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Everything posted by Arcadia

  1. [size=1][color=maroon]"You know, I think I saw a flier about it earlier this morning, but I really didn't pay it much attention. I was more worried about getting to class on time. Big test in psychology today," Julia explained, brushing her hair out of her eyes. Valentine just gave a nod. "Do you think you're going to go to the party, then?" "I might," Julia grinned, "Just to see what the hubbabaloo is all about. Plus, I hear there's going to be a band. I'd hate the opportunity to miss a free concert." If there was one thing that always caught her attention (and which she is very passionate about), it was art - in this case, that art was music. Woe to the person who says music is not art and Julia is within hearing vacinity. They will never hear the end of it, for as long as they live. "Even though it'll probably suck. Are you thinking about going?" "A little bit, yes. More to meet people and get to know them a little better. That, and it would be a good opportunity to get away from the homework," Valentine pointed out smartly. "Amen to that," Julia agreed, and the two shared a laugh, pushing the double doors to the gymnasium open wide. The smell of old mats and sweat filled their nostrils immediately and Julia scrunched up her nose. "Lovely place you got here." Valentine sighed, obviously a bit annoyed herself as she took a lengthy look around. "They won't give us the money we need to make a proper dance studio, so we're shoved in here. There aren't even any mirrors. It's ridiculous." Julia nodded her head vigorously along with the blonde, "Oh, definitely. Theatre isn't getting a whole lot either. It's very hard to build a safe, sturdy set when you've been using the same wood for years upon years. Maybe when it crashes down and squishes somebody, they'll get the idea." She paused, before adding, "I just hope it's not me." Valentine chuckled, setting her bag down. "That would be a shame." A few more of the other dancers came in after them and said a cheerful hello to the both of them, striking up a quick conversation before leaving to change in the locker rooms. As they left, Julia fished in her bag for a pen and a scrap piece of paper. "Well, here. If you feel like going, just give me a call. I figure we stand a better chance of surviving in pairs, don't you?" "I hope so," Valentine smiled, tucking the number away in her bag for later. "I'm going to hurry and change. Are you okay with waiting out here?" "Oh, definitely. I've got a couple plays to look over." "Okay, it'll just take a minute. Then you can see how amazing we are," Valentine grinned before giving the brunette a small wave, heading back into the locker room.[/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=red]OOC: I'm a little weirded out by all the different moments in time, so this is my attempt to string them together into something coherent and verbally pretty. Well.. maybe not pretty. But either way, if you've got a problem with it, let me know and I'll try to fix it. ^_^ The raid on the church had been, needless to say, a success. By the time every fallen member had returned, the number of Angels they'd found had risen to six. Not bad for the short amount of time they actually spent hunting. Kendra felt fairly satiated, and since Strike Team 19 had done such a lovely job, she agreed that they should all just get a good night's rest. However, later when Kendra tried to get some sleep, the only thing that greeted her when she closed her eyes was the angry boy from the church. The one with the crystal blue eyes, who brought the rain. It bothered her that he should keep interrupting her beauty sleep, especially considering it had been years since she'd had any sort of dream at all. She felt no remorse for the kill, nor did she feel threatened by his promise of "retribution." And yet try as she might, his glittering eyes kept glaring back at her whenever her eyelids dropped. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes tiredly, glaring at the far wall. Her feet dropped to the cold tile floor and she muttered a few choice curse words before standing. A few quick steps took her to the window of her small but cozy room, and she stared out it at the night sky for what seemed like hours, just letting her thoughts roam. Inevitably, they went back to the young man. The rainstorm that followed his primal scream had been magnificient, and had continued even after she had taken the breath from his body. The boy had power, it was unmistakeable. But the way he [i]used[/i] it... Kendra chewed on her lip pensively, quite sure she'd stumbled across something that could very well be important. The man hadn't used the power to attack her; he used it to save the church, thus his companions in the church. If he'd used that magic offensively, it could have been quite an exhilarating battle - one Kendra hadn't had in a while, to say the least. But he chose not to. [i]He chose not to.[/i] The idea was there, she knew it, but she just couldn't quite piece it all together. Her eyes wandered over the landscape, comparing the vivid colors inside Technoglobe's enhanced cities from the dismal grays, browns, and blacks that were all too common among the slums. Though Kendra liked the colors.. she didn't feel quite.. right with them. It didn't seem real enough. Any other thoughts about that, however, were cut short as the wailing of the siren interrupted the dark, slumbering hallway of the elite dorm. Kendra sighed, glancing towards the horizon - was that a lightening of the dark sky? Dawn already? She shook her head and moved away from her window, and prepared herself for the day. She was downstairs and ready to go before any of the others, though already being awake might have had something to do with that. They appeared soon enough, however, and none of them looked particularly happy about having their sleep interrupted. [i]At least they[/i] could [i]sleep,[/i] she thought, running a hand through her dark tresses. The assignment given was to check out a number of abandoned buildings - some of them were marked to be demolished, and were therefore prime spots for anyone who didn't wish to be found. As always, Angels were to be killed. All others were to be brought in any way possible, as long as they were alive - from there they would probably be branded with an ID number of some sort. But frankly, Kendra didn't care what they did with the captives. It was only her job, after all. They set out before the sun was able to peek over the horizon - Technoglobe believed striking early in the morning would catch many off-guard, as they would probably still be sleeping, or just waking up, or whatnot. Kendra wasn't so sure about that, but who was she to disobey orders? As it happened, somebody was found in the first building they took rounds in. She had been in the lower level of the building, listening intently to the quiet that blanketed the place. Occasionally there was an old creak from a floor board and a groaning noise from inside the walls - obviously the building was older than dirt. No wonder it was going to be demolished. She had just pushed open what was probably an old closet door when some yelled from above, "There's someone here!" Kendra looked up sharply in the direction of the voice - sounded like Kenji's - before Jenk caught her eyes. The hawk-eyed woman only replied with a slight nod and then Jenk was off, sprinting after the runaway. Just as she disappeared, Etta rounded the corner. "Upstairs?" "Jenk's on him--" but anything she would have said afterwards was caught off as Kenji announced the man's departure from the building. Smirking slightly, Kendra glanced over at the fire weilding woman, "We'll finish up here before joining up with Jenk and her prisoner."[/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=maroon]OOC: Muahahaha. High school. Julia didn't quite fit in, and she liked it that way. Perhaps that was why most saw her as a little odd - the thought only made her smile. [i]They[/i] were the odd ones, always chasing skirts and hooking up in the hallways. It was like a bad episode of the Real World, or another lame attempt at "real life" that producers seemed fond of creating these days. [i]Yes, blame Corporate America, that's it. I will sue them for the destruction of my childhood. Should go over nicely.[/i] After pulling her books out of her locker - damn Calculus for one, and a few odd plays she'd picked up from the theatre sponsor - she stuffed them in her bag and closed the metal door. Grafitti was scribbled over most of the lockers, and none of the teachers really seemed to care. So she'd taken to decorating hers with paint markers and sponges.. just splashes of color, some favorite lyrics here and there. She smiled, skimming the songs she had compiled over the year, before heading down the crowded hall towards the library. Rehearsal wouldn't be starting for a few weeks so she figured it was as good a time as ever to catch up with the librarian and get some much needed studying done. As always, the place wasn't exactly filled to the brim with students. One or two regulars littered the tables, and some new faces - a couple of which she knew weren't there to study - but for the most part, nothing out of the ordinary. She started towards an empty table but caught sight of a familiar face: Gen. He looked as though he was headed out, so she just gave him a grin and a quick wave before starting towards her table. Only today, her special table was being... used. Used in foul, horrible ways. Turning on her heel, her lip curling in disgust, Julia went back to find a different seat and noted with some relief that Valentine was seated at a secluded table towards the side, her books spread out around her. Making her way over, Julia wondered briefly what homework the girl might be working on. They had a few classes together, both of them being at the top of their class, so it wasn't odd to find her here at all. Greeting her with a smile, she tapped a chair opposite the blonde lightly. "Mind if I join you for a little studying?"[/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=maroon]OOC: Back to high school. How weird. And yes, I have permission to be doing this. ^_^ [b]Name:[/b] Julia Venyard [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Grade:[/b] 12th - Senior [b]Appearance:[/b] Julia is kind of on the shorter side, and is rather thin, but not disgustingly so. Unlike a lot of the girls, she doesn't quite like skirts and so more often than not you'll find her in a pair of jeans and some sort of obscure band shirt. She likes to wear long sleeves, especially with her crazy shirts over that, but the weather doesn't always leave her that possibility. Dark brown hair, which is often mistaken for black, brown eyes, and thick lashes. She's always got toe socks on, whether she's wearing her classic striped shoes or flip-flops, and can often be seen with her ipod in hand. Also, it should be know that she doesn't "do" back packs - instead, she carries around a large tote-bag with the famous [i]Tournee du Chat Noir[/i] scribbled on it (the black cat picture). [b]Personality:[/b] One of those rare types that actually enjoys learning and for the most part, pays attention in class, Julia does exceptionally well in school. She's also very involved within the theatre and yearbook department - she's big on art of all types. Normally optimistic, but not without a touch of sarcasm and a dry, cynical sort of humor. She's clever, pretty easy to get along with, and keeps a level head about things; Julia is always a good person to turn to if you ever need support of some kind. [b]Misc:[/b] She detests math in all shapes and sizes, and doesn't really buy into the whole clique thing. She does recognize that they do tend to happen, and for the most part she tries to ignore the unspoken boundries of high school. She's also very skilled at ignoring the raging hormones that seem to surround her.[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=maroon]Luthian just raised his eyebrows at the redhead, his arms still crossed in that same, closed-off manner. Her secretive nature and unwillingness to really tell him anything about herself was beginning to annoy him a little bit. Which sounded ridiculous to his own ears, as he'd only just met the girl. But now she was asking for help. No, they might "need" him - specifically, they wanted to get the hell out without being noticed. And he could do that, easily; working the bar gave him countless names and faces to remember, and there were many in town that owed him a favor or two. But first thing was first. "Sure, I can help you out," he replied coolly, "But only if you explain a few things." The dancer Shrai'i looked mildly amused, as if watching some sort of play. The performer was now watching a performance - must have been a humorous switch, indeed. Except, there was something else about the way her eyes gleamed that made him feel wary. Luthian realized, with a slowly growing sense of suspicion, that he knew absolutely nothing about the two women at all. Sure, he prided himself on remembering drinks, but after that, what else was there? Maia looked as though she had expected nothing less, but was still reluctant to hand out any personal information. Sighing, she tugged on her braid anxiously as she muttered, "Fire away." He flicked his tail back and forth a few times as a small smirk began pulling at his lips. "Wonderful. Now then, let's start at the beginning, shall we? What brings you lovely women to K'Urii?" The redhead glanced to Shrai'i, who merely shrugged, still sporting her own mysterious smile. Slowly, Maia replied, "I was sent from Kaer to work with Shrai'i, who is in town with her troupe, obviously. She dances, as you can see, but also dabbles in the art of assassination." Her eyes didn't meet his once. Luthian's eyebrows shot up, though he couldn't say he was especially surprised or anything. He thought about making some sort of snide comment about how there was no way Maia could possibly be a dancer, so there [i]must[/i] have been some other secret between them... but the words never left his lips. Sometimes Luth was a lot softer than he liked to be. "And so that makes you an assassin." "Partly, yes," she admitted, "But this whole Ma'Uriith thing has changed everything. The assignment seems insignificant when compared to recent events, and so we plan to leave." He nodded, almost imperceptably. "And you will be going.. where?" She met his eyes then, determined. "Ma'Uriith."[/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=maroon]OOC: Whoooo!! Registered for classes, baby! Yeah!! *does college dance of victory* June took the time Brand gave her to eat up and relax a bit before she decided that she wanted to do a bit of exploring. When she mentioned this, he cast her a very withering look. "You want to go exploring? Alone?" He asked, crossing his arms. June raised an eyebrow at the body language, wondering if he could be any more closed off to the idea, before nodding slowly. "I would like to see the village, at least. Meet some people here, see what they do. That can't hurt, right?" Brand looked doubtful, but Heliati interveened on June's behalf. "Oh, stop being such a worry-wart, Brand. I'll show her around while you take care of the preparations. The other guards should know the Legend One of Fire has been found, at the very least." At that the dark-haired man relented and he sighed. "Okay, okay, you win. Just be careful, you understand? The Knights will be up and about very soon - they'll know just as we know that the Legend Ones will be appearing, and they'll try their best to get rid of you as quickly as they can. And that [i]cannot[/i] happen." "Knights?" June repeated, her tone curious. "Who are the Knights?" "The Knights are not your friend," he explained, his eyes narrowing imperceptably. "They work for the Great Evil and assist him in his quest for the ultimate power. We cannot let them triumph, and so you must be extra careful. You will know them when you see them, Legend One. You will feel it. And if you should come across one," his voice dropped dangerously low, "[i]run.[/i] Do not stay and fight it. You don't have a chance, not in this condition." She couldn't have expected it to be all fun and games, but June was still disheartened by the idea that somebody she didn't even know was after her life. It just seemed so wrong. "I promise you, then," she agreed, "That I'll be careful. I'm sure that we'll be fine, Brand." June knew the optimistic tone wouldn't help his nerves, but she had to show him that she wasn't afraid - a life lived in fear was no life at all. He nodded, seemingly satisfied. "Alright, then. Go ahead, and take this horn with you. Use it to call for help, just in case." The horn was small, finely polished and decorated with a careful, steady hand, and June couldn't help but grin at her reflection. "Of course," she smiled at him, before Heliati linked arms with her and the two walked out into the open sunshine. Brand watched them leave before turning towards one of the windows in the room, letting out a low whistle. A small, slender bird creature hopped onto the window sill then, it's bright, beady eyes glancing around curiously. A strange clicking sound was emitted from it's beak, and it fluttered it's wings anxiously. Brand smiled and bowed to it briefly. "Falcii, I have a message for Azure and Kruiden. Tell them..." --- As Brand dictated his message, June and Heliati wandered around the little Karui village, stopping to speak with people or take a look at some peculiar plant or animal every now and then. June had never seen so many interesting things in her life, and try as she might, she couldn't hide her amazement. Thankfully most seemed pleased by her open curiousity, and only returned it, questioning her strange garments and even stranger name. She wasn't sure what she should say, but Heliati often saved her and only replied to the inquiring minds, "June is foreign to these parts, truly. But she will be a great friend to us, make no mistake about it." After what felt like an hour of wandering around, June strayed a little from the roads of the village and made her way up a small dirt path that looped around the side of a rather large, rocky hill. Heliati noticed the direction her feet had taken and could only smile; so the cycle really had begun again. She followed after the girl knowingly, pleased and quite sure that Brand would be, also. The little path eventually led June around to a small cliff. There was ground beneath her some ways down, but as she looked over the area, the Legend One was sure she thought she saw a small passage way squeezed between some rocks. Sure enough, upon inspection, it was big enough for her to get through relatively unscathed by the hard, unyielding stones. The rocks grew around her, their bulky shapes slowly turning into smooth, stone columns as she continued into the heart of the hill. Torches lined the walls, giving her enough light to make her way through. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, but she couldn't stop - she knew she was meant to find something in here, she could feel it. Soon the tunnel rounded out into a large, circular room, lined with torches. The flames flickered brightly and cast their light upon the glittering stone walls, refracting light every which way. June exhaled slowly, amazed by the sheer beauty of the cavern, before noticing the strange circular structure in the middle of the room. She stepped towards it, eyeing the strange words carved into the structure. It reminded her of Italian, or Latin, neither of which she could really read. There were one or two words she could pick out, though: something about water, one of the words on the outside, and then something about fire or light, which was intricately carved into the center of the stone. Her fingers brushed across it lightly, her mind reeling around the words, trying to connect the dots. Without warning, the center of the pedestal spun upwards slowly, emitting a low, groaning noise. June jumped back, quite sure she had somehow caused the entire cavern to collapse on top of her, only, it never did. Instead, a flame burst forth from the words she recognized as fire. "...Um.." She turned to look at Heliati, but a creaking noise made her stop and avert her attention back in the direction she had been facing. The outer ring of the pedestal had fallen away, revealing a staircase that led down, deeper into the heart of the land. June began to start down the steps, but paused when she noticed that Heliati made no move to follow her. At June's questioning look, the horned woman just shook her head. "I cannot follow you there. It is too hot for me." June raised her eyebrows, glancing down the circular stairs, before looking back to Heliati. They shared a moment before June nodded, her eyes suddenly aflame with determination. "I'll be right back, then." OOC: [i]I'll continue this later, since it's going to be stupid long and I've got class in thirty minutes.[/i] T.T[/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=red]OOC: This post is brought to you in [b]red[/b] for Doukeshi's viewing pleasure! Also.. I just want to make a religious disclaimer here, and remind you all that I don't necessarily agree with what I write in here. I don't mean to offend anyone either, but just know that it's probably only going to get worse. I mean that in the best way possible. ^_^ Morgan Kendra stood with her arms crossed, an imposing figure against the crimson sky behind her. The sun was setting fast and curfew was quick to join it. Soon there would be much for her strike team to do. Her bright yellow eyes stared unblinking into the ruins of an old church directly below her, watching the shadows grow on the old stones as the sun disappeared behind the horizon for the night. Sources had led them to this spot on the pretense that it was an Angel stronghold; a hideaway for the outcasts of society. Her eyes narrowed imperceptably. Behind her, the fallen of Strike Team 19 waited, some impatiently, for the carnage to begin. They were the elites; the best Technoglobe could find. All were willing antagonists for their own reasons, whether they were personal or if they just worked for the money. Either way, ST19 had never failed in bringing in their targets, dead or alive. It was a record Kendra cherished, and she was damn well prepared to make sure it stayed that way. After a moment of silence, she flicked her fingers towards the church carelessly and uttered the fatal "Go." All at once the fallen lept to the ground, some braving the long jump while others preferred to leap from one roof to the next, towards the targeted church. Tonight they would search and destroy - those were the orders given to Kendra, and those were the orders she gave. It was simple, just as this mission would be simple. It had been quite some time since ST19 had met any real challenge, and though that met success for Technoglobe, Kendra was disappointed for it. Perhaps this night would prove to be different? For the fallen of ST19, the instructions had been crystal clear: [i]Search the premises, kill any Angels found, and then destroy the evidence.[/i] And so they did just that, with reckless abandon and definite ease. They all specialized in something, as Kendra did with telekinesis, but their prowess in the field was generally unmatched on all standards, and their style ruthless. Even Technoglobe, who delighted in their extreme competence, was wary of their power. [i]And they damn well should be,[/i] Kendra thought darkly. Below her, a small explosion was heard and a stained glass window depicting the birth of Jesus was shattered to pieces as flames burst forth, licking up all the oxygen they could reach. Other windows followed soon after, and soon the entire church was engulfed in a red fury. Slowly, Kendra made her way down to the front of the church, relishing in the heat the fire gave off. Her eyes glittered with malice as she watched the smoke billow upwards. The wooden door of the church before her swung violently on it's hinges as a young man stumbled out, frantic, his eyes full of fear. When he saw her standing before him, the picture of hell itself, his body froze in place and he knew it was no use. Kendra just smiled and gave him a little wave. He trembled with a nameless emotion, a combination of all those feelings one meets with when death is certain and the future is very uncertain. His crystal blue eyes were bright and determined, even as his voice shook, "There will be retribution," he whispered, and then he threw his head back and screamed. Kendra's eyebrows arched up as the sky around them suddenly darkened and clouds billowed in quickly. The rain came instantly, quelling the flames that covered the old church. The man gasped and fell to his knees, his strength spent with that last attempt to save something he so cherished. The hawk-eyed woman stepped towards him, thoroughly drenched and a tad amused, though she was sure her leather pants would not stand for such horrible treatment. Her fingers slid through his hair before gripping it tightly, pulling his head back so she could look him in the eye. More explosions sounded from inside the church, followed by a number of blood-curdling screams, and the man shuddered in response to them. "You hear that?" She asked quietly, her eyes cold despite the small smile that pulled on her lips. "That's the sound of God laughing." When the members of her strike team emerged from the church, they found her waiting for them patiently, perched beneath a rusted, beat up metal cross, her dark hair matted against her neck and back. Above her, the young man was tied up to the cross in the same style that Jesus had been, all those years ago, a trickle of blood on the corner of his lips the only sign of his death. It was her own mock crucifixion. Later, when asked how his untimely end came about, she only smiled and replied that he had died of a broken heart.[/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=maroon]To be perfectly frank, Finn was ecstatic. It wasn't every day he could get a definite one-up on the infamous Cap't Flint; usually they were always at odds with each other, unable to gain any sort of ground in any direction. But now, it was like Christmas in July. Finn felt like throwing a party in Flint's honor. Or dishonor, as it may have been. As the two of them watched the sparks and smoke from the scuffle fly wildly about from their place on the dock, he just couldn't help but chuckle, and recieved an unearthly glare from the pirate at his side. They boarded the boat with little difficulty, and just as Flint opened his mouth to speak, Finn brought his thumb and forefinger to his mouth and blew. A shrill, loud whistle erupted and all those who heard it stopped immediately. Others shortly followed, as all noticed the strange behavior of their respected leaders. That is, the two were standing next to each other, and [i]weren't[/i] trying to kill each other. Needless to say, not even a blue moon could warrant such an event. "Friends, Romans, Countrymen.." Finn began loudly, his arms outstretched as he enjoyed the shocked looks of all the men around them, but was cut off by Cap't Flint and his thinly veiled annoyance. "The Caballeros and the Desperados have reached an accord," He announced, rather reluctantly. "The fighting will stop at once. Drop your weapons." The men all just stared, unsure if they heard right. Guns were still aimed and dangerous, and sabers were frozen in the air in mid swing, blades glinting harshly with the sun's light. All eyes were on the two imposing figures standing at the head of the ship, wondering what could possibly make their leaders act so.. [i]civil.[/i] "I said," Flint repeated slowly, his voice dangerously low, "Put your weapons down." Finn made a small gesture next to him to his own men, and slowly, the two rival groups let go of shirts and dropped their arms. Guns were holstered and swords sheathed; all waited for some sort of explanation. "The agreement, then," Finn started, licking his lips once. "The Desperados and the Caballeros have temperarily joined forces for a... special occasion. Our past differences end now, and from this moment on we'll be working towards a common goal that I'm sure we'll all find very agreeable. Any who disobey will find the consequences not to their liking." Cap't Flint surveyed the ship from where he stood, specifically the explosion area, with a critical eye. "Since the Damned Mistress has met some misfortune," his voice dripped with distaste at that, which only made Finn smirk, "We'll be moving out on horseback..." "And I'll provide the horses," Finn finished. He tipped his hat forward with a grin, glancing at Flint before turning to leave. "Come on, cowboys. I think these pirates may need some sturdy steeds of their own." As the Desperados took to the docks, some grumbling about their inability to fully kick some Caballero ass, the pirates did the same in the ruins of the Damned Mistress, though none second-guessed the order. Not out loud, anyway. It didn't take long for Finn and his boys to rustle up a few dozen horses - no one questioned the ways and means of how exactly they managed to procure the animals, but they managed it nonetheless. The Caballeros were waiting on the docks as they returned, watching the smoking, sinking ruins of their beloved ship with anger and dismay. As the horses came into view, that look turned into one of resentment and disgust. But there was no turning back now. On his own fetching mount, leading another behind him, Finn gave a slight nod to Flint before calling out to the rest of the Caballeros, "Your transportation awaits, gentlemen." Not one of the pirates moved, however, until Cap't Flint himself gave the signal with a careless wave of his hand. They then clamored onto their horses, cursing and making a general racket. A moment passed before the Captain took the reins offered to him by Finn and mounted the horse, not saying a single word. His eyes, however, said thousands, and Finn could only just hid his smirk. [i]What a long quest this will be,[/i] he thought.[/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=maroon]Fitar, one-line posts are not acceptable. Please check back with OB's rules thread, or even Harlequin's sticky - I'm assuming that you've already read those. If not, please do so. Generally speaking, a few good sentences are needed; otherwise just keep everything to PMs. Also keep in mind that recruitment threads are for those who [i]are[/i] going to join, and not those who are [i]not[/i] going to join. Thank ye kindly. Enjoy the boards, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  10. [color=maroon]Leile smiled to herself, her eyes downcast as she tried to hide the mirth in them. Even after hearing the sad story of the D'Ianii, she still couldn't help but find humor in Anubis' and Aissa's constant bickering. She realized without much surprise that it was actually very comforting. Despite the fact that maybe they didn't always agree on the next course of action, they both meant well, and they both had that same drive to right all these ancient wrongs. And that was a very warm feeling. "I wonder if there's something written about D'Ianii Ilaen somewhere. In history books, or some sort of compilation of myths or something," Leile thought out loud, trying to be as optimistic as possible about their current situation. As her mind went further with that thought, something sparked in her memory - something about what the little, black figure had said. "He.. the thing.. said that the curse was with Ma'Uriith for much longer than anybody thought," she remarked then, trying to figure out how to link all this bits and pieces of information together into something that wasn't quite so mysterious. She was grateful for what she did know, though part of her wanted to know why she had to suffer because her great, great ancestors were blood-thirsty savages? Why did her father and her brother... She blinked, stopping those thoughts from going any further. [i]Later,[/i] she thought, [i]But not now. I can't do that now.[/i] Carrying on with her history questions, she asked, "How much longer, then?" She knew that neither Aissa or Anubis could really answer her questions - they could guess, but that was it. However, just saying them and getting them out into the open.. well, it seemed like the right thing to do. Leile realized then that she'd never wanted a history book so much as she did right then, and it made her smile again. [i]If I'm becoming this amused at such trivial things then it's a sad sign, indeed,[/i] she thought. Deciding that perhaps she should focus her energy on other things, Leile glanced at her companions studiously. After a moment, she asked Anubis curiously, "Why do your tattoos move?"[/color] [size=1]OOC: Arrrg, I say. Arrrrrrggg. I'll have to post lovely Luthian sometime later, when my creativity comes back. >.>;;[/size]
  11. [size=1][color=maroon]I agree with Dagger - it looks a little too cluttered right now, but if you tone it down a bit, it'll be perfect. The pictures are perfect, but more than that, I really like the two quotes you chose. If that's not symbolic enough for their relationship, I don't know what is. ^_^ I love them boys. XP Very, very lovely, so keep them coming![/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=maroon][i]OOC: Oh, nuts. I had this thing half done and my connection fizzed out. Now I have to remember it, and between you and me, I have a terrible short-term memory. Damn the internet.[/i] Leste stepped over the roots of the old oak as she made her way around its large trunk, her earthy eyes looking up towards its leafy branches. This tree was by far her favorite tree for the memories that it held - her memories. She traced her hand along the bark and sighed, leaning into the old tree. [i]Soon[/i], she told herself soothingly, [i]Soon it will be my turn. But until then, there are many things for me to do here.[/i] Her steps quickened and she ran through the forest swiftly, with as much grace as any deer would have. Leste knew the woods like the back of her hand - she could find her way through them blindfolded, if need be. In fact, she was pretty sure she did once, though that was [i]many[/i] years ago. It didn't take long for her temple to come into view. Like the other guardians, her temple incorporated many aspects of her element - the earth. It was made of smooth stone, much like marble on Earth, created around the tall trees, which were oldest here. The very temple itself was built into and onto the trees, and extended higher than any would think possible. The light circled through the center of it brilliantly and made it seem as though the very stones themselves were sparkling. Assorted vines and crawling plants bloomed with flowers and helped to create make-shift walls, perfuming the air with their radiance. This was the center of the forest, thus the ripest, and the wisest part, and fit for such a guardian. Standing at the entrance to her temple, feet cushioned by hundreds of tiny flowers, she bowed a sweeping bow before entering, one important task on her mind - to reach the other guardians. As she headed for her throne within her temple, fashioned from stone and earth alike, covered in the same soft flowers and a type of moss that felt softer than any feather, she let out a high, musical whistle. The sound seemed not of any world, but not a moment later a number of creatures ambled to greet her, gathering round her dais. Smiling at them all lovingly, she bowed her head to them in greeting, before whispering to them her urgent message. When she finished, they took off. Some took flight into the air, looking West, and some ran North with a great speed. Others went South, towards the ocean, to meet their brethren there and further the news to the guardian of that element. Her words were this: [quote][i]My dear friends, change is upon the air. I have felt it in the earth, and I have felt death within my domain. I do not like what I sense, and I am sure you know what I speak of. Perhaps a meeting is in order, my siblings. For if the dark is coming, it will be balanced. The Legend has returned, it seems.[/i][/quote] "Guard my words well," Leste told her messengers as they left, "And do not hesitate in your journey. May the sun shine on you and the land grant you a safe passage." She leaned back in her mossy throne then, chewing idly on a piece of her long hair. It had begun; she was sure of it. But only time would tell. For the moment, however, Leste was much more comfortable on having any and all tidbits that would help to shed some light - any plan was better than none.[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=maroon]I think I would buy these dolls. It would be my OB collection. Maybe the terra and Arcadia dolls would come with the Adventure Arena playset, complete with little iron stands to prop the dolls up, and whips, to keep the members in line. Even though I'd probably only hurt myself with that. But the Arcadia doll would come with multiple hats and matching toe socks, and a personalized ipod for her to carry around, kept in a protective leather case. Other accessories would include her raging sticks of doom and an air guitar, which Arcadia can jam on anytime. She'll also spout random phrases, song lyrics, and will make her own sound effects for your enjoyment. There would be special additions, too, including lots of hair dye and some ridiculous verbage to fill her tiny head with. And costumes, for every season (this of course includes the hats and toe socks).[/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=maroon]I still think it looks great, terra. The picture of the peach makes a really cool background, although it's [i]also[/i] making my stomach growl. I think I might be a little hungry. Gee, thanks. Hehehe. I really like the word "Juicy" towards the bottom. The font is so pretty, and so clean and clear. It's so hard to describe any of this sort of stuff without sounding silly. But yes, very lovely. Man, those are some [i]nice[/i] looking peaches.[/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=maroon]I must agree with wrist cutter and others - "Unchained Melody" is classic. An old favorite of mine, to be sure. Otherwise.. I really like "Hopeless" by Sister Hazel, and "Mad Season" by Matchbox Twenty. Though they're not really conventional love songs. And of course, just about anything Frank Sinatra sings. Especially "Strangers in the Night," and "I've Got You Under My Skin."[/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=maroon]Well, I saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway in New York and it was absolutely fantastic. The singing was beautiful - I have no idea how people can sing like that, but they do. Especially Christine.. that one note she hits during the song I can't remember is absolutely insane. I bought the soundtrack as soon as the production was over, but unfortunately that's back at home, where my sister hoards it like a greedy little dragon. There are a couple Phantom movies out already, if I'm not mistaken, and if I remember correctly one of them is a bit creative with the story. So head my warning ahead of time. But if you do ever get the chance to see it on stage, I beseech you to go watch it. It's worth every penny. Myself, I want to see the Lion King desperately. Just another one to strike off the list.[/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=maroon]Heh, terra, that thing about infamy and prestige made me laugh. You nut. Right, so this took longer than it should have, but I like to blame class for all my troubles. So there you have it. [b]Name:[/b] Finn [b]Goes by:[/b] ?Finn [b]Age:[/b] 29, or so he says [b]Appearance:[/b] Taller than average, but not exceptionally so. Lean, slender body type, toned from countless hours of riding, fighting, and training. He moves with a surprising sort of grace that one wouldn?t expect; incredibly agile. His skin is naturally tan, due to his ancestral background, and his hair is thick and dark. It?s a tad curly and he wears it just to his chin, though his trademark cowboy hat usually covers it up. [b]Personality:[/b] Finn is usually a very calm, laid back guy, which can often be mistaken for idleness by those who don?t know him. However, he is anything but lazy? he just likes to do things his own way. For the most part, all jobs assigned to the Desperados, and thus to him, are done quickly and efficiently, unless of course he feels like being an ass. He?s got a dry sense of humor and is usually pretty friendly, especially within the Desperados. But beneath that he?s got a ruthless streak a mile wide and no tolerance for cheaters, double-crossers, back-stabbers, and overall dishonesty. [b]Biography:[/b] The Desperados have always been led by one of Finn?s line; Spanish blood. Forty years ago an ancestor left Spain with some of his close friends and a bounty on his head and fled to America, land of the free, where the rowdy band of outlaws began terrorizing the port town of Galveston. Finn?s great grandfather, whom had left Spain for unknown reasons, took over the Desperados two years after, and made a deal with the mayor of the town. Thus, the Desperados now had a hometown to work from, and a safe haven to retreat to, just in case. Finn?s father took up the lead twelve years later, and established the Desperados beyond the port town, earning them great riches. It was also in this time, however, that a group of pirates known as the Caballeros also established themselves in Galveston. Two months later, the Desperados returned home to find the Caballeros, and despite much warring between the two, neither group of outlaws would budge. And so an agreement was made, albeit a reluctant one, and the two groups began to ?work together? for the good of Galveston. Somewhere at the start of his leadership, Finn Sr. met and married a Native American woman who?d been posing as one of Spanish decent. A few months later Finn was born (you do the math), and spent his childhood watching the escapades of his father and the Desperados. He learned quickly through observation, and nearly scared his mother to death one evening when he jumped out of nowhere and began attacking their cat with his own imaginary sword. His father saw much promise in him and began the training, sometimes taking him with the gang whenever it wasn?t too dangerous to do so. As he grew he was a favorite of the Desperados because of his wild ideas and charming antics. By the time he was fifteen he was a regular in the group, and at nineteen was second only to his father when it came to riding. He became quite handy with a dagger and his draw was quick. Slowly Finn Sr. began relinquishing his control to his son. He was still happily married and very wealthy, and had a couple daughters he missed sorely. Finn, however, loved riding with the Desperados, and when Finn Sr. officially retired, he was more than ready to take the reins. At 24 his aim had only improved, his skill with his daggers was notorious, and the whip he now carried had definitely seen it?s share of skirmishes. His leadership was accepted readily within the Desperados, and the group has continued to grow in infamy and prestige throughout Texas since then. [/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=maroon]Doukeshi, I'm posting on the basis that I've PMed you about the special Fallen character and all that. I hope it works for you. ^_^ [b]Name:[/b] Morgan Kendra [b]Nickname:[/b] Not too many people actually call her Morgan, unless they've known her for a very, very long time, or they just want to die. She usually just goes by Kendra, sometimes "the hawk.? [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Character Type:[/b] Fallen; strike team leader [b]Attributes:[/b] Kendra holds powerful reserves of Telekinesis, and is possibly the strongest user of the mind form in the entire city. She?s as silent as the night and can sneak into any facility unnoticed, and combined with her abnormal quickness, is a deadly assassin. Her strength is greater than normal, though it is not one of her defining attributes, and she does have some electric ability, though only to an extent. Her telekinesis is above all her most prominent power, and as such it is notorious among all under Technoglobe?s rule, and greatly feared. [b]Appearance:[/b] Kendra is tall, slender and lean, and surprisingly agile, even for her lithe body type. Her brilliant yellow eyes and pitch-black hair have earned her the occasional nickname "the hawk", and it's a nickname well earned. Her clothes are always dark and tight, and usually some sort of leather is thrown into the mix. More often than not she wears a black mesh shirt over a black, lacy bra. Her eyebrow is pierced, along with most of her right ear, and her make-up is usually dark, eyes thickly shadowed. Some people like to think she does this to hide the unnatural color of her eyes, but the stark contrast really only brings them out even more. Her left hand is completely covered in tattoos; circular designs that curve up and down her fingers. On this same hand she wears an onyx ring, hardly even visible above all the black ink, and this serves as her channeling agent. The ring was an old piece of her father?s, who left her and her mother long ago for reasons unknown. [b]Personality:[/b] Motivated by the need to atone for her ?guilty? past and a hatred for Angels flamed over the years by Technoglobe, Kendra is normally cold and manipulative. She?s a mystery to any who meet her; she seems to constantly switch from being quiet and unresponsive to bold and outspoken, though always dangerous. Ambiguous at moments, it?s hard to tell if she doesn?t care, or just wants you to think that. She won?t ever accept help or any sort of sympathy; Kendra sees it as a weakness in the worst way, which she always associates with Angels. Her dark past, however, is the catalyst of most of her behavior, and it?s a part of her that she constantly struggles with and tries to overcome. Underneath that hard shell she?s a very lonely and scared woman, afraid to see the truth because of the implications that it would have for her. [b]Bio:[/b] Kendra has always harnessed unbelievable power, and though she has great control over it now, it wasn?t always like that. Always able to slip into rooms unnoticed, she did this one night in her home only to find a strange man holding her mother against the wall by the throat. The man did not notice her, but her mother did, and the pained look in her eyes was too much for Kendra. She ran at the man, throwing herself into him. He only knew she was there when her momentum sent both crashing to the floor, leaving her mother sliding down the wall, gasping for sweet breath once again. It was then that Kendra got a good look at the man, and more specifically, his eyes ? they were a bright silvery blue, much too bright for any normal person. Unable to understand why an Angel would attack fellow Angels, as she was just a child then, she froze up. The man threw her off, shocking her with his electric power, just enough to leave her immobile for a few minutes ? that was all he needed. Once she was out of the way, he turned back to Kendra?s mother, who made no move to run or see if her daughter was all right; she just glared at the man before her in anger and despair. Because what Kendra didn?t know was that this man was her father, a Fallen. When Kendra came to, the first thing she saw was her mother?s motionless body and a bright streak of blood across the wall behind her. She tried to wake her mother, tried to shake her so that she?d open her eyes, but Kendra soon realized the horrible truth? her mother was not going to wake up. It was then that Kendra?s extreme power was first noticed; the little girl screamed in anguish, so strongly and loudly that the very room around her seemed to tremble. In actually, it was beginning to break apart, because Kendra was calling on reserves she didn?t know she had. The entire room collapsed around her in response to that unrestrained power. Somehow the little girl made it out of that looking almost entirely unscathed, though the surge of power that went through her almost destroyed her completely. The same man who had been threatening her mother found her and took her with him, where he eventually trained her how to control her power. She grew up under the words of the Fallen, and with the belief that it had been she who killed her mother, for a child?s mind is easily corrupted with lies. Taught to serve Technoglobe with her powers and to distrust Angels of all forms, Kendra learned fast, and much to her father?s pride, moved quickly up the ladder to where she stands today. She still has no idea who her father really is, however, and ironically looks to the man that saved her as her ?saving grace? - the father-figure she never had. Naturally there are similarities between them, but are overlooked entirely because of the fact that he was the one to train her, after all. [b]Post Examples:[/b] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=513568] Laeth E?Thae[/url] or[url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33395] Legend of SouSei[/url]. I hope these work well for you. If you need more, or just need me to fix an aspect of the sign-up, I?d be more than happy to oblige. [/color][/size]
  19. [size=1]OOC: Arrggg, guys. Arrrgg. I have to write a paper this weekend. Oddly enough, it's on mythology. XP [color=maroon]Leile could feel Aissa squeeze her hand, as if in thanks. It almost seemed ironic to her, because the raven-haired girl wasn't exactly feeling brave. Far from it, actually. But even then, she remembered something her father had told her, when she had first left Ma'Uriith. [i]It's not brave if you're not a little scared.[/i] That picked her up a bit, and she tried to look those dark things directly in the ...eyes. If they had them, anyway. The figure was silent for a long moment. Leile didn't know what to do; she figured there probably wasn't anything they could do but just wait. It seemed as though Aissa and Anubis were thinking along the same lines; Anubis just stood there, as calm as ever, and Aissa did not waver next to her. She was grateful for that, at least. The darkness was unnerving, and the figures before them weren't helping the general mood. Finally, the figure spoke, in that same, raspy voice. "Sit down." Leile felt tense, but she began to kneel down. Aissa felt the pull and did the same, though hesitantly. Anubis stood for much longer, but even he dropped to one knee. It was clear to both girls though that he was still quite prepared for anything that might happen, and should he need to quickly move and cast his deadly magic, he could do so with ease. Leile was pretty much okay with that. "The destruction of Ma'Uriith is a reflection of history," the shadow began. "A ruined city from ages past has claimed its revenge and will slowly choke the life out of both Maurii and Ii'Kaer. An island lies forgotten in the Pwrynn Sea, massacred long ago by the Kings of old; this is the birthplace of Ma'Uriith's curse. Shrouded in mist and myth, few remember it, though it is forever etched into memory. D'Ianii Ilaen, as it is called, the forgotten home of the D'Ianii of lore - winged men and women, full of beauty and power. Brutally killed and butchered by the joined forces of Ii'Kaer and Maurii. "On the eve of the first snow, blood was spilt and the people of D'Ianii Ilaen knew death. There was no mercy; just a lust for murder, a desire to destroy that which they themselves could not attain. Ii'Kaer's warriors took the city by brutal force, together with the famed swordsmen of Tal'Ebot. Those left alived wished for death. A blaze was then created by the mages of Maurii, and the great city went up in flames, followed by a rumbling deep within the earth that tore apart the land. The destruction did not stop until every D'Ianii lay dead and torn, and every lovely building completely broken. And when the allied forces left the island, they left behind a lone survivor and ignited a bitter hatred where once there was only love and serenity. Prince Riian of the D'Ianii was left to die with the charred remains of his civilization. "But he did not die." The figure paused briefly, and the silence was as thick as the ash that coated the ruins around them. The thing's voice had taken on a quiet, whispering that made it's previous rasp sound like nothing at all. "The prince lived on for much longer than anyone thought possible, though his body and soul permanently wounded as they were. And in the ruins of D'Ianii Ilaen, he plotted vengeance against the two countries, and created a curse so terrible that it cost him his life. But the deed was done, and the curse set. A curse that has been with Ma'Uriith much longer than any realize. History will repeat itself, and the people of Maurii and Ii'Kaer will fall, as the D'Ianii fell, into absolution." The unsettling quiet was only broken again when the shadowy figures slowly began to fade. Anubis jumped up quickly, but the voice only hissed, "With your leave, lady, we shall depart." Aissa looked startled, but managed a nod. "...thank you," she whispered hoarsely. The blackened figures only disappeared back into the darkness, just as they had arrived. It was along moment before any of them spoke, let alone moved, but finally Anubis did. He turned back to the two women and murmured rather calmly, "I don't suppose any of us will find much sleep tonight."[/color] OOC: Not a very happy story, but hey, what can you do? Oh, by the way, I loved it when Aissa pointed fingers to Anubis about calling the little creepy cloak guys. I laughed myself silly. ^_^[/size]
  20. [size=1][color=maroon]OOC: Hmm. I hope this is good.. I'll be putting up Leste's intro soon. Probably after class. It took a few minutes, but June finally managed to crawl out of the man's death grip and found herself back in that happy place where she could breathe normally again. As she smoothed out her clothes, she glanced briefly up at the darker-haired man and asked, "So you're.. Brand?" He was now sitting in her chair, his arms resting casually over the back of it. "Yeah. Didn't mean to scare you," he added, his eyes crinkling in amusement. "Just got a little excited. We've been waiting for awhile, you know. For all of you." June just raised her eyebrows, her eyes moving from him to Heliati, who was still by the door, then back to Brand. "...What?" Heliati chuckled, and took a seat at the table, gesturing for June to do the same. Picking herself up off the ground, she took the seat opposite of the woman with the horns, and took another bit of cheese. "I take it there's going to be a story?" "Yes," Heliati agreed, "A really long one." Brand ignored her and launched into the explanation. "A long, long time ago, the great Maker created SouSei in the image of Earth. He created the heavens and the skys, the land and waters, the trees, the animals, the people. All you see is of his making. SouSei is a world of balance; of light and dark. Your concept of darkness is different than ours, but in some ways it is similar. There is darkness in our world, but it is not necessarily evil. However, to keep the evil that does exist in check, the Maker created the four Guardians, who watch over the four major points of SouSei, and the four Elites, who watch over the four minor points. "The Guardian of the North is the keeper of fire. He is a great fire tiger, and has powers over both fire and light. He brings the sunlight into the sky, and can make fire fall from the heavens if he so chooses. He is Noorden, Guardian of Summer. You will find that he will be very important to you, June." She opened her mouth to ask him exactly why, but he continued again, pushing a piece of cheese into her mouth so she wouldn't interrupt. "Elric the Sea Serpent guards the Ssouth. He holds great power over the waters of SouSei, and he brings night to the land. As the Guardian of water, he creates both the rains and the droughts, and he is Fall. In the East, there is peace-loving Leste. She is the Guardian of Spring, and of all that is green and good. She has power over the earth, and thus shapes it to her will, either to grow or destroy. And finally, Zephyr, who controls the winds and snow. The Guardian of the West, and of Winter, she has the ability to create strong winds that destroy and terrorize SouSei, and cover the land in a blanket of white. They all watch over SouSei and keep her healthy, with the help of the Elites. "Now the Elites guard the four minor points of SouSei. They are those who are good and kind above all else, and their intelligence is rarely matched. They help to keep order and balance within SouSei, especially with her people, and are of any and all races." He paused, his clear eyes carefully observing her. He asked very suddenly, "Did you sleep well?" June blinked at him, nodding slowly. "Oh.. yes, I suppose so. Um, thank you." "More cheese?" He offered, holding out a particularly nasty looking green piece. June gulped, and shook her head mutely. "So that's your general breakdown," he said, spreading his hands on the table. "There's a myth, too, which the people of SouSei have learned generation after generation, passing it on to their children, and their children's children, and so on. And now I'm going to pass it onto you, June, so remember it well. [i]"Long ago, the Maker had created Earth within 7 days; I'm sure you're familiar with this. He created the winds, the light, the dark, the waters, the trees, the creatures that walk upon it and live within the waters, as well as the humans that would walk upon it and rule over the animals. Time went by, and as the Earth progressed and made itself into a great and well working planet, there was nothing else to improve. The humans were improving it themselves. "The waters reflected something into The Maker's eye which triggered something within his Mind. A reflection of your world; the world of SouSei. He created altered humans and normal ones, both creatures seen and not seen on Earth, waters, forests, the terrains on Earth. He created a reflected world of Earth with the exceptions of what he created himself. He called it SouSei. He also created 4 Guardians to protect and balance SouSei's main points, North, South, East, and West, as I have just told you. He then created the Elite of 4 to balance minor points in SouSei and to conference in the Middle Kingdom of SouSei. The Elite would speak to the Guardians and ask them questions, who then replied back. The Maker was glad. He then watched both worlds grow. "SouSei grew to become a happy, wealthy, and healthy world. But, a resident was corrupted with greed and wanting more, he tried to take the Guardians' powers. "The Elite feared that the Evil would hurt the world and its residents and so they spoke to the Guardians, who in turn created the Legend Warriors who defeated the Great Evil. The Warriors roamed the world with great power. The Guardians and Elite feared that without someone to tame that power, they were too powerful and so the Guardians called for the Legend Warriors and sealed their powers, their weapons, and themselves. The powers were sealed away in Talismans, the weapons were turned into harmless Artifacts, and the Warriors were sealed away into Orbs. "It is said that the Elite and Guardians created spirits called the Legend Ones and blew them to the Earth. Those who receive it will believe in the Supernatural and that 'Seeing is not always believing.'[/i] "And that's the Legend of SouSei," he finished. June massaged her forehead lightly; that was a lot to take in. And yet just as Brand had said, she knew that it must be true. It felt right; it felt [i]good[/i]. "What about these Legend Ones, then? Who are they?" Brand smiled, pleased. "Guess." She paused, glancing to Heliati. "You mean.. I...?" A brief flicker of doubt crossed her mind, but then she remembered something Brand had said earlier. About Noorden, Guardian of the North, and of Fire. [i]Fire.[/i] She realized then the peculiar designs carved into the wood weren't just curvy lines; they were flames. Somehow, Brand was connected to fire, just as the great Noorden was. And she knew that she must have been, too. He must have noticed the look of recognition in her eyes because he just laughed, and set some more cheese in front of her. "Rest up while you can, Legend One, because we'll soon be leaving. If you are here, that means the others will be here as well, and surely Azure will be sending out messages soon. In the meantime," he stated, ruffling her hair a bit, "We're going to have some fun getting to know each other. Cause you're stuck with me, now."[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=maroon]It took a moment, but June finally came to. She could feel the warmth from the sun on her cheeks, and a cool breeze that sifted through her hair. And voices.. with very strange accents. Slowly, she blinked open her eyes and stared at the cieling above her, immediately recognizing that it definitely wasn't the one at home. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, just about the same time as somebody leaned over and looked down at her. "Ah, you [i]are[/i] awake, then," the woman exclaimed happily. June could only blink at her for the time being. Though she looked and sounded like a woman, there were a few characteristics that made her think twice. There were dark markings, like tatoos, all around her eyes, and a small pair of horns just above her ears. And then her hair.. her hair was a wild, flaming red color that she knew just wasn't possible. "...um.." The woman laughed and straightened up. "Oh, you poor dear. You must be so confused. And hungry - you've been sleeping for hours!" Offering June her hand, which June noticed was covered in the same markings, she said, "Here, let's get you out of bed. You'll feel better once you've been fed and you're up and about." June could only nod as the woman nearly lifted her out of bed and nudged her towards a table. "There now, I'll just fix something up real quick," The woman said, turning towards her cabinets after she made sure June was seated. "Brand will be comin' back soon, too, to check up on ya." "Brand..?" June repeated, taking the moment to glance around. It looked as though she was in some small little cabin. The room was furnished simply, but comfortably; most of everything was made out of wood, carved to perfection by somebody with still, delicate hands. Beautiful craftsmanship, to be certain. "He's the one that found you, love." The woman turned and peered at her carefully, leaning back against the counter where she'd previously been working. June noticed then that her eyes weren't normal. They were almost cat-like, actually, and were a startling hue of gray. "I'm a healer, of sorts, so he called me over. This is his house, you know." June nodded, feeling rather awkward. Where on earth was she, anyway? Probably not [i]on[/i] earth... "Um, pardon me for asking, but where is this?" "Why, Karui, of course." At June's blank stare, the woman just raised an eyebrow. "You know, Aptus?" Pressing her hand against her head, June wondered why the room suddenly seemed a bit tipsy. Aptus? Where was Aptus? Now, the only thing she could think about was that bright light in her room. It seemed as though whatever that was, it was the cause of all her problems. And yet.. for being in a state of utter confusion, she was feeling strangely.. at peace. "I'm sorry," she finally stated, clearing her throat. "I.. I guess I'm not from around here." The flaming-haired woman just raised her eyebrows. "Huh. I guess not. Well, no matter, we take all kinds here in Karui, trust me. I'm Heliati, by the way. Heliati Redette." June smiled, reaching out to grasp her extended hand. "June Fortere. Pleased to meet you." Heliati's eyes narrowed as soon as she heard her speak, and she turned halfway, still peering at her in interest. "You don't say..." Chuckling then, she just shook her head before turning back to her task of fixing up some food. "What a fascinating name, June," she replied merrily, suddenly seeming much more exuberant. After a few minutes of listening to cheerful humming, June found herself suddenly surrounded by plates full of bread, cheese, fruits and other odd items. As she blinked at it all, Heliati said, "Eat up while I go find our friend Brand. He'll be interested to know that you're up and about." June glanced at her just in time to see her walk out the door. Ruffling her hair a bit, she just shrugged to no one in particular, and began to nibble on some white cheese that looked rather tasty. She finished off a few good pieces of it before the door opened again and a particularly handsome young man entered, a look of excitement in his eyes. "June?" She just nodded mutely, a piece of cheese half way to her mouth. The man grinned and nearly tackled her, squeezing her tightly as he picked her up out of the chair rather easily. "Oh, I love you!" His exclamation was rather loud, and behind them June could easily hear Heliati laughing hysterically. Dropping her cheese, now very, very bewildered, June could only nod and blush. "..okay...."[/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=maroon]Ah, Dagger, I'm totally with you on the tragic lovers thing. I've always loved Van and Hitomi from Escaflowne, even though they live in two seperate dimensions/planets, what have you. Their love is just so innocent and pure - they never even kissed! One of my favorite parts of the entire series is when [spoiler]at the end, they re-enact the first time they met so they can be together again. Hitomi jumps into his arms and he just blushes.[/spoiler] It's so beautiful. I don't know how many people would agree with this, but in Cowboy Bebop... yeah, I definitely think that Faye had a thing for Spike, and had circumstances been different (and his life not a royal pain in the ***), he might have returned it. It's evident right before he goes off for the 'final battle', especially. ..yeah, those are my favorite, as of now. Ask me in a year, though...[/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=firebrick]Nimue was very upset, to say the least. She'd taken the little brat's advice and had indeed followed the stream into town, and what she found had almost literally made her sick. Just one look at the cleanliness of the town had thrown away any ideas of it being some remote part of Keeven.. she didn't even know if she was in Jahnsen anymore, as ridiculous as it sounded. The place was much too.. [i]happy.[/i] She'd been walking around for a good twenty minutes now, and she had yet to see one person yell or frown; hardly anyone had any sort of weapon, and that in itself was completely beyond her. In short, Nimue was very quickly becoming incredibly frustrated and increasingly angry. The continual looks of bewilderment people sent her didn't help, either. Just as the boy had; as though they'd never seen something quite like her. Her fingers were almost always on her dagger, or her vial, and occasionally she cursed her father for ever killing her mother. She was becoming strangely certain that the woman had [i]something[/i] to do with this; that damn house definitely did, anyway. And yet try as she might, she still couldn't remember anything past that. In her blind rage, she'd knocked over several people and bumped into many more as she wandered around, though not once did she even glance back, let alone apologize for it. They thought this extremely weird and could only stare after her as rubbing their shoulders or picked themselves up off the ground. Eventually Nimue found herself in a small square, and in front of her loomed a rather lovely, clean building, with many, [i]many[/i] steps leading to large pair of beautifully crafted doors. She just stared at it, following the steps up with her eyes, before deciding to follow her [i]intuition[/i] and climb them. About half way up she began to curse constantly; why anyone would make so many bloody steps was completely beyond her. Once or twice she passed others on their way down, and one particular woman just stared at her, covering her child's ears mechanically as the woman in black continued the up-hill trek. Nimue didn't notice much of anything - her thoughts were more focused on the strange, tingling feeling that was crawling up her spine. She didn't like it at all. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the dark-haired woman found herself at the top of the steps, in front of the blue silver doors that glinted in the sunlight in an almost celestial manner. Something about the building made her particularly uneasy, but just as it had before, her curiousity out-weighed her suspicion and she pushed open the door. All at once the majesty and grandeur of the temple swept over her and her blood ran cold in her veins as she realized that she was indeed in a temple - just not anything like the ones dedicated to the God of Destruction. Instead, she felt peace and love here, and this time she was quite sure that she would be sick. Before any one could even welcome her into the temple, she swiftly turned and ran back out the door, moved to the side, and threw up. [i]Oh bloody hell,[/i] she thought, leaning her side against the cool stone of the temple as she continued to empty her stomach. [i]That was the[/i] worst [i]feeling I've ever had in my entire life.[/i] Besides the fact that she was indeed being violently sick, Nimue was astounded and frankly quite perturbed that she had let her guard down so quickly and let the hellish temple overwhelm her. So when she straightened up, wiping her mouth as she eyed the silver blue doors with contempt, she vowed that next time she'd make Malheleco damn proud.[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=darkorange]OOC: Tis a little crappy, but hey, what can you do? Perhaps I should get more sleep. Or eat better. Or something. >.
  25. [size=1][color=firebrick]I [i]love[/i] this movie. It's by far one of my favorites, though I agree, it really makes me sad. The first time I saw it I was crying like a baby by the end. There's that one little half way point in the movie, when [spoiler]Jared Leto's character realizes what sort of drugs his mom is really on[/spoiler], and you realize there's no chance in hell for a happy ending. I started crying then and I don't think I really stopped. Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. I've realized now that the key to watching this movie is spreading it out. If I watch it today, then I have to wait a few days for my happy meter to fill back up before I can watch it again. It's really.. emotionally draining. But it's so beautiful. All three of the actors were amazing, though, and the story itself is staggering. It just really made me thankful, I guess, to be who I am and to live where I do.. Tech-wise.. obviously, the editing is awesome. I love the angles, and the quick flashes that occur [spoiler]every time they shoot up; it kind of gives you an idea of what it's like, I suppose. At least, you understand it a little more.[/spoiler] But of course, the entire movie is like that, too. You just seem to understand that lifestyle a little bit more. Definitely one of the best films I've ever seen, highly recommended, though if you're anything like me, grab a box of tissues before you settle in. And maybe something to hug. Either way, it's [i]fantastic.[/i][/color][/size]
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