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Everything posted by Arcadia
[size=1]This was easily the best chapter yet. Fantastic descriptions, especially with Wren flying "on the edge" before and after the missiles are shot at him. It was an incredibly easy scene to imagine because you wrote it so well, and it definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. Awesome work. It'll be interesting to see how Wren gets out of this situation, too... or if he gets a little bit of help. ^_~[/size]
[size=1]I actually went to this "sex talk" discussion last night, and it was about this topic - differences in genders. Obviously, on a college campus, it was a little more geared towards our, ahem, interests, but it was still pretty cool. They asked men and women different questions (things like, "Do you wear make-up?" or "Have you ever been told by an adult figure that boys don't cry?") and if the answer was yes, then you had to stand up. A lot of the questions kind of made you realize how much society imprints into our minds these ideas about what masculine and feminine should be. There was also a lot of discussion about stereotypes and whether or not they were true at all. For example, most men are openly competitive, and they're encouraged to be so. Women, however, while still competitive, are a little more subtle about it. What do you think the purpose gossip is? Do we actually care about who said what? No. We just need to make sure we're "winning" - that we look better than everybody else, in both a physical and metaphysical sense. We need to know what everybody else is doing so that we can compare it to ourselves and make sure that [i]we[/i] aren't doing that. And we're encouraged to be competitive in this way because getting a man is still a very important thing for a woman to do. If she doesn't have a boyfriend or have any guys interested in her at all, then she's not much of a woman, is she? Obviously I'm not saying that this is 100% true 100% of the time. Not all girls gossip, contrary to popular belief. But if you think about it, I'm pretty sure that you'll be able to come up with certain experiences that have a lot to do with this.[/size]
[size=1][color="#CC0000"]This thread is closed because it does not contain a thread rating in the title. Copy and paste anything you want saved because this thread will be deleted in a few days. If you'd like to try this RPG again, hopefully with a little more detail, you can, but only if you include an appropriate rating. Please read over the Inn's sticky for more information - all of this and more is explained there in detail. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#CC0000"]Please add a little more to the backstory. One paragraph simply doesn't cut it (as you may or may not have read in the Inn's sticky). Most of the people who join probably have seen Inuyasha, so you can go into detail about the mysterious sword and the rumors about it instead of the actual anime. What about this RPG is different from Inuyasha, if anything? How did people even find out about the sword? etc. Again, please edit in some additional information to your story or the thread will be closed. Be sure to look over the sticky for more information. - Arcadia[/color][/size]
Megan checks her mail. There it is, the infamous blue slip. Blue slips mean packages. Seizing it excitedly, she skips back to the window in order to collect her prize: an overly large package from Swedish Badness. She wobbles under its weight for a second before collapsing. The package breaks open, spilling chocolate and buns everywhere. ?Figures.?
[size=1]Mmm, dialogue... ^_~ Very cool idea. Now I can read everything Shy writes and it's only a click away! This will be very handy, indeed. Especially if you're anything like me and you like to go back and read things that you wrote ages ago just to see the change (and there always seems to be a change). Super swanky. I liked [i]The Gorgon[/i], too. It was short and sweet but the two characters are still very solid because they both represent two very strong ideas/characters within a relationship. Your style is fluid and descriptive enough without stunting the dialogue at all, which really really works well with this kind of story. In fact, that's something you do pretty well with in all of your stories, I think. I know we talked about this some last night, too, but it's amazing how much one little writing class can totally change your style of writing. I find it much easier to create little scenes like this one because I feel like I'm approaching them from an entirely different perspective. It's really awesome, and I really like the fact that I'm able to stretch my limits a little more. I feel like the same is for you, especially with these little pieces, so kudos, Mr. Super Shy. ^_~[/size]
Art "When everything seems like the movies..."
Arcadia replied to Retribution's topic in Creative Works
[size=1]I saw the title and I just couldn't help myself - one of my favorite songs, man. Awesome. With that said, I like the first one the best because I like the layering effect with the words, and you can see them best that way. The white etch lines that are more prominent in the others give it a very grungy look, which is also cool (but I still like the first better :p). And as much as I do love this song, the lyrics just stand out too much to me for me to like the fourth one. Maybe if they were in the same kind of cursive that's used in the background it would look a little better. I think they're just too bold, especially with the layered, faded effect that's going on with the rest of it. Very awesome, though. ^_^[/size] -
There were certain members on the boards that made it their business to know everybody?s business. Arcadia had quite a few of her own connections, but the speed and efficiency at which these members gained information (and then passed it on) was remarkable. A few names came to mind: Alan, Siren, Annie, and of course, Drix. Arcadia was working on the chance that if anybody knew anything about the cameras in the Underground, it would be one of them. She decided on Drix that morning because, like he knew about her caffeine addiction, she knew he made a mean omelette. That morning breakfast had consisted of a couple oreos and that was really no way to start the day. Even if they had been delicious. So, with two portable, insulated mugs of coffee in her hands, the Hanzo leader made the walk to Drix?s lofty apartment in the Prefecture. Though she wasn?t in the Lounge as often as she wanted to be, Arcadia always enjoyed strolling around the city-like landscape. It reminded her of New York City, except that there was no pollution, and very rarely did she ever see a hobo. (Syk always reminded her of hobos.) The few times she?d actually been to New York, however, she?d seen quite a few characters so the crazy anime hair styles and vivid colors she saw as she walked now didn?t seem so far off from the real place. When she reached the building where the infamous Drix was lodged, Arcadia used her foot to hit the buzzer since her arms were full. That was the other comforting thing about the Prefecture ? it was all very natural. Apartments still looked realistic, and still employed the buzzer systems that you see in all the movies. It was these little things that made it work. Drix?s voice came through the little voice box. ?Hello? Arcadia?? ?Mais oui,? she answered, in a sing-song voice. ?Want to let me in? I come bearing gifts!? The double doors in front of her clicked audibly as Drix unlocked them for her. She grinned and hugged both mugs in one arm as she used the other to let herself in. One elevator trip later, she was wandering down the hall towards Drix?s apartment, whistling horribly and thinking that she ought to pay Team Koizumi a little visit while she was in the neighborhood. Drix was lounging in the doorway as she rounded the corner, and flashed her a dashing smile. ?Good morning!? Arcadia handed him the coffee, winking. ?It is now. Omelette?? He stepped back, gesturing her in. ?Right this way, madamoiselle.? She could already smell the mouthwatering goodness, however, and sighed happily. As she seated herself at his kitchen table, setting her mug down in favor of the delicacy before her, she remarked, ?One of these days I should learn how to cook.? Drix wasn?t so sure if that was such a good idea, given the rumors about her previous attempts in the kitchen, but he wisely kept silent about that. Instead, joining her at the table, he asked, ?So what brings you my way?? ?Why, the pleasure of your company, of course.? She paused, smirking slightly at his raised eyebrow, and then added, ?Well, that, and the omelette, and maybe a little information, if you have it.? He scoffed at that, sipping some coffee. It was liquid joy. Arcadia knew her coffee. ?[i]If I have it[/i], she says.? She grinned. ?So how well informed are you about the Underground, these days??
[quote name='Blackjack']The mouth was open in a bestial grin that was all teeth and no humanity. [/quote] [size=1]Awesome line. ^__^ [quote name='Blackjack']This one took me much longer than the others. I still don't feel a hundred percent happy with it: I'm not sure how well some of the characterisation comes across, and I don't think I'm that great at writing action/combat sequences. I think in hindsight I should maybe have left some of this chapter out and put it in the next one, or not tried to introduce so many new characters in one go. I'm happier with the beginning than the end, too.[/quote] When you've got a lot of characters that you want to write in and it's the first time they've really been introduced, it's hard to get their personalities across so that each one seems like an individual in the scene, rather then just part of the ensemble... if that makes sense to you. I always try and keep my focus on one character and his or her perceptions of the other people. They may or may not be true but it does help to give the reader a solid idea of what they're like. That's just my style, though. Characterization and development aren't easy, and sometimes it just takes me a while before I feel like I've got it the way I want it. I did like your descriptions of the shells and the battle scenes, though. Mechs always seem like they'd be some of the more difficult things to imagine but you did a pretty good job of explaining how they work and move and that. And I think most people are familiar enough with shows like Gundam or Evangelion to be able to imagine any kind of mecha fight scene. ^_^; Another good chapter, huzzah.[/size]
Deep within the bowls of the Team Hanzo Headquarters, Arcadia was diligently working away at her computer. Through her various connections on the island (and the fact that some things just kind of came into being the way you wanted them to) she?d managed to acquire a very top of the line, personalized machine that boasted a gratuitously large flat screen monitor. Her reasoning was that because of the monitor?s pure size, she would be able to keep her eye on a number of different things in the Arena at once. Those who had actually seen the machine, however, knew that this was a horrible, horrible lie ? Arcadia couldn?t multi-task worth crap, anyway. She [i]really[/i] only wanted the computer because it changed colors at random intervals during the day, hence it?s affectionate title Horse. Right now Horse sported a fantastically bright yellow that made Uma Thurman?s suit in Kill Bill look shoddy and dull. ?Damn it, I lost again!? Arcadia slumped back and pouted at the screen, were a game of Mahjong took precedence over everything else. Diligently working, you see. ?Ahem.? She glanced over her shoulder at Bio, who raised his eyebrow at her before stating quite casually, ?So it looks like there?s another camera down in the Underground. Coincidently, there?s also a new leveling shop in the same area that doesn?t have a proper [strike]rating[/strike] license.? When the cameras had first been implemented within the new Underground, a lot of members hadn?t taken kindly to the addition and many of the machines wound up being dismantled and broken in various ways. Team Hanzo, as well as the other moderators, realized that they would need to be a little cleverer with the building and the placement of the contraptions. Camera appearances became much more creative: some resembled stones, gargoyles, and lampposts while some were lodged in statues and other tiny crevices within shop walls. They?d even managed to pull together a couple different moving, remote controlled cameras that resembled bugs. These were usually on random (or automatic, if you prefer) and were controlled by otakubots, but if need be the controls could be turned over to a moderator and they could operate the tiny cameras manually. Camera destruction had decreased tremendously, but there were still a few members who went out of their way to locate them. Arcadia played with the ends of her hair and grinned. ?Fabulous. Have you gone to check it out yet?? Bio shook his head. ?No, I thought I?d drop in and let you know before heading over.? The computer caught his attention for a moment as it slided into a more relaxing mint green. It took a moment for him to realize that Arcadia was talking again, but it was all right because she had a tendency to ramble on anyway. ??running around like a chicken with its head cut off. But I digress.? She got up, threw on her hat, and fastened her whip at her waist before winking at the other moderator. ?If you need me, I?ll be in the O. Lounge.? He narrowed his eyes. ?Is it wise for you to be drinking caffeine right now?? She playfully shoved him out of her office, locking it behind her, and innocently asked, ?Who said anything about caffeine??
[size=1]Oh, that got a good chuckle out of me. [i]"We know film cahreahs!"[/i] Good stuff. I've been studying a lot of Flannery O'Conner because of class lately and it's remarkably hard for me to copy the southern drawl that she uses in some of her stories, despite the fact that I do live in the south. It's very hard to keep it going throughout an entire story, but I think you did really well with the Australian accent. I don't know if our Australian friends would agree if it's accurate or not, but it is very constant, so you get definite points for that. I'll have to go look this article up now. Too funny.[/size]
[size=1][color="#cc0000"]Litoria, please read through OB's rules and the Square's sticky before you post again. There are a few things you should know before get into any real sort of trouble here. First of all, double posting is not allowed - if you have more information to add, just edit the first post. Second, all RPGs must first start in the Adventure Inn, and each one must have a decent backstory of three to four paragraphs (at least). Once you've introduced your story and recruited a number of players, then you can move it into the Square. Third, all RPGs must have a proper rating in the title or they will be closed, no questions asked. As you see, there are quite a few important rules that you might want to know about before venturing anywhere else on the boards. Check out both the official rules thread (at the left), and the sticky at the top of the forum - everything is explained there in detail. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to private message (PM) a moderator or read through the Suggestions and Feedback forum. Thanks ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1]Never fear, people, Paranoia is still a long way from dying off, and I certainly don't plan on letting that happen. I've given both Ben and Pandemonium a week to get their posts up and then we're moving on to chapter two, which you will all be receiving PMs about in the coming days. I'd like to take a poll, though. Would you all rather get PMs or do you think it would be easier to post the chapter information in this Underground thread? As of right now, the RPG is still just getting started but in the future I'd really like it if there was more interaction not only between the characters but between the players themselves in planning and discussing chapter progression. Though you'll still get a basic outline of what needs to happen, I'd love to see you guys really get into this. So let me know what you think.[/size]
[quote name='Xander Harris']Powerful themes of destiny and free will, playing God, true love versus destined love, the moral quandry of the warrior, guilt, love vs. hate, and the deepest wishes of mankind run throughout the series. If I ever teach a Philosophy Through Anime class, this will be one of my primary sources. [/quote] [size=1]I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels that way, heh. I've been wanting to write an article about some of these themes for theOtaku for a while now but I have quite a few other responsibilities right now that make it extremely difficult. What did you think about a lot of the mother characters? [spoiler]Both Allen's and Van's mothers were kind of pivotal to the story because of their influence on their sons. The way they both just kind of gave up and wilted away and died, despite the fact that both sons tried so hard to make them happy.[/spoiler] That's always aggravated me. I also really like the issues with being the ruler of a country. Between all three sisters Millerna, Eries, and Marlene and their father King Aston, there seems to be a question about what their royal duties should be, and what their responsibilities are to their kingdom. And then you've got hints about inferiority and racism here and there (especially in the movie), especially when it comes to Jajuka and the other anthro-races. The whole series is just amazingly interesting when you get right down to it.[/size]
[size=1]As soon as this started, I thought, "This reminds me of Halo." And then as it got a little deeper in, I was like, "It [i]IS[/i] Halo!!" And that cracked me up. The transition from the game into real life was most excellent, heh. What a great way to start the story. The way you kept dropping in and out of the game was fabulous and very funny, despite the fact that the poor schmuck is being walked out on. In contrast, though, Betty's story isn't quite as funny, but I still like her, mostly because she realizes that she needs out and it takes a lot of guts to do that. (A "You go girl" type of phrase would be most appropriate here.) I really like the way you subtly show just how much Tim is controlling her life, too - he broke her phone, took over her car with his poor taste in music and messy wrappers everywhere, and apparently his video game is more important to him than his girlfriend, even though she's the one who gave him all this crap. The best part of all though is the last sentence: [quote name='Shy']Elsewhere, Tim?s shirt began to wrinkle in the washing machine.[/quote] Fantastic. Absolutely fantabuloso, my love. It just goes to show that some of the best stories are the ones that come out of nowhere. I can't wait to read more of this. Again, awesome work, Shy. ^_~[/size]
[size=1]This chapter is much better then the first. It seems more coherent. That might be because I went and read your manga thread, but still. I feel like there's just a lot more personality in this one, with the characters included and with your general voice. I especially loved this part: [quote=Blackjack]He heard her voice start to crack with desperation as he turned and ran to the elevator. The edge of despair in her shouts wrenched at him, but he couldn't do it. He just couldn't let her go out there into a combat situation, not in her state of mind. She wouldn't concentrate. She'd be easy meat for the enemy. She'd die. And maybe that's what she was after, but he wouldn't let her make that decision. "Wren, please..." He could hear the tears as the elevator doors cloesed.[/quote] Very awesome. The very last line is great. As for a name, though... eh, I hesitate to suggest anything because I really don't know the character yet, you know? If I think of something that fits, though, you'll be the first to know. ^_~[/size]
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]So while you might be able to find it in a brick-and-mortar store, your chance of running into a copy would be slim. Basically, unless you're able to track down an inexpensive legit copy of the old box set, the singles are probably your best bet. [/QUOTE] [size=1]Escaflowne was one of the first anime series I've ever seen and because of that, it's like my first love... but with anime. I got the entire series for Christmas years ago - it's the old VHS box set, if you'll believe it. The art on the box and on all the video containers is gorgeous. You've probably seen a lot of the pictures from it online without knowing where it's from. With that said, I still love Escaflowne. Partially because of its "first love" status and also because of the whole fate vs. choice issue within all the episodes. Well, that, and the music. Good lord, the [i]music[/i]. [/size]
[size=1]I've got to write another story for one of my classes, and the other day our professor had us write out a scene involving some of the characters. Up until that point I had some ideas about what I wanted to do and what the basic issues were going to be for the main character, but I hadn't really tried to write anything. I typed up the results to get some feedback. Let's see if you guys manage to pick up on anything. ^_~ Sarah, if you happen to read this, I swear I'm not copying down your life story or anything. Rather, I'm combining an idea that I've been confronted with lately with some characteristics from various friends and family members... but I did borrow Columbia. >_>; [b]Insert Clever Title Here[/b] There is only so much that a person can take, and Maria was officially at breaking point. Standing there in the kitchen, her hand white with tension where she gripped the refrigerator door, she stared hard at the spot where her leftover Cuban ham sandwich should have been. She?d saved that sandwich, wrapped it carefully and lovingly within its little plastic to-go box, and had purposely hid it behind the numerous cans of soda so that it could be out of site and safe from hungry, grubby fingers. Apparently, though, it had not been safe enough. In a tight voice, she asked, ?Who took my sandwich?? Her mother looked up from the kitchen table where she was helping her eldest daughter write out wedding invitations. It might have been more correct to say that she was directing the entire process; her mother had the tendency to quietly but efficiently slip in and gain control of any given situation. It was impossible to call her on it, though ? she always had such an unobtrusive look about her and could easily knock out any such allegations with a polite blink of her round doe eyes. She?d done the same with most of the wedding, in fact. And despite the fact that they could have easily paid any number of people to do the invitations for them, their mother had insisted that they make the cards themselves. It was, in all truthfulness, par for course for their artistically inclined control freak of a mother but that didn?t stop Maria from eyeing the piles of tinted sheer paper and colorful, handwritten messages with something bordering exasperation. Pausing in her diligent efforts to stuff the envelopes, her mother blinked at her and inquired in a hesitant sort of way, ?Maria?? It nearly sounded as though with that one word, her mother wasn?t just asking after her; it was as if she was questioning her daughter?s entire existence. And while a part of her knew that her mother just hadn?t heard her, Maria realized then that that was the real problem, finally bubbling to the surface: no one in the family seemed to hear her anymore. She could feel all her pent up frustration and rage roaring inside her like a caged animal, fighting to be let loose. ?My sandwich,? she managed to repeat, sounding a little more desperate then she would have liked, ?The one I brought home from Panera? It?s gone.? Her sister, without looking up from her wedding invitations, said plainly, ?Dad probably ate it, like always.? As Maria?s face dropped, her mother added in the sweet but nagging tone that only a mother can employ so artfully, ?I?m sure he?ll buy you another one, dear.? That was the last straw ? the cage was open. Maria slammed the fridge door shut and ignored the clinking sounds the magnets made as they were dislodged at impact and thrown to the floor. ?I don?t want another sandwich! I wanted that one.? Her sister looked up then, her mouth pulled down in annoyance. ?Maria. It?s just a sandwich.? ?It?s not just a sandwich. It?s my sandwich, my personal, private sandwich,? she protested, not entirely sure if she was really thinking about the sandwich at all anymore. She laid her hand flat against her chest, patting for emphasis, her eyes bright with feeling. ?It?s mine. Only mine.? Seeming slightly disturbed by this unexpected outburst, her mother put the envelope she was holding down and sat back in the old kitchen chair, her attention focused completely on Maria. ?Honey, is something wrong?? Maria ran a hand through her hair, fingers stretched wide as if looking for something to hold onto. ?No. Yes. Why can?t anybody in this stupid house just leave what?s mine alone? For once, can?t I just have some privacy?? Something seemed to click behind her mother?s eyes. ?This isn?t about the sandwich,? she said. She hesitated. ?No,? Maria agreed, and then went to retrieve her school bag from behind the kitchen counter. She?d left it there when she first came in, careful to keep it out of sight as well. It held something inside it that was more important than the sandwich; something that was, in its entirety, Maria?s. ?I got a letter from Columbia,? she said carefully, pulling the thick, white envelope out as she spoke. ?They?ve accepted me.? ?Columbia?? Her mother repeated. ?But I thought ?? She stopped as her daughter handed her the small package and slowly began to go through the contents. After what seemed like an intolerably long moment of silence, she finally murmured, ?I see.? [/size]
[size=1]Oooh, funky. You've officially got my interest. I'd love to learn a little more about this girl, whoever she may be. Obviously she's important, seeing as she was chosen for whatever this little experiment is, but she doesn't seem to into anything yet. She is kind of funny, though. So there's that, and of course, more information about the shells and what the hell is going on and all that good stuff, which hopefully will be coming very soon. Until then, maybe I'll go check out your thread in the Manga Workshop... ^_~[/size]
[quote name='Alan][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]I felt sorry for kagome-chan... till I hear about the plasma! >=O Lucky newbies....[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] [size=1]Yeah, for real. Why can't I get that kind of hook up? I feel like I'm going to spend all my posts in here repeating myself, but I'm going to keep posting anyway: another great chapter, Meth! I love the characterization in this one - we get to see a little deeper into this mysterious past between Methy-baby and Mr. ULX without actually giving anything away. And I must say, you're an expert at keeping us hanging on. It's almost as if the gaps between posts are commercial breaks. XD[/size]
[size=1][color=plum][b]Twisted Fate, please read through OB's rules and the Square's sticky before posting again. All RPGs first start in the Inn and they must contain a decent backstory as well as a proper rating in the title. Only after you've presented your idea and recruited a number of players to join do you move the thread into the Square. Again, read the sticky - it'll help you out a lot and will explain all of this in detail. If you have any questions after that, please PM a moderator for help or check out the Suggestions and Feedback forum for more information. Thanks, and welcome to the boards. ^_^ - Arcadia[/b][/color][/size]
[QUOTE=0ber0n the Neko]James, I'm gonna try something different, so dont' think I'm trying anything funny! ^_^ I'm just adding a dynamic elemnt to the post. [center][SIZE=4]REMEMBER![/SIZE][/center] PM me before you post your Merc. I'll give you instructions on my reply that will be crucial in developing your character![/QUOTE] [size=1][color=#cc6633]In the future, this kind of information would be better suited to your RPG thread in the Underground (if you have one), rather than the thread in the Inn. This forum is more for recruitment purposes only. Thanks, Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#CC6633]LashamaruChaos, please read the Square's sticky before posting again in the Inn. RPGs follow a few guidelines and so far yours is not quite up to par. There must be an adequate backstory, for instance. One paragraph does not cut it. All RPGs must also contain a rating in the title or they will be immediately closed. Again, please review the rules laid out in the sticky for further information. You might also take a look around the Inn and the Square to get a feel for what other RPGs look like. If you have any questions after that, please PM a moderator or bring them up in the Suggestions and Feedback forum. - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1]Ooooh, creepy killer spotlight. Very nicely done. The story is just getting more and more interesting, and the characters you've presented so far have all been awesome. It's a good, easy read, and I like the way you keep the chapters short because it's enough to keep us attentive without making us sit in front of the computer forever, and it allows you to update more often, which is always awesome. Especially when the story is as cool as this one. ^_~[/size]
[size=1]I've been a part of the boards for over a year now and a moderator for about as long. Honestly I was very surprised to be offered the position because I was still fairly new in terms of the board, and I don't think that I was the only one surprised. But I'm still here kickin' and it's been... interesting, heh. Like Panda and Sara have said, it isn't all fun and games - being a moderator has its ups and downs but all in all it's been a really fabulous experience so far and I don't think I'd trade that. Let's just say you learn a lot. ^_~ My main focus on the boards has always been the Arena - it was the reason I joined OB in the first place, and it's pretty much my home here. I started modding the Adventure Arena and the Recruitment Sub-Forum way back when with terra, when The Harlequin was still whipping people into shape with his lovely purple gothic font. After the switch to V7, he didn't stick around much longer and then the illustrious Shy became our boss. Shy did a lot for the Arena and was a pretty strong and stable force during all the changes (like dropping the Battle Arena and adding the Underground), so he has a right to be egotistical about that, heh. But eventually he stepped down too and then I was offered the position of Team Leader for Hanzo.. which brings us to the present. As things stand now, I don't think I'm quite ready to leave yet. There's still a lot I want to do and see and right now I'm in a good position for that. But I would step down if it was required, no questions asked. It's been a good run and I'm still having too much fun to just up and leave. I can't imagine having a post somewhere other than in the Arena, though. I don't think I'd be much good anywhere else. RPGs and writing are more my thing. I could probably find my way in the O. Lounge or Music, Movies, and TV, but the Arena will always be my fussy child. Even though it's not really that fussy, lol.[/size]