I would love to be a minion, if that's quite alright with all of you. Here's what I've come up with as far as a character goes:
[B]Name:[/B] Aoen
[B]Age:[/B] 21-ish
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Bio:[/B] Aoen has known nothing but death and betrayal in her life time, and after having her hopes and dreams crushed so many times, she's a very bitter, cynical woman. Details about her past are unknown, and she's not about to tell her life story. The only thing that is for sure is that she met Obsidian a few years prior to present time and he offered her the chance for revenge on a world that had been nothing but cruel to her. She's been working for him ever since.
[B]Description:[/B] Long ebony hair that reaches down her back, the ends curling slightly. She has two locks in the front that sort of frame her face, one longer than the other. Crimson colored eyes. Her skin is very tan, and she has a blood-red tear drop tattoo below her right eye. In a sort of Final Fantasy fashion, her wardrobe is a little on the strange side. And of course, she being female, it reveals more than it conceals, starting with the black, one-piece, sleeveless shirt/shorts thing. A blood-red corset covers that, laced up with a really small chain. The bottom of the shorts part of it also acts sort of like a garter belt, and connects her fishnet stockings to it by more chains. Wrapped around both her hips is a sort of make-shift belt of chains, and chains are also wrapped thickly around her neck. Fingerless gloves, leather boots (also chained up), and a black trench coat finish up the outfit.
[B]Miscellaneous:[/B] As far as weapons go, she either uses A) the chains that are basically wrapped around her body (like whips! Wahoo!), B) a dagger that she has stuck in the chains around her hips, or C) her [I]hair!![/I] No, just kidding. She'd use her feminine charm and her lack of appropriate clothing to draw the poor victim in. What a sleezy whore. :smirk: