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Everything posted by Arcadia
[size=1][color=maroon]Sorry for the interruption, folks, but some of these posts are a little too short and are lacking in description. If you guys could just kick it up a notch, that would be beautiful, cause it's a swell idea. =^.^= Your friendly neighborhood moderator, Arcadia[/size][/color]
[color=maroon][size=1]Okay guys, I've officially started the story. Check it out in the Adventure Arena. =^.^= It's exciting. I didn't really check it for mistakes, though, so don't hurt me for it. Sorry it's a little.. late. So did you guys get together anyway? Do tell, do tell! - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[color=sienna]It came to the point where Cherry had no idea what was going on outside her window. There were saijyins fighting saijyins, things were being blown up and bowled over, and she thought she actually saw Freiza, but she couldn't be sure. After all, she saw the face of evil on too many faces in this hell-hole of a planet. Crossing her arms, she leaned against the wall facing the room, though her face was still turned towards the window. [i]Stupid planet.[/i] Just as she began thinking over her evil little schemes to make a weapon powerful enough to blow everyone on that god-forsaken ship to smithereens, there was commotion in the hall and some guy entered her room, locking the door immediately behind him. Stepping off the wall, she asked with slight surprise and more suspicion, "Who are you?" Only to find that he voiced the same question. Then the door blew off it's hinges and towards the man, but amazingly he was quick enough to catch it. He then proceeded to disappear and reappear behind the guard that came through the doorway, and then the guard was no longer a problem. She felt like she should scream or yell or do something, but instead the first thing that came tumbling out of her mouth was, "How did you teleport like that?" "It's just moving fast. By the way, the name's Xaru," the man replied, his weapon now resheathed. She just nodded dumbly, trying to work out the mechanics of "moving fast", so fast that she actually [i]lost sight[/i] of him. Now that was one scientific discovery! [i]Incredible,[/i] she thought, and proceeded to wonder about what else these brutish saijyins could do before he raised an eyebrow at her. She coughed in embarrassment. "Oh, right. My name's Cherry."[/color]
[size=1][color=darkred]Hey guys, not to nag, but there isn't much thought to these posts. If you could kick them up a notch, add a little detail, that would be great. Your friendly neighborhood moderator, [i]Arcadia[/i][/color][/size]
*gushes* Joy!! So many people! I had high hopes for this, but the more all you talented people join, the more surprised I get. Okay, business: [b]Wondershot[/b]: I don't mind the age all that much, but just make sure you play him realistically. As precocious as he might be, he's still 12. Your stats are very good, though, so keep it up. [b]Queen Asuka[/b]: Thanks for joining us! I was really hoping somebody might make a character like that - with all the horror and angst that's sure to follow, we'll need as many spirited people as possible. ^.~ [b]PiroMunkie[/b]: Thanks to you, too. Don't worry too much about posting; whenever you're ready, that's good enough for me. A general note for everyone, I'm thinking of making our little discussion on Friday and/or Saturday, depending on how many people we can get there and how well it goes, etc. I'm also kind of waiting for somebody else to join us, but she's taking her sweet time [size=1](heh)[/size], so we probably won't officially start until Saturday, at the earliest. But this should give us all plenty of time to think about introductions and where we want to start, and all that. So get excited! Whoo! Yeah, I think that's it.
[size=1]I always loved Spirit Week, but I also like wearing costumes and acting, so that's kind of what the entire week was for me - one big chance to goof off, under the pretense of school spirit. Yeah!! But we had PJs day, Blast from the Past, Twins day, one was just a general costume day (I think it was close to Halloween), Hat day, Wacky Tacky Day, and just a regular old Spirit day (Blue and Silver were our colors), to name a few. I have to take a note from Queen Asuka though and remind myself that I'm not IN high school anymore (even though I'm wearing my thespian shirt T.T)... eheh.[/size]
[b]Lovely characters[/b], thank you very much for joining us! Now, I've got Dagger's availability times, but I still need to hear from the rest of you. We're not going to start until we get the chance to discuss everyone's expectations and ideas regarding the story line. So please let me know when you can be online, and what kind of IM programs you have, if any, through either PMs or posting here. I don't care either way, [i]I just need to know[/i]. If that's a problem for you, again, let me know and we'll figure something out. This is important because it's going to give everyone a chance to get to know each other and understand what sort of ideas we have for our characters regarding development and subplots and all that jazz. It'll also let me know who's really committed to making sure this story is a good one. I can't stress that enough. So [b]please[/b] let me know ASAP. Thank ye kindly. Your friend [b]FOR-EH-VER[/b], Arcadia :blush:
Yeah, see, that's the part of senior year no one ever tells you about. All you hear is "It's so much fun, senioritis gets bad, so many parties!" But they neglect to tell you about the tests and the applications and the waiting and fretting and the stressing out. Jerks. But once Christmas comes, it'll get better. It won't be over, but it'll get better.
I'ma goin' to FSU - Florida State University. It's been... an experience. You know, us party schools are crazy.
Yeah, another guy! And he's [i]hot![/i] Rock on! Okay, all girlish squealing aside, I'd like to try and set up a time where we can all meet online and discuss the introduction and how we're eventually going to bring all the characters together. As some of you know, I've got some ideas, but I'd really like to hear yours, as well. The more input the better! Please don't be afraid to make suggestions and ask questions and all that jazz. For our discussion.. first of all, does anybody know a good place to go for that? I'd hate to just continuously PM each other back and forth. And secondly, let me know what times are good for you - like I said, I'd like to try and get ALL of you there, because so far I'd say you're all more than qualified for this. Let me know as soon as possible! We'll probably be starting in a couple days.
Woohoo!! I'm so happy, people have [i]replied!![/i] Okay, seriously, I like the turnout so far, but I'm gonna wait a couple more days, I think. To let more people wander in and be amazed at how cool we are and stuff. You know. But I do have a question for you guys.. are you having any trouble with the map? Just PM me or something and let me know. I'd like to keep the communication up between everybody cause that'll make this that much better. So yeah. Anything, any questions, comments, just throw 'em at me! Later, dudes.
Okay, here's my second character for the time being. [b]Name:[/b] Luthian Eliithe [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Tal?Iiren [b]Location:[/b] K?Urii, Ii'Kaer [b]Occupation:[/b] He?s currently a student, you could say, learning the [i]Lith?Rii Urii[/i] for the next winter festival. He bartends on the side to make money. [b]Appearance:[/b] Towering over most people, Luce is a very tall, lean man, and he likes being able to see over people?s heads; he thinks it?s funny. He?s got a head full of thick, wild hair the color of cherry-wood, and because he?s been out in the sun for most of his life, his skin is a deep tan color, bordering on brown. His tail, of course, is the same reddish-brown color. He wears earrings, too; little silver ones on his lobes, and then one on the top of his left ear. Not one for elegance and refinery, Luth dresses casually, sometimes just lazily, in trousers and occasionally a tunic wrap and a cloth belt, and always sandals. He likes to walk around half naked though, and even wearing nothing at all, if the situation permits it. He?s very proud of his body. [b]Personality:[/b] In case you couldn?t already tell, Luth isn?t exactly the modest type. He?s a very energetic, rambunctious guy and he?s always doing something. Action keeps his mind sharp and focused; when he?s not doing anything, he gets anxious and short-tempered, which is bad for everybody. He enjoys the simple pleasures of life very much because of his background, but new things excite him; he?s the kind of guy who has to try everything once, walk in every open door, explore every nook and cranny. As far as his temperament goes, he?s a very competitive guy, so when somebody piques that instinct in him, he can get pretty passionate and you?ll find that it?s hard to get his mind off of anything else. He strives to be the best in everything he does, which can obviously be hazardous to both his physical and mental health, and thus when he isn?t or when he feels like somebody is ?challenging his authority,? so to speak, he gets pissed off. [b]History:[/b] Originally Luthian grew up in Caedwyn, and he was there for a good twenty years before he decided it was time to move out. As a kid he was always a trouble-maker, making up outrageous stories and jumping off of haystacks, attacking the chickens and such. He always liked a good adventure, and he listened intently to the town elders (most of the people in Caedwyn [i]were[/i] elders) when they told him stories about the early days, about the myths of the land and the things they?d seen and heard throughout a lifetime. So when he finally did leave to pursue his dreams and make a name for himself, most of the people were sad to see him go ? such vivacious people are rare in Caedwyn. Some however, were happy to have him gone because as charming as Luth is, he?s a bit of a womanizer. He?s been in K?Urii for four years now and he?s got his own little place in a boarding house just down the street from the bar he usually works at. [b]Tidbits:[/b] Something that isn?t quite as known about Luthian is that he?s an incredible musician, and even more, he still loves to hear stories and learn about new things. He?s still a little kid at heart. **Remember, if you guys have any questions or are having any trouble at all, don't be afraid to PM me and ask - I'll be more than happy to help you out.
Cherry watched out her window, her lip curling in disgust as various drunken saiyjins stumbled into the streets, celebrating another victory over another planet. On the outside, she was strong and indifferent, but inside she hoped to god that it wasn't Earth. Not her home.. the one she'd give anything to get back to.. [i]Not her home.[/i] She began to turn away, thinking to tinker around with the scouter she'd stolen, when a loud crash outside caught her attention. Arching her eyebrows up, she quickly turned back, leaning against the window as she watched the smoking ruins of some building. It was then that she noticed the other men, coming from a larger ship off to the side; who the hell were they? Saiyjins, definitely, but not the same ones celebrating just a few minutes ago. Crossing her arms as she watched the happenings outside, Cherry wondered what the little slimy freak Freiza would do about this when he found out.. if he [i]cared[/i], that is.
[size=3][b]Laeth E?Thae[/b][/size] [i]Thousands of years ago blood was spilt and a curse was let loose, muttered alone by an angry tongue. Days and weeks passed, which turned into months, and then into years, and soon the entire incident was forgotten ? just a memory, something written on a yellowing page somewhere. But these days the people of Ma?Uriith are wary; they stay away from shadows and darkened streets, and never venture out into the night alone. There?s something lurking in the pitch black of the night, watching; waiting. Some say its superstition. Some look elsewhere for answers. But there?s something undeniably wrong in the capital and her King is beginning to notice that something will have to be done. The only question is how do you save a city when you don?t know what you?re saving it from?[/i] [center]*[/center] [b][u]The Races in Laeth E?Thae[/b][/u] [b]Ethai?En:[/b] Humanoid in form, except for their ears, which are longer and pointed at the tips, usually decorated. They have secretive smiles, and a good knowledge of both magic and battle, and are always very agile fighters. [b]Frae-Ren:[/b] A very spiritual race of people, the Frae-Ren have a deep connection to the earth and nature around them. They are by far the best mages in Laeth E?Thae because of their connection with the elements. [b]Shii?Saiit:[/b] The race most similar to humans, they look completely normal. Their only defining characteristic is their strength; they are the most powerful race and make excellent warriors. [b]Tal?Iiren:[/b] The last race of Laeth E?Thae, the Tal?Iiren are also human in form, minus one small appendage ? tails. They come in various colors, usually the same color as the person?s hair. Very proud of their tails, the Tal?Iiren keep them very well groomed. [b][u]Ii?Kaer[/b][/u] Ii?Kaer is the larger country in the Laeth E?Thae world, and it?s continent and surrounding islands make up roughly one third of the world. The people of Ii?Kaer are notoriously industrious and take great pride in everything they create or do. The dominant race on Ii?Kaer is the Shii?Saiit, followed by the Tal?Iiren. [b]Kaer:[/b] Kaer is the capital of Ii?Kaer and is located in the center of the country. It is by far the largest city in Ii?Kaer, and perhaps all of Laeth E?Thae, mostly because of the natural defenses around the city; people are drawn to security and stability, and Kaer can definitely provide that for them. [b]Taale:[/b] A port city of Ii?Kaer. Sits on the shores of the Sea of Xaern, some of the more dangerous waters of Laeth E?Thae. Mostly sailors and those who make a living off of sailors populate this city. [b]Brywnne:[/b] A second port city of Ii?Kaer, and probably the most of prosperous of the three because of its easy path to Kaer up the Nlae. It?s also rather close to both Maurii ports. [b]D?Yarhe:[/b] Ii?Kaer?s third port. D?Yarhe is famous for it?s Pwrynae Fish. [b]Caedwyn:[/b] One of the smaller cities, Caedwyn is stock full of flowers, chickens, and old people. [b]K?Urii:[/b] The people of K?Urii are a curious sort ? they are devoted practitioners of an ancient form dance involving various weapons, known as the [i]Lith?Rii Urii[/i], or in common tongue, ?Dance of the Feather.? Many legendary Ii?Kaerian warriors have come from K?Urii. [b]Shaar:[/b] A rural city, Shaar?s incredibly fertile soil gives birth to the most delicious crops you?ve ever tasted. [b]Fenwyr:[/b] This city is notorious for it?s celebrations, especially for the festivities surrounding the return of spring. Nights in Fenwyr are always glowing, thanks to the Leoth?Laa flower, which excretes a thick, luminescent goo. Many women actually like to mix the goo with oils and then rub it on their skin; it smells quite nice and it gives people the impression of radiance. [b][u]Maurii[/b][/u] Maurii is the smaller country in Laeth E?Thae, but is much more soaked in tradition then Ii?Kaer. The people of Maurii are characteristically graceful, and have a greater appreciation of history and knowledge than most. The dominant race on Maurii is the Ethai?En, followed by the Frae-Ren. [b]Ma?Uriith:[/b] Ma?Uriith is the capital of Maurii and is a city shrouded in secrets. They say things are happening in Ma?Uriith during the nights. Nobody really understands the rumors, but the whispering still continues there. [b]Uthmae:[/b] Long ago, Uthmae was one of the healthiest cities in Laeth E?Thae, and a most profitable port city, with it?s location so close to Mount Riian. But now, the city is a mere shadow of its former self and though still successful, it no longer has such a friendly atmosphere. [b]C?Erree:[/b] This city was just coming into it?s own as Uthmae began to dwindle. With an easy voyage across the Naar?Sael Ocean to Brywnne, not only does C?Erree bring in lots of trade, it helps to keep communication and interaction going between the two nations. [b]Tal?Ebot:[/b] Tal?Ebot is the home of Maurii?s warriors, and is especially famous for its bowmen. Many of Laeth E?Thae?s finest weapons are crafted here, as well. [b]Feurith:[/b] A very old city, mages of all kinds travel to Feurith to study her ancient texts. Though magic has faded in recent times, it still holds strong in Feurith, and the monks that keep the libraries have put down their lives to make sure it stays that way. [b]On the Map (which I am trying to get up):[/b] 1. Uriiya Heights 2. Wyned Gard (longest river in Laeth E?Thae) 3. Alwyrr Range 4. Nlae River 5. C?Adwiin River 6. Thaete Range 7. Leoth?Laa River 8. Mount Riian 9. Riian?s Tears 10. Tal?Alae River 11. No?Nae Peaks 12. Shaarith (it curves and runs through C?Erree) 13. Shaarith?Ra 14. Ri?Onei Straights [b]The Myth of Riian[/b] [i]It is said that a race of elite beings lived on the misty island of D?Ianii Ilaen thousands of years ago, when the island still thrived and grew. They say that there was no place in Laeth E?Thae like it, and certainly no other city could match its beauty. Every building was sculpted as though it was a piece of art, and to those who inhabited D?Ianii Ilaen, they truly were. The D?Ianii, as they were soon after called, were great lovers of all things beautiful, and so they made the world around them beautiful, including themselves. Some believe the city itself was enchanted, and that every life force, every little thing made within its boundaries was infused with magic. Every skirt or cloak was only made of the finest silks, and their skin was always coated with the shining Leoth?Laa. They fragranced their hair and dyed their wings brilliant colors, and sang about old truths and forgotten memories. The D?Ianii were a wistful race of beings, in love with the earth around them and with all that the land could offer them. But it came to pass that the island of D?Ianii Ilaen was looked on sourly by its neighbors Maurii and Ii?Kaer; the two nations grew envious of the little island and it?s people, and soon planned together to rid the D?Ianii of their glory. And on the eve of the first snow, they attacked D?Ianii Ilaen and stained the island with death. None were left alive but their youngest Prince, whom was left on the island to die with the rest of his massacred race. They say the Prince still walks there today, his ghostly form grieving amongst the ruins of the ancient city, vowing vengeance on the two nations who brought his people such a swift and painful death. Today, the myth is but a memory, tucked away in the oldest of pages, and the shores of D?Ianii Ilaen are forbidden to all. Many believed the island to be cursed by their lords of old, and haunted by the mysterious winged race that was said to live there. As it is, no one ever sets foot on the island.[/i] [b]Seasonal Celebrations in Laeth E?Thae[/b] [b]Spring[/b] In spring they celebrate the rebirth of nature and of life; the beginning of the cycle. Usually the celebration takes place in Fenwyr; it starts in the evening and goes on into the night, when the city looks especially beautiful. A lot of song and dance is incorporated into the festivities, and costumes having to do with spring are worn. The ritual dance performed is known as the [i]Eth?Lii[/i], or the ?Rebirth?, and it contains a lot of very vibrant, energetic movements to capture the joy of life. At the end of the dance, everyone throws petals into the air and drinks in honor of the fresh blooms. [b]Summer[/b] In summer they celebrate the sun and the warmth it shines down upon them, making everyday a happy day. Usually the celebration takes place in C?Erree, now that Uthmae isn?t quite as fresh as it used to be. A lot of music is played, and costumes are worn, but there are many more games for everyone to enjoy. The ritual dance performed is known as [i]Siieth Naar?Enai[/i], or ?Everlasting Sunshine?, and the movements in this dance are more focused on presenting a warm, happy emotion, and kind of represent the sun. [b]Fall[/b] Fall marks the beginning of the end, so to speak, and the people recognize this and celebrate the fullness of life, but more importantly, the wisdom gained from it. The celebration usually takes place in Feurith. There is a focus on the moon and her cycles, which comes out in the ritual dance [i]Taegath?La Shiirae Urae[/i], or ?The Waning Moon.? The movements are very slow and graceful, like the tide, and the singing has a very high, celestial sound to it. [b]Winter[/b] A stark contrast to the other three celebrations, the winter festivals are very melancholy, and they take place in K'Urii. Life has come to an end once again, and the cycle is near completion. All music is very slow and mournful, and any costumes are usually in gray or black. The ritual dance performed is known as [i]Lith?Rii Urii[/i], or ?The Dance of the Feather?, and is a very eerie dance in that it combines the sadness of a falling feather, which has to do with the deaths of the D?Ianii, but also the grace and beauty of the warrior (the dance is performed with weapons and is very much like a kata). [b]You?re almost done![/b] No, really. If you?ve made it through all that, congratulations ? it was a hard journey, I know, but the end is near, my friend. This is the fun part ? your character?s stats. But before I begin on that, let me make the rules clear: [b]1.[/b] This is an RPG so natural RPG rules apply. If you don?t know these easy, universal rules (as pertaining to ?god-moding?, character control, killing, fighting, etc) or are not completely sure about them, PM me and ask ? I?ll be happy to explain. Break these rules and you?re screwed. You get one warning. If it happens again I?m shipping you out. [b]2.[/b] This is a realistic, mature RPG. Despite the fact that Laeth E?Thae doesn?t exist and many of the races and ideas are purely fantastical, it?s not a perfect world. There?s a lot of gray matter, if you get my drift. And 15 year olds aren?t going to save the world. Also note that it will be mature ? swearing, sex, violence, you name it; you can find it here. Not in abundance, I hope, but keep in mind that you probably will come across it sometime in the future. [b]3.[/b] As the creator of Laeth E?Thae and most of the ideas behind it, it belongs to me. Please don?t use any of this without my permission, and don?t degrade it with crappy posts. Use punctuation, please. That?s why you?re in school, kids. All right. Characters. A limit to three per person (for now), please, and remember that the D?Ianii are, sadly, extinct. So don?t tell me that their great-great-grandma?s brother?s wife was one or something. In fact, the island is completely abandoned. Just a bunch of ruins, covered in years and years of dirt and tree growth. Remember that it is also forbidden, even to adventurous young teens that like to break the rules and do wild and crazy things. No one sets foot on the island ? it?s just not done. With that said, here?s what you need to begin your character?s profile: [b]Name: Age: Gender: Race: Location:[/b] (both the name of the city and country, please, for formality?s sake) [b]Occupation: Appearance:[/b] (including things that they carry with them, like any weapons or bags or something) [b]Personality: History:[/b] (please, a good, thought-out background. Think about their family, their city life, what they want to do, where they want to go, etc.) [b]Tidbits:[/b] (Anything else you?d like to add about your character; interesting little bits of information) If I find any little mistakes or pieces that should be changed, I?ll politely let you know. Once I have a number of replies, I?ll let you know who?s accepted and who needs to keep working on theirs. Honestly, I want as many people as possible, but I also want this to be a good, thought-out RPG that?s not going to die after a few days, so if I have to be strict about what gets in, I will. Believe it or not, that?s it, folks. Remember, first and foremost, this is about having fun, so make sure you do. Now, here?s one of my character?s profiles that you can use as an example: [b]Name:[/b] Leile De?Lanthe [b]Age:[/b] 19, nearly 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Ethai?En [b]Location:[/b] Tal?Ebot, Maurii [b]Occupation:[/b] A merchant?s daughter, after coming-of-age, she branched off the family business and travels around the city of Tal?Ebot (her father?s business is in Ma?Uriith), learning a few crafts here and there as she trades with other merchants and sells her things to the people. [b]Appearance:[/b] Leile is a slender girl, a bit on the smaller side, and is very agile. She has pitch-black hair that she wears in little tiny braids, some longer than the others, all tied off with a very tiny silver bead. Her eyes are a smoky green, and her skin is a tanned, olive sort of color. On her ears she wears these silver covers that fit on her ear and sort of spike out (think of a water nymph or mermaid?s ears, I guess). People are more likely to stop at her cart if they like what they see, and so Leile dresses accordingly, starting in a short black tunic with no sleeves. Over that she has on a deep, dark green colored corset-like top that ties on both sides and has embroidered hems. The top is much longer in both the front and back, and flows just past her knees. Black gloves that reach her elbows and leather boots that go up about mid-calve finish off her attire. When it?s particularly cold outside she puts on a black cloak. Otherwise, it stays stashed away in her cart. [b]Personality:[/b] Leile isn?t the greatest salesman in the world; she?s actually far from it. The real reason she?s continued with her father?s business is because it permits her to travel the land and see new things and meet new people, and that?s the sort of thing she loves to do. She?s usually a very friendly person, not without a little dry humor now and then, and she enjoys teasing people, especially men. She?s especially fascinated by Ii?Kaer and dreams of one day sailing over there; she?s hoping to raise enough money with her little enterprise so that she may join in the festivities in Fenwyr and partake of the wonderful wine they brew (although she?s got very little tolerance for the stuff). As far as the future goes, she doesn?t really see anyone else in it ? she doesn?t really believe in the idea of love all that much and honestly believes that she?s better off not marrying. Rather, she likes to think that she?s saving some poor man a good deal of trouble. [b]History:[/b] Compared to some families in Maurii, hers was rather small. Her mother left them early on, and Leile has not spoken to her since then, and though some bitterness comes up whenever the subject is brought up, the ebony haired girl is usually quiet about it. She?s traveled with her father and younger brother Verrte around the big city of Ma?Uriith for most of her life, learning her father?s trade and such. When she came of age at 18, she opted to follow in his footsteps and extend his business to other cities. Because at 18 not only do you come into adulthood, you also become an open market to suitors everywhere, and because of her mother, Leile isn?t too keen on the idea of love. And Ma?Uriith was getting a little weird to her as well; strange things were happening there. All in all an uncomfortable place. So she got out of town like a bat out of hell, and is currently living in Tal?Ebot. [b]Tidbits:[/b] She sells just about anything on her cart: weapons, clothes, fabrics, spices, and other little odds and ends that she?s piled up over time. If she finds anything particularly interesting to her, she?ll keep it in a big, cherry-wood trunk she has with her, along with most of her other things. Her faithful horse and companion R?Enthe pulls her cart and travels with her through Tal?Ebot.
[b]Name:[/b] Cherry [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Side:[/b] Sayjin; it's the lesser of the two evils, for now. She doesn't really know much about this other Lazerous guy. [b]Appearance:[/b] She's {gasp} [i]human![/i] Yes folks. Her hair is a deep shade of crimson, usually left to hang down her back. Tawny colored eyes, an even skin tone. A little on the shorter side. Normally found in a pair of short shorts (this [i]is[/i] DBZ, after all) and a butten-down shirt or something. [b]Bio:[/b] She was onboard a ship that Freiza's minions hijacked and was consequently taken prisoner. The only reason she wasn't killed was because she had a lot of strange looking gadgets with her on the vessel and she's quite experienced when it comes to technology. She hasn't exactly been a pleasant prisoner, however (though she's smart enough not to push her limits), and she's very embittered. All she wants is to get revenge and go back home. She only wishes it was that easy. [b]Weapon(if any):[/b] She has a gun but since her kidnapper/hijackers can dogde bullets, it doesn't do her a lot of good. She also has a little fighting experience, but her real expertise is with creating new weapons or ships or scouters and crap like that. She's a tech wize. Is dat cool with yous all? Any problems I can quickly remedy.
She smiled in return, and opened her mouth to reply but Sam's loud, assertive voice bellowed out before she even had the chance to take a breath. [i]"WARNING! SAND STORM IN THE EAST HEADING THIS WAY..."[/i] The warning carried on as she called out the directions they had all already learned by heart. Meg sighed, slumping over in defeat, before turning her eyes towards the direction of her mortal enemy - the sand storm. She hated them. She was fascinated by them, definitely, and the sounds they made were sometimes unearthly, but everytime one popped up - as they often did - something in her gut turned over. Eventually, she'd figure out the answer to that little riddle, but for the moment she just snapped her fingers in disappointment. "Damn," she murmured, before shrugging her shoulders at James. "Go figure. I guess I'll see you after the storm ends." She wiggled her fingers at him before sauntering back down the dune, sometimes sliding down, heading in the direction of her tent. She'd done her homework before she came out here, and so like the others, she'd come prepared. Double layered tents meant less cold, less sand, and less creepy crawly things, and that was generally good. Unfortunately, the only tents she could find were all obnoxiously colored. It seemed only natural, though, for her to have the day-glo orange tent. Sliding the flaps back, she climbed in her little haven and rolled her eyes at it, emitting another sigh as she zipped it off. She checked the door and windows thoroughly before resigning herself to her 'special chair', pouting slightly. This was [i]so[/i] not how she had wanted to spend her morning.
[i]Just to, you know, stick up for newbies, quality is better than quantity.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Iolana [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 20-ish. Exactly what it is, however, she's not telling. [b]Alligiance:[/b] Vexera [b]Trade:[/b] I would classify her as a fighter, but she's more of a business lady, of sorts. She's a merc, and sometimes a spy, among other things, and you can make use of all these skills for the right price. [b]Weapons:[/b] A sword and a dagger. Her sword is actually more like a Katana; it's a thinner blade and it curves slightly at the end. The hilt is a dark brown, wrapped in leather, and visible on the butt of the hilt is a small circle of amber that actually runs through the center of the hilt and half of the blade. She keeps it strapped low around her hips with a sturdy, leather belt. Likewise, the dagger has the same makings, only the blade of it is covered in tiny, ancient Vexerian symbols. This smaller blade finds its home in a sheath strapped about her right thigh. She's very fond of both weapons, and has named them Shiva and Rudra, accordingly. [b]Shield:[/b] No shield. [b]Other Armor:[/b] She doesn't wear a whole lot of armor, either, but she does have it. A leather chest guard, arm guards and leg guards. [i]Okay, that's that, I think. I hope this thing gets off the ground.. not many of these are, unfortunately. Good luck to us! ^.^[/i]
It's [i]gorgeous[/i], thank you so much! You're the best, Dan!
[b]Name:[/b] Reese [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Race:[/b] Hylian [b]Descritpion:[/b] Reese is of average height, though fairly slender, with mid-length wine-red hair, normally tied back loosely with a piece of leather, and charcoal-gray eyes. She dresses like any other normal girl for her age, in long, boring skirts, but she makes up for that by wearing exciting underwear. o.O;; [b]Behavior or attitude:[/b] She's a pretty outgoing lady who will talk to just about anybody, and she enjoys singing. Although she's not the greatest singer in the land, she's decent enough, and she always seems to have some dinky tune stuck in her head. She's also very fond of animals. [b]Bios:[/b] She comes from a fairly prestigous and wealthy family, so she doesn't actually do much, besides help said family. Their ancestors did quite well raising cuckoos and horses, and the trend continues in her family still. She's an excellent rider, although suprisingly, she's a little suspicious about the cuckoos. [b]Extra:[/b] She has... [i]a bottle!![/i] [size=1]In case you couldn't already guess for yourself, she's like the great-great-great-great-great-great granddaughter of Malon or something. If that's a problem, just lemme know. Otherwise... scha-wing![/size]
After retrieving her canteen from her tent, the brunette went about going to fill it up, slipping her shades back over her eyes as she traipsed over to the mess tent. Most of the others were now up and about, and she saw quick glimpses of them, appearing or disappearing into different tents themselves, getting breakfast, checking the day's schedule.. just as they did every other morning. With a little pout, she found the huge, metal barrel of water (they had a few of them, actually, though by now with all their resources running low, this seemed to be the last one standing) and filled her little canteen with enough water for the day. "Good water, [I]pretty[/I] water," she purred appreciatively, taking a small sip before closing off the little jug. She fastened the belt connected to the canteen loosely around her hips, before deciding to go find someone to talk to. Mornings were always pretty quiet, she decided, especially today. Probably because of the new member.. a linguist, if she was correct in remembering. That news had brought a sigh of relief to Megan - while she could speak a little French and Italian, she was by no means fluent in either of the languages, especially the latter one, and it would take a great worry off of her shoulders. She'd been a little out of practise for the last few months, as well, so having someone here who could actually speak the languages would be nice. All in all, a good addition to the team, she mused, though she only hoped it wasn't too late. With another sigh, deciding she was going to try to avoid thinking about that possibility, she started back towards some of the dunes, offering Sam a bright grin, a small wiggle of the fingers, and a merry "Good morning!" as she passed. And then she began climbing, a slow but steady pace up the crazy dunes before she greeted James, whom she found to her left, sitting complacently on top of the mountain of sand. "It's another lovely desert morning, eh?" ---- Eh, talking for other characters makes me feel kind of uncomfortable, so I probably won't do it often. That's not to say that you can't do that with Meg - go for it, as long as she's in character, I'm all for it. I'm just a little apprehensive about doing that until I know what most of the characters are like. Just thought I'd let you know. o.O;;
[B]Name:[/B] Lyn Cain [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Appearance:[/B] A slender girl (but not disgustingly so), she has long, thick tawny colored hair and a matching set of eyes. Her skin is naturally on the tanner side, but the lack of light is causing it to gradually lighten. Usually found in jeans, a long sleeved shirt under a short sleeved one, and some type of hat. The top of her left ear is pierced. [B]Biography:[/B] Lyn had been living with her brother, trying her best to ignore the conflicts around her and continue living as they always had, urging her said brother to do the same. Strangely enough, she was studying to be a lawyer. Except one day, her passionate older brother went out and didn't come back. [B]Opinion:[/B] At first, she was impartial to the invaders, out of a concern for herself and for her brother's well-being. But after the loss of light, and then her brother's disappearance, Lyn's view towards the visitors rapidly changed to one of hatred. She'd do anything to return the land to what it once was and she won't stop fighting until there's not a breath left in her body.
As Meg put on her earplugs, she couldn't help but think of Ragrock; she supposed everyone did. His mistake wasn't one you'd exactly want to make, and since his sudden departure, no one had. She couldn't help but smirk in amusement, just a little, and continued picking at her muffin as she strolled along the dunes. Walks in the morning always helped to soothe her in the beginning. The extreme heat combined with the sudden change at night had left her a quivering mess for a few good days, so she took up walking in the morning to ease her mind and body. Sort of like a moving meditation. Now, she had long grown accustomed to the bizarre temperature but the walks stuck with her. And as long as she enjoyed them, there was no real use in changing her ways. The vibrations under her feet were also a strange thing to get used to. But she, just like the rest of the crew, got used to them. Sometimes they made her feel queezy.. sometimes her head hurt afterwards. And sometimes they just tickled the soles of her feet and kept going up. But all these were regularities to her now, and the thought of leaving them was a depressing one. Sighing quietly, finishing up the last bit of her english muffin, she turned to look over their modest little site. It was home, simply put. She would hate to leave it. [I]Sector 17,[/I] she thought to herself as she removed her plugs, [I]Be merciful. Please be more than just desert.[/I] She slid her sunglasses up her forehead, deciding that today would be a good day. Even if lucky number 17 didn't do anything for them. That was the key - to stay smiling. Though optimistic as she might be, not even Megan could hide the fear in her eyes. And she really, [I]really,[/I] hoped that for once, the desert would prove her wrong and give up some sort of find. Even if it was a lizard at this point. She chuckled at that; if she had to pick, she thought something a little bigger than a lizard would be nice, but one miracle at a time. Heading back down the dune towards their camp, she thought to go fill up her canteen for the day, all the while repeating to herself her new mantra: [I]"One miracle at a time, Meg. One miracle at a time."[/I]
Despite the fact that the morning light was beginning to stretch its warm little fingers across the desert, Megan still sat sprawled in her bed. Having kicked any and all covers off much earlier that morning, as the heat began to set in, she groaned softly and turned over, her dark brown locks matted against her neck. It still amazed her, even after three months, how quicky the change in temperature came between night and day. And how much of a change it actually was. She'd never worked in the desert before - usually around mountains, or out in the rural country; places like Pompei. She thought of Pompei briefly as she sat up, rubbing her eyes. Of the huge dead city, with those stone buildings almost entirely intact, and she missed it. But the thrill of find something here - what had drawn her to the Sahara in the first place - was much too great. And the change from working at ruins already unearthed, as opposed to a barren landscape such as this one, was a good one. Stumbling from her bed to a shabby table near the side, she yawned loudly and stared blearily into the cracked mirror, adjusting the angle of it slightly. [I]Mmm, good morning, gorgeous,[/I] she thought to herself sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at her wild hair. She shook her head lightly, reaching for her toothbrush, and set about cleaning herself up a bit. Once changed into some suitable work clothes - a tank top, khaki shorts, sunglasses, and her beloved boots - she stuck a pencil in her mouth and snatched up her clipboard as she headed out the door. The sun hit her face immediately and she smiled slightly at the sudden warmth, twisting her hair up and sticking the pencil through it in some crazy, makeshift do. The glittering sand stretched out for miles and miles before her, and she sighed as she ran her eyes along the edge of the horizon before turning in the direction of the sonar equipment. She thought she spyed Palavar with it. Striding over to the solar machine, she offered a grin to the man always up before her - it was indeed Robert, after all. "Good morning.."
[I]I read your intro/prologue above and it sounded fabulous. So I hope it's not too late to try and get in this?[/I] [B]Name:[/B] Megan Caulfield [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Specialty:[/B] Minute Excavation, a bit of a Linguist [B]Bio:[/B] Having always enjoyed studying cultures - especially the oldest of cultures, like Rome and the rest of the Mediterranean - Archaeology was logically the next step for Megan. Previously, she had been doing some work in Pompei while trying to master Italian (which she found to be a little more different from French than she had thought), when a friend/co-worker of hers tipped her off on the Sahara dig. Interested in the opportunity and looking for a change, Meg decided to check it out.
[COLOR=chocolate]Aoen glanced to the side, towards the allegid minion next to her, arching an eyebrow at his little taunt. Who was he to question Obsidian? True, the man had been hired; he was a merc, if nothing else, but even then he should still show his employer the proper respect. And yet she sensed nothing of the sort from him. Anything close to that seemed feigned, or mocking, and Aoen found that the more she was around this Calis, she less she liked him. She [I]really[/I] wanted Obsidian to dismiss him, or even better, squash him like a little bug - but she knew that he was here for a reason. Even if she couldn't see it (which, of course, didn't seem likely to her, but even she had things to learn). Obsidian was a big boy - he knew what he was doing. Brushing her hair back again, her crimson eyes turning towards her Master as he began to speak again, she pursed her lips. [I]The Chival Five, huh?[/I] she pondered, thinking briefly of the legend every child under the sun had heard since birth. [I]Such a strange turn of events.[/I] The medallion slowly materialized on Obsidian's hand then, and Aoen narrowed her eyes slightly at it. So that little thing would give them the power to hunt down the five would-be heros and destroy them. A fascinating little necklace, to be sure. Her eyes raised from the medallion to Obsidian's for a moment, her own blood-red orbs lost in thought. This mission of his was quite unlike most of the others. There seemed to be a great many people involved in this, whereas before she'd been sent to kill only a limited number of people. Usually one or two, and any one who became a little too curious and got in the way. But now there were at least five... and assuming that this enemy of theirs would like to keep them alive, there would most likely be guards about, looking for anything suspicious. And then there was this other person he kept referring to.. the enemy herself. Someone of importance, probably. Would they end up having to kill her as well? Aoen's eyes wandered to the side, a sort of languid, laid back expression to them, despite the chaos in her mind. She wanted to know more. A lot more. But this would just have to do for the moment. She stepped forward then, bowing her head briefly before gently recieving the precious little medallion from him. It was heavier than it looked, but not unpleasantly so. After stepping back, the chains about her form jingling quietly with every movement and especially so when she bowed, Aoen quietly, "Thank you, my Lord. You will not be disappointed."[/COLOR] --------------- [SIZE=1]OOC: I didn't realize mods did that here. :shifty: I feel like I'm being watched. So is this better, then?[/SIZE]