acceptable, then make it known. Make sure you cover these sort of questions beforehand so that potential RPGers fully understand the story and the direction it will be taking. If you have any questions or just want to talk ideas through for a better understanding, don't be afraid to ask. Please make these changes, however, or the thread will be closed. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Lorcanith, please read over OB's rules - double posting is not allowed on the boards. If you've already posted and you want to add more information, the easiest way to do that is to edit the previous post and add in what you want to say. Also, I suggest reading Harlequin's sticky at the top of the forum. There's a standard of quality we're trying to keep in the Adventure Arena and right now you aren't meeting it. Please try to use proper grammar and punctuation - writing things out in Word and then copying/pasting them into a post might help you out. More depth and detail would also be appreciated. If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to PM me. - Arcadia[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1]I've been to Greece as well, so I can vouch for that. They most definitely let their kids drink at a younger age. It's just not a big deal to them, and they grow up with that sentimentality. As for the story, it's still quite lovely. You describe the storm and the usual use of the flat very well, and there's plenty of detail to get the mind engaged. My only concern is that perhaps you should mention something about the ghost aspect a little earlier.. We know that's she practical and grounded, and she probably wouldn't believe any sort of ghost story straight from the start, which would help to tie into her response at the end. It just sort of feels like the idea of the flat being haunted comes out of nowhere. That's just one opinion, though. ^.^;; Either way, though, I think it's cool, and hopefully the people who go over all the stories think so, too. I'll keep my fingers crossed. (..until... July... yeah.)[/size]
  19. Arcadia

    Battle maps

    [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Scalvur, welcome to the boards. A few things. First of all, this looks to be more of a battle than an actual story, which makes this the entirely wrong forum to post it in. The Adventure Arena is for RPGs - active story telling among a number of different people, complete with a concrete plot and dynamic, well-rounded characters. If you'd like to post a tournament, I suggest heading over to the Battle Arena. Second, in the event that you do want to create an RPG, you must first post information about it in the Recruitment thread. Only after a number of people sign-up and you're satisfied with the results can you start it up in the Adventure Arena. Last, double-posting is not permitted in any of the forums in OB. To avoid this in the future, just edit your first post and add whatever extra information you have. Please go over both OB rules and Harlequin's sticky. Both are clear about what is to be expected in the Adventure Arena and the entirety of OtakuBoards itself. If you have any questions afterwards, feel free to PM me or one of the other Mods and we'll do our best to help you out. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]All right, just to get some things straight.. First of all, Drizzt, while your RPG is a good start, there are some things you might want to add - most notably, more of what you expect from those who wish to join. If you take a look around, most use some sort of sign-up sheet. It makes things easy and straightforward for everyone. Also, to save future potential deletions of things you've written up, start typing in a word program and save it there, then just copy and paste it onto OB. This way you don't have to worry about losing information or wasting time and you can go over everything you want to include very thoroughly. Second, while I understand that both Annie and OberOn were just trying to help, I want to make it clear that neither of them have the authority to be posting those sort of things, nor does anyone else who is not a Moderator. Please let us do our jobs. Third, things like double-posting and spam are strictly against the rules. For more information on that, please read over OB's rules (which are located on the menu to the left) and also Harlequin's sticky (which is at the top of this forum). Both go over each point in detail. If you've still got questions or concerns after you've all caught yourselves up, please don't hesitate to PM myself or one of the other Arena mods - we'll be more than glad to assist you. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Okay, the quality of this thread needs to be fixed. A lot of what's been posted in here can be kept to PMs, and most of the bios need a little work. Please put more effort into your characters - they're the driving force of the RPG. The more dynamic and thought-out they are, the better the entire story will be. If you're playing as a character from Inyuyasha, then you have no excuses whatsoever - all the information is already laid out for you. Also, please remember that story-telling is the purpose of this forum, and quality is extremely important. I'm sure you're all old enough to know how to spell decently and use proper grammar. If not, then I'm sure you have spell check or something like it that can help you out. Use them - they are your friends, and they will not fail you. Please check out Harlequin's sticky at the top of this forum - it goes over all of what I've said in detail. If you still have questions afterwards, PM me or one of the other Arena mods and we'll talk. I hope that things improve after this, or I'll be forced to close the thread. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Unborn Lord Xion, please flesh out the story a little more. A few lines doesn't cut it. It doesn't have to be epic, but some more details and some background info would be nice. Also, Spuffy, you might want to put a little more effort into your posts. Sign-ups are especially important as characters are the driving force in an RPG. The more thought-out and dynamic your characters are, the more interesting the RPG will become. The quality of your posts are just as important, so please make sure you use proper grammar and spelling, as well. Please read over OB rules and Harlequin's sticky - both will help to explain things and clear up any confusion. If you still have questions after that, don't be afraid to PM one of the Arena Mods - that's what we're here for. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Okay guys, a lot of these posts can and should be kept to PMs. You know the rules - don't continue to clutter the threads with this sort of thing. We call it spam. Check out Harlequin's sticky for the details. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Yalborap and UnjustReasoning: The last few comments you posted in here are unneccessary and only serve in cluttering up the thread (in otherwords, they're considered [b]spam[/b]). Unless they have something major to do with the RPG, they can and will be kept to PMs. Please read over the Harlequin's sticky at the top of the forum - this is explained in detail. If you still have questions afterwards, please PM myself or one of the other Arena Mods and we'll do our best to help you out. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]DuoFan, I'm going to ask that you put a little more effort into this RPG and flesh out the story a bit more. There doesn't really seem to be any sort of thought put into this at all, as it is now. Please explain what the tournament is, what the history behind it is, and how it's going to be run. Also be sure to remember that you [i]will[/i] need to have a story with this, and it has to have direction. Otherwise, it's just one big fight and it does not belong in this forum. Please make these changes as soon as possible, or this will be closed. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
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