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Everything posted by Arcadia

  1. [size=1][color=firebrick]It still is double-posting, actually. You can check the rules if you need to. And though Dan knows very well I already have and love [i]North[/i] as well, I'm here to tell you people (as a sort of second opinion) that it is very, very good. Though I did like the song [i]Drunk Girl[/i], and [i]If You See Jordan[/i] is definitely fun to sing in the car with many friends, the new songs are amazing. So far, my favorites are probably [i]Space[/i], [i]Down[/i], [i]Only Ashes[/i], and [i]She Paints Me Blue[/i]. Beautiful lyrics; that, and I'm a real sucker for the piano. I have to say it was so exciting to go buy this, though, cause I got it for $10. I almost feel like I robbed CD Warehouse or something; like maybe I should just give them a couple more dollars to make up for it. But then I remember that I'm cheap and it's all good. But if you're a fan, it's definitely worth your money. If you're not a fan.. well, check out their website. They have some clips from [i]North[/i] that you can listen to. Who knows, maybe then you'll want to go buy it. ^_^[/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=firebrick]Oh Dan, don't you like your loyal fans? I do like the new banner, though I think I just like the picture by itself more than with all the animation added to it. It's a pretty intense sort of picture, so to me it feels like all the added stuff just kind of takes away from it. That, and I kind of wish there was some sort of border to it, just to distinguish it from the rest of the white on the page. But that's just me. ^_^[/color][/size]
  3. Arcadia


    [size=1][color=firebrick]Camdyn watched with barely concealed excitement as Professor Beech stood in front of them and began calling out names. It felt as though she'd waited almost [i]forever[/i] for this day to come, but here it was, and suddenly she just couldn't wait any longer. Which was quite insane, actually, as she tried to remind herself, but that didn't help at all. So when the Professor did call out, "Hmm, next, we have Miss Camdyn Dashe from Oldale Town," Camdyn jumped up excitedly and hurried to where the large cabinet stood, more than ready to pick out her first pokemon. Those sitting around her seemed a bit startled at the burst of energy, but the Professor only seemed amused, and he nodded to her amiably before going back to his list of students. Postive that the grin she wore must have been miles and miles long, the small girl stood in front of the cabinet and looked it up and down, before crouching to pick a pokeball from the bottom. She felt a little sorry for the ones at the bottom; they would probably be the last to be picked, just because they were at the bottom. Her fingers latched onto her desired choice, before she stepped back and just stared at the ball she chose. Still grinning, she gave it a quick kiss before moving to join those who'd gone before her in the side room. Just as she entered, one boy - Landon, if she remembered correctly - was already opening his up to see what sort of pokemon he got. Camdyn thought that was a fabulous idea, but she thought she'd just wait for a moment and see what the Professor wanted them to do. Just having the pokeball in her hands seemed to calm her down, and that in itself told Camdyn that this... this was... [i]destiny![/i][/color] [color=orange]OOC: Yeah, it's gonna be fun to see what sort of trouble Camdyn's imagination gets her into. ^__^[/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=firebrick]Only half-listening to Anubis and his theories, Leile was looking around a bit herself, brushing her fingers against the crumbling stone pillars that she suspected might have been some sort of royal building. Because of the fires and earthquakes, most everything had been properly destroyed. She still tried, however, to pick out familiar places, and was having some relative success. For instance, she was pretty sure this was Garden Square... It wasn't the buildings that gave it away, but the circular patterns in the pavement. Or, what was left of them, at least. Garden Square was the main political area; she knew that if she took the side road that went around the ruined columns, she find herself walking towards the palace. If she went towards the west instead, she'd find herself in the main market area. But as her eyes trailed over what visible ruins there were in that area, she realized that perhaps the market had been one of the hardest areas hit; people gathered there day after day, from dawn until dusk, to run their errands and buy and sell and mingle. There wasn't much left of that area at all; just cement and ash and a memory of her brother, peeking out of a cart at her mischievously. Swallowing that down as quickly as she could, ruffling her braids in an attempt to distract herself, she averted her eyes from that spot rather hastily, glancing towards Anubis, who was now telling them that shelter would be a wise option. Nodding gently, she took a quick glance of the area again, before murmuring, "I.. I think I know somewhere close to here that would work, if it isn't completely destroyed." She didn't really wait for them to acknowledge that, or make sure that they were at least following her. Which was probably not the smartest thing to do, because being alone in the dead city was the last thing any of them wanted. But it just seemed to her that talking was useless at this point. She had nothing to say, and there were no words that could express what she was feeling. So she walked quietly, back towards the palace road, hoping that there was at least one part of it that wasn't destroyed, like the rest of the place. At times, Leile couldn't breathe. The ash had nothing to do with it; rather, it was that nothing remained of the old Ma'Uriith she knew. There used to be fountains up this road, and beautiful flowers and sculpted trees. Now the only sign that any of that had once existed was some crumbled bricks and a puddle of water; any trace of color was gone from the land. After ten or fifteen minutes of walking, the ruins of the palace loomed before them and neither one of her companions had any doubt about which building it was. Even in its ruined state, it was huge. Leile sighed, her hands on her hips. "We're bound to find some shelter here, and possibly even some more clues," she said at last, glancing back at the other two. Aissa nodded, though Leile noted that she looked a little preoccupied. She couldn't blame her. Anubis looked classically... calm. For a moment she thought about making it her mission to see that change every now and then, and decided to worry about humanizing him later. She was sure their little adventure would serve more than adequately in those regards.[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=firebrick]As long as the subject matter pertains to the topic of the thread, (in this case, as long as it has to do with Kill Adam in some way, shape, or form), then it is not spam. Though it could probably be kept to PMs. Either way, please let a moderator deal with this in the future. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=firebrick]Guys, there's no need for all these one-liners. Try and keep the threads clean, please! If you need to, get caught up on the rules, or even Harlequin's sticky. These last few posts could have been limited to PMs very easily. Thanks, Arcadia P.S. Don't forget to check out James' announcement on the censor change![/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=firebrick]Okay, a little later than I wanted it to be, but here it is, nonetheless. Hopefully we'll be able to start soon? *poke poke* [b][u]Primary Sign Up[/u][/b] [b]Race:[/b] Guardian [b]Type:[/b] Earth Tortoise [b]Name:[/b] Leste ([I]roughly[/I] means east in Portuguese; more of a play on the actual word) [b]Age:[/b] 4381, but she looks about 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] The East's Angel/Human form has long, light glimmering green hair. She has a necklace of flowers around her neck, feet, and hands at all times. She wears something similar to that of Lilymon, in green, brown, and dark grey. She carries around her flowers and a wooden kendo stick. [b]Location:[/b] the Temple of Earth [b]Weapon(s):[/b] A simple, wooden kendo stick, just shorter than her. A trail of vines is carved lovingly into both ends, flaming up towards the middle but never touching the other strands. [b]Magic/Skills/Spells:[/b] [quote]She has the power to control the Earth and Rock. She makes the trees grow tall. She makes the grass grow green. But at times, she causes rockslides, earthquakes, etc. She is the spring.[/quote] Basically, she can kick ass in a lot of different ways, but she?s a pacifist before anything else. After all, she?s mother earth incarnate; she?d rather create than destroy. [b]Personality:[/b] First and foremost, the woman is a pacifist. Fighting, she believes, is barbaric and a waste of time and energy. However, when it comes down to the line, she?ll become a fierce hellion of war before she ever lets the Great Evil take away her powers and destroy the world she loves. That being said, she?s very protective of her creations and is very firm in her standings. She won?t quit, she won?t ever back down, and she has tremendous reserves of love and strength. Normally she?s a very calm, mellow woman, and can always be found outdoors. Her friendly attitude and easy-going nature are what people know her best for, and thus it?s very rare to see her angry or upset; she won?t trouble mere mortals with her petty worries. [b]Bio:[/b] When Leste was born (many, many years ago), those who saw her knew right away that she was going to be something special. Even as a baby, there was an aura of peace and tranquility about her, and her warm brown eyes promised love to any who would seek it. She was a simple girl, thought not like the rest, and always found her enjoyment to be out among the trees, running through forests and making wreaths out of vines and flowers. The animals loved her, maybe even more than the townspeople did, and never hesitated to greet her whenever she came to visit. And that was very often. One fateful day, Leste, a ripe age of 16, was picking flowers among the thick trees when a stray arrow struck her, just under her breast. She was sure she would die there, and was semi-comforted to know it was among the trees, but just as she began to pass out an overwhelming feeling of warmth and comfort filled her body and she found herself feeling refreshed. She opened her eyes to see the East Guardian in his human form, watching her with eyes full of love and respect. He had dark green hair and sun-kissed skin, and it was he who showed her the ways of the forest, and the rocks, and told her all the secrets that the land held. He told her of Gaia, the first Earth Guardian, and of his mentor, whom had been guardian long before he had. Leste didn?t ever go back home after that, but many saw her still, running through the trees, laughing and singing joyously, sometimes with the Guardian of the East, and they knew ? just as they always had ? that she was destined for great things, and though she had left their village to live among the land, she would never truly leave them. She was 27 when the Earth Tortoise, whom she loved very much, passed his powers onto her and made her the new Guardian of the East. And so she was made eternal as the seasons, which last forever, but eventually change into something new, just as the Guardians would eventually wish to pass their powers onto someone new. She continues to love and create, cherish and protect, grow and laugh, as she was taught to so many years ago, but she?s grown old and she knows that soon her time will come. And then she can be with her love again, and run through the forests, unfettered. Yeah, that's about it. If anything needs to be changed and all that... just lemme know. I took a little bit of liberty with some aspects, as you can see, so I hope you don't mind. :blush: Ohkami, I sent you a PM about this as well, but in the future, please don't double post.[/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=firebrick]I had an SNES. Super Mario All-Stars was great fun - still is, actually. Whenever I go home I play it. ^_^ I had a bunch of barbies, my little ponies, and all that good girly stuff, but it was so much more fun to steal my brother's legos and his matchbox race cars and build little cities out of them. The Robin Hood set was the best - their little hats even had feathers! How crazy is that?[/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=firebrick][b]-=Entered Gensine=-[/b] As if waking up from a dream, Nimue realized very quickly that something here was very off. She blinked up at the bright blue sky above her, wondering where on earth she was and how she got there, before she sat up and took a good look around. It didn't look like any part of Keeven that [i]she[/i] knew, but hell, she wasn't exactly omniscient. Perhaps she'd had a wild night and had drunkenly wandered somewhere; Malheleco knew it wasn't beyond her, that's for sure. Running her fingers through her dark hair, Nimue took a deep breath and fingered her dagger for comfort, trying to determine the best way to get back to the center of Keeven. She vaguely remembered the strange house, but nothing after that, and with amusement thought, [i]I must have been really, really drunk..[/i] And yet... she felt strangely fit - no headache, no sluggishness, no side effects of any kind. Though she was known to feel many things after a night of drinking and revelry, fit wasn't ever one of them. And this place just didn't feel like Keeven [i]at all.[/i] She began walking then, having decided that just sitting around on a hilltop wasn't going to get her anywhere, and felt a bit of relief when she heard what sounded like laughter. Children's laughter, actually. Quirking up an eyebrow at the thought of children laughing, and [i]not[/i] screaming or crying, Nimue went to investigate. Two little boys and a little girl were running around, joyfully teasing some sheep, and making a frightful amount of noise. One boy with a head full of messy, sandy colored hair stopped when he saw her, a bewildered expression on his face, and the two other kids soon noticed and quickly turned to look. Nimue frowned at the shock in their eyes. [i]What the hell is wrong with these kids?[/i] "Darling child, tell me how to get back into town." He blinked at her strange clothes and saucy attitude, before pointing half-heartedly to the side. "Er, it's over that way. Just follow the little stream and it'll get you to Morrowsin in no time." Nimue stilled instantly. "Morrowsin?" [i]Morrowsin?[/i] Where the hell was Morrowsin?! "Uh... yeah," he gave her an odd look. There was a moment of silence in which Nimue and the children just stared at each other, before she let out a string of vile curse words. The little girl covered her ears quickly, while the two boys just exchanged a concerned glance. [i]This is just fucking great![/i] Nimue unsheathed her [i]Fiducia[/i] quickly, desperately wanting to stab something repeatedly. "Alright you scrawny little brat, you'd better tell me the truth or I swear to Malheleco that you'll never live to see another day," she threatened venomously, closing the distance between them and curling her fingers in his hair none too gently. The other little boy and girl both shrieked and began running in the alleged direction of the town, while boy just stilled instantly, his skin pale. "..I.. I am t-tellin' the truth!" He exclaimed shrilly, frightened beyond belief and completely caught unawares. Nimue expected him to pee his pants any second now. Her lip curled up in disgust and pushed him aside, ignoring his cry of pain when he hit the ground. "We'll see," She muttered, before following the small stream south, determined to get some answers.[/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=firebrick]As Akato and Gareth began their duel in the alley some few blocks over, Nimue crossed the street down some other used up road, not really paying much attention to where she was headed. She was too absorbed in her thoughts, enjoying the idea of her ploy tremendously. That's not to say that she wasn't aware of her surroundings; quite the contrary, Nimue knew where she was quite well. One of the older neighborhoods, and one that used to be quite lovely. But that was many, many years ago, back when her mother was still alive. She remembered one occasion in which the dear woman had taken her out for a walk, possibly even down this very road, and she had chased some other little kids around. When she stopped to look back at her mother and make sure she was keeping up, she saw her talking to some other man who'd previously been working up quite a sweat in his yard. Her mother had been smiling, leaning against the small fence that seperated them, and had "the devil in her eye", as her father used to say. The man turned and winked at Nimue, before taking her mother's hand and leading her inside his home. Needless to say, Nimue ended up playing in the streets a little longer than she had planned. Slightly urked that thoughts of her mother were beginning to arise, Nimue decided that she should probably hurry along and get off that damn street. It [i]did[/i] look oddly familiar, now that she thought about it. Just as she began to turn in the opposite direction, however, something caught her eye. A run-down fence, barely standing, most of the wooden planks hanging precariously by a nail. Narrowing her eyes in thought, she decided - against her better judgement - to check it out. She ran her hand along the top piece, walking it's short length until her feet came to rest at stone pathway, which was now in shambles. Just like everything else. Her eyes drifted up the walkway, and met with an open door. [i]This[/i] is [i]that damn house,[/i] she realized, quickly taking in the front of the old structure. Memories of her mother came to her strongly now, and this time she didn't really care. Instead, she felt an instinctive need to walk through that doorway. Slowly, she took one step forward. Then, another, and another, and before she realized it, the opening loomed before her invitingly. A strange sound drifted towards her and she stilled instantly, trying to discern what the noise was. It almost sounded as though someone - or something - was.. [i]groaning[/i]. Without hesitating, she stepped through the door, and into another world. At least, that's what it felt like, at first. The air was strangely different in that house; crisp, clean, with a rather peculiar scent that she couldn't place. And that was saying something. She wandered a little further into the room, musing at the strange, soft breeze she felt and the almost tangible darkness that seemed to cover everything in a blanket. And the groaning. However, there was no one present in the room; she could feel that for sure. Just as she started towards another room, hoping to find the source of the low noise, the front door behind her closed with a barely audible thud. But she heard it, and swiveled around, her eyes narrowing dangerously. It became increasingly hard to see anything, but she could just make out the outline of the door, and stalked towards it. Despite it being a crumbling, wooden mess, Nimue found it to be solidly locked and unwilling to budge. Cursing loudly, she turned and called out loudly into the house, "You had [i]best[/i] show your face while you still have one, you bloody bastard!" There was no reply, but the groaning hadn't stopped. In fact, it seemed a little more determined now, and with a snarl, Nimue reached for her beloved [i]Fiducia[/i]. It was then that a sudden shiver ran up her spine, and she stopped as she felt the cold come over her. "What the-" she gasped, clutching her dagger tightly as the frigid temperature overtook her completely. A strange sensation made her glance up, and she almost thought she saw her mother standing across the room, her ghostly shade smiling. That was the last thing she remembered. [b]-=Entering Gensine=-[/b][/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=brickred]Heh, whoo! Happy [i]day!![/i] I agree, good call on the switching thing. I can't think of the word, but you get the idea, I'm sure. Anyways, you're the best! Rock on![/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=firebrick]She watched him leave the bar, leaning back against the polished wood as she smirked. "You can run, but you can't hide," she murmured softly, before turning her eyes towards those seated at other tables. Eventually, she knew, she would run into him again. Especially if Damon was out for blood; the fight had basically been about [i]her[/i], more than anything else. So how could she not be there for the finale? [i]No, that would just be inappropriate,[/i] she thought mirthfully, drinking the rest of her wine. Standing, she decided to visit with some of the men briefly before leaving. Every smile, every wink, every hand gesture or touch of the shoulder only furthered their like (or in some cases, dislike) of her, and every bit of contact made gave Nimue more and more leeway with her own designs. Like every other woman in Jahnsen, she quickly learned what it took to catch a man's interest. Those who didn't learn, didn't live. Simplicity at its best. Eventually, she did take her leave of the little bar and stepped out into the shadows of the night, breathing in the smells of the city. She stood there for a moment, enjoying the feel of the night on her skin, and glanced about herself. Down one street she could see a few men and a woman just outside the local brothel, obviously about to have themselves a grand old time. There was a street vender just to the other side, whom Nimue knew to have ties in the blackmarket, trying to sell off whatever it was he had hidden away in his coat. The other way, she could hear the sounds of a fight breaking out, and the shattering of glass and who knows what else. She just smiled, and began walking, feeling utterly at home. Akato had disappeared down one of these streets, she knew, but her ignorance of which actual street it was didn't worry her. Instead, she just enjoyed her surroundings, humming some silly tune, and began planning out her next little meeting with Damon and Akato. She figured the bartender was too emotional to gain any sort of advantage over the other; his jealousy would cloud his mind, and so any information she wanted out of him she would need to get ahead of time. Perhaps later she'd pay him a little visit and help him to.. calm his nerves. Nimue couldn't help but laugh, the surprisingly soft sound reverberating gently into the night. She would be having a lot of fun in the near future.[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=orangered]Well, [i]I[/i] like it. Thanks very much, dahling, it's beeeautiful! Just what I had in mind. ^_^ I'll be back for the avatar. Back.. with a vengeance!![/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=maroon]Yes, I concur. The banner is gorgeous. I love the soft colors, and all the squiggly lines. I'm getting a very water-y feel from it, but that could be because it's almost entirely some shade of blue. Go figure. But definite props, I love this one. Where on earth are you finding these pretty pictures? ...That's it, isn't it? The place [i]isn't[/i] on earth!! I'm on to you! *coughs*[/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=maroon]Ah, Strong Bad, you crazy... thing... you. Glad to see some Homestar Runner, though. Warms my heart right up, it does. I can just hear him speaking as each panel flashes up. Right, I'm gonna have to go watch it, now. [i]I don't like food any more.[/i][/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=maroon]OOC: Muahahahaha. Just when she'd been afraid that maybe she [i]had[/i] overestimated the man, he quickly proved that he was made of harder stuff. From where she was seated she could plainly see the fear in Damon's eyes as Akato held the blade to his throat, and that excited her. Those extreme emotions had always been the best things to watch, to [i]feel[/i], and it gave her a rush of pure adrenaline. Sipping from her glass, which hadn't previously toppled over when Damon hit the bar in rage, she watched the fight before her appreciatively. After he felt the knife at his throat, Damon realized he'd made a huge mistake and clawed desperately at the man's hand, trying to wrench his face free from Akato's vice-like grip. Only, seconds later he found himself being throne backwards, and his back hit the broken tables hard. To be blunt, it hurt like hell, and his knuckles were still raw from decking the guy a couple times, but he supposed he was lucky to come away with his life. Any other man in this city, and the only lights he'd be seeing were the ones at the end of the tunnel. Picking himself up gingerly, he limped away, shooting Akato one last dark look before moving to the back of the bar, towards the service stairs, where he fully planned on visiting some "friends" of his currently lodging within the hotel. If he couldn't beat the man, then he'd pay somebody else to. Nimue just raised her eyebrows as Akato returned and seated himself once again, a fresh drink in his hand. "You didn't hurt yourself, did you?" She asked in mock concern, taking another liberal drink from her wine. The smallest of smiles was playing across her lips. He shook his head, calmly asking, "Where were we...?" "Your occupation," She reminded him, setting her glass down, "What do you do exactly, Mr. Endoku? Besides engage in testosterone filled bar fights." Her voice was light and teasing at that, though much more reserved than it had been earlier. He could see clearly now that her flirty tone earlier was meant for both him [i]and[/i] Damon, but frankly he wasn't surprised. "Which you seem to enjoy watching," He retorted quietly, taking a tentative sip from his new found drink. "I won't deny it," She agreed, though she mused he would probably never realize how true the statement actually was. "Though even those get tiring after awhile, so one must always have hobbies elsewhere." [i]What are[/i]your [i]hobbies?[/i] She wanted to ask, but he seemed intent on not answering right away. Which was fine with her - one way or another, she'd eventually get the answers she wanted. She always did. OOC: Ah.. by the way, Damon's phone call can be to ANY assassins, if you get my drift. Just trying to help get everyone into this. ^_^ [b]EDIT:[/b] Too true, Baron. So I fixed that. Yep.[/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=maroon]Even as she put on her little act of ignorance, inside Nimue was laughing hysterically. There was nothing better than a jealous man trying to exert ownership over something that was entirely out of his reach. Still, his attitude did urk her just a bit; it would be something to mention later, at the very least. If anything was for sure in that dark little town, it was that Nimue would never be restrained by any man. [i]Isn't that right, Daddy?[/i] This man Akato was quite interesting, at the moment, however, and despite Damon's anxious looks she stuck to that seat and continued to talk to the man. She wanted to see just what kind of a man he really was under all that cool aloofness. "I've heard a lot of rumors about you," she stated, to the point. His eyes never left his drink, but he replied easily enough, "And I you." Smirking slowly, enjoying her little game, she continued, "What do you do then, to warrant these rumors?" Damon, meanwhile, was not particularly enjoying himself. He sat in his chair sulking, watching the almost one-sided converstation with resentment and disgust. Both directed towards Akato, of course; just like many others in the small town, Nimue had him wrapped tightly around her fingers. And so as he looked on Akato's apparent disinterest, he slowly became infuriated. He knew if it was [i]he[/i] on the other side of the bar, he would be enraptured with anything the beautiful woman would have to say. If Akato noticed this at all, he didn't seem to care, and that only angered the bartender more. It came to a point where Damon just couldn't take it anymore and he stood quickly, slamming his hands on the bar top, making various glasses jump, some of which spilled over. In a very heated, accusing tone, he asked the man sharply, "What the hell is [i]wrong[/i] with you?!"[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=maroon]Okies, so I've been thinking a bit about my Legacy Guide and all that, and I have found a picture that's actually pretty perfect for it. So I'm just gonna do some basics about him, give you the picture, and go from there. [b]Race:[/b] Legacy Guide [b]Type:[/b] Altered Human [b]Name:[/b] Brand is what he goes by these decades; his actual human name from long ago has been forgotten. [b]Age:[/b] 317 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Description:[/b] [url=http://www.epilogue.net/cgi/database/art/view.pl?id=32933&genre=3]Here[/url] Of any race, they guide the Legend Ones in their journey. They help them in everything. They are wonderful cooks, wonderful teachers, and they know what they're doing. They have a kind heart and will not take what is not theirs. They do not take debts, they only take the thanks that they are supposed to receive. They are the ones who believe that human, altered human, and creature should live in harmony and peace and together. They try to do that with the Legend Ones and the Legend Warriors to show that Creature and Humans can get along and stay together. Also, the crazy fire beast in the picture could serve as her Legend Warrior... but if it's not Red Lion-ish enough, then nevermind. ^_^[/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=maroon]She could hear low voices talking, discussing something. It was cold, and the hushed tones made her feel lonely. The little catnap seemed to help a bit, but she thought gloomily that nothing could shake that bleak, miserable feeling as long as they were in Ma'Uriith. Leile opened her eyes, the rest of her body still, and let them adjust to the light. Or rather, the lack of light. For a long moment she just stared at the sky; there was not a speck of blue, she noted hopelessly. The voices of her two other companions came back to her again and she sat up slowly, signaling that she was indeed awake. As Leile scratched her head lightly, yawning, Aissa called out to her, "Did you rest well?" The raven-haired girl nodded, scooting a little closer to the two of them. "As well as can be expected, I suppose," she replied, before asking, "So what's the game plan?" "We were just discussing how to go about figuring out this curse," Aissa told her, glancing at Anubis. "We haven't come up with much." He gave one small nod in acknowledgement. "Perhaps if we discern exactly how the city was destroyed, it will give us some insight on the curse," he suggested, his tone almost sounding bored to Leile. She realized then that he'd probably stayed awake the entire time the two of them had slept. Narrowing her eyes in thought, she wondered exactly how long she'd been asleep before Aissa began again. "We might as well try," the healer agreed, staring at the city ruins with a number of different emotions, most of which Leile could relate to. She thought maybe even Anubis might have felt a few of them, though he was very good at hiding that sort of thing. Standing then, Leile brushed off her tunic and offered the two of them a smile. "Let's get going, then," she chirped, even though the optimism she was trying to give off was only half-baked. [i]Well,[/i] she thought grimly, [i]Somebody's got to do it. Might as well be me, since I've had some practice at it.[/i][/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=maroon][b][u]Primary Sign Up[/u][/b] [b]Race:[/b] Legend One [b]Type:[/b] Human [b]Name:[/b] June Fortere [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] [url=http://www.spacecoyote.com/art/fanart/rinoa_feathers.jpg]Here she be.[/url] [b]Location:[/b] Karui of Aptus [b]Weapon(s):[/b] A sickle, known as the [I]Ustione[/I]. The handle is a dark, blood red, with onyx inlaid into it in the form of black flames, licking about the hilt. The blade itself is white steel, also engraved with the same pattern of flames as the handle, except these extend the entire length of the crescent blade. When June handles the [I]Ustione[/I], the white steel comes to life and the blade heats up, making it doubly dangerous ? not only can it do a fair amount of damage with it?s sharp edge, but the scalding hot blade will burn anything it touches. Brings farming tools to a whole new level, doesn?t it? [b]Magic/Skills/Spells:[/b] Fire, cause she likes it hot. And as the Legend One of Fire, it follows that she can create a small flame or a full out blaze whenever she so chooses, as well as a few other fun little items, walk through fire (and be resistant to extreme heat), or in extremely cold situations she can radiate heat for those around her. i. [I]bruci la fiamma[/I], or ?ignite the flame? ? Used to call upon a small flame to fit in the palm of her hand, from which she can do a number of things with, i.e. throwing, using it as a light, etc. ii. [I]bruci la fiammata[/I] or ?ignite the blaze? ? Sort of like the one above, except it comes straight from the ground, usually exactly where the unfortunate victim is standing. iii. [I]dia fuoco[/I] or ?ignite? ? This creates just a little, tiny fire, which comes from her finger. She?ll just point at something, say the seat of somebody?s pants, and mutter this. iv. [I]faccia il mio punto[/I] or ?make my point? ? June can cause a single flame to solidify and use it as a dagger or throwing knife; the bigger the flame, the bigger the weapon created. Only she can handle them, and like the blade of the [I]Ustione[/I], they are ridiculously hot. If the flame blade is not recollected it will eventually turn to ash. v. [I]chiarore[/I] or ?flare? ? Encircles herself and whomever she might be fighting/protecting in a ring of fire so they cannot escape/be harmed. vi. [I]fuoco dell?inferno[/I] or ?hell fire? ? How can I not use this one? The extreme attack, ?hell fire? summons fire from both the sky and from the earth below; not only will your chicken be well done, but it causes major destruction and can border on catastrophic. All attacks vary in intensity, obviously, and some are used more frequently than others. [I]Fuoco Dell?Inferno[/I], for instance, won?t be a very regular attack. And it drains a substantial amount of energy from June when used, just like all her attacks (in varying degrees, of course). This doesn?t include her ability to call on her Guardian?s lower spirit. [b]Personality:[/b] First and foremost, June is a very passionate girl. When she fights, she won?t quit until her body can?t go on. When she believes in something, she believes in it whole-heartedly and nothing can make her change her mind. When she?s got something to do, she doesn?t stop until it?s done, and done perfectly (or as close as she can get to that). She?s a very responsible, clever girl and there?s not a moment when she?s not wondering about something. June?s a very protective sort of person as well, sometimes possessive, but she always means well. However she also has a tendency to be reserved; not because she?s shy, but because sometimes she?d prefer to watch from the outside rather than be a part of the inside, which can result in her often being labeled as a loner. Though it has some truth to it, humans will always need companionship and June is no exception to that. [b]Bio:[/b] June came from an incredibly wealthy, busy family. One of four children: Her eldest brother Gabriel, 21, is off at college, working hard to become a sports lawyer; her sister Estelle, 19, is also away at college, but is working harder to become engaged, rather than graduate top of her class. And then there?s June?s twin brother Joshua, who enjoyed making waves wherever he went. June quickly learned that if she was to get any attention from her already extraordinarily busy parents, she?d have to do something either really, wonderfully spectacular like Gabe, or something really, notoriously rebellious, like Joshua. Since Josh seemed as though he had the role of ?little rich punk? more than filled, she decided she?d go for some sort of academic excellence, instead. However, she found that though her parents did love her, there wasn?t much that they hadn?t already seen between the four of them, and so she began to focus on pleasing herself more than her parents or her teachers. She did very well in school, and joined a number of organizations to keep herself busy. For her accomplishments, her parents rewarded her with various things, including a car, but June was beginning to realize that she wasn?t happy with her life; not as happy as she thought she could be. She was just going along with the flow of things; nothing really grabbed at her, made her think or want to fight. There was no real meaning to what she was doing, and she wasn?t satisfied with that. June poured herself into art more and more; her books and her music were some of the few things that made her feel as though life was more than just monotone. It was one lonely night while she was playing the air guitar in her room that she noticed something odd about the stars. She set down her air guitar, turned down the music, and went to her window to take a better look. She found what she though was a little firefly, except she knew that the pretty little bugs weren?t really common in those parts. The little ball of light floated before her in a sort of hypnotizing grace, however, and she forgot all her worries. June reached out to catch the little firefly and the moment her fingers touched the light, she disappeared, flitted away to SouSei. [/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=maroon]Ha ha ha! Firsties! Yes, I agree, awesome song. The picture itself is very perty.. reminds me of a cross between the movie Prancer and this old Christmas book I used to have about a train that took kids to see Santa and this little boy got a bell from the sleigh... and.... yeah, I got a little carried away. What's the font you used? It's kind of cool.. it looks a little odd, but somehow it doesn't really take away too much from the picture. Yeah, that's about it.[/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=maroon]Wowsers! You really have an eye for this sort of thing, terra. They all look fantastic. I especially like the Dagger one and the second Scrapped Princess, just to name a few. I really like how you box everything, too... it's different from what you normally see around here. Pretty, pretty banners.... :twitch: [/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=maroon]I can't help myself.. 1. Graduate with [i]at least[/i] a Masters in History (European or Classical, I think), and go on to do something with that degree that I really, really love - either teaching, or... teaching... maybe I'll work in a museum or something. 2. Go back to London, and especially Italy, and spend a prolongued period of time there. I'd like to go to Ireland, Germany, Austria, Japan, Russia, and Australia as well. 3. Learn Latin or Italian... or [i]both![/i] 4. Learn to play the guitar. 5. Learn to cook. 6. Live a long, healthy, successful, financially comfortable life with lots of dogs (preferably labrodor retrievers) in a beautiful but small town with cobblestone roads. But if I can't have that, I'd like to die a horribly violent death that people would remember [i]forever.[/i] As of now, if I happen to marry somebody, it'll purely be an accident. Here's hopin' he's a good guy, though.[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=maroon]Yesh, I second all the "screw the undo" comments. I mean, if you don't screw up, what are you going to learn from? There's a specific reason why you aren't perfect. But damn, refresh would be fun, wouldn't it?[/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=maroon]Love the pictures. Cloud is a babe. But perhaps they shouldn't be so close together? They look a little cluttered. I do like the effects you did with his hair, though - it looks mighty cool. ^_^ Keep 'em coming, this is fun! :p[/color][/size]
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