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[size=1]Ah, a little later than I would have liked, but here it is. Hopefully interest will pick up. ^_^ [b]Name:[/b] Inwë Helyanwë [b]Race:[/b] Elenath Tawaraith ? Star Elves [b]Age:[/b] 429 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] See Attachment. Midnight black hair, so dark it gives off a blue sheen, pale skin, light gray eyes. [b]Ability:[/b] As one of the Star Elves, she has some limited magic ability, most of which comes directly from the stars themselves. She?s fairly versatile with her magic, and on top of that, can read and map the stars and their movements. Her biggest asset, however, is the power she can harness through her sleek sword, and as she?s beginning to discover, music. [b]Personality:[/b] Inwë is a rather reserved woman, and seeks solitude more often than company. She?s quiet and sometimes even demure, but underneath all that there?s a strong will that refuses to yield. More often than not she?s the voice of reason within any group, and is a steadfast support should anyone ever need it. When she feels something, she feels it strongly, whether or not it shows, and more often than not she?ll have her own special way of showing this. She prefers to think things out instead of hastily jumping towards some conclusion. Inwë is much more comfortable around the few she is close to, and it is only in their company that she opens up. Rarely does she show affection, and Galdor is usually the only one who sees it. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [I]Ithilmaeg[/I] [?Moonshards?] ? a thin, curved blade, made especially for Inwë by her kin, the Star Elves. Forged when the moon was at its peak, and when the stars were at their strongest during the year, it?s said that the blade has the power of the velvet heavens within it. Along with [I]Ithilmaeg[/I], Inwë carries with her a dozen or so small darts and for them a bottle of poison, as well as its antidote. [b]Biography:[/b] Inwë grew up in Dôr Edhellen, and because of its high heights, has impeccable balance. She trained with her kin in their home close to the stars, and learned about the mysteries that the night sky held. Inwë was a quick learner and a hard worker and it didn?t go unnoticed. Occasionally some of the Star Elves would journey down the great mountains to visit their cousins the Jewel Elves and keep up relations, and vice-versa. A younger Inwë was chosen to be one of the youth emissaries that went down, but she opted to stay in her high city and continue her training. Truth was, she was still a rather shy elf and she preferred to keep to her studies, where she knew she was comfortable. As it came to pass some years later, however, the Jewels Elves came to her sparkling city above the mountains and because of her strong position within the clan, she was often present in their company. Thus, she became acquainted with a certain sunny, light-hearted elf named Galdor. At first she didn?t think much of him and his attentions at all, and was prone to ignore him or run in the other direction whenever she saw him approach. However, after some quiet conversations and insightful revelations, she came to respect him, if nothing else. By the time the Jewel Elves took their leave of Dôr Edhellen, the respect had grown into a secret fascination, and when her elders told her that it was time she stopped shirking her emissary duties, Inwë didn?t really mind. Around the same time, the Star Elf took up an interest in music, and more specifically, songs devoted to harnessing the power of the stars. She began to carry a small wooden flute with her wherever she went, including the jeweled city Mirdain Tawarwaith. It was her first time to that city that had earned her the nickname of enchantress (with her sorrowful melodies and knowledge of star-magic) and as most suspect, the devotion of Galdor. After that, the two began to visit each other regularly, though always under the pretense of emissaries, and thus helped strengthen the bond between the two elf kinds. Now, with another great war looming on them, they?ll need those bonds more than ever? *coughs*Corny ending*coughs* Mr. Joko, I just went with the bio.. ^_^;; Hope it works. Otherwise, we'll do lunch or something. [/size]
[size=1]Anya watched him run the rest of the way to the lift, before rolling her eyes and starting back towards her room. She desperately wanted to take a shower, or just curl up with a book, or just hid under her comforter for awhile. For the first time since she'd been on the ship, she was actually feeling rather tired. Worn down and confused. And she definitely wasn't too keen about it. She noted Naomi in the hall ahead of her, and she gave the girl a silent half wave, half salute sort of gesture before stepping into her quarters. The door slid shut behind her, and she leaned against it with a heavy sigh. "These people are going to be the death of me," she muttered, before eyeing the clock on the wall. And with Alex gone, she had some time before she figured Raul would want to pull them all together and go over future plans. Not exactly a briefing, mind you, but it was something they hadn't done in a while, and it would probably be good for all pilots to be stuck in the same room together for a bit. Well, marginally good. Quickly stepping out of her clothes, tossing them on her bed haphazardly, she made her way to the shower and stood under it for a long minute before slowly reaching for dials. Cold water instantly poured down on her and she stiffened, bearing her teeth at the tiled walls as she let out a low hiss. [i]Stupid![/i] She quickly gave herself some hot water and sighed when she felt the temperature change. Slowly, the muscles in her neck and shoulders began to relax and Anya began to feel a little more whole. After drying herself off and putting on some fresh jeans and a beat-up tank top, she shook her hair and then ventured out into the halls to see where the other pilots where, but mostly just to check up on her darling Shenlong. She figured she ought to be around, at least. Just in case.[/size]
[size=1]This is so easy to relate to, lol. I think that's what I like best about it. Especially the last bit about sketching people. Man, during theatre rehearsals and backstage in the dressing rooms, that's all we ever did (contrary to popular belief ^_~). Somebody would just whip out the sketchbook and a bit of charcoal and all of a sudden there was this huge line and lots of quiet but insistent voices going, "Me next! Me next! Me, me, draw me!!" Heh, good times. As always, looking forward to the next few minutes and snatches of [in]sanity. :p[/size]
[size=1]Anya had a lot to think about on her way back. She wasn't worried about getting lost at all - she'd slipped away from school enough times to know that her sense of direction was fairly accurate and she'd have no real trouble reccounting her steps. She was worried about a few other things, all of it very alien to her, and not exactly welcome. The biggest thing was her relations with the other pilots. Anya just wasn't used to them yet. While in the gundams fighting, she felt safe. At home. She was confident there, and it was easy to interact through the veil of metal. But then when Shenlong was shut down, tucked serenely away in the hanger, Anya felt anxious. Trapped, even. She needed a shell to draw back into, and it was becoming increasingly hard to find one. Despite all her doubts, though, there was one thing she was very sure about: all five of the gundam pilots were crazy, in one form or another. They had to be. Who else would pilot the damn things? Eventually she found herself back on the same street she'd ventured off of earlier, when she'd left Alex. The thought made her darken some and after a moment she realized why. [i]No guilt, not guilty, don't feel guilty... oh, shit.[/i] Thankfully, however, she found a distraction from those thoughts ahead of her - Tanya. Dressed in garbs a little different from her previous ones, but it was her nevertheless. Raising her eyebrows, Anya called out, "Fancy meeting you here!" Tanya swiveled around, the recognition instant in her eyes. Anya noted with some interest that the other woman's hand had steathily been creeping towards the waist of her pants, probably towards some weapon tucked in there. However, as it was only a fellow pilot (although Anya was pretty sure if she'd been, oh, the pilot of Heavy Arms, the hand wouldn't have stopped), Tanya propped her arm on her hip casually and gave her a nod. "What are you doing out here?" "Oh, seeing the sites. Forming my own opinion about this silly planet," Anya shrugged, her tone just as ambivalent. "And you? Heading back to the jeep?" Tanya returned the shrug, and gradually nodded. "I guess so. Where's Alex?" Anya stiffened slightly, and immediately cursed anything and everything that came to mind. [i]God damnit! What is wrong with me?![/i] "I imagine he's getting re-acquainted with his childhood or something," she muttered, forcing herself to relax. Tanya noted the reaction but didn't bring it up. "Right. Everybody will probably be heading back soon, anyhow. Shall we?" Giving the Deathscythe pilot a quick mock-bow and a sweeping motion with her hand, a 'you first' sort of signal, Anya said, "Of course."[/size]
[size=1][color=navyblue]Generally speaking, when a thread hasn't been replied to in over 2 months, we consider it done. In the future, please don't bring back old threads - if you're still interested in the topic, just PM whoever made it. Double-posting is also looked down on. I understand your curiousity, but please don't do it again. :p I'll also ask you to improve your grammar a bit - more effort into punctuation, capitalization and the correct spelling of words would be greatly appreciated. For more information, you might want to check out the OB rules thread and catch yourself up a bit. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
Art Astrological Interpretations in WaterColor
Arcadia replied to Queen Asuka's topic in Creative Works
[size=1]Cool horns. ^_~ I've always liked messing around with watercolors, myself. They're fun to just swirl together and make shapes with. You have made them quite pretty with these paintings, though. On this last one, my only (and very minor) complaint is that her left shoulder (the one on the right) is a little off. I had to really search for one, heh. They're all gorgeous, though. Can't wait to see Taurus! :p[/size] -
[size=1]Eventually the food did arrive and the two of them ate appreciatively, though mostly in silence. Anya, for one, had never been to Earth. She'd never been off the colony. They hardly let her out of the damn boarding school, let alone the entire floating city. It was definitely a big change, too. For one thing, Anya wasn't used to seeing a real sky. Big and blue and endless, like the sea. She hadn't actually seen a real sea, for that matter - she only knew what she'd read out of various books and other sources. Poking at her omelette now, her chin in her hand once again, Anya began to glance around the restaurant, watching the other people. They all actually lived here. The more she thought about it, the more subdued she became. It was as though she'd been living on a mere figment of Earth all this time. [i]Hell, that's exactly what you've been doing,[/i] she snapped at herself then. Her temper was dwindling increasingly - all in all, not a good thing. "A penny for your thoughts," Alex broke in then, watching her unabashed. "It'll take way more than a penny," she replied moodily. She picked at her omelette some more, taking a few more bits, before pushing the plate away for good. "I'm done." He leaned back, rubbing his now full stomach, a lopsided grin on his face. "I can see that. Ready to go, then?" Something about that remark was slightly unsettling to Anya, and it must have showed, because Alex arched an eyebrow at her. Averting her eyes temporarily, she produced some money and set it down on the table in front of him. "There, my half of the bill. I'm just going to do some exploring on my own - never been to Earth, you know." As she rose, he quickly got up to cut her off. "I'll pay for the breakfast, don't worry. And you know, I can show you around, too. See the sites. There's a lot of history to be found--" Anya stared at him for a moment, as if trying to figure out if there wasn't some other motive behind all this generosity. She wasn't used to it, frankly, and didn't really have any desire to change that feeling any time soon. She was a pilot, after all - things like that only got in the way. "I'll be [i]fine,[/i]" she interrupted, a little sharper than necessary, before heading back out into the warmth of the sun. Many minutes later, after both her wandering feet and thoughts took her on some twisted, tortuous paths, Anya began to realize that she had no earthly idea where she was going. Or where she was for that matter. Although it was something she was quite used to, and she took the time to revel in it - and the beautiful countryside - before turning back to try and retrace her steps.[/size]
[size=1]I also had to write my own eulogy for a psychology class once, and that was more than a little disconcerting. Talk about an out-of-body experience. It makes me sort of glad that I won't be alive to see it happen a second time. A couple years ago my grandmother died around Christmas, and I remember being completely numb throughout the entire funeral. I didn't cry once. We never really lived near her, though towards the end of her life she took to visiting us during winter every year for the warm weather. Even so, we weren't as close as I wish we could have been, and even after she died, it took me a really long time to come to terms with it. It was just more comfortable to think that she was still in Ohio, miles away, and that would be the only thing that stopped me from seeing her. In retrospect, I really, really wish I would have cried. Instead of allowing people to comfort me and support me, I became stoic and closed off and that only made it ten times worse. I'm only just starting to get to the point where I can fully understand everything that went on then. So I have to agree with what many others have said before - the funeral [i]is[/i] important. It's not just a waste of money. It's a way to bring all those who loved the deceased together to share their memories, their happiness, and their sadness, and accept death for what it is.[/size]
[size=1]The next part happened so quickly that Vedette barely had time to smirk. Spinning around the corner, she sprinted after Kala and towards the firing men, dodging the first few bullets as well as she could. Her ankle screamed something horrible, but she ignored the pain - [i]nothing[/i] could stop them from getting out now. She skidded to a stop when one sliced through the skin on her arm, and spat a foreign curse at the men before throwing her hands up in front of her, eyes narrowing slightly. For a moment she was completely still, but it didn't last. As her hair began to blow past her shoulders, moved by some unseen force, a shockwave seemed to reverberate past her hands and towards the guards. The bullets in the air all slowed to a halt as she increased the pressure of the telekinetic blast before their momentum reversed and they were sent straight back into the men that shot them. Spurts of blood filled the air, taking the place of the bodies that had previously been standing. "Nice, Vedette!" Kala picked off a few of the guards that where still up, while Vedette lodged her dagger home in another's skull. "Zsu, come on, this is it." Zsuzsanna caught up with them quickly, only glancing at the broken, bleeding bodies around them as they ran. Vedette knelt down quickly as she passed the man who'd been struck by her small blade, wrenching the thing out of his forehead. Another inch or so of his skin had been split open, spraying blood on her legs in the process. She didn't flinch once. "Let's hurry, we haven't got much time. Half the school must have heard that," Kala muttered, not sounding entirely pleased. But they were almost there - the realization of this was a much sweeter stimulant than any drug could ever hope to be. They ran into a few more guards, but between the three of them, they were easy to pick off. Kala's brow was constantly creased in worry - who knows what awful visions plagued her every time she took a step. Vedette was certainly thankful that she hadn't been blessed with that particular gift of the mind. "Almost there," Zsuzsanna whispered excitedly, a spark to her eyes. It was infectious and both Kala and Vedette returned it. But there were still so many things that could happen - that probably would happen. And while the three of them were quite powerful together, the darker-haired girl knew that there were many dark secrets about the school that could very well destroy them all. She was really, really hoping that they stayed secret. Reaching a small, shadowed spot by the last of the buildings, the three paused to catch their breaths and plan the next step. Shifting most of her weight onto her good ankle, Vedette raised her eyebrows at Kala and Zsuzsanna. "Okay, masterminds, what comes next?"[/size]
[size=1]As she scanned over the menu, trying to figure out what sounded good, Anya discovered that at this point, she would eat just about anything. She really hadn't eaten anything for quite awhile - since she last had dinner, basically. With a sigh, she rested her forehead against the table and whined pitifully, "My stomach is going to cave in I'm so hungry..!" Alex just raised an eyebrow at her, looking as though he was about to give her some sort of witty retort before his stomach growled loudly. After that, he just coughed mildly and set the menu up so that it hid his face. Anya rolled her eyes, and set her chin in her hand. Eventually the waiter came back and took their orders, before flouncing off again, to do whatever it was waiters do behind the ominous swinging door to the kitchen. "What are we doing after this?" Anya asked then, her eyes trained on the other pilot. He set his menu down and looked politely confused. "Hm? We're doing what later?" A minute of silence went by, their expressions not changing until the waiter came back with their drinks. At that point Alex grinned and thanked the waiter, and quickly took hold of his glass as though he were a man just out of the desert. Sighing, Anya ran a hand through her hair, ruffling it a bit. "I wonder where Tanya wandered off to," she thought out loud. Almost half way done, Alex blinked up at her. "Is it possible that you're actually [i]worried[/i] about somebody other than yourself?" She raised an eyebrow. "No. I just want to know everything about everything." "Are you sure?" He grinned at her, almost smugly. Leaning forward, her eyes narrowing slightly, Anya pursed her lips, "Yes, I'm sure." As if to finalize that, she picked up her glass and chugged it, down to the very last drop, and looked at Alex as though she dared him to say anything to the contrary.[/size]
[size=1]You're going to make a really, really terrific teacher. Obviously you've got a lot of passion and interest in literature and writing and it's definitely going to rub off on people. As quite a few others have said, stream of consciousness is one of my favorite styles of writing. It's so laid-back and easy to read.. almost like the author is goading you to read. Heh, that's one opinion, anyway. ^_~ Definitely looking forward to seeing more.[/size]
[size=1][color=navyblue]All right, guys, please put a little more thought and effort into these sign-ups. They don't quite fit the bill. Give more details about their pasts, or their personality. They don't necessarily have to be long, but these one-liners don't cut it. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1]As the others conversed a bit (well, it was more like Alex and Raul - Tanya wasn't feeling too social, either), Anya crossed her arms stubbornly and watched the world fly by them as the jeep drove forward. Obviously, she was sulking about being pulled into the jeep with the others, but the destination was still the same, so it didn't matter [i]that[/i] much. She had really wanted to drive, though. It took the good part of an hour for them to drive into town. On the way they'd passed an amazing number of fields and cows, and Anya was glad for the change in scenery. Though from the looks of it, the city wasn't what you would call the most technologically advanced place in the world. She began to wonder where the various ship and gundam parts would come from before Tanya broke into her thoughts. "Raul is taking the others to get provisions and that. Apparently, we're just going to wander about mindlessly," the pilot of Deathscythe said, her nose crinkling up in distaste. Anya stretched, and then folded her arms over her head. "Whatever. It would be a shame to get lost, though." She eyed the other girl as she said the last bit. Tanya slowly smirked and gave her a subtle nod before turning her eyes to Alex, who was still talking to Raul. "Alex, we're leaving," Tanya informed him, her hands on her hip now. Anya had already begun walking ahead, albeit slowly. Alex sighed, and Raul chuckled, claping the pilot on the shoulder. "Good luck, soldier," he grinned at him, before gesturing for the technicians to follow him. Alex just grunted, before catching up with the two ladies.[/size]
[size=1]Vedette had grown quite used to Kala stopping mid-sentence. The visions came without warning, as they always did, and they had all accepted that. And both she and Zsu had learned very quickly to trust Kala's precog abilities. Vedette, especially - once she ignored Kala's warning and the results of it still haunted her sleep. The French-American woman was pretty sure it was going to take quite a long time for her to get over that nightmare. "Are we ready?" Kala's voice broke into her thoughts and Vedette faultered a moment, before nodding, her eyes determined. "Never been more ready for anything in my life," she murmured, tucking her knife away. She had more useful weapons in mind. Zsuzsanna climbed off the bed and stood straight, batting her hair out of her eyes. "Let's ditch this hell-hole." The three girls shared a silent, brief moment before Kala nodded and turned, stopping by the door. Eyes closed in concentration, she checked the halls, listening for any sort of movement. Vedette and Zsuzsanna followed her out quietly, both keeping an eye out as well as they carefully made their way through the corridors. Though with Kala leading them, it wasn't exactly necessary. After a long, silent walk towards the back of the dormitories, Kala motioned for them to stop. Vedette exhaled slowly, knowing that if they were to get through this successfully then she needed to be as calm as possible, and ready for anything. She adjusted her position so that Zsu stood between herself and Kala - after all, Zsu was the main one the guards would be after. She had to be protected, and Vedette would sure as hell make certain that the job was done to perfection. Kala cursed under her breath then, balling her fists. "We're cutting this too close." Vedette looked perfectly cool and collected, though her thoughts were just as frantic. "Well," she whispered evenly, "If we can't get around them, why not go through them?"[/size]
[size=1][color=gray]Heh, I love you guys. ^_~[/color] Leile sighed, and just nodded, resigned. Aissa seemed very interested in the University, however, and she gave Leile's hand a squeeze before starting across the room. "Yes, of course. Lead the way." Anubis nodded once, and then turned on his heel and promptly led them back out into the dark night. They trailed back across their previous tracks for a few minutes before he swung onto a different route. It took Leile a moment but she eventually got her bearings once again and blinked up at him. He glanced at her briefly, before gazing steadily ahead. Sometimes she got the feeling he could see things in the dark that they couldn't. "This is a small short cut," he informed her quietly. They walked in silence, with the exception of Leile's charms, for the greater part of twenty minutes. She, for one, was a little nervous about the city. Even though it seemed as though nothing could ever inhabit it, she still wandered about those shadowy figures that had appeared at their little fire. Where there more of those around? What other sort of strange things was the city hiding now? After a moment, Anubis stopped, and gestured towards a lumbering shadow ahead of them. "That would be the University," he mumured, and then fell silent, as though reliving memories of times within those walls. Aissa stepped forward then, glancing briefly at Anubis. "Shall we?"[/size]
[size=1]Vedette couldn't say she was surprised - it was actually an idea that Zsu had brought up a lot, lately. In their company, anyway. And it was definitely something that she'd been aching to do for quite some time. All of them had - the school was just hell, anyway you thought about it. She nodded slowly then, and said firmly, "Yes, of course I'm coming. You girls aren't going to have all the fun." Zsuzsanna grinned and threw her arms around Vedette then, "Wonderful! I couldn't leave you behind in this horrible place!" [i]"Oh mon dieu,"[/i] Vedette just sighed, and then as Zsu pulled back, glanced between her and Kala. "So there is a plan then, yes?" Kala nodded, then glanced over her shoulder warily. "Let's head back to my room and talk. This isn't a good spot for this," she murmured carefully, before gesturing for them to follow. It was a familiar pattern, though - multiple times a week they'd all disappear into one of their rooms, whispering about the horrors of the day, planning and dreaming and doing whatever would basically keep them sane. Relatively, anyway. They hurriedly walked down the corridor, and during the small silence, Vedette took the time to think back to what Zsu had said about Crawford and the others. So this would involve them somehow... definitely something to think about. Especially since she had suspicions about the relations between them all. Kala unlocked the door then stepped to the side, allowing them entrance. "Right, so that plan.."[/size]
[size=1]Anya woke up slowly, stretching leisurely in her bed before opening her eyes. The thing was, when she stretched, her legs knocked against something and the next thing she heard was a rather loud thud. Shooting up to a sitting position, her hand slipping under her pillow for the revolver that rested beneath it, she threw the covers off and jumped onto the mattress, pointing the gun down. It was a rather interesting and comical scene, especially when she realized who it was that had made the thud. "What the hell are you doing in my room?" Anya asked, perplexed, lowering the gun. Then, after thinking about it for a minute, she raised the gun again, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. "And [i]why[/i] where you on my bed?" Alex just rubbed his head, still not fully coherent, and stared at her. Then he blinked at the revolver, and stared at that some more, before sighing. "You don't remember? We had so much fun, too." One of her eyebrows arched up at that and she said quietly, "Define [i]'fun'[/i].." Grinning slightly, he just shook his head, and then took a few good minutes to push himself off the ground. As he did that, Anya jumped off the bed and onto the ground, giving him the benefit of the doubt and lowering her weapon. Rubbing his elbow, wincing slightly, he then nodded to her. "Seriously, Anya, this is your fault anyway. You're the one who dragged me out of bed and around the ship." She paused, before tucking the gun in her sweats. "Oh, right." "And then while I was telling you my life story, you rudely fell asleep, so I had to haul you back to your room. You're not light, you know," he told her, though his grin assured her that he was just being obnoxious. "Okay, okay, shut up, I get it." She ran a hand through her hair, ruffling it a bit before turning to fix her covers. He chuckled, putting his hands on his hips. "Well, you're obviously not a morning person."[/size]
[size=1][color=navyblue]jro13, I'm glad to see that you're trying to help keep up the quality, but please leave this sort of thing to the moderators in the future. This is our job, after all. As for the thread. We expect a certain standard of detail and overall quality with every posts, especially those in the Recruitment area, and this doesn't cut it. There needs to be more information about your RPG - what sort is it? What are you looking for in characters, besides unique powers? What do you consider unique powers? Etc. There needs to be a basic story line, something that will give potential players an idea of what to expect. Right now, they don't really have anything to go off of. Please, review Harlequin's sticky at the top of the forum, and you also might check out the standard OB rules, as well. Both will give you a better idea of what is expected. If you still need help after that, feel free to PM either myself, terra, or Harlequin for any questions. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1]Anya grinned at herself in the mirror, poking at a few grease stains on her cheeks before ruffling her hair up. [i]Glorious, darling,[/i] she told herself, before clumsily stripping down as she walked to the shower. It was the same end one she'd been using, and it was still on cold - something she'd forgotten. She let out a shriek as the water hit her skin, backing up against the tiled wall quickly. A few minutes past before her thoughts registered and she managed to slide along the wall towards the dials. Soon enough, her fingers wrapped around the little knob labeled [i]'H'[/i] and the shower became bearable, then steamy. She cleaned herself up, scrubbing hard to get rid of the oil and grease marks, before relaxing against the wall, her thoughts eventually drifting towards the earlier scuffle at the base. It had been easy, and Anya was almost certain that Une and all his little blood-sucking minions had to be aware of it by now. What would they do? How would they respond? And what would Raul send them to destroy next? One of the other two bases, or perhaps something a little more covert? Sighing, she rolled her shoulders slowly, before reaching behind to massage her neck with her fingers. She felt tense, not something she really enjoyed. The ship had landed somewhere sometime ago - she could tell because it had stopped swaying, stopped vibrating. That, and she vaguely recalled one of the technitions talking about it after complaining that they were running out of polish. Deciding that she was going to find something to do, as she didn't really want to go to bed, Anya shut the water off and got out. She dried off quickly, and dressed even quicker, then started out the door, her socks in hand. She vaguely thought about going to one of the lounges somewhere, or maybe even the kitchen, but then scratched that. For once she actually wanted some company. Preferably, one of the pilots. That way she could at least get to know them - how they thought and reacted. If they were going to continue to do group assaults like the last one, all that information could come in handy. Anya paused, standing in the middle of the hallway. "I'm insane," she promptly said to no one, before turning to find Alex's door. She pounded on it, waiting patiently outside, though listening for noises within. After a moment she knocked again, more insistantly, and that time she heard some annoyed groaning. Satisfied, she waited, and smirked in amusement at his disheveled hair as he opened the door to stare at her. "What?" "We're going to do some chatting, I think. Sound good to you?" Anya put a hand on her hip after adjusting the strap to her top, sliding it back on her shoulder. "You're joking," he said incredulously, "You woke me up for that?" She just nodded. "Yes." He ran a hand through his hair, looking around as though it had to be some sort of joke and men with cameras would jump out any minute, and then sighed, resigned, when none did. "I can't believe this." Anya just grinned, then pulled him out of the doorway and towards an unknown location. "I suggest you get used to it."[/size]
[size=1]Vedette hadn't really had a good day. Although, every day at Rosenkreuz sucked, so it wasn't much of a surprise. As it was, she was currently walking back from a little scolding. Actually, more like limping, though she did her best to hide it. But it hadn't been pleasant at all - not only had he hit her, he hit [i]on[/i] her. Though most of the instructors had strict warnings not to take things too far, some of them still did. The instructor punishing her did, and she retaliated. And now she was heading in no particular direction as fast as her legs would carry her, wincing slightly as pain shot up her leg from her ankle. As she got to the courtyard, she noted that it was rather empty. Though night was falling, so that was probably the best explanation - not many of the students ventured outside at night, and especially not alone. Vedette didn't really have a choice at this point, but she didn't really mind. Most people stayed away from her anyway. [i]Most[/i] people. Vedette rounded a corner and nearly bumped into somebody. Upon closer look, she realized it was Zsuzsanna. A very tired, flustered looking Zsuzsanna. Sighing in slight relief, Vedette put her hands on the other girl's shoulders, "You scared the shit out of me, Zsu." Zsuzsanna gave a half-hearted laugh, glancing around herself carefully. "I thought you'd be a..." Her voice trailed off and she shook her head then. Vedette suddenly felt very wary. "Zsu, did something happen?" But just then, a quiet hiss made both of them turn their heads towards the dorm entrance a few yards away. There was Kala, peeking out the doors carefully, gesturing for them to approach her rather hastily. Vedette raised her eyebrows, one of her hands still on Zsu's arm protectively, before heading towards the Russian. [she's Russian, right? ^_^;;] [i]"Diable est-il ceci?"[/i]* As they neared the door, Kala reached out and pulled them the rest of the way in, sighing in relief once the doors closed behind them. "Thank goodness," she muttered, rubbing her forehead as though she were trying to ward off an on-coming headache. Taking a moment to rub her ankle gingerly, Vedette glanced to Zsu, then to Kala, pursing her lips slightly. "[i]Mes copines[/i]*, is there something wrong?" ------------ *What the hell is this? *My friends (feminine)[/size]
[size=1]Anya noted quietly that after everyone had loaded the gundams back into the hanger, the general mood of the pilots seemed to be.. subdued. Incredibly so, actually. It would take a complete and utter moron not to notice it. While the other wandered off to the showers, or to their rooms to reflect and or take a much needed nap, or wherever their feet led them, Anya decided that she would stay around Shenlong for awhile. While some of the technitions smoothed down some minor scratchs on the metal, she perched on the door of the cockpit, messing around with the controls. She liked to experiment a bit with them, which was probably why some of the technitions were throwing her dirty looks - how they loathed fixing her mistakes. But after throwing them a few indifferent glances and then a mild scolding (mild for her, anyway) about their anal-retentiveness, they backed off. She didn't know how much time had gone by when she finally sat back, wiping the sweat from her brow. However, from the amount of grease and dirt she'd some how managed to get on her, she made a rough estimate that it was plenty longer than she'd originally intentioned. Anya liked being dirty though. Standing up and taking a step back, her balance superb despite the heights, she grinned and winked at Shenlong before cleaning up the cockpit area, then making her way down to the catwalk. She gave the technitions a wink, before heading for the showers. Cause she desperately, desperately needed a shower now.[/size]
[size=1]I really enjoyed this. I think I've just got a thing for this form of writing, but whatever, it's still very cool. All the random thoughts about Moses and Monty Python are very entertaining. And the Drama thing. Brings back memories. ^_~ As always, very well done.[/size]
[size=1]Well, subtracting the fact that a marathon is exactly how I spent last night, I really try to either watch maybe one or two episodes a day (depending on how much time I have), or just buy each DVD as it comes out (if I didn't get a box set or something). That way you've got time to sit back and think about the characters and all that, and you won't OD on anime or something. However, I usually end up watching at least one whole DVD a day, so that can be four or five episodes, depending on the anime. And as said before, I spent last night/this early morning watching Fruit Baskets on my friends computer. I'm pretty sure I just don't have any sort of will power at all. The downside to this is, you do miss a lot of little things, especially once you've been watching episodes for hours already. In my case, I end up watching all my DVDs multiple times anyway, so even if I miss some kind of joke or symbolism or foreshadowing, eventually I'll pick it up later. So I guess I don't have any real preferences, like Sen said - I just watch as much as I feel like watching. Or at least, as much as my body will let me. >.>[/size]
[size=1]I posted a little something about this on mO, and to my surprise, it actually received some interest. So here it is: After browsing the forum the other night, reading everyone's excellent poetry, I had this great idea: What if those of us who could write poems (and even some of us who can't) drafted up some poems about any member of OB without ever giving away the name of the person? The "contest" bit of it would be that everyone but the poet himself would then try to guess the identity of the person described, based on little hints and references made within the poem. This "contest" doesn't really have a spectacular ending prize or anything like that - it's merely a fun and creative way to test your writing skills and/or your knowledge of other OB members. As far as style and length goes, it's totally up to you. Get as creative as you can with your ideas - the more symbolic and vague you are, the harder (and better) it will be for both the poets and those guessing. Quality is expected, as always. If you're only going to guess, then make sure you back it up with evidence. Point to specific lines or phrases that led you to your conclusion. Also feel free to critique the poems you read - constructive criticism is always welcome. That is the point of the forum, after all. ^_~ Remember, play nicely, and have fun.[/size]
[size=1]I think she'd make a very interesting character. The psychology aspect of it is really fascinating - the effects of her parents divorce on her beliefs. It's very believable, very well thought out for being just a couple paragraphs, and as short as it is, it explains a lot about the character Jolie. Also, I think all good authors have to have some sort of understanding of psychology and what motivates people to think this or do that, and you seem to have a very good handle on that. Not just with this, but with most everything you write. Kudos. ^_~[/size]