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Everything posted by Arcadia

  1. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]I forgive you. :p Your first stop should immediately be OB rules, which you can find a link to on the side bar. That'll let you know exactly what we expect from members here. After that, and more specific to the Adventure Arena, I suggest you check out Harlequin's sticky at the top of the forum. It goes over [i]in detail[/i] what the Arena Mods expect from those who post in this forum. If you still have questions, then feel free to PM myself or one of the other mods and we'll do our best to help you out. But don't post this sort of thing again. ^.^;; Welcome to the boards! - Arcadia[/color][/size]
  2. [size=1]In middle school there used to be a "moment of silence" during homeroom every morning. I played with my shoelaces, but there were other kids who prayed or meditated or what have you. No one told us we had to do anything, except keep quiet. It didn't really bother me all that much because it wasn't really taking away from regular school time. Especially when you consider that any form of homeroom is a waste of time anyway. I still don't care either way. Obviously, nobody's going to force me to pray if I don't want to. As TN said, it's more of a personal thing anyway. You do that on your own time, in your own way. If it doesn't take away from regular scheduled class and it doesn't harm anyone else in any way, shape, or form, then I don't see what the big deal is.[/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]A few things. First, QuakeChamp, I suggest that you work on the overall quality of your sign-up. Not only is your character completely flat and uninteresting, your spelling and grammar could really use some work. Please put more thought and effort into your posts, especially those in the Recruitment Forum. An RPG is nothing without good, solid characters, and right now, you aren't contributing to that. Most of you could stand to flesh out your own bios, as well. The more indepth you are about your character, the more interesting he/she and thus the story will be. Please keep this in mind. Also, please read OB's rules, as well as the sticky at the top of this forum. You'll find that one liners and simple questions like Chimaira's can and should be kept to PM's. It keeps the threads from cluttering and makes it easier to read through. They are considered spam otherwise and are not allowed. Please, work on these changes so I don't have to speak to any of you again. If you have any comments or questions, please PM either myself or one of the other Arena mods and we'll do our best to help you out. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  4. [size=1]Luthian glanced at the two women as he finished sorting through his bag. He couldn't possibly think of anything else that they might need. Not that it would fit anyway. "I'd rather leave now. We had plenty of time to rest on the boat." That, and he was beginning to feel anxious. He didn't want to wait around any longer than he had to, and if Shrai'i was right about the length of the journey, then they couldn't really afford to wait, either. Shrai'i gave a nod. "So be it. The easiest way out would be through the Southern Pass." The dancer looked pointedly at Maia then, dropping her voice an octave. "There is also a union there for various underground activities. Perhaps we can find a way to pick up some horses..?" The way her voice trailed off like that made Luth feel a tad uncomfortable, but this wasn't the time for it. Maia nodded firmly; she looked as though she'd heard of the place Shrai'i spoke of, even if Luth hadn't. "Yes," she agreed. "I'm sure something can be arranged." Coughing slightly, his eyes averted elsewhere as his tail twitched up a storm, Luth asked them, "If you're done plotting, can we move forward?" Both women smiled rather secretively at him, which didn't quite help his nerves. "Of course, Luth," Maia replied sweetly, tossing her thick braid over her shoulder with a sudden flair. Shrai'i smirked at his tail, before turning, silent. Luth didn't know which worried him more as the dancer led them through the crowds into the narrow streets of C'Erree and towards the the Southern Pass. -- [color=plum][b]I've heard from only a couple people so far regarding my comments in my last post. Please make sure you PM me as soon as you can about that, as well as with any questions regarding Laeth E'Thae you might have. Swanky cool, old chaps.[/b][/color][/size]
  5. Arcadia

    Paranoia [R]

    [size=1]At first, Iara wasn't having much luck, either. She'd managed to wander into a district that was almost entirely devoted to the buying and selling of livestock. And though many of the signs claimed they were clean and healthy, Iara had some serious doubts about that. Either way, there was definitely no magic present there and after passing a particularly foul smelling pig stand, she decided it was time to try elsewhere. [i]If I were a witch, and a guy,[/i] she thought to herself, absently turning down a different street, [i]Where the hell would I be?[/i] After wandering in and out of various shops, searching through a public garden, and even checking down a few residential streets, Iara still didn't have any answers. And that was not acceptable. Sitting back under some shade, she eyed the townspeople as they passed by and decided that it was time to change her strategy. If she was going to find this guy at all, she wouldn't do it by moping about quietly. Adjusting her dress strap, absently reminding herself that she should probably tighten it, she set out to question various shopholders around her. That plan, though a little more successful than the last, still produced no real results. [i]But at least some of them have actually heard of him.[/i] That thought was reassuring, despite the little help it gave her, and she entered the next shop holding onto that. Iara was immediately struck by the diversity of the store. It was an eclectic mess of talismans, beads, cloths, birds, amulets, pentacles, books and pens, various divination materials, and other odd items. You name it, it was there. And each and every one of the items held some sort of charm or power to it - the combined force of them was a tad overwhelming at first. It was like stepping into a sauna. Careful to block out the excess magic, she fought back her curiosity and headed straight for the counter, giving the man behind it a quick, polite smile. "Excuse me, but would you by any chance know an Artemis Dominion?" The shop owner raised an eyebrow, glancing briefly and quickly to his right, towards one of the many patrons. Iara noticed and mimicked the gesture, and her cool, crystal blue eyes landed on a young man some few feet away. He was currently picking at some knives disinterestedly, but for what reason, she didn't care. Instead, she focused in on his presence and smiled smugly when she felt a flicker of power there. [i]Bingo.[/i] Feeling quite productive, she stepped into his line of sight and offered him her hand to shake. "Artemis, I presume?" He paused, eyeing her warily, before taking her outstretched hand. "Who are you?" She looked over him, pleased to observe that he matched up with the description that Lexington had given them previously. That, and she could sense his power easily, now that it wasn't masked by the various charms around the store. "Iara Iolanthe. I've been sent by the Innocence to retrieve you." At his dubious look, she smiled demurely, which only made her look even more secretive. "If you'd come with me, I'll explain what I can."[/size]
  6. [size=1][color=plum]I love how this thing won't die. I also appreciate that most of you keep coming back to it, and that no one's tried to kill me yet. For future references, however, I need to know who's still in this. Please PM me, or get a hold of me on AIM or something, and let me know where you stand. If I have to make changes, I want to make them now, while everybody's sort of regrouping. On a similar note, if you know anybody who would like to get in on the action (even though we're pretty far along) or if those of you who just read this are interested, there [i]might[/i] be a possibility to join in. Might. I'm not making any promises, but if you're curious, have your people call my people. Tori, Wondershot, Ken: I'm not quite sure where you guys are, heh. I think just outside of Ma'Uriith, but I [i]could[/i] be wrong. These things do happen. If you could finish up, though, and get into the city, that would be swell. The quicker we get everyone together, the quicker we can move on, lol. Also, just a general note, if you guys want what's going on or what I have planned, just ask. [/color] The one thing Leile just couldn't get used to about the city was that it was so dark. Ma'Uriith had never been like that when she'd been back only a year before. It was amazing how things could change so rapidly. From her spot on the crumbling rock wall, she could see over the market district. It wasn't a pretty sight, but nothing there really was. Just bulking, broken shadows where life and light used to be. After the little episode with the library, the three had mutually agreed that they would not stay in the University any longer than they needed to. Leile, for one, had had enough of magic and spells for one day, and it seemed as though Anubis was still haunted by the place. They opted instead for their little hideaway in the palace, where they'd previously found the muffins and a bit of clean water. Aissa had said [i]why waste a good thing?,[/i] and Leile heartily agreed. Now, as she perched carefully on the wall, Leile wondered about the city. If her old house was still intact. If anything of her old life was left at all. She'd gone strangely numb to the pain during the last few hours (or had it been days? She couldn't remember anymore), and now that it looked as though she might get some respite as they recovered from their ordeal, the sorrow washed over her again. While she mourned quietly and privately, Anubis had rekindled their fire from before and was lost in his own thoughts. Whether his mind was on the new journey ahead or one made a long time ago, however, neither of the girls knew. Aissa wasn't much different. She sat with the book, close to the fire so that she might scan through the old pages and, hopefully, find some more useful information about the power sources or anything else relatively significant about the D'Ianii. They all thought it was a good idea to eat something, but none of them actually did. Eventually, Leile wiped her eyes and returned to the fire, dropping in front of it tiredly. "When are we going to leave?" "After we rest," the Black Mage replied after a moment, devoid of emotion. He focused more on the fire than anything else. Aissa glanced up, but said nothing. Leile nodded absently, before curling into a ball a few feet away. As she drifted in and out of sleep, it occured to her that it would be her birthday soon. [i]Not a lot worth celebrating.[/i][/size]
  7. [size=1]I think the worst concert I've been to was one for Smash Mouth. They were playing at Universal last year for Mardi Gras, so me and a couple friends went to see it. It really wasn't that bad at all - they were a fun band and they jumped around a lot on stage, but the part that sucked was that Universal hired an idiot to select the location of the stage. It was [i]uphill[/i]... who does that? I'm 5'3", and there's no way I'm going to see over the people in front of me, lol. There were a lot of people pushing for a better view as a result, and there were a few fights because of it. The good part about [i]that[/i], though, was that they got kicked out and freed up more space. Gotta love it. That, and there was this creepy drunk guy with a camera that kept trying to follow us through the crowds. Eventually, we lost him, but I'm still emotionally scarred. The things I go through for music.[/size]
  8. [size=1]Sister Hazel is the best concert I've been to. Though they're pretty well known now, they started out in Orlando so they play a lot of home shows and I've seen them a couple times now. You can pretty much always expect a good show from them - they're very laid back and relaxed on stage. They play like they're playing with friends. One of the guys always plays barefoot, no matter where they are. They came to Tallahassee at the beginning of last semester, and I went to see them with my parents. It was a small venue, so it was a really great, personal show. The sound was good, not great, but they had rugs everywhere on stage and the lighting was fun, and they always have so much energy. Always laughing and grinning and joking with the audience. And they played all my favorite songs, with a lot of awesome guitar work, something I adore. One of the best parts about it, though, was that everybody knew all the words to the songs, and we were all just singing along and dancing. No pushing, no mosh pits, no drunken idiots trying to get on stage. Not that I don't enjoy the occasional mosh pit... but usually, I go to the concert to see the band and hear the music. Not to get my skull bashed in. Anyway, it was a freaking great time. Definitely the best concert I've been to, and the longest one, at that. Apparently they filmed it for a future DVD, so I've got to keep my eye out now. That would be a [i]must buy[/i], indeed.[/size]
  9. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]While your rules for the RPG are thorough, the story's background is not. In order for this to stay in the Adventure Arena, it needs to be more than just one big battle. Please flesh the story out more - explain more about the mutants and how they came to be, or the rivalry between the mutants and the normal people. Both of your bios could use a little work, as well. They don't have to be terribly long - quality over quantity - but one sentence certainly does not cut it. Characters are the driving force in any story, and the more detailed and interesting you make them, the better the story will be. Please edit your posts and put more effort into your characters and the backstory so that I don't have to close this, and remember to check out Harlequin's sticky at the top of the forum. It explains more of what's expected from new RPGs in detail. If you still have questions after that, feel free to PM myself or one of the other Arena mods. Thanks, and happy posting! Arcadia[/color][/size]
  10. [size=1]I think [i]everybody[/i] liked all the tag references, especially the strikethrough one - all the more reason to worship Sara. The way you convert all the lovely board stuff into virtual things and places in general is just awesome. Fun stuff, I tells ya. That, and the various ways the mods fought the n00bs was priceless. I feel so clever and devious, and Mimmi is certainly the best accomplice ever. Good times, good times.[/size]
  11. [size=1]I was really involved in theatre for all four years of high school, mostly with the tech aspect of it. I always went in to help build sets and paint and all that in the beginning, and then eventually I was a constant crew member. The last couple years I was actually in charge of moving the set on and off stage during the shows - a position that we called "Crew Leader," although I don't think it's a common thing for theatre groups in general. Acting wise, I did a little bit. Usually just ensemble and one-liners during shows. Most of the time I wound up on stage while I was also doing the crew thing, just because they needed more extras. For District and State competitions, though, I always stepped up and did more. Never monologues, and definitely not anything musical - I don't have any talent there whatsoever. ^.^;; The production of Blues we did senior year (for the One Acts) did very well at Districts and States - we got straight superiors. Whoo for us. Other plays that I've done that were memorable were Casablanca, Macbeth, Hamlet, Dr. Seuss, Empire Records, Bye Bye Birdie (I hated this production, actually, but my crew was one of the best ever, strangely enough), and Diversions... to name a few. Good times.[/size]
  12. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Please flesh the story out a bit more. While I'm sure everybody and their mother has heard of Jurassic Park, perhaps you might want to explain the principles behind that, or how Isla Sorna came to be, how much the island has changed since it was last visited, that sort of thing. If you wanted to keep changes on the island a secret for the actual RPG, I could understand that, but you should be able to include more without really giving any of your ideas away. Just add a few more details and you should be good to go. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  13. [QUOTE=Athos]Hey Domon take a hint, from the member named Sanosuke on my boards and otherwise known here as Altron Gundam...remember when he showed you one of his sets for his fantasy league, in other words a continuation of this: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=23022&highlight=Fantasy+Dueling[/url] Yeah man, some, in fact MOST of the cards you have are copied and you know it. Take a hint, its called [b][SIZE=5]PLAGIARISM[/SIZE][/b] Oh and since Yugioh Dungeon Forums moved, and the Fantasy League topic is gone for now, every single member that used a "genocide" themed deck in YGOD's Fantasy League can back me up in proof that you copied at least half of this set.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Athos, if you have a bone to pick with somebody, then you will PM them and talk it out there - this is [i]not[/i] what the recruitment forum is for. Please read over OB rules; these kind of attacks are not permitted. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]FatGuy, this thread hasn't been active for over a year. In the future, please don't bring back these old threads from the dead. You might want to check over OB rules to make sure you've got them all straightened out. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Many of these questions can and should be kept to PMs. It keeps the thread clean and simple and easy to read through. As they are now, they count as spam in this forum, so hopefully you won't be doing that anymore. Please read through Harlequin's sticky - it explains all this and more in detail. Some of you might also want to review OB rules in general. Double posting is not accepted, nor are posts that only contain a few words. Your posts should also contain proper grammar and spelling, which is something some of you should work on, especially if you plan to post in the Adventure Arena. I can't stress to you enough the importance of quality in the forums. Please review both OB's rules and Harlequin's sticky, and you should be fine. If you have any questions, PM myself or one of the one of the other mods and we'll do our best to help you out. Thankees, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Unless your posts have something significant to do with the RPG, they are considered spam. Please keep those last few comments and questions to PMs. You might want to check Harlequin's sticky to read up on it, just in case, though I know some of you know better. Thank ye kindly, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  17. [size=1]As it turned out, Lady Blanche did have a few important things to say. And as Ascencia half expected, most of what her mother said was not exactly music to her ears. Although she managed to control her temper throughout the ordeal, inside the Liaison was seething with rage. What made it worse, however, was that Ascencia knew her mother could see it. Lady Blanche had a way of getting under a person's skin, and she thrived there. Not even her own daughter was free of it, which sometimes hurt Ascencia more than she'd freely admit. When she'd emerged from the parlor, her eyes as cold and sharp as the blade on [i]Briar Rose[/i], Ascencia glanced around the corridor quickly. The guards had wisely stepped to the side, avoiding eye contact with her - they had quickly grown to learn that meetings between the two women never went well, and acted accordingly. The other nobles offered her a few curious looks before settling back into their normal conversations with one another. Only Milod held her stare from his spot against a nearby column, lounging against it comfortably, his fingers petting the hilt of his sword absently. Ascencia frowned slightly, perturbed, and then continued down the hall. She thought about her cousin and her new and sudden positioning within the world. How would Beatricia be taking to all this? [i]Not well, I'd imagine.[/i] Ascencia knocked her long, scarlet braid over her shoulder carelessly as she turned a corner, her feet leading her on their own to the family's private fencing quarters. Inveriably, this is where she always came after meeting with her mother, and it had become a sort of sick ritual. Along the walls, portraits of her family hung, both recent and past rulers. She wondered idly if her ancestors were just as insufferable as her mother was before pushing open the twin doors, the large rose emblem on the front breaking in half. As she strode purposefully towards the center of the room, her hand gripped the hilt of her rapier so tightly that her fingers turnd white with tension. Most conversations with Lady Blanche seemed to end with the suggestion that Ascencia should focus more on getting herself a husband than uniting the Houses. What really upset her about their most recent conversations, however, was the fact that her mother was now giving her names. And the newest one she had cooked up wasn't even from Rosaria! [i]Of all people,[/i] Ascencia thought bitterly, as she pulled [i]Briar Rose[/i] from her sheath slowly, [i]She picks the Queen's own son. Sweet Goddess, has she no subtility?[/i] She pointed the blade straight out at her side, then stepped slowly in that direction, spinning the sword into a striking position above her head as her knees bent, ready. [i]Surely[/i] Beatricia [i]would be the better woman for--[/i] But she never got to finish that thought, for movement at the door caught her eye. As she straightened, lowering [i]Briar Rose[/i] to a diagonal tilt off the ground, Milod bowed deeply for her, and then turned and shut the doors behind him. Arching an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to face her once more, she asked, "What is this?" The smallest of smirks flitted across his features before he pulled out his own blade and approached her. When enough distance had been closed between them, he pointed his sword towards her and positioned himself so that only half of his body was presented to her. "Perhaps my Lady would enjoy venting her frustrations?" Ascencia stepped back, raising her sword to his as she fell into proper fencing stance. "Touch only. If you cut me, I'll kill you," She warned lightly. He bowed his head. "Agreed." The sharp, grating sound of steel on steel began shortly after as Ascencia pushed forward, sliding her blade down Milod's swiftly. Her eyes had misted over and in them was no trace of her former anger and frustration - only a cold, calculated glint that always surfaced when a battle was at hand. He jerked his sword up in response as he stepped back, then swung it back around swiftly. The two blades seemed to sing as they clashed together, sparking and reflecting light onto the walls so that the room around them danced in time with them. She continued to push forward and Milod continued to remain on defense only. Her strokes were smooth and fluid and always sharp, and she moved with such a grace that she could have been dancing. More often than she cared to admit, her fencing style had been compared to her family crest - a pure, white rose. She was beautiful in her movements, but should you ever let that beauty enrapture your senses, the point of her thorns would swiftly knock you back into place. Milod, however, was an able swordsman, and eventually he gave her more of a challenge. There was proof enough of his excellent training in his own steps, and Ascencia quickly had to change her attack to meet his powerful strokes. "You've been practicing," He remarked, his eyebrows raising slightly as he narrowly missed a quick, unexpected swipe (albeit a playful one) at his shoulder. The attack left his front open, and the sudden flash in his dark eyes told her that he knew it. Ascencia pursed her lips and responded by surging forward into him with her shoulder, knocking him off balance and sending his sword clattering across the floor. As he gave her a baleful look from his spot on his butt, she tapped the tip of her rapier against his nose. "Touch." He averted his eyes, signaling his defeat. When she backed off, sliding her beloved [i]Briar Rose[/i] back into its sheath before going to retrieve his weapon, he merely brushed his white-blonde hair from his eyes and then pushed himself off the ground. He'd gained back his stoic demeanor by the time she'd turned back towards him and Ascencia almost sighed, then caught herself. [i]Damn this stiff, stuffy old house,[/i] she thought moodily as she handed him his rapier. [i]I will find no respite here.[/i][/size]
  18. Arcadia


    [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Hey HSO, welcome to the boards. First things first, make sure you take a look at OB's rules. It's important that you know what you can and can't do on the boards and you'll find that it makes the boards infinitely easier and more fun to keep up with. Also, check out Harlequin's sticky for this forum as well - it gets down to specifics about what we look for here, and will help you out immensely as you get started. Here's how it works in a nutshell. All RPGs start out in the Recruitment forum; you find one you like, fill out a good, creative, and detailed sign-up to go with your RPG of choice. It's important that you think about the characters you create - they're important aspects of every story, and can help give it direction as it progresses. If you're accepted by the creator, then the RPG will carry over to the Adventure Arena and the game begins. I can't stress to you enough the importance of reading over both the rules and the sticky. It helps us just as much as it helps you, so please, be a doll. ^_^ That would be ever so wonderful. If you have any more questions when you're through, just PM either myself or one of the other mods and we'll try to help you out. Ciao, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  19. [quote name='Lady Asphyxia][font=Verdana][size=1]First of all, talk to me about writer's block. Have you ever forced yourself to write through block? How do you deal with it? Does it often strike you? [/size'][/font][/quote] [size=1]I can't stand writer's block, which I'm sure is no surprise to anybody's ears. It doesn't seem to happen to me too incredibly often, but enough to make me want to strangle something. Usually, like you, something is due so I [i]have[/i] to force myself through it and continue to write. In those cases, I usually listen to music. If I'm writing an essay or a research paper for class, then it'll be classical music. Even if it doesn't actually stimulate the brain like everyone says it does, it kind of has a placebo effect of it's own and can sometimes get the gears turning. That, and it's calming. Usually when I find myself stuck behind the wall it's because I've stressed myself out to the point where my nerves are nonexistant and I can't think straight. If I'm writing something fictional, then I'll try and play some music that fits the general mood of the story and hope I inspire myself that way. I try and think about what the point of the story will be, what sort of ideas I want to get across, how I want the reader to feel after he or she is done reading, etc etc. Although I don't always like planning things out, I always at least have a general theme in my mind. And that always helps during writer's block - since you don't have that divine sense of direction thing going, you'll just have to use a map instead. [b]The First Try[/b] Whenever you start off something making fun of your brother or family or friends in general in that good-natured way, it's always going to be funny. But more than that, it'll be easy as hell to relate to because it's something that [i]everybody[/i] does. I can also easily see a person being continually stopped by neighbors and friends who want to talk. I may not live in a small town like that, but I know that whenever I walk my dog around the neighborhood, there's going to be at least one person out there who sees me and asks me about college. That's about all I can say for that, since it's so short. :p [b]The Second Try[/b] Another good start. I especially like how the descriptions all flow into each other; it doesn't come off as choppy or broken and each thought presents a new idea without it being too much. We also have an idea as to why they're in the cemetary and what they're doing there and all that. I really liked the different types of reactions you wrote about, as well, because that holds true for most people. I'd classify myself as the fourth type, I guess - somebody who likes to expore a cemetary for it's historical and emotional significance. I like to see how old some of the graves are, what people wrote on them, how well the graves are kept, as well as just the overall mysterious quality that's always present. It's like walking directly into the past or something. The part about bringing the water and beer was nice, as well - it made the dad a real person, allowing us to imagine that he was once a living and breathing human with specific likes and dislikes (and an affinity for alcohol), instead of just another name on a tombstone. All in all, it looks to be quite a lovely piece, as I'm sure the other four will be, as well. I don't have any real complaints about them, other than the fact that they aren't completed. :p But despite that, I love your writing style and I look forward to seeing more of it. And good luck with that essay competition![/size]
  20. [quote name='RPCrazy']......ok, that's just stupid that she would be kicked out for something she wrote in her personal blogger.[/quote] [size=1]While I heartily agree with RPCrazy, I know that this is something that my old high school might have done. Suspension might be a bit extreme, but they definitely would have taken action, I think, mainly do to some laws here known as the "Sunshine State Standards", or something like that. Basically, anything you do outside of school can still effect you in school. It's Florida's (or at least Seminole County's) way of trying to get you to be a good, upstanding citizen during your high school years. I've always hated them because it screws good kids over, let alone the fact that it's an invasion of privacy. But then again, teenagers have privileges in high school, [i]not[/i] rights. As for your friend, just ask her and see what happened. Rumors are just that, as KnightOfTheRose said. Don't get yourself all riled up when you don't know what the facts are.[/size]
  21. [size=1]Try and imagine this from your friends perspective for a moment. It's her senior year, the last and most important one, she like this guy but is probably too shy or afraid to do anything about it, and then suddenly the girl that she thought was her best friend steps in and steals him away. So much for a great last year. It may sound slightly harsh to you, but you've got to think about the whole picture. Is pursuing this guy worth the consequences? By doing so, you put a lot on the line, as other people have noted before. It's not just your friendship, but even your own reputation. If that's something you care about, you may want to think twice. The most rational thing to do at this point would be to wait it out. If after a month or so she's still done nothing and you still like the guy, then confront her about it. But doing anything right now sounds a bit too hasty too me.[/size]
  22. [size=1]When Anya came to, she wasn't quite sure where she was. The fact that she had the worst headache imaginable didn't really help that much. For a long moment, she just stared blearily at the cieling, blinking once or twice to clear her vision. The low hum of machinery eventually reached her ears, and she noted the unmistakable beating of a heart monitor somewhere to her right. [i]I guess I'm not dead, then,[/i] she thought, allowing herself a small smile. But at that instant she remembered exactly what had happened to her in Altron, and she stiffened, as if the pain had returned. She squeezed her eyes shut against the onslaught as a small whimper escaped past her lips. The sound must have caught somebody's attention because suddenly a rush of footsteps and a quiet, muttered praise sounded and she felt her hand being grabbed and squeezed reassuringly. She was pretty sure she knew who that was. "Stop," she managed, all at once feeling incredibly cold and alone. Alex brought her hand to his lips and kissed it instead, holding onto it as though his own life depended on it. "I'm so sorry, Anya. I didn't mean to... I'd [i]never[/i]... God, I've been so worried.." She cleared her face of any emotion, as if she were smoothing wrinkles out of her shirt, and took a steady breath. "Alex, please, leave me alone." "Anya," He started, but then stopped again, looking just as lost as he felt. His death grip on her hand hadn't faltered once. Opening her eyes again, she turned her gaze towards him, ignoring the pounding in her head and her heart. "Please." He stared for a minute longer, before squeezing her hand again and then let it drop back to her side, leaving without another word. He wasn't gone long before one of the ship's nurses hurried in, looking relieved. Anya, for one, didn't feel quite so optimistic, and as the nurse began to check over her, all the while muttering how [i]lucky[/i] she was to have survived relatively intact, Anya wondered silently why her throat burned with unshed tears.[/size]
  23. [size=1] Ascencia Cadence, youngest daughter of the Lady Blanche, sighed as her cool, gray eyes parted through the mists to see the dark, sprawling shadow of her mother's beloved abode. The fog had come early tonight, she noted, and she wondered lightly if that wasn't some sort of sign - such things rarely happened. Lady Blanche was a formal, elegant woman, a strict but fair ruler, and a rather terrifying mother; sometimes it seemed as though she even controlled the mists in Avalot, as well as the rest of the city itself. She slid off her chocobo, taking a moment to smooth down her trousers and fix her cloak. Her mother would not be pleased if she looked less than immaculate, and since pants had a tendency to dress one down, Ascencia knew she was walking the tight rope already. The fact that she had just been riding for several hours might save her some grief, and at that thought, the scarlet-haired woman scratched her chocobo's neck affectionately. Half way to the stables, Ascencia was greeted by one of her mother's personal guards. Though he was young, Milod was a talented and clever swordsman and an incredibly reverent man - both something that Lady Blanche esteemed in her guards. He was also a very attractive youth, only two years younger than Ascencia, and she had the nagging feeling that her mother enjoyed sending him to dote on her. "My Lady," He bowed deeply, his white-blonde hair obscuring his eyes momentarily, "I am to escort you to Lady Blanche at once." Ascencia glanced from him to the stables behind him, where a few other pages stood waiting. "I suppose that means I will not be tending to my own darling chocobo," She concluded absently. "No, Liaison. She was quite adament that you should come straight to her parlor." Milod signaled behind his back then, and the pages started forward. Shrugging, she relented, and handed the reins over to one of the boys. "If she insists. I will not keep her waiting." Milod bowed again before turning and leading her into the tasteful elegance of the Lady's manor. The grand corridors were spotless, as always, and there were a few nobles scattered here and there, chatting idly amongst themselves. Most of them bore the crest of the House of the White Rose, but Ascencia was pleased to see a few other Houses present, as well. She greeted them with warm smiles and a some kind words before Milod nudged her arm respectfully and they continued forward. "This isn't about my trip, is it?" Ascencia muttered after a moment, pulling her arm away from his hand as nicely as possible. "You're rushing me." He gave her a sidelong glance, betraying nothing. "My apologies, Lady Ascencia." Once at the gilded doors to the parlor, he signaled for the two guards to open them as he squared his shoulders. "Lady Blanche has requested to see her daughter immediately," He informed them, though it was hardly necessary. They knew she was expected, and opened the way for her. Lady Blanche's private parlor was pristine. Smooth, dark hardwood floors stretched from wall to wall, only covered in spots by a well-placed rug or statue. Paintings lined the walls, and polished mahogany seats with cream colored cushions littered the center area, near the fireplace. The main seat, as designated by the higher back and the family crest, was a work of art. Ascencia loved that chair, and she had childhood memories of playing on the floor next to it as her family gathered about the fire. Sometimes her mother would pick her up and hold her in her lap. But as she eyed her mother now, crossing the room as confidently as she could under the woman's strong gaze, she wondered if those days were gone from her forever. "Ascencia, you look well." Lady Blanche's voice was clear and sharp, but strangely feminine, and at the moment, Ascencia thought, slightly amused. "Thank you, Mother. I hope you have not been waiting long; Milod ushered me in as soon as I had arrived." The elder woman gestured for Milod and the other few guards to leave them then, though her eyes never left her daughters face. Ascencia watched them leave before turning back to her mother, placing a hand on her hip, raising her eyebrows as she inquired, "What requires both haste and privacy? Something rather important, I assume?" Lady Blanche just smiled.[/size]
  24. Arcadia

    Paranoia [R]

    [size=1]Lexington had given them a detailed description of his candidate, which helped to abate Iara's nerves quite a bit. For a second she'd been under the assumption that he'd not done his job at all, but that wasn't exactly the case, and so she didn't exactly mind. In fact, it seemed to her to be the perfect opportunity for the three of them - and the witch, whenever they found him - to build some sort of warm and fluffy companionship up. Perhaps the sorcerors had been counting on that. Perhaps not. They were currently just outside the palace, and Iara for one was glad to be back in the sunshine. The elaborate rooms and decorations of the King's abode were a bit too much for her, even if a few of the paintings were rather... uh, fascinating. "Where shall we start, then?" The elf, who had earlier introduced himself as Aranel, was standing perfectly still, his sharp eyes skimming the people immediately around them. Lexington had been right in one respect - Rivera was huge, and full of people. Finding the other candidate by midnight tomorrow was suddenly looking to become a daunting task. Iara stepped a few paces away from the two men, adjusting one of the straps to her dress absentmindedly. "We'll cover more ground if we split up," she suggested after a moment, glancing back to them. Sachiel propped a hand on his hip, looking slightly bored. "So I'll be working alone already." Her cool, blue eyes focused on him. "You're a big boy. You'll survive." "Mhm." Iara couldn't tell if he was smirking at her or not. Aranel turned towards them, the picture of calm. "We should set up a meeting place, in case one of us finds him. It would also be a good idea to meet there periodically, so that we can be sure we don't overlap our search." Iara's eyes lingered on the palace. "Preferrably not here." "There's a fountain a couple blocks down, I believe," Sachiel suggested, waving in its general direction. "I believe that would suit our purposes nicely." They agreed, and then parted ways. Aranel went west, Sachiel east, and Iara headed directly north. As she passed a few crowds slowly, her eyes narrowing in their search, she thought absently, [i]This is exactly the way I wanted to spend my day. A profitable start, indeed.[/i][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=darkslateblue]Please make sure that you read both OB's rules and Harlequin's sticky, which is at the top of this forum, before you continue here. A proper RPG is one that is well thought-out and has a firm plot and definite direction - your RPG has none of this. Please create a backstory and explain the purpose of the RPG. It will only becoming interesting to other members if the idea is well developed and you've proven that you've taken the time to sit down and think about what you want out of this. Also make sure to note any additional information that would benefit those looking to sign-up; i.e., what you require from potential players within your story, how you want to story itself to progress, and so on. The other Arena mods and I are trying to keep a certain standard of quality and right now, this RPG doesn't cut it. But with some work (and more attention to our rules), you can develope it into something more. I'll give you a few days, but if this hasn't improved by the end of the week, it will be closed. If you have any questions about the above, or about any confusing rules that you come across, please don't be afraid to PM me or terra, or anyone else you deem worthy, and let us know. We'll do our best to help you out. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
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