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Everything posted by Arcadia
[size=1][color=maroon]I've always liked Medea, not because the "heroine" kills a whole bunch of people, but because what Euripedes wrote was so completely [i]different[/i]. We're talking about ancient Greece here; the only citizens in Greece were men with land and power. Women didn't have a whole lot of say, and definitely weren't fully appreciated (according to what Euripedes wrote, anyway). Not to say that they were all treated like crap, but you get the general idea. But for Euripedes to write Medea... can't you imagine what sort of shock it had on people? Here's a woman, [i]a foreigner to the city[/i], no less, speaking out against her husband and the King. And in the end, she's the one who gets the last laugh. The play was totally ahead of it's time. Now, it should be known that I don't exactly condone killing your children and all that. I admire Medea because she was strong and clever, but to call her a "tragic hero" is pushing it - she was a little too blood thirsty to be a true heroine. But that's just my opinion. Whoo, I love theatre.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=maroon]Hey, I second that, Queen Asuka. No parties for me, even though FSU is filled to the brim with lots of party-goers. I turned the big 1-8 May 14th, and not a whole lot happened. I registered to vote, and that's just dandy, but that means I actually have to pay better attention to the election process if I don't want to be one of those uninformed voters. In florida, you can also buy a lotto ticket. So I did. Wow. Honestly, like most will tell you, not a whole lot changes.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=maroon]Dan, that was [i]sad[/i]. It [i]died[/i]. I thought I was going to get a cup cake or something, but instead the whole thing just ceased to exist. That poor, fluffly monster thing on your banner! ....it was pretty neat, though. Even if you are a murderer. At least you're creative about it. So props for [i]that[/i].[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=maroon]Nimue hummed lightly to herself as she waited for Damon to finish up, occasionally taking a sip from her glass. She was content to just watch the crowds for now, learn what she could and save it for later. There was no telling what sort of information could be valuable - people would pay anything [i]for[/i] anything, these days. And Nimue liked that. She glanced towards a rather familiar man as he walked in, arching her eyebrow gently though her lips never left the rim of her glass. He was something of a chemist, if she remembered correctly, but she'd never actually talked to the man himself. Just rumors, used up and tossed around like a common whore. He seemed to be looking for the bartender, so Nimue figured it was a good time as any to start making introductions. "He's a tad busy at the moment, love, but he'll be back," She called out lightly, peering at the man - was his name Akado? Akato? - from under thick, dark lashes. Said man looked to her with raised eyebrows, before shrugging and taking a seat near her, though not too close. He obviously wasn't stupid; Nimue could respect that. He gave her a slight nod of thanks, before asking, "The old Velha house, right?" She smiled coquettishly at him, setting her drink down gently on the polished bar top. Perhaps she was a little more well known than she gave herself credit for. The thought made her eyes darken and she couldn't help but add a soft, amused little laugh to the flirty smile. "Indeed, I'm flattered you recognize me. The name's Nimue, by the way. Nimue Velha. And you are...?"[/color] [color=gray]OOC: Eh, short and sweet for now. My head hurts and there is homework to be done! Mush, boys, mush![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=silver]OOC: Yo yo yo, what up? Okay, sorry about the delay. And DeathKnight, awesome post. I lurve it. He's the coolest Shaman [i]ever![/i] Right, so with that said, let us continue...[/color] [color=maroon]Leile sat on the rock and hugged herself, her fingers digging into her skin, as she stared at the ruins of Ma'Uriith before them. "So what're we going to do in the meantime? Do you even know what's happened here?" [i]What's happened to the people? My father, my brother? Why?[/i] Her thoughts continued on, and though she voiced none of them, it was perfectly visible in her eyes. Normally very good at masking her emotions, just as her father had taught her to be while on the road, instead she just let them play across her face. Though she hated to admit it, Anubis was right - later there would be no time to let the pain show. Later, they would need all the strength, courage, and determination they could get. She glanced at the man briefly, not completely comfortable with him being the only other conscious being around, before reverting her eyes. Obviously she still didn't trust him that much. But he seemed to want to help; indeed, he had said as much. Sighing quietly, she rubbed her temples, trying to stop the throbbing pains that resided there. [i]Maybe I'm being too cynical[/i], she thought, before Anubis' voice interrupted her musings. "A curse," he finally answered, sounding as though it was obvious enough. And frankly, it was, but at the same time it explained absolutely nothing. She paused briefly in her efforts to assuage her headache to glare at him. "Thanks, that explains [i]everything[/i], doesn't it? You're a freaking genius." Anubis just looked amused at her sarcastic attack before continuing, not bothering to comment on her remarks. "Some sort of magic has descended upon the city. It will be our purpose to figure out the who, what, where, when, and whys of it. Once Aissa has rested enough, we will set out. For now, however," he concluded, eyeing the girl with the dark braids in a rather meticulous manner, "I would advise you to rest while you can, and pray that no manner of darkness shall visit us here." She [i]hated[/i] it when he made sense. Pouting almost gloomily, she decided to make sure that Aissa was at least comfortable, and hoped that she would soon join them again. Though the circumstances under their meeting weren't exactly ideal, she was still glad it happened. She knew she would need a strong friend in the future, and Leile was most certain that she'd found one in Aissa.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=maroon]Ah, Powerman 5000. I still have that. There are a couple Nsync songs that I have to dance to whenever they come on. Well, not dancing as much as jumping around like a retarded ballerina, but hey, whatever works. Pop songs are just [i]fun[/i] to sing to. I really like The Calling, too, even though some of their songs really suck. And like many, I love the 80s, and I'm proud of it. Nobody has hair cooler than David Bowie![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=maroon]Dan is the coolest! The jello one is great. It kind of makes me hungry, though, and then those kids sit there and just eat the jello in front of me, and then I just don't know what to do. Especially since I don't [i]have[/i] any jello! Woe is me! ....yeah, so super dandy banners and all that. They're totally off the chain.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=maroon]OOC: Whoo. Sorry about that little absence.. busy weekend, went home, away from computer, attacked by savage squirrels.. crazy stuff. But I'm back... [i]with a vengeance!![/i] Hoohah! Sometime later, Nimue was lounging about, her eyes fixed on the flames that danced mirthfully in the fireplace. It looked beautiful, and the warmth it brought the cold house was needed, but the smell.. well, human flesh never did smell all that great, anyway. [i]Tainted,[/i] she thought, stroking her vial gently. [i]Just like everything else in this forsaken land. Nothing's clean here.[/i] She watched the remnants of her friend the thief burn for a little longer before the flames began to die out. Smothering the last bit of them with a bucket of water, she tsked lightly at the ashes before picking up her Strega and heading for the door. [i]Nobody tries to steal from[/i] my [i]house.[/i] It was fairly cool weather, good for checking things out in the market. More specifically, people - time to find out who was doing what and where. Once she was sure the Strega Corrotta was attached firmly to the leather belt on her hips, she focused on where to go first. Probably a bar. That way, she could get a drink and wake herself up a bit, as well as chat up the bartender there. Tenders saw a hell of a lot of people come and go, and made it their business to know everybody's business. Which was absolutely perfect for Nimue because she was nosey as hell. The saloon was full of people, as always, and that only made Nimue smile. She liked people; liked what they could do for her. The thief earlier didn't amount to much, only babbling on about how he had a family to feed, people to look after.. she had rolled her eyes at that, and told him to give her some better stories or she'd make it so that he couldn't tell any at all. After that she only got a few disinteresting bits and pieces of gossip on the streets - new bounties, new hunters, who allied with who and who had betrayed who... the usual. Taking a seat at the bar, she brushed her long dark locks over her shoulder with a flick of the wrist before calling the bartender over. He just smiled knowingly when he saw her, and bowed his head slightly. "Nimue, back so soon?" He asked, setting a glass in front of her and filling it with her usual spiced wine. She just smiled prettily and set her chin in her hand. "Damon, it's been at least a week. Don't you miss me?" Chuckling, he just gave her a wink. "Give me a minute, darling, and then we'll chat." Nimue smirked and sipped from her wine, slowly turning her eyes over the room as Damon went about his other duties. The two had a sort of deal going on - he gave her limited bits of information, and she gave him in return money and valuables, among other things. He was pretty big in the underground market, especially with poisons, and she could give him plenty of that, thanks to daddy dearest. Nimue could be a very reasonable woman when it was worth her time.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=maroon]OOC: I feel ya, Dagger. Studying is seriously depleting me of all my brain cells. The things I do for a higher education... Also, as for the time differences and all that.. yeah, just go with it. So my lovely people in Ii'Kaer, you can find the King's memo whenever. You might also start to note that some - not all - of the flowers are beginning to wilt and die (check back to the Ma'Uriith destruction post thing, where the Queen notices her flowers). [b]He followed after her, a torrent of thoughts pouring through his head. The letter had been disturbing, to say the least, and definitely put quite a damper on the evening. Just when it seemed as though he might have some fun after all. But just as the feisty redhead said, drinks were now definitely in order, and by god, he would deliver. And then, of course, there was Maia's sudden inquiry concerning what she did for a living... [i]Why would that matter,[/i] he thought, perplexed. [i]And what exactly does she mean, anyway?[/i] But even after a few moments of trying to puzzle it out, Luth could only shrug half-heartedly - the mysteries of women were far beyond his mortal comprehension. "So where do we find your friend? Shirai'i, right?" He questioned, playing gently with one of his earrings. He did remember the dancer - quite well, actually. The woman with the honey wine. Especially after that performance; he would be hard-pressed to forget her graceful, fluid movements. She and her partner on stage had been the epitome of what dancing should be. He only wished for a fraction of that talent as he trained for the winter celebration. It would be quite some time before he and his fellow students "danced" the [i]Lith'Rii Urii[/i] (it was strange to call it a dance when it was really more of a kata) - if they made it that far, that is. The piece of parchment clouded his thoughts again and he cursed quietly, now looking forward to getting stupidly drunk. It was all he could offer Ma'Uriith, for now. Ruffling his hair some, he just grinned and flicked his tail around some, closing his eyes for a moment. Between trying to figure out the redheaded minx, getting smashed, and worrying about this new, strange threat, Luth realized that he was never going to go to bed. "So much for getting a good night's rest."[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=maroon][b]Aoen just raised an eyebrow after him, sharing the look with her horse before swinging herself up into the saddle gracefully, chains clanking together in an eclectic, yet merry way. Ah, to be off again, feeling the wind in her hair, Rache's hooves thundering beneath her, the smell of victory in the air... Smirking slightly, a light chuckle bubbling past her lips, she gave Rache's neck a good scratch as she pulled up next to Calis, who seemed content with the lack of conversation; morever, he might even be intent with keeping it that way. She could never be sure, but she at least knew that [i]she[/i] wasn't going to ride the whole damn time in silence. The same smirk decorating her face, she glanced over to him and asked merrily, "So how are you today, Calis?" He looked at her briefly, from the corner of his eye, his eyebrow quirking up slightly. She was well aware of the fact that he didn't trust her at all. [i]Well, at least there's one thing we have in common with one another,[/i] she thought sardonically. Even his horse seemed rather aggravated, but then again, Aoen always did pride herself on her imagination. Especially since it just helped to add to the fun when it came to her victims. She fingered her dagger at those thoughts, her eyes darkening with lust. It [i]had[/i] been a long time, and she was more than ready to shed more blood. Revenge is never too sweet.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna]OOC: Yes yes, I agree. It's quite [i]perfect[/i]; thank you for doing such a wonderful job. ^_^ Also, Queen Asuka, I'm so sorry I keep forgetting to reply to your earlier question - yes, I go to FSU. Whoo for Tallahassee. Who saw us get our asses handed to us on a silver platter by Miami? Yes, good times. [b]Luthian paused, peering more at the group of people, rather than the piece of parchment, reading their expressions. They seemed shocked; it almost looked as though some were upset, or angry. Whatever was on that little piece of paper must have been important. Without so much as a second thought, he grabbed Maia's hand and quickly dragged her over to the large group. It took a moment but Luth forced his way through the crowd, his grip on Maia's hand tight so that he wouldn't lose the small woman, and finally came to a point where he could read the piece of parchment. Maia yelped as she was on the move again, glaring at his swishing tail and wondering if she could somehow bind it up in something, maybe cut it off, before he began pushing past people. And then it became increasingly hard to focus on those thoughts of destruction as she caugh a glimpse of the expressions on those they passed. [i]What on earth...?[/i] "Can you read it?" Luthian asked, his eyes focused on something that she couldn't see - there were too many tall people in front of her, Luth being one of them. "Read what?" She asked, and recieved a raised eyebrow from the Tal'Iiren. "No, obviously not, what is it?" He shook his head, before gesturing her up. "Here, just get on my back." Indignant, the redhead crossed her arms in a huff, though blushing slightly. "Excuse me? How many ways are you trying to mortify me? Are you going for some sort of record or something?" "Dearest, remember, free drinks later. Come on," he bent his knees, holding his arms out in preparation, wrapping his tail around to the front so it wasn't in the way so much, and so she didn't hurt it. He did love his tail. Sighing in aggravation, she just pulled her cap down in determination before climbing up, and then peered over his shoulder at the piece of parchment pinned up before them. Her eyes skimmed the first few sentences before her throat dried up and her arms tightened around Luth's neck. He grunted in annoyance, and she relented, but the shock was still apparent on her face. Luthian's own face was grim, a frown in the place of his normal, cheerful smile. "...Damn..." he muttered, and he looked as though he wanted to say more, but could produce another "Damn!" Maia just nodded mutely, beginning to think that a drink didn't sound half bad now. [i]Back in Tal'Ebot...[/i] As Leile stared at the hankerchief, vaguely hearing Anubis, she just shook her head, slowly at first, but then forcefully. "No... It's... It's not real... It [i]can't[/i] be!" But even as she said this, her knuckles turning white around the piece of cloth she clutched at so desperately, Leile knew that it was the truth. She abruptly turned away from the parchment, her hand clasped to her mouth as she tried to stop the sobs that soon came pouring out. Quickly walking away from the throng of people, Leile was sure now that she never felt any pain quite like this. She only got a few steps away before her footing slipped and she fell to her knees, tears running down her cheeks. [i]Why why why?![/i] Aissa hurriedly followed her, casting a brief inquiring look in Anubis' direction as she kneeled down next to Leile. She rubbed the girl's back reassuringly and didn't stop, even after Leile flinched at the gesture. Aissa didn't know what else to do, or to say - what could she say at a moment like this? [i]Stop crying, stop crying, please, just stop...[/i] Leile thought desperately, clutching at her hair. She hated crying, no matter how appropriate it could be; how healthy it could be. She just hated it. And so she willed herself to stop. After a moment, she did, and she sat up, her cheeks streaked with tears and her eyes red-rimmed, though angry. She remembered the scrap of cloth Anubis had given her and wiped her face. Though she sounded quite hesitant, Aissa asked quietly, "Are you okay?" Leile nodded, glancing at her. "Yes, thank you. [i]Both[/i] of you." She said that last bit louder so Anubis would hear it as well, holding up the used hankerchief as though it were proof. Fixing her face into some sort of mask, she added then, "Now how do we get to Ma'Uriith?"[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna][b]Aarde slowly removed her hand from the green sphere, glancing around the dim chamber. Her eyes weren't much use here, but Malheleco had more than enough power to compensate for all of them. Instead, she focused more on the power she felt creeping through her veins, and the strange feel of the earth under her feet. They were definitely in another world; back home. Now that she was here, she could remember more of it. But there was so much decay... she didn't remember that. She turned her eyes towards Malheleco as he spoke, watching his eyes carefully. She did the same to Himani, then Mizu, and then finally Feuer, before smiling slightly. Yes, they were most definitely back home - even if the earth below her wasn't enough of a sign, the sudden spark in everyone's eyes was. Pulling her hair into a loose ponytail, she followed after Feuer as everyone began moving again. Her coat hung heavy on her shoulders, but the closer they got to the surface, the less she felt it, and the more she felt the adrenaline pumping through her body. Yes, this was most definitely her home, alright. She must have smiled at that because Mizu winked at her. Bowing her head in acknowledgement, Aarde just returned the look. Despite the not-so-good things that waited for them, Aarde thought it was good to be home.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna]Yes, yes KnightoftheRose, definitely do see it. Even if you aren't quite into the whole singing and dancing thing, it's still a fun movie. I agree with the Ventriloquist comment. The make-up for that was astounding. And the timing. And the lighting. And the dancing and acting, especially. Me and a friend would lip-synch to that song; it was such a blast. I love the soundtrack, and I've had it for awhile. So imagine me going to see it with my roomie, already knowing all the words. It was so hard not to sing along. I tried, I really did.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna][b]Name:[/b] Nimue Velha [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]World:[/b] Jahnshen [b]Weapon/s:[/b] [i]Eredita[/i] - Nimue keeps a vile of her father's blood around her neck, but also laced in it is one of the more deadly poisons her late father managed to create. She thought it only fitting that they should somehow stay together. Occasionally she put a drop of this onto one of her blades. The poison causes a chemical reaction within the blood that usually results in a horrible burning sensation and extreme pain. Victims either die from the shock or kill themselves. Only she knows of the antidote. [i]Fiducia[/i] - Her beloved dagger, Nimue keeps this with her at all times. The hilt is made of both steel and black onyx, and a prayer to Malheleco is engraved into the end of it. The blade itself is about ten inches long and at the base, is an inch and a half thick. It curves off at the tip, and is followed by a number of jagged edges to add to the fun. Stab, twist, and pull; repeat for best results. [i]Strega Corrotta[/i] - The [i]Strega[/i] for short; this long (about 2'6", roughly), thin blade is covered in ancient runes engraved into the sword. The steel itself is stained black, and the hilt is a dark, blackish-red hue. From the butt of the hilt, two thin pieces of braided leather hang, with black and red beads intertwined. She doesn't use it quite as much as her [i]Fiducia[/i], but her speed and agility with the [i]Strega[/i] can be just as lethal. [b]Location:[/b] Keeven [b]Bio:[/b] Nimue lives alone in Keeven, and that's how she prefers it. She learned early on not to trust anyone, not even her own father. Years ago her mother died unexpectedly; dear daddy had said that she had grown violently sick, but Nimue could smell a lie when it was told. However the knowledge didn't bother her - she believed that if you couldn't look after yourself, there was no point in living. Survival of the fittest. Her mom just learned that one the hard way. It has to be said then that Nimue learned to mix potions at an early age; her father was well versed in the matter, and especially well practised. All that he knew he taught his only daughter, and that eventually was his downfall. Though how or why she killed her father is unknown, what [i]is[/i] known is that she wears a small vile of his blood around her neck and often talks to it. Personality wise, Nimue's grown up to be quite deceptive. She leads people on and uses them to get what she wants, without any second thoughts. If they aren't useful to her, she kills them. Slowly. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna][b]First Name:[/b] Megan [b]Age:[/b] Eighteen [b]Zodiac:[/b] Taurus [b]Hair Style:[/b] Dark, dark brown, short and layered on the bottom. It has a tendency to flip out at the ends. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Height:[/b] 5'3" [b]Wardrobe:[/b] Various. Jeans, long sleeves, band shirts. Lots and lots of hats and toe socks. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single [b]Personality:[/b] Shy, quiet. I like to watch people more than I like to participate, sometimes. Around friends, I open up a lot more and I act goofy and childish. I don't like confrontations. [b]Makes Me Happy:[/b] Good movies, music, books. My family and my friends. Fluffy animals, especially my dog. Piggy-back rides, learning, massages, free stuff, journals. [b]Pet Peeve:[/b] When people go out of their way to piss off/hurt others. Super religious people. [b]Favorite Music Type:[/b] Everything, though I have my limits on rap and country. [b]Favorite musical Bands/Artists:[/b] Matchbox Twenty, Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, Sister Hazel, Queen, Pink Floyd, Lenny Kravitz, Something Corporate, Frank Sinatra, Broadway tunes, All American-Rejects, Phantom Planet, Sarah McLachlan, New Found Glory, Alien Ant Farm, Jewel, soundtracks, Goo Goo Dolls, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Weezer... [b]Movies:[/b] Disney stuff, The Shawshank Redemption, A City by the Sea, Requiem for a Dream, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, LotR, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.. I don't know if I have any real favorites. I like 'em all. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Writing, reading stuff, listening/singing to music, watching movies, photography, my scrapbook, shopping, OtakuBoards, going to Steak N Shake with my friends, video games.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna] I have to go back to PoisonTongue's comment about Metropolis and say [i]hell yes[/i]. I was up finishing this stupid English thing one night and was tuned into TCM, and they played a whole bunch of movies, and Metropolis was one of them. I'd already seen the animated version and was quite impressed, so when that director guy began talking about the silent film, I kind of stopped doing my work and paid more attention to that. And it was fantastic. Utterly fantastic.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna]I don't know about you guys, but one of my favorite parts of Chicago was John C. Riley, all the way. Mr. Cellophane was the best. I loved the movie, but I love musicals. The dancing was incredible in the movie - imagine all the work they did for that. I saw something about the making, and about the bruises they all got from all the props they used (i.e. chairs), and all I can say is that's some real devotion to a role. And [i]that's[/i] acting. Compared to the broadway version (at least the singing), I think the characters were well-matched. Richard Gere made a great Mr. Flint, but I think I liked the broadway version of him better. Catherine Zeta-Jones and broadway Velma were equal, and I love her character either way. Renee Zelwegger (I haven't the slightest idea of how that's actually spelled) was better than broadway Roxie, Mama Morton was equal, and if you couldn't tell already, I'd take Mr. Riley over that other guy any day. So that's my opinion, anyway.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna]OOC: OR, how about both? ^_^ [b]As the city of Fenwyr drew closer and closer to being finished with the preparations for the spring celebrations, the Queen of Ii'Kaer grew impatient. Though her advisors continually told her that all was well and going according to schedule, the Queen felt as though something was amiss. Part of that, of course, would be Maurii and the strange spell that had fallen over the capital city. Weeks ago, she'd recieved word from her connections there that the King had left Ma'Uriith and was presumably headed towards Feurith. That in itself was enough to unnerve her; the Maurii King was a very stable-headed man, and was never prone to make rash decisions. The fact that he was leaving his capital city was one that put a great anxiety in her heart. But sure enough, just days after she'd recieved that letter from her people, a royal messenger bearing the seal of Maurii provided her the same information, and then some: [quote][i]"The King of Maurii sends his regards, your majesty, and a letter. His highness does not doubt that you have heard of Ma'Uriith's troubles, and now sends you this to explain them fully." The messenger bowed again, before passing the letter to one of the Queen's handmaidens, who then gave it to her. As calmly as she could, the Queen broke the seal of the letter and read it's secrets. Her skin paled and gasped quietly out of instinct, but the fear that had come into her eyes quickly vanished again and her mask was back on. "I thank you, sir, and invite you to rest in our castle before you make the journey back to Maurii. In the meantime, I will reply." She rose then, clutching the letter tightly in her fingers, before moving towards her study. "You are dismissed."[/i][/quote] She had indeed sent a letter back, expressing her own suspicions and fears (though not blindly), and her wish that a cure would be found. She did not mention the King's own illness; though she knew he himself suffered from something, he had not mentioned it and thus, neither would she. She stood in her drawing room then, gazing out over her city. She looked tired, and she was, for good reason. Dreams of a ruined city and bloody massacre had plagued her sleep and had kept her quite awake for most of the night. Her eyes skimmed the horizon, wishing that those beautiful mountains could bring her peace as they always did. It was lovely in Kaer, and she hoped that it would continue to be. Her eyes trailed back along her room in thought, stopping at the crystal vace set up by her bed. The flowers had been fresh this morning, but as she looked at them now, they seemed... dead. A loud knock at her door made her jump slightly, and she sighed, rubbing her forehead before turning towards the sound. "Come in!" A messenger quickly stumbled in, falling straight to his knees, his breathing ragged. "Majesty, word from Maurii... the ca..capital... has... has... [i]fallen![/i]" Her blood ran cold and she froze to the spot, tense all over. "[i]Fallen?[/i]" She repeated, a note of disbelief sounding in her voice. "Ma'Uriith.. has fallen? Is it possible?" The messenger looked up at her briefly, and it was then that she saw the sweat on his brow, his own pale skin and his shaking hands. That alone made her throat constrict. "Yes, Majesty. Our people there.. have sent this, and word of the total destruction of the capital..." He produced a letter then, his head bowed once again. The Queen was thankful for that; she was not sure if she could stand that horrible look of fear in his eyes. Slowly, she approached him and gently took the letter from his hand. Her eyes skimmed the contents, moving across the page, before she covered her mouth with her hand. * The small, private library in which the King sat was dimly lit, and very warm. It was comfortable in here, and he preferred to spend most of his time in this room, surrounded by so many ancient texts that spoke of such wisdom. He only wished that he had found something - in all his weeks of searching, he had not one clue. Only ancient tales of greed and war that spoke nothing of the darkness that threatened his mind and his country. His thoughts were always on Ma'Uriith - his beautiful city. What had happened to it? What of the people he left there? Had they too perished with it? His heart was heavy as he thought, and his grief and guilt were nearly unbearable. But even more so was his determination that [i]something[/i] had to be done. From his desk drawer he drew out a clean piece of parchment, and then inked his quill, preparing to write. The black tip of the feather hovered above the paper for an instant, unsure, before a surge of words overcame the King's mind and he hurried just to get them all down. When the thing was nearly complete, he rang a bell on his desk. A guard hurried in not a second later, going down on one knee as he said quietly, "Your Majesty?" "Fetch my advisors," he said, his voice hoarse from disuse. His eyes dull and his cheeks sunken, but there was a fierce look about them now that almost brought the old King back. "We have much planning to do, and little time to do it in." The advisors came running, hoping desperately that their King had somehow found a cure, or even a [i]hint[/i] towards a cure; just [i]something[/i] that would help them fix this horrible darkness, and bring back the beauty that had once been Ma'Uriith. But instead as they rushed in, the King presented them with a royal decree, his signature already on it. "It is time for us to expand our energies," he declared, suddenly sounding stronger than ever, despite his sickly appearance. "We cannot let our cities fall, one by one. The people must know, and they will help." His top advisor read the announcement quickly, nodding imperceptably. "Yes. Yes, the talents of your Majesty's people are boundless. Perhaps this will lead us into the light," his voice trailed off, and though he did not say it, they all thought it - the people would be their last hope. "Send this to every city, and even to Ii'Kaer. Our dire news will surely put a damper on the festivities, but it is imperative that word gets out," the King said gruffly, not bothering to point out the obvious irony in the celebrations at this point. After all, what was the point of celebrating life when everything was slowly dying?[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna]Whoo! Goin' to see Ghostbusters, for FREE!! Yeehah!! *runs around joyfully before slipping and falling backwards, arms flailing wildly* [b]When she had finally found her comrades, camped out around the small fire above ground, Aarde had been a bit concerned - things were different. She didn't expect anything less, mind you, and change isn't necessarily bad. But starting their journey with a fresh argument wasn't exaclty what Aarde had in mind, and she had the feeling the others weren't too keen about it either. For now, however, she had other things to think on - like the next circle. It would be her turn to decipher the mysteries of the tunnel and lead them out of the dark, underground caverns. She remained, as always, the picture of calm, except maybe for her hands, fidgeting constantly with her ring. It seemed as though mere minutes had passed by and the tunnel they walked through began to widen again, a hint towards another fork in their travels. Before long the small group had indeed reached the two passages, and Feuer then turned his head towards Aarde, his eyes patient. "You're up." She smiled, bowing her head in acknowledgement, before approaching the green circle of moss that had grown between the two passage ways. Similar to some of the others, both ways were sealed with barriers. In this case, black briar patches had grown up the sides and completely closed off the tunnels, and their thick thorns made it impossible to get through. Had they put a blade to it, they would have found it useless against the strange, dark plant. Slipping off her shoes, she walked with barefeet to the middle of the circle, her back to the rest of them, and pushed her palms together, eyes closed in concentration. Small flowers began to grow out of the ground around her, but only within the circle of moss. Without warning, however, the tunnel soon filled with wind and spiraled around her lithe form, catching her hair and sending it dancing about her as she chanted softly, her voice barely a whisper, her words ancient. The wind was a brief respite from the warmth they found below ground, and the others found themselves relaxing just a tad. Though each split path meant that they were that much closer to reaching their goal... to reaching the other side, and even with the gentle presence of the cool wind, anxiousness was beginning to set in. The chanting stopped abruptly as Aarde opened her eyes, which now glowed an eeire green that the others could not see. She reached in her heavy coat and produced a small, brown leather back. From it she took a hand-full of what appeared to be sand - the others, however, knew better. Turning towards the path towards the left, she blew the sand off her hand and into the thorns, and repeated the process with the passage on the right. For a split second, nothing happened. But then flowers began to grow out of the thorns on the first tunnel, blooming quickly and brilliantly as they spread like mad over the briar patch. Soon the entire thing was covered in wildly colored flowers. "How beautiful," Himani remarked quietly, and Mizu seemed to agree. Aarde glanced at them briefly, smiling secretively, before approaching the wall of flowers. She brought two fingers to her lips, kissing them softly before reaching out and touching the velvety petals before her. As soon as her slender fingers touched the flowers they fell apart, pieces floating like feathers to the ground, revealing an open passage ahead. Bowing her head once again, she smiled as she went to pick up her shoes, "I believe the left path would serve us well."[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna]Longer posts, guys. Please check out Harle's sticky if you aren't sure or you have some questions. But generally, detailed paragraphs are appreciated. Thank you, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna][b]Okay, I'm looking at this chart of Trapinch and his later evolutions, but it's not making a whole lot of sense. How do you know what it's base moves are? Will somebody please help this poor, pathetic girl in her quest for knowledge? Man, that opening battle thing... yeah, I'm gonna get my *** kicked. Just calling it ahead of time. So... be gentle. Heh.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna][b]The struggle to figure this one out was going to be something else, Leile decided, as she took the flowers from the 'simple street magician.' He was not at all what he seemed: every bone in her body told her not to trust him (how could he not be evil with those ever-changing tattoos?), and yet here he was, performing harmless magic for them. Picking at the petals in thought, a grim smile forming on her lips as she expected a snake to pop out of them at her, she glanced back up at Anubis and raised her eyebrows. "You seem to know a bit about Ma'Uriith," she finally said, crossing her arms, her flowers now dangling from her finger tips. He returned the expression, but it was innately different - there was something in his eyes that was dark, and though he was quick to mask whatever it was, sometimes she caught it flickering across those plain brown eyes. "I merely made a suggestion." The raven-haired girl pulled on a thin braid, averting her eyes then. "Oh." That's not what she wanted to hear. What was happening to her old home? What about her father? Her [i]brother?[/i] Muis-ka had always been a spirited man, but not even he could keep up with her brother... was he also suffering in the same strange way? She wanted desperately to believe that her family had somehow managed to escape the eerie plague, but something inside her just wouldn't let her. She blinked, clearing her mind of those dark thoughts - they would do nothing to help her now. Instead, she went back to questioning Anubis; she figured she might as well learn all that she could, though he didn't seem too eager to share his life story. "You're not from here," she stated a-matter-of-factly, raising her eyes to his again. "I don't remember ever seeing anyone like you, and I definitely would have remembered [i]those[/i]." She pointed to his arms, where the tattoos were moving again, changing. He gave her a mild shrug. "Your point is?" Now she was the one scowling. Doing her best to fight the urge to beat him with her flowers, she asked pointedly, "How do you know about the sickness then? How to cure it?"[/b] OOC: Arrgh. Exams suck. Sometimes I think education is overrated.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna] Sorry this is a tad late, kids. I've been studying for more of my stupid exams.. what's the point of school anyway? Education is so over-rated. Meh. [b]As she tredged across the frozen landscape, Aarde thought on her journey. What was in store for them, she knew not, but it had been sometime since she'd last seen her comrades. The weather conditions had been more to her liking, she mused lightly, but the icy winds and endless snow didn't actually seem to bother her as much as it should. She was sure her sphere had something to do with it. Just as it was drawing her towards this barren place, it was fueling her with warmth and energy; all of which she would need soon enough. She thought briefly of the ship she had sailed over on. It wasn't easy to get passage on any ship this time of year, but her remarkable ability with herbs and other sorts of medicine had won her the right to sail with the crew of the [i]Indigo[/i]. They set out from port and sailed for a week under fair skys and promising winds, before the first hint of a storm threatened on the horizon. Just an hour later, the torrentual rains came upon them and the ocean was intolerable. The crew was in a state of panic; many were new, having barely attained their sea-legs, and could hardly work the riggings, let alone remember to breathe. Against the wishes of the captain, who valued her neck too much to allow her onto the deck, Aarde left the safety of the cabins and emerged to see one of the most savage tempests she'd ever laid eyes on. And Aarde had seen a great many things. However, she remained strangely calm, as all the sailors had remarked later on, and she walked with such peace and dignity that those around her lost all focus on the raging storm. Instead, their eyes followed her as she went from man to man, smiling reassuringly and murmuring a few soft words before moving on to the next. Every man she touched suddenly felt the horror of the storm slip away and all that was left was a strange, inner contentment. Though the storm raged on about them, and though they could still hear and feel it, they were no longer afraid. She returned underground, soaked to the bone and perfectly serene, albeit a bit exhausted, but serene nevertheless. When the morning came, the sun slowly broke through the ugly clouds and the crew was overjoyed; they celebrated that day, and hailed Aarde as a heroine - their own Goddess of Victory. She just smiled politely and went about her duties. As it came to be, when they dropped her off at the docks, where she would then take a smaller boat to the icy coast, the crew of the [i]Indigo[/i] gave her something to keep, as a sort of memoir of the long journey. It was a small, silver ring, with the words [i]pace della mente[/i], or, [i]peace of mind[/i]. She walked now through the snow, spying a small campfire on the horizon; at last, she would reach her old friends. Though it had been quite some time since they'd been together last. What sort of changes would she find? How had they been living their lives since their last reunion? And more importantly, what duties lay ahead of them, now that the spheres were calling again? Fixing her scarf, she reached Malheleco first, who had - like always - detached himself from the crowd. Though her skin was pale, her cheeks and nose red with the cold, her eyes were still warm and alive and when she smiled, the weather suddenly didn't seem quite so terrible. "Darkness, are you annoyed already?" Her voice was quietly amused, and still retained that comfortable, serene feeling that it held all those years ago.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna][b]Suddenly he didn't feel quite as tired as he had when he first left the performance. Maia was a character, to say the least. That blushing awkward girl thing was strangely appealing and if nothing else, her company would prove to be quite entertaining. He hadn?t had a good laugh in awhile, anyway. With that decided, he stepped back and looked her up and down, his tail swishing from side to side. Maia?s scowl turned into an uneasy frown and sounding slightly perturbed, she asked, ?What are you doing?? Grinning, he picked at her oversized jacket, dancing around her as she tried to swat at his hand. ?Aren?t you a little hot in this? You certainly don?t need it in this weather,? he informed her, standing just next to her. ?I think you should take it off. Take it [i]all[/i] off.? As he said this, he lifted the back part of the jacket gently with his tail, and leaned back to get a good view of her backside. ?Nice,? he commented idly, still grinning. ?You!? She jumped to the side, swinging her arm out wildly as if to hit him or push him away. ?I can?t believe? Oh, I?m going to hurt you.? Despite her apparent rage at his behavior, she was once again blushing wildly under that cap, cursing the Tal?Iiren silently. [I]Jerk! This is war.[/I] ?Oh Maia, I?m just playing. Don?t be mad at me,? he pouted, clasping his hands politely in front of him. ?Why can?t we all just get along, hm? Tell you what,? he began, taking a step towards her, ?To show that I mean no harm, I?ll get you a drink. There?s a great bar near here; I work there, actually, which means discounts and free stuff, but that?s besides the point.? By now he had managed to put his hands on her shoulder, his tail twitching happily as he began to guide her along the road towards the said bar. ?This is my token of friendship to you, darling Maia.? Being rather uncooperative with him for the moment, she twisted around to glare at him, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. ?And why should I trust you, pretty boy?? He just grinned boyishly. ?Oh, do trust me. I?m a saint.?[/b] (Sorry for the shoddy quality, guys. Need... sleep... well, eventually. >.< ) [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=sienna][b]As Calis left, Aoen gave her final bow to Obsidian, before tucking the medallion safely in her chains as she headed back to her chambers. Finally, the monotone she'd known would be replaced by another mission. She thought it would be appropriate to [i]skip[/i] back to her room in delight, but the only change in her purposeful stride was the tiny smirk that flitted across her face. Swinging open the doors to her room in a flourish of movement, Aoen quickly went about gathering the few things she would need for their little journey. The thought of traveling with Calis made her wrinkle her nose, but only out of irritation. She wasn't stupid enough to dismiss him entirely; his combat skills were exceptional and he had a good head on his shoulders, even though his loyalty to Obsidian was for very different reasons than her own. She wondered briefly what might happen to him when that loyalty disappeared entirely - what would he do then? What would Obsidian do? She shrugged the thought off as she began throwing a number of odds and ends over her shoulder carelessly, looking for appropriate traveling clothes and other little articles. Once she was sure she had all that she needed (and had subsequently made her room a hell-hole), she slung the bag over her shoulder and grabbed her cloak off the back of a chair before heading out the door. There were a few more stops along the way as she gave instructions to servants and grabbed some food for herself before she went out to the stables to meet Calis and begin the trek. He was already there, as he said he would be, and was nearly finished saddling up his horse. She noticed that her own mare Rache had been prepared for her arrival, though Aoen was pleased to see that the head stable man seemed to have a rough time with her. The raven-haired woman let out a low whistle and Rache responded immediatly, ears twitching as she trotted to her master. As Aoen cooed at her pretty horse, the stable man grumbled something about women before going back to his previous work. Chuckling, Aoen gave Rache's charcoal coat a quick rub before strapping her bag on to the saddle. She checked the rest of the equippment, just to be safe, before glancing back to Calis, who looked rather bored now. Arching an eyebrow, she said with only the slightest hint of sarcasm, "I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long."[/b][/color][/size]