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Everything posted by Arcadia

  1. Arcadia

    Die Erz

    [size=1]She was late. The host in the restaurant eyed her with no small amount of disdain as he checked his list of approved guests. Not only was she late, Deirdre thought in amusement, she was sure she was violating some kind of dress code with the sneakers. She remembered another such meeting back in Dublin, one she?d gone to with the sisters. They?d met a similar response there, and in the midst of being walked to the private quarters, the mother superior glanced at her and murmured dryly, ?Trouble sticks closer to you than your shadow, child.? Deirdre waited patiently in the lobby, and smiled at the host, who was now refusing to look at her. One of the women working offered to take her bag and jacket. Deirdre gave up her bag only ? she was sure the t-shirt she wore would be the end of this man before her. That, and she was still a little cold. ?This way, Miss Kearney,? he muttered, and gestured for her to advance down a particular corridor. His English was very elegant, very British. They turned a corner and then Deirdre found herself being ushered into a room filled with familiar men and women, in the process of ordering, it looked like. She smiled inwardly at her impeccable sense of timing and then gave the room a little wave. ?Sorry I?m late, ladies and gents,? she said, her Irish accent lilting and pleasant. The host gestured towards her and introduced her lightly, in an almost relieved fashion, as though he were glad to be rid of her. ?Miss Deirdre Kearney.? There was a round of polite hellos and nods in her direction, and then the waiter on duty helped her into her seat. There were various drinks on the table, and when the waiter inquired, she simply pointed at someone?s glass of wine and said, ?I?ll have one of those, love.? Not a minute later there was a glass in front of her and menu at her elbow. She gave the man a brilliant smile before skimming through the foreign words, looking for the few she knew. Words like steak, fish, and ?to be eaten with red wine.? She had her priorities straight. ?I hope you did not have any trouble finding the restaurant, Miss Kearney,? the man who could only be Faustus inquired politely. Her first impression of him was one of grace and a certain weariness, the latter of the two being one she could relate to all too well at times. Deirdre glanced up at him, and her smile turned a little wry. ?Oh, not at all. I just took my time getting here, that?s all.? She could just see the sisters cringing. Deirdre could tell right away that this was going to be a continual private joke with her while she was away. She decided she would have to write them when she made it to her hotel room and shock them with her most recent devious behaviors. That should amuse them for a time. Light conversation had started up around her again and she found herself sinking back into her chair, shoulders relaxed and toes finally warming up. It wasn?t exactly her favored abbey but it would do for now. [/size]
  2. [size=1]I'd also like to remind you all that once an RPG has a rating, it's not necessarily set in stone. The creator is attempting to pick an appropriate rating for his or her RPG based on a limited amount of information. Sure, it's his RPG and he has some ideas about where it's going and how it's going to get there, but you can't always accurately predict exactly how much violence or swearing will end up being used. In that case, if an RPG does take a step up in that direction, the creator can always PM Ozy or myself and ask to have the rating changed to reflect that. Or, if the creator predicted a Mature rating and the RPG falls short of that, we can easily change it to PG-13 upon request. It's actually really, incredibly easy for us to do.[/size]
  3. Arcadia

    Die Erz

    [size=1]Deirdre stood from her stool, tipped the rest of her drink back down her throat, and then set the glass on the glossy counter with flourish. ?It?s been lovely, gents, but I?ve got places to be, people to meet.? She?d been in the pub for maybe an hour. Her mind wandered in and out and she?d thought a few times that they probably didn?t call them pubs in Germany. She also made a point to buy a German dictionary somewhere. While she knew a few words and phrases in the language, she was by no means fluent. The sisters had assured her it wouldn?t be a problem, but Deirdre was thinking more about the convenience it would have in pubs like this one. There apparently weren?t enough ways to say no for some men. But then again, as she eyed the thin blonde who was currently sitting directly next to her and apparently intent on getting even closer, she remembered that sleezebags, like smiles and prostitutes, were a universal kind of thing. The bartender, a friendly, handsome man, mid thirties, who was much more likeable than the current toad next to her, gave her a quick wink and picked up her glass. ?The pleasure is mine, dear,? he said. His English was guttural and almost erotic. ?You drop in again soon with that Irish luck of yours.? Deirdre favored him with a smile, and thought that she just might. The blonde, feeling considerably brave, slid his hand up the inside of her thigh then. She met that gesture with a quirk of her eyebrows. ?[i]Achtung[/i], love. Don?t start something you can?t finish.? She had yet to move his hand and he took that as a good sign. ?Well then stay a little longer so I have the chance.? Deirdre thought briefly about cutting his hand off but let that idea go. He may have been truly despicable, but he wasn?t exactly the kind of evil her blades were meant for. She plucked his hand away and dropped it again with the same quick flick of her wrist that a blade required, however, and that did satisfy her to some small, albeit weird, extent. ?No, I don?t think so.? She turned her attention away from him back to the sexy bartender and slid him the due amount, and a little extra. ?[i]Danke schön[/i]. I?ll be around.? The air outside the pub was crisp but she had enough beer in her to keep her warm for now. Still, she tugged her jacket sleeves down over her fingers and made her way to the designated restaurant. Deirdre had checked the maps and information about the town she?d brought with her before she?d commenced flirting with the bartender, and had also studied the profiles that the sisters had provided. Seemed to be that a number of interesting characters would be making their mark in Germany. Though she knew most of their names, she highly doubted that she would be recognized. She really wasn?t that kind of exorcist. Part of that made her wonder what the hell she was even doing in Germany in the first place. Sure, she had her nightmares, and she was as skilled with her blades as a surgeon was with his. But she?d been getting queer feelings as of late and Deirdre was beginning to wonder if she was ready for the magnitude that all of this implied. Well, she would have to be, whether or not she really was. At least she was comfortable. The sisters had hinted that she might want to leave the jeans out of this first meeting. So she?d gone with her trusty, faded pin stripes instead, and a small t-shirt and jacket. She knew if the sisters could see her in the t-shirt and sneakers they?d crucify her. Deirdre smiled at the thought. The restaurant did look a little done up, but she wasn?t worried. If this was going to be the meeting she thought it was, she figured they?d have some kind of private set up. But even if the whole of the town?s upper crust did see her beat up, old sneakers, Deirdre was sure that the world would keep on spinning. Besides, everybody could use a little more Irish charm.[/size]
  4. [size=1]I have to disagree, actually. There are plenty of decent RPGs in the Arena right now, and they're only going to get better as the stories really get going and people get into their characters. Even the ones that start off average can become awesome if members put a little effort in their posts. I have to agree with doukeshi and say that it's much easier to sit back and complain that things aren't up to your standards than it is to jump in and try to lead by example. Of course, if there aren't any story genres up that interest you, then that's going to effect how you view the Arena overall, as well. I'm sure it's pretty much the same for any of the forums on the boards. Honestly, I don't think you're looking in the right places. :p[/size]
  5. Arcadia

    hero [PG-LV]

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS] [center][size=3][b]Issue #8: Reform[/b][/size][/center] [size=2] When Marque came limping home, her head throbbing almost as much as her ankle, she had strong hopes that her mother would be in, ready to give her that maternal look of alarm and immediately start fussing over her daughter?s battle scars. But as the brown-skinned woman came to find, her mother was not in, and any warmth or support she may have gotten from her she?d now have to create for herself. But over the last week or so, even the ability to smile seemed increasingly hard to do. Tossing her jacket over the back of a kitchen chair with a sigh, Marque made a beeline towards the freezer. She noticed with a small frown that her mom had left her a note on the fridge door. Pulling the little post-it off, she read it quickly while scrimmaging around for an ice pack in the freezer. [center][i]Late business meetings, sorry kiddo. There?s a TV dinner in the freezer if you get hungry. Hope the rally went well![/i][/center] Shutting the door harder than necessary, Marque tossed the ice pack on the counter bitterly. It landed with rather loud thud, louder than she?d intended, and she felt a little foolish because of it. The cracking noise caused her to bite back the swear words that might have otherwise spilled out. Instead, she settled for a derisive snort and thought, [i]No, mother, the rally did not go well.[/i] In fact, it went horribly wrong. She and other students from the Black Student Union on campus had been planning this function for months. They?d spent hours going over what to put on their fliers, what issues were the most important to bring up, where they should stake their ?rally headquarters? (or more to the point, where in the city would they be allowed to picket), who would be in charge of what, and how long they?d stick it out. When the day had finally come, the turn out had been greater than they?d ever expected ? she?d seen faces she?d never seen before in her life. The majority of the union was there in support, as well as their friends and family, and their friends? friends and family, and so on. Marque herself had counted at least twenty-five whites there, and it had impressed her. The entire thing had gone above and beyond all expectations. Which is exactly why late in the afternoon, Marque thought afterwards, a number of [i]other[/i] people began to protest their protest. It went from verbal insults, to throwing stones and trash and whatever else they could find, to all-out brawls in just under an hour. The riot that eventually broke out seemed inevitable, and even Marque, who was widely known for her adamant views against violence of any kind, was beginning to think that they?d never get past the senseless brutality. She?d been severely disappointed, but not just with the end riots. If anything, she more angry with herself because she couldn?t find a way to stop it. She?d tried desperately to stop a number of fights and had only succeeded in getting swung at herself. When the police came to break it up, Marque had been sitting amid all their trampled fliers, posters, and dreams, and was nursing a twisted ankle and her boiling resentment. In the heat of the chaos, she?d desperately wanted to change herself. She thought that if she?d been anyone else, been anything but black, that she could have done something and stopped it all from erupting further. In the past week, she?d been using her newfound powers for a number of similar things. It was so much easier to sell things in the store if she was a middle-aged white man with a business tie. In class, her professors didn?t look right through her if she had pretty curls and a tidy little cardigan, and they certainly didn?t ignore her when she had questions or wanted to debate about certain business theories. Looking back, Marque thought it would have been so very easy to just duck for cover behind a tree or phone booth and return as somebody heroic, heralding truth and justice in the color of her skin. But she hadn?t, and as she sulked in a chair, pressing the ice pack to her ankle, she hated herself for it. After a few minutes of silence, occasionally broken by a withering sigh, the front door opened and her mother hurried in, looking particularly striking in her best skirt and blouse. Behind her followed Mr. Markson. They both entered with looks of extreme concern, but when they caught sight of Marque sitting at the table, grumpy but physically all right, they breathed a sigh of relief. ?Oh, sweetheart,? her mother murmured, hugging her tightly, ?We heard about the riot. We were so worried about you.? Mr. Markson smiled at her, his hands on the back of chair on the other side of the kitchen table. ?Apart from a few little scuffs, you seem pretty decent. Was it wild?? Marque wasn?t inclined to think humorously about it right now. ?Yeah. Wild.? Stroking her hair gently, her mother asked anxiously, ?Are you hurt?? She shrugged, and gestured to her ankle. ?I rolled it somewhere but I don?t remember the details.? Mr. Markson had been right, though. Apart from some little cuts and bruises, she was fine. A strong amount of pride and her growing sense of injustice, however, would not let her be content with that. There was an awkward silence after that. Her mother had taken a seat next to her and Mr. Markson continued to stand behind the chair opposite her. Marque suddenly got the feeling that there was more going on here than meets the eye and she asked her mother hesitantly, ?Where have you been?? Mrs. Jones blinked at her daughter, clasping her hands on the table. ?Didn?t you get my note? I had some late meetings to attend.? Marque stared at her, suddenly feeling a little hurt. Her mother never lied to her. After all the things they?d been through together, she?d always been proud of the fact that they could tell each other anything or at least cajole it out when the other was lying. And they could always tell. Quietly, Marque pointed out, ?You never wear that skirt to business meetings.? Mr. Markson shifted his weight uncomfortably, glancing from daughter to mother. Marque caught his eye and read the guilt written there before looking back to her mother expectantly, suddenly very tense. Mrs. Jones looked at her hands, frowning, and after a long moment, replied, ?I should have said something before, Marque, and I apologize. But,? she peered at her daughter steadily, looking quite strong, and continued, ?Mr. Markson and I have been seeing each other for a couple months now.? Marque hadn?t known what to expect, but it certainly hadn?t been [i]that[/i]. She couldn?t control the expression of hurt and betrayal that flashed across her face, and she realized that she didn?t want to. ?What?? Mr. Markson appeared cool and collected, but his knuckles were white with tension where he gripped the chair. ?We weren?t trying to mislead you, Marque, but we weren?t sure if.. if you?d be ready for this.? She stood, ignoring the sharp burst of pain from her ankle, and slammed the ice pack down on the table unexpectedly. ?[i]You[/i] weren?t sure?? She repeated, flushing with anger. ?When have you [i]ever[/i] had any say in what I should and shouldn?t be aware of?!? ?Marque!? Her mother rose, her voice startled. ?Dear, please, there?s no need for you to speak to Mr. Markson like that. He?s a good man and ?? ?[i]No[/i].? She didn?t want to stick around for another word. Suddenly the entire kitchen felt thick and stifling and she was sure that she?d be sick to her stomach if she stayed a moment longer. Grabbing her jacket off the back of the chair, she marched towards the door. Mr. Markson put his hand on her shoulder gently and began to say something but Marque?s temper exploded right then and there. She swung around and smacked him before she even realized what she was doing. ?Don?t you [i]ever[/i] touch me again!? Both he and her mother were stunned, speechless. Marque, gaping at her own actions, took the chance to escape and hurried out the door. For the next couple hours, Marque wandered around Key City, desperately trying to convince herself that the episode that just unfolded in her home hadn?t really happened and that her mother would never really do something like that without asking her first. She tried to persuade herself that people didn?t stare at her in disgust wherever she went, that her professors didn?t mark down her tests for no apparent reasons, that internships and opportunities came and went without her because her skin happened to be a little darker than normal. [i]But why should that be normal[/i], she thought desperately, hugging her jacket around her shivering form. [i]Why can?t I be normal? Why can?t people see me for who I am? Why do they always have to see what they want to see? What can she possibly see in him? What does he want from her? Is it the business? Is that want he wants, to break us down after all, to ruin our lives?[/i] Her trail of thoughts broke off after she realized where she was. The Gateway of Freedom, home to Key City?s saviors the Guardians, rose out of the night in front of her, gleaming beautifully against the city lights and the night sky. She felt very small then. A feeling of shame washed over her, certainly not for the first time that night, and she hugged herself even tighter before hurrying past it. It didn?t take long for her to reach Freedom Park. A while back, when they?d introduced the city?s first World War II Memorial, they?d changed the park?s name from Bendtson park to the Freedom Park it was known as today. The irony in it disgusted her then, and she vividly remembered talking to her mother about it in the store one afternoon. ?[i]Freedom Park? Freedom for who, exactly? How do we all have freedom when I can?t turn on the radio or television without hearing or seeing something about another black man or woman being thrown in jail, shot at, or beaten on the street for speaking up and fighting for the rights that we should already have?[/i]? Her mother had only smiled at her, but Marque hadn?t actually expected any response. Her mother had long been accustomed to Marque?s rants. She cut through the wet grass and headed towards the Memorial in the center of the park. Her feet had long memorized this path and could take her there easily while her brain was otherwise occupied. It was a trip she made often, especially when she was stressed out because of the store or her classes. But tonight, as she stood at the base of the marble monument, her mind flooding over with emotions, Marque wasn?t sure what brought her here now. First and foremost, however, she knew that there was someone she needed to speak to. She stood with her hands in her pockets, her shoulders tense and mouth turned down in a frown, and said softly, ?Hi? daddy.? More than anything, that?s what this monument stood for in Marque?s eyes. She never felt more close to him than when she was here. It was as if whenever she came, all her ideals, her hopes and dreams and aspirations were strengthened. It was a source of warmth and of power, and though she?d once told her mom about it, Marque was certain that the woman just didn?t understand. She?d had him, had memories of him. All Marque had of him was a picture on her desk, this monument, and as she was told by her mother, his smile. ?Life sucks, daddy,? she continued in low tones, as if speaking quietly to the monument would make the moment any less surreal. That?s about when the tears began to fall, and Marque covered her face, trying her best to stifle the sobs that threatened to spill over. [i]There?s too much badness[/i], she decided then, pressing her forehead against the cool, smooth marble for comfort. [i]I can?t deal with all of this.[/i] Slowly, her tears resided and Marque wiped her eyes on her jacket sleeve before sighing. Crying might have made her feel a little better, but it didn?t solve anything. She glanced around before seating herself at a nearby bench, pulling her sprained ankle up delicately next to her before returning her focus to the monument and to her father. He was a fighter. She?d decided that long ago, and had always sought to follow in his footsteps, if not literally but at least in principal. And though she was certain that he?d be able to take whatever life threw at him, she couldn?t help but wonder what he?d think about her mother?s new relationship. [i]New isn?t exactly correct[/i], she reminded herself, and fought the urge to scowl. More than that, though, she wondered what he would think about [i]her[/i]. About her struggles and her ambitions. About her [i]powers[/i]. Marque hadn?t said a word about them to anyone. Not even her mother. It dawned on her that it was a little unfair to blame her for keeping secrets when Marque was hiding one or two of them herself. It didn?t make the hurt and shock of finding out any less acute, though. She wanted to hold onto her betrayal and resentment ? she clutched at it like it was her only lifeline. Like it was the one thing she could count on when everything else was changing and burning up all around her. But she was changing too and she couldn?t deny that, couldn?t even [i]stop[/i] it. Though she could control it, the very fact that she had such a power scared her witless. Here and now, she could admit it. She didn?t know what it was for, and couldn?t understand why she had it in the first place. But that didn?t change the fact that the ability was still there. She was afraid, and more than anything, she wanted her father to come to life and hold her and tell her that everything would be okay, that she wasn?t a freak, that she was [i]normal[/i]. More than anything, Marque had always wanted to be normal. And now it looked like she never would be. Rubbing her ankle softly, trying to ease the pain a little, she thought back to the kitchen fiasco. Her rage, which she?d felt so sure of earlier, now seemed almost childish and tacky. And she?d [i]hit[/i] Mr. Markson, for no real reason. The utter shock on his face was alone enough to make her face heat up with shame, never mind the way her mother looked. She?d overreacted, badly, and used the one thing she?d vowed never to use ? violence. Marque was certain that her father never would have gone back on his ideals like that. He never would have given up or given in, he would have kept on fighting, and he would have been proud that his wife had also kept fighting. Maybe, he would have even been proud of her mother?s new relationship. That she continued to live and love and thrive, instead of letting all the badness in the world get to her. [i]The way that it gets to me.[/i] That last thought made Marque exhale slowly. Although she?d always appeared as bright, strong, and collected, Marque could admit easily now that maybe she didn?t have it all together. That she didn?t have it all figured out, not like she wanted to. Her reaction to her mother?s and Mr. Markson?s relationship was the very kind that she?d been trying to fight against. There was nothing wrong with it, nothing bizarre or unnatural. And she liked Mr. Markson. He?d always been kind to them. He?d given them the store in Key City, had helped them move their stuff from Triton into their new place, and was always good for a smile. Her mother deserved a man like that, and Marque was now certain that her father would agree. Wholeheartedly. A sense of peace settled over the brown-skinned woman. She knew exactly what needed to be done now. She needed to apologize to her mother and to Mr. Markson and give them her support. She needed to continue fighting prejudice and racism in the city and on campus, and she needed to do it as herself and not as anybody else. Changing the color of her skin wouldn?t make the problem go away, no matter how many times she did it. With a smile, she thought, [i]Now that would make my father proud.[/i] She spent the last bit of that hour gazing at the gleaming monument and the shadows it produced, thinking of her father, before picking herself up and heading back home.[/size] [/FONT]
  6. [size=1]I'm jealous of anybody who's going to Anime Expo this summer. One of these years I'm going to make it there, but alas, this summer it is not to be. Instead, I'll be working most of it in order to save up for fall. I'll be studying abroad then and considering the exchange rate, I need all the money I can get my hands on. >_
  7. [size=1]The biggest problem that I have with abstinence-only programs, besides the fact that it is more a religious program than anything else, is this right here: [quote]teaches that sexual activity outside of the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects...[/quote] Harmful psychological and physical effects? I was not aware that there's a difference between pre-marital and marital sex, besides the addition of a shiny new ring. It has nothing to do with marriage - you can get harmful effects regardless of that if you and your partner are not careful. More than anything, any sex ed programs should focus on explaining both sides of the issue. How can you have positive results when you're only learning half of the issue? Do I need to make a "the grass is always greener..." statement here? It may be terribly cliché but it still holds firm. People need to be [i]informed[/i]; only then can they make an educated desicion about sex. The decision cannot be made for them. Personally, I do not believe in abstinence simply because I view sex as an important aspect of any relationship. Waiting till marriage is nice, but has anybody looked at our marriage rates as of late? That's not entirely promising. You don't have to abstain from sex in order to value it as a very special, beautiful thing; I don't plan on waiting until I get hitched, but that doesn't mean I'm going to sleep around with just anybody. And you also can't expect everybody to view it in the same light - you cannot legislate morality. In the end, you may not agree with pre-marital sex, but you have to at least understand and tolerate the fact that it does happen and it's better to be fully educated about and prepared for any consequences that may occur.[/size]
  8. [size=1][color="#ff6699"]Yo, yo, yo. Ellven'and, cool character, but if you want to start a RPG it's generally a good idea to have a story in mind. If you read the sticky (which can also be found in my signature under 'stickilicious') you'll see that all RPGs must include some kind of backstory, anyway. It gives the RPG a little stability and allows the other members to get into your mindset. You could easily create three or four paragraphs out of what you have here; I gather that the story is going to be about Nhievh and his journey anyway. If you've got any questions or anything, don't hesitate to contact me or Miss Ozy. Otherwise, you can easily add those needed paragraphs by editing your first post. Toodles, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  9. Arcadia

    Die Erz

    [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Deirdre Kearney [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nationality:[/b] Irish [b]Appearance:[/b] Of an average height and an athletic build, Deirdre?s Irish heritage comes out in her brilliant green eyes, deep red-brown hair, and an almost superfluous amount of freckles. She?s got a wide, easy grin and is as quick with that as she is with a knife. Tattooed on her lower back are the words [i]aut vincere aut mori[/i], which in latin means ?either conquer or die.? Deirdre is a very casual dresser and it?s rare that you would ever see her in anything other than jeans. Occasionally she?ll rock out the pants suit and a pair of stilettos but vanity is still a sin and considering her line of work, she doesn?t want to stretch things. [b]Weapons:[/b] She?s got a pair of gauntlets that stretch up her forearm, the knuckles of which are plated with silver and are very well used. A four-inch dagger, also silver, finds its home in the left gauntlet. One might discover a bit too late that numerous other knives decorate her person and the speed at which she can pull them and throw is remarkable. All the blades are inscribed with a cross, just above the hilt. [b]Skills:[/b] She has excellent aim, and likes to brag that she never misses her mark (it?s mostly true). Deirdre is incredibly strong for a woman and she?s got the right hook to prove it. Her fighting skills are next to none, and she enjoys street boxing when she?s not kicking demonic ***. She's had nightmares about demons all her life that double as visions. Though they cost her sleep, sometimes they contain valuable information about current uprisings and dealings with demons and black magic in general. [b]Personality:[/b] Fun-loving and very fond of liquor, Deirdre has the tendency to be a little rowdy. She?s not the most subtle woman in the world, and though she always means well, there are times when she does or says rather inappropriate things. Interestingly enough, she is devout in her beliefs. She was raised very traditionally in that regard, but it?s been a while since Catholic school and Deirdre has seen and heard things that no human should ever have to. Her dealings with demons and other various forms of evil have, of course, helped to shape her personal system of beliefs. [b]Character Snippit:[/b] It was definitely not the first time in her life that Deirdre found herself a long way from home. She would be lying if she said she didn?t miss the sisters. But Germany was prime stomping ground for demons these days and the women had been adamant that she make the trip east. There were important people to meet here, important events that would take place, and Deirdre would need to be a part of them. ?Wonderfully cryptic, as always,? she muttered under her breath, but the quick smile was proof of her love for the sisters and their cause. They had been the ones to take her in and give her shelter when no one else would help a dirty, runaway brat. They taught her and encouraged her and showed her the love of God when she needed it most. And when it became obvious that the little nobody was a little more than that, they trained her. Through their connections she found her place among those like her. She still had her nightmares, but at least now she knew what they really were, how to put them to use. Those nightmares were what brought her to Germany now. Things were stirring to an apex. That much she could feel, but the bigger details were still entirely too vague and the sisters weren?t talking. She respected them, loved and trusted in them and in God, but she was not the kind of woman who had a lot of patience when it came to being led around blindly. She would need some answers soon, and Germany was the place for it. But first, before meeting any of these mysterious people she was supposed to meet, Deirdre needed to make a very urgent, important stop. The pub was dimly lit and smelled of beer and smoke and, interestingly enough, citrus. She assumed the citrus was there in an attempt to cover up the beer and smoke, but it wasn?t working all that well. She sat at the bar, setting her bag on the seat next to her. She was not worried about pickpockets or thieves. If they knew what kind of toys she had hidden on herself, they?d be the ones worried. ?Evening, darling. What?ll you be having?? Deirdre smiled, and sighed pleasantly. ?Oh, the choices.?[/size]
  10. Arcadia

    Die Erz

    [size=1]Oooh, I've always liked the story of Faustus. Pardon me, [i]Doctor[/i] Faustus. The set up so far is very cool and pretty original. We've got a great story with only those few little "clippings" and it definitely has the makings to be epic. ^_^ Nice work. I'm not sure if anybody else has read the play or not (it's by Christopher Marlowe for those interested), but I was curious to see if you would be incorporating anything about the power circles and the things Faustus used to call upon his power. I can't remember for the life of me what the thing is specifically called, but I do have a [url=http://www.bartleby.com/19/2/11.html][b]link to the play[/b][/url] for you guys to check out. It mentions his "lines, circles, scenes, letters, and characters" a number of times. [url=http://www.bartleby.com/19/2/13.html][b]This page[/b][/url] in particular talks about his set up. If I can find a picture of it or something I'll post it. So yeah, obviously, Faustus interests me. :p[/size]
  11. [size=1]I think that most everybody has a "type" - there are just some things you find more attractive about people than others. For me, I guess it'd be the whole indie vibe. With that said, though, the type of guy that I usually go for isn't always the guy I do go for, weirdly enough. But in general, here it is: [b]Turn-ons[/b] ? Dark complexion. I like dark hair, dark eyes. I know the blue-eyed blonde is the all-American poster boy but it's the brown eyes and the dark, rugged hair that really do me in. I really like that "manicured mess" look with the hair, and general scruffiness. Stubble is hot. ? Art/Literature/Music/Movies appreciation and/or talent. He doesn't have to be good at any one thing but he's got to really love it because more than half of what I talk about to people falls under this category. ? Jeans and sneakers. Seriously, guys don't wear them enough. Screw the khaki and screw Abercrombie. The older your shoes are, the better. I love that episode of Doug where he doesn't want to move on and buy a new pair of shoes. lol ? He's got to make me laugh. The darker the humor the better. I also like really bad puns. And any guy who can laugh at himself is a keeper. ? I need him to be clever, smart. Book smart and street smart, I guess. He doesn't have to be a straight-A kind of guy but it does have to matter to him. ? He has to want to do well, and he's got to be ambitious enough to go out and get things done. Also, I want him to push me to do things, too. Not nag, but encourage me to go out and be active and spontaneous and try new things. ? It'd be nice if he had a decent handle on current events of any kind, mostly with politics and sports. I like to know what's going on in both and he should too. [b]Turn-offs[/b] ? Excessive drinking. It's all right to go out and have some fun once in a while, but if he wants to go to parties and **** like that every weekend then there will be a problem. I don't get drunk, and I don't want to waste all my money on it, either. ? Smokers. I grew up with it, and I can't stand it, and I'm certainly not going to stick around a guy who doesn't find anything wrong with it. ? Super clingy-ness. Sure, I like it when a guy enjoys spending time with me, but not every minute of the day, every day of the week. My sister's roommate and her boyfriend where always together and it drove me crazy just seeing it - I don't know how they didn't go insane. I value my independence way too much to deal with that. ? I don't mind spotting friends for things because I know that it's a give-take relationship and there will more than likely be a day when I need some extra cash for lunch or whatever. But I'm not going to continually give the man money. He needs to be able to take care of himself. ? Honestly, I'm not into huge, muscular guys. Exercise is awesome and healthy and a great way to spend time together, but the guy that goes all the time and bulks up and takes steroids and suppletives to get bigger muscles is not the guy for me. ? Don't like animals? Well I don't like you. So yeah, it's a lot. But like I said, it's not like a guy has to have every little thing in order for me to look at him. As long as we have some common interests and we have fun together, it's all good. [/size]
  12. [size=1][color=#ff6699]Sorry kids, but you need a rating in the title of your thread if you want it to stay open. Feel free to post this again but remember that it needs an appropriate thread rating! Toodles, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1]I don't mind have a couple drinks now and then but I've never had so much that I've been completely and utterly drunk, and I don't plan to. Almost all alcohol is very much an acquired taste, anyway, and I'm not going to force myself to drink a lot of something I don't even like in order to get drunk, act like a moron, and then throw up some few hours later. Yeah, what a party. With all that said, there are some drinks that I absolutely love and I look forward to buying them legally. Mike's Hard Lemonade is particularly delicious, but any kind of tropical drink (margaritas, daiqueries) will definitely float my boat. There's this kind of vodka called Hypnotica that's blue and also pretty tasty, surprisingly enough. Can't stand JD, though. Barf.[/size]
  14. [size=1]Finally. Let me know if something doesn't work and so on and so forth. I copied the "ap" from Skye's bio, just to follow the Azatian trend. >_>; [b]Name:[/b] Junescentia ap Lassarae (usually she just goes by ?June?) [b]Code name:[/b] Bird (due to her distinct, melodious voice and slight appearance) [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Race:[/b] Half human, half Azatian [b]Abilities:[/b] Due to her Azatian blood, June has the ability to feel, hear, and even see time. She is still very sensitive to it, even as a half-breed, and retains the unique ability to manipulate it. As young as she is, June has learned how to combine these subtle abilities with her medical skills and in the process has created an entirely new way to approach medicine. She has an excellent memory and a quick, intelligent mind, and a trait that is sometimes elusive to the Azatians, flexibility when making quick decisions. Her voice is an incredibly soothing one as well, especially in song, and she employs it often to relax her more riled up patients. Well versed in a variety of different medical fields, she has the experience and the patience to work as a medical doctor onboard the Zeitsande. [b]Position:[/b] Chief Medical Officer [b]Personality:[/b] June has a smart, steady way about her and is incredibly dependable, if not a little ironic at times. More often than not you?ll find her quietly observing and evaluating, collecting and organizing everything she sees in her mind. She is a very intelligent and clever woman with a sharp memory, which helps tremendously with her medicine practices. June is also the epitome of self-control. She does have a small wild streak in her due to her human blood, however, and it sometimes leads to her taking more passionate courses of action than she is normally prone to. The chances of that happening are very rare but intense physical and (especially) emotional situations can lure it out. June will go to extremes to make sure that that doesn?t happen. [b]Appearance:[/b] Though on the petite side, June carries herself as though she were a tall woman, full of confidence and grace. Her hair is such a deep black that in certain lights in almost shines blue, and the wild curls are more often than not tied back and out of the way. With startling gray eyes and an expressive mouth, her beauty is a little subtler than her mother?s infamously ravishing looks but can be just as potent. She is small and lithe but a powerhouse of energy and she will not stop pushing forward until she is well and dead. [b]Biography:[/b] After the alliance between the ATG and the Humans, it was not uncommon for the six races to live and work together, as they were all working towards a common goal. Interbreeding between the races was still something of a taboo, however, and Junescentia?s Azatian mother Inisae took a very long time to come to terms with the fact that somehow, she?d fallen in love with a Human. He was Alvar Romero and he was everything that the Azatian men were not ? spontaneous, outgoing, and entirely unpredictable. From the very moment they met he flirted shamelessly and she met his enthusiasm with equal parts indifference. She was there to work; her priorities had always been with the TSPA and nothing, she thought, could change that. Alvar was not so easily persuaded, however, and he kept at her with his bad jokes and wily charms. Even Inisae could not escape the laughter and life he brought out in everyone, and she eventually came to realize that somewhere along the way her priorities had been shifted slightly. Needless to say, the secret affair between the two produced a child. The couple argued long and hard about how the girl should be raised. Alvar very passionately believed that she should have the best of both worlds. He had never understood what the problem was with interracial relationships ? Inisae had a hard enough time convincing him to stay quiet about their affair ? and he wanted their daughter to understand her heritage fully, without any feelings of shame or regret. Inisae felt much more reserved about that, but Alvar had always been incredibly persuasive and eventually she agreed. There were conditions, however. The two of them could raise her together, as planned, but it could never be publicly known that Alvar was the father of the child. Rather, Inisae insisted that they continue the pretense of friendship while she made up a story about a small fling with an old flame that resulted in her pregnancy. For a long time, those who knew the pair questioned the validity of their story. Junescentia ? so named for her Azatian blood ? was the one who indirectly eventually persuaded them otherwise. Even as a child, she had been incredibly collected and levelheaded, and remarkably enough, was a spitting image of her mother. Friends and acquaintances eventually concluded that the girl was much too Azatian to be any kind of half-breed. The things she inherited from her father went unseen. She had his sense of humor and his excellent memory, as well as a taste for the medical field. Though she was schooled extensively in the ways of the TSPA, June continued to lean more towards medicine and it was eventually decided that she should pour much of her efforts into bettering herself in that field. Alvar had been considered a great physician, even among the other races, but it became clear that June would surpass even him. She had learned to manipulate time in wounds in such a way that they could heal faster. This ability would always cost her energy when performed, but she trained relentless in order to build up her strength. And yet as accomplished as she already is, her peers continue to point out that as an immortal, she has an endless amount of time to improve still. The problem there is that June isn?t entirely sure if that?s 100% true? but for now, the youngest member of the Zeitsande can continue to gain experience in her profession and within the TSPA as she takes on the duty of protecting and balancing time within the Universe. [/size]
  15. [size=1]Actually, it reminds me a lot of [i]Sin City[/i]. Definitely the film noir thing going on, just a little more gritty and twisted. Great description of "The Ambassador," too. The imagery matches the whole film noir mood, especially with that Great Gatsby reference thrown in there. Nice touch. ^_~[/size]
  16. [center] [i]an arcadelicious creation[/i][/center] [size=3][b]Estelle[/b][/size] [size=1][b]Age:[/b] twenty-something [b]Description:[/b] The first thing you notice about Estelle is her vivid hair. A dark, wine-red color, she keeps it just long enough so that she can put it up in a proper ponytail. There are shorter strands, however, that never stay in place and she is constantly tucking them back behind her ear. After that, the rest of her appearance is pretty average. She stands around 5?8?, slim and athletic, with dark eyes and some freckles sprinkled across her cheeks and nose. There?s a small, brown swirl of lines on her left hip that vaguely resemble something different to each person who sees them. Other than the tattoo and the freckles, the only other marks on her skin are mostly on her hands and arms ? small scars and burns that come naturally in her line of work. She dresses simply, without any kind of jewelry or other adornments, generally in dark, earth tone colors. Estelle is not flashy in any sense of the word, although her work is always another matter entirely. Something of a mercenary mechanic and technician, Estelle designs and builds a variety of tools, weapons, ships, and other special devices for anyone who can meet her price. She is known only as Estelle, but everyone knows who she is, and they usually always add as an afterthought, ?The red-haired woman.? Because of what she does, she is constantly traveling from one side of the galaxy to the other, taking up new jobs and checking on her old ones. Her home is her ship (known as the Eleusis), and she has no immediate plans to settle down anywhere with anyone. She does not ever go anywhere alone, however. Iambe is a small, robotic creature that Estelle built herself. It somewhat resembles a fox, but with some noticeable differences. While its pale yellow coat is soft, it is not fur ? it?s actually a complex shield that responds to the environmental pressures around it. Its brilliant green eyes can switch between several levels of perception, including night and heat vision. The tail, though in normal circumstances is braided together, can unwind into three smaller parts and serve as extra appendages. Various sensors on Iambe?s body detect a wide range of both physical and emotional factors and can respond in its own machine language of clicks, whistles, and whirls. Every sound has a wide range of tones and each specific combination of sounds has its own meaning. Estelle is the only person who can fully communicate with it; though Iambe understands most languages perfectly, very few have ever been around the two long enough to pick up the robot?s semantics. It doesn?t really have a gender but Estelle refers to it as a she. In a word, Estelle is a loner, and has long been labeled this way by most of the galaxy. Her talents are often considered priceless, however, and her involvement (or lack thereof) in certain affairs has always been a decisive factor in their outcomes. She is widely sought after by numerous governments and factions and because of this she is very careful about taking on new jobs. She may unwittingly become somebody?s enemy (though it wouldn?t be the first time). In the past she chose to work with certain figures on certain things that resulted in a massacre and has regretted it every day of her life; she does not want to make the same mistake twice. It keeps her on her toes, to say the least.[/size] [size=3][b]The Idea[/b][/size] [size=1][b]Estelle[/b] is a science-fiction story and it will be separated into chapters for every new job that our title character takes on. But there is a catch ? every chapter will be told from Estelle?s point of view. This means that every person who is accepted into this RPG will be writing as Estelle. I would like the mood for the story to be similar to Cowboy Bebop in that while each episode is its own story (for the most part), there is a greater story taking place over everything else that will wrap up in the last couple chapters, concerning Estelle and her private life. And while it will definitely have its lighthearted moments, there is a darker theme that you need to be aware of. In other words, don?t expect a fairy tale ending. You will learn more about Estelle and the events of her past as the story unfolds.[/size] [size=3][b]The Sign-Up[/b][/size] [size=1]As the story stands right now, there is only one existing character (well, maybe one and a half if you count Iambe). Estelle needs people to work for, and that?s where you all come in. In order to be considered for placement within the RPG, you will have to create a prospective client. The more imaginative you are with them, the better - you have full creative reign when it comes to making up races and planets and whatever else you can think of. Here?s what I?m looking for: [b]The Client:[/b] The person dealing directly with Estelle. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Whom does the client work for? Is this person part of a government or some kind of rebel faction? Do they represent an entire race of people or only a small group within the galaxy? [b]The Job:[/b] What is the client hiring Estelle to build and what does it do, what is its function? It can be anything ? a ship, a weapon, a robot, anything. [b]Motivation:[/b] Why does the client (and the group the client represents, if there is one) want this built and for what purpose will it serve? Is it for the greater good or are there some ulterior motives? Aside from that information, you will also be expected to write a short bit from Estelle?s point of view. She is, after all, the main focus of the RPG and so all those participating must be able to write her. This will be a very important part of the sign up because it will let me know whether or not you have a feel for the character and if your voice suits the general tone of the story. There will also be a slight romantic aspect to this story. I?m still deciding on how I want to handle that, so if you?re interested please let me know. I think, however, that if I open that up as a character possibility than you will need to submit a sign-up similar to Estelle?s above.[/size] [size=3][b]Underground[/b][/size] [size=1]This thread will be used extensively with the rest of the RPG, seeing as new information will be added continually as the story progresses and you all continue to create the world in which Estelle lives. When the cast is set and the chapters are created, those lists will also be added there. For now, however, use this thread to ask any questions you have about the story or your sign-ups or the set up of the RPG or whatever. [/size]
  17. [size=1][b]Confessions of a Dangerous Mind[/b] seems like such an overlooked movie to me. I love it. The story is both witty and tragic, and the cinematics are fantastic - so many awesome camera shots, lots of memorable moments. I don't know why more people don't like it. I'm not necessarily sure if this second one is overlooked because it really is or if I'm the only one who thinks so, but I recently saw [b]Crash[/b] in theatres and it was amazing. The acting is really impressive and the music is great - I'm going to buy the soundtrack as soon as I can. To round my list out at three, another great overlooked movie is [b]Shaun of the Dead[/b]. It's so unbelievably funny, and I know so many people who don't even know it exists. We must educate them![/size]
  18. [size=1]I'm excited about the fourth movie as well, just because our three favorite Gryffindors do a lot of growing up within Goblet of Fire. What I really like about the last movie (and this upcoming fourth one) is that they show that physically through the character's changing styles. And as the kids mature, so does the entire tone of the movie. I feel like over the course of the four movies, it went from being more fantastical and kid-oriented to something a little more grounded and realistic. The humor has changed, too. With each new director, now, we get a new focus on the Harry Potter world in general. Like Syk mentioned, it's more about the different point of views. I like it because I get the feeling that anybody and everybody who enjoys reading the books can share and spread different concepts. You know that each person who reads Harry Potter is going to have a different perception of it and the movies are a great way to show that. Focusing on Goblet of Fire, the computer graphics look amazing. The Tri-Wizard Tournament is going to be intense, to say the least. I also love the casting choice for Cedric - he looks every bit the perfect Head Boy he's supposed to be. Krum is [i]hot[/i], and though I definitely appreciate the eye candy, I don't know if he should really be that gorgeous. Where's the broken nose? Oh well, I'm not going to complain too much. :p [url="http://www.mugglenet.com/characters3.shtml"]MuggleNet[/url] is a really great site to check out if your an avid fan. Chances are, you probably have it bookmarked already but for those of you who don't, check it out. It's got tons of cool stuff.[/size]
  19. [center] [i]an arcadelicious creation[/i][/center] [size=3][b]Estelle[/b][/size] [size=1][b]Age:[/b] twenty-something [b]Description:[/b] The first thing you notice about Estelle is her vivid hair. A dark, wine-red color, she keeps it just long enough so that she can put it up in a proper ponytail. There are shorter strands, however, that never stay in place and she is constantly tucking them back behind her ear. After that, the rest of her appearance is pretty average. She stands around 5?8?, slim and athletic, with dark eyes and some freckles sprinkled across her cheeks and nose. There?s a small, brown swirl of lines on her left hip that vaguely resemble something different to each person who sees them. Other than the tattoo and the freckles, the only other marks on her skin are mostly on her hands and arms ? small scars and burns that come naturally in her line of work. She dresses simply, without any kind of jewelry or other adornments, generally in dark, earth tone colors. Estelle is not flashy in any sense of the word, although her work is always another matter entirely. Something of a mercenary mechanic and technician, Estelle designs and builds a variety of tools, weapons, ships, and other special devices for anyone who can meet her price. She is known only as Estelle, but everyone knows who she is, and they usually always add as an afterthought, ?The red-haired woman.? Because of what she does, she is constantly traveling from one side of the galaxy to the other, taking up new jobs and checking on her old ones. Her home is her ship (known as the Eleusis), and she has no immediate plans to settle down anywhere with anyone. She does not ever go anywhere alone, however. Iambe is a small, robotic creature that Estelle built herself. It somewhat resembles a fox, but with some noticeable differences. While its pale yellow coat is soft, it is not fur ? it?s actually a complex shield that responds to the environmental pressures around it. Its brilliant green eyes can switch between several levels of perception, including night and heat vision. The tail, though in normal circumstances is braided together, can unwind into three smaller parts and serve as extra appendages. Various sensors on Iambe?s body detect a wide range of both physical and emotional factors and can respond in its own machine language of clicks, whistles, and whirls. Every sound has a wide range of tones and each specific combination of sounds has its own meaning. Estelle is the only person who can fully communicate with it; though Iambe understands most languages perfectly, very few have ever been around the two long enough to pick up the robot?s semantics. It doesn?t really have a gender but Estelle refers to it as a she. In a word, Estelle is a loner, and has long been labeled this way by most of the galaxy. Her talents are often considered priceless, however, and her involvement (or lack thereof) in certain affairs has always been a decisive factor in their outcomes. She is widely sought after by numerous governments and factions and because of this she is very careful about taking on new jobs. She may unwittingly become somebody?s enemy (though it wouldn?t be the first time). In the past she chose to work with certain figures on certain things that resulted in a massacre and has regretted it every day of her life; she does not want to make the same mistake twice. It keeps her on her toes, to say the least.[/size] [size=3][b]The Idea[/b][/size] [size=1][b]Estelle[/b] is a science-fiction story and it will be separated into chapters for every new job that our title character takes on. But there is a catch ? every chapter will be told from Estelle?s point of view. This means that every person who is accepted into this RPG will be writing as Estelle. I would like the mood for the story to be similar to Cowboy Bebop in that while each episode is its own story (for the most part), there is a greater story taking place over everything else that will wrap up in the last couple chapters, concerning Estelle and her private life. And while it will definitely have its lighthearted moments, there is a darker theme that you need to be aware of. In other words, don?t expect a fairy tale ending. You will learn more about Estelle and the events of her past as the story unfolds.[/size] [size=3][b]The Sign-Up[/b][/size] [size=1]As the story stands right now, there is only one existing character (well, maybe one and a half if you count Iambe). Estelle needs people to work for, and that?s where you all come in. In order to be considered for placement within the RPG, you will have to create a prospective client. The more imaginative you are with them, the better - you have full creative reign when it comes to making up races and planets and whatever else you can think of. Here?s what I?m looking for: [b]The Client:[/b] The person dealing directly with Estelle. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Whom does the client work for? Is this person part of a government or some kind of rebel faction? Do they represent an entire race of people or only a small group within the galaxy? [b]The Job:[/b] What is the client hiring Estelle to build and what does it do, what is its function? It can be anything ? a ship, a weapon, a robot, anything. [b]Motivation:[/b] Why does the client (and the group the client represents, if there is one) want this built and for what purpose will it serve? Is it for the greater good or are there some ulterior motives? Aside from that information, you will also be expected to write a short bit from Estelle?s point of view. She is, after all, the main focus of the RPG and so all those participating must be able to write her. This will be a very important part of the sign up because it will let me know whether or not you have a feel for the character and if your voice suits the general tone of the story. There will also be a slight romantic aspect to this story. I?m still deciding on how I want to handle that, so if you?re interested please let me know. I think, however, that if I open that up as a character possibility than you will need to submit a sign-up similar to Estelle?s above.[/size] [size=3][b]Underground[/b][/size] [size=1]This thread will be used extensively with the rest of the RPG, seeing as new information will be added continually as the story progresses and you all continue to create the world in which Estelle lives. For now, however, use this thread to ask any questions you have about the story or your sign-ups or the set up of the RPG or whatever. Mostly I just want to share my idea before I start recruiting in the Inn so those who are interested can get a head start. Otherwise, I think that's pretty much it. ^_^[/size]
  20. Arcadia


    [size=1][color=#ff6699]While permission is definitely a good thing, please remember that OtakuBoards has a few rules you need to know as well, especially within the Arena. All RPGs start in the Inn, for instance, and you recruit players there. The RPG must contain a proper rating and a backstory of decent length (three to four paragraphs). After you feel like you've got enough people interested, [i]then[/i] you can move the RPG into the Square. Again, please read through the Inn's sticky - everything you need to know is explained in detail there. You can find a link to it in my signature. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
  21. Arcadia


    [size=1][color=#ff6699]Unfortunately your RPG doesn't have a proper rating in the title so the thread is closed. You can try again later and repost the RPG but it [b]must include a rating[/b] or I will only close it again. This is all explained in the Inn's sticky, which I suggest you read. You can find a link in my signature. If you've got any questions about anything you read there, don't hesitate to PM me for more information. ^_^ Ciao, Arcadia[/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color="#ff6699"]kingofmons, please don't bring back dead threads. Remember to check the dates on threads before you post in them. This one has been inactive for almost a year. Read through the Inn's sticky for more information on how to post in the Inn. If you've got any questions, just let me know through PM. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
  23. [size=2][b]Audrey[/b][/size] [size=1] The first thing that registered in Audrey?s head was that there was a lot of fog. She had no idea where she was, it was cold, and there was this tight feeling in her stomach that she assumed meant only very bad things could come from all this. Time might have been a completely relative thing in the mist, but after what seemed like an eternity she began to feel very strongly that she might slide off the edge if something didn?t happen soon. And then something did. A horn sounded. As with any strange horn, she expected the baying of hounds to follow, which would inevitably lead to her running for her life from a pack of wild, rabid dogs bent on tasting her blood. But there were no dogs, no wild noises. Just the horn, and the fog. The more she listened to the horn, in fact, the more serene it began to sound. It wasn?t the loud, braying thing that sounded the beginning of a hunt or a war. It was softer, sweeter, and she suddenly realized, moving closer. A shape was beginning to appear through the fog. It was a person ? a man. Audrey felt her stomach do a little flop. Tall, dark, rugged. This man was beautiful. Sensuous. He held his hand out to her and looked at her with those dark burning eyes. ?Come on,? he said. ?I?ll lead you out.? Audrey took his hand and a sense of overwhelming comfort and safety flowed through his fingers into hers and immediately went to her blood. She felt no anxiety at all anymore. It was just him and his promise of security, and the sweet, sweet? intolerable [i]blaring[/i], wretched cacophony of the horn. She awoke with a start, and realized a little belatedly that the horn was a car horn and she, practical she, had just dozed off in a cab. Audrey rubbed her forehead and sighed as the taxi came to a stop. The driver glanced back at her and said, ?Here?s your stop, love.? Absently she pulled some money from her purse and handed it to him through the little window before climbing out of the cab. The city was alive and bustling, and any trace of the serenity from earlier was once again completely gone. New job, new city, new life. Audrey hated it already. [color=#ff6699]As for RPGs and stuff, I've got a whole list of them [url=http://www.myotaku.com/users/arcadia/]here[/url] that you can check out if you so desire. ^_~[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=#ff6699]Moonlight, please keep in mind that double posting is not allowed on the boards. I've edited your first to posts into one to clean the thread up a little. Be sure to read through the Inn's sticky and OB's rules for more information about that and more. - Arcadia[/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color="#ff6699"]WhiteAoiFox, please read through the Anthology's sticky. You'll find that all threads with original fiction must contain a rating or they will be closed. You can re-post this and continue to get feedback but you must include the rating in the title. Thanks. ^_^ Arcadia[/color][/size]
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