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Everything posted by Arcadia
[size=1][color="#ff9900"]Please read through the Square's sticky, bobbybob, as well as OB's rules in general - it'll help you out immensely. This thread has been closed because it lacks a proper rating in the title. You can try it again as long as it includes a rating, but I'd also advise you to work a little on your grammar and punctuation before posting it up. Running it through a program like Word is really easy and it'll catch all those little mistakes. Also note that there is no double posting on the boards. If you have information to add to your post, just edit it. It's easy and it keeps threads from becoming cluttered. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to PM me or another moderator. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF9900"]Sorry, but because the title lacks a proper rating, I've got to close this thread. Please check out the Square's sticky for more information about that, as well as the Square's rules in general. If, after you've read through the rules, you'd like to give this RPG idea another shot, you may post it again as long as it includes a rating. If you've got any questions at all, don't hesitate to PM me. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF9900"]This thread is closed because it does not contain a proper rating in the title. Please read through the Square's sticky and review the rules we have set there. If, after you've read, you'd like to try this RPG again, you may. But it must follow the guidelines in the sticky (i.e. providing a decent backstory). Some of you might also want to work on your spelling and grammar. There's a certain level of quality we try to keep in the Arena and on the boards, so run your posts through Word or something like it so you can catch all those little mistakes before hand. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to PM me or another moderator. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
What OB members do you know, or would you like to meet in real life?
Arcadia replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[size=1]For a long time I thought meeting people from the internet was stupid, but then I joined a message board, so that idea kind of went up in flames. Anyway, I've only ever met Shinmaru before, but that was fun and not quite as creepy as you might think (especially considering who I met). :p The list of other people I would like to meet includes but is not limited to: Semjaza (because it's freaking Tony, and he rocks my socks, and we could listen to cool music and go take pictures of hobos or something), Sara (because there are times when I think we might be the same person and I need to check and make sure this isn't true), Mimmi (one word: [b]badness[/b]), Ben (my ultimate rival and I must have an ultimate show down!), Shy (we always seem to be going through the same things at the same time. That, and he's my super hero), Queen Asuka (we almost met once but I couldn't get to the beach.. T.T It would be so cool if we could go to a football game together, heh), Wondershot (Canada! And awesome, awesome music that will soon be mine!), Zidargh (every body loves a cute little British boy ^_~), Solo (so I can follow him to all his cool theatre-related things), Lady Katana (that would be absolutely spastastic, I think, lol), anatema (I think we have plenty to relate about, heh, and then we can hit the clubs), Dagger (whom I love in a most biased fashion), Heaven's Cloud (because I think I would die laughing, if I don't die doing something stupid first), terra (because she's hysterical and I miss talking to her online) .... and so on. I'm sure I forgot a bunch of other awesome people, but never fear, for you still rock.[/size] -
[size=1]I don't actually own any TV show box sets, besides my old Escaflowne set that I got four years ago for Christmas. A lot of my friends, however, have sets and because I watch them so much, I consider this to be close enough to the real thing anyway. So the box sets that I love are: [b]Family Guy, Seasons One and Two[/b] - I'm still no where near done with watching all the episodes but this show is so funny and so insanely quotable. We'd go play kickball, then grab some dinner and come back and watch this. Hopefully the tradition will continue. [b]Alias[/b] - I love this show. I blame my wonderful, horrible roommate from last year for getting me hooked on this one. She and her mother watched it and loved it so they bought the first season when it came out. Natalie got me to watch a couple episodes with her and then it all snowballed from there. Eventually they got season two as well, and I've just finished season three thanks to Blockbuster. (Season four starts the 5th, yay!) I'd love to have a Reboot box set because that show (it aired on Toonami for a while) was so beautiful, and there were so many references to other shows and things in pop culture.. I shed a tear every time I think about the finale. So, who wants to buy it for me? ^_~[/size]
Sorry about some of the mishaps with the information, but I've edited the first post so you should find most of the information you're looking for. As for ages, witches and mages are generally thought of as the youngest of the races because they have the shortest life spans. The next group, consisting of Sorcerers, Shifters, Succubi, and Anima, live about fifty to seventy-five years longer than the average witch or mage. Elves and Draconians have approximately the same life span, and can live for a couple hundred years (in this RPG, anyway). Nymphs and Golem have the longest life spans, mostly because they are made of and connected to the very elements themselves. They tend to last a very, very long time. ^_~ Now, here's my sign-up, for those that are curious. [b]Name:[/b] Iara Iolanthe [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Race:[/b] Red Mage [b]Location:[/b] Lerion [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Spells/Weapons:[/b] Iara doesn?t carry the kinds of weapons that people generally think of. She relies mostly on her own sharp wit and excellent magic to come out on top, but there are exceptions to every rule. For these, Iara has on her person a decent length of thin but very study wire, coiled in a small, circular blue case at her hip. Another sort of ?weapon? is the blue stone around her neck. Made by a witch (her uncle?s wife, to be exact), the stone has a special charm that cancels out the lure from your average incubi/succubi/siren. She is notorious among the Succubi because of it and is something of a challenge. Iara is largely known for her spells, however, and she has worked very, very hard to make them as powerful as she can. [i]Exussum:[/i] Gives her the ability to manipulate fire in a variety of different ways, but in its true form it?s a very powerful spell that allows Iara to call forth fire from either the earth or the sky to trap or to kill. [i]Viridis:[/i] Allows her to manipulate the earth. At full power, she can cause earthquakes and mudslides and can even control and manipulate vines and other various green things. [i]Letum:[/i] A secret spell of hers and a form of black magic, it allows her to use shadows to hide and to kill. Those souls destroyed by this spell become bound to it and can be called upon to work for her when she wills it. [b]Biography:[/b] Iara?s bloodline has always produced its share of remarkable men and women, mostly red mages. The family has a history of being strongly independent, even when it was not entirely decent to be so. But they are also known for their vigorous lifestyles and mischievous antics. There are tales passed down about certain devious family members working to uncover buried talismans in distant lands, secret missions to the other kingdoms for wealth of all kinds, and plots of theft and murder. (Iara?s favorite story had always been the one about her great-great grandfather and his brothers stealing cattle from their stuffy aristocratic neighbor.) Her mother had been a gentleman?s daughter, born and bred in society?s eye. She had been a headstrong young girl, the youngest of three. Whereas the eldest sister was quiet, compassionate, and responsible, Iara?s mother tended to be very willful and outspoken. The oldest, the only son, was already engaged and living in Victoria with his new witch bride (which had of course caused quite a stir in other circles). The family lived in Lerion, but often visited Memoria to stay with old friends. Upon one of these later visits, Iara?s mother was introduced to a reclusive Black Mage with a hidden wild side. Being the young and spirited lady she was, she immediately took to poking at that calm exterior to get to the chaos within, and the Mage gave her every opportunity to. Needless to say, things progressed to a boiling point and the two ultimately decided upon a secret engagement, based on an ancient tradition from her father?s family. The secret marriage caused a huge fuss, but that was nothing compared to the sudden birth of Iara some few months later. Iara?s mother and father eventually decided that it would be best to raise the girl somewhere far away from the ridiculous chaos that enshrouded the incredibly affluent. The small family lived quietly in Memoria for a couple years, and the few memories that Iara has of them she cherishes. Because her mother?s curious nature and her father?s dark magic, the beginning of Iara?s education ranged among a number of remarkable things. However the peace there did not last and Iara?s mother grew ill, and eventually passed on. Nothing is really known about what happened to the woman, and even to this day Iara does not speak of it. Her father fell into a depression after his wife passed on and sent his only child back to Lerion soon after with a letter for her aunt, and then he too disappeared from her life. Her aunt, now well married and with children of her own, immediately took Iara in and gave her a proper education, as well as schooling in the arts of magic, as had been requested within the letter. Eventually it was quite obvious that Iara had adopted more from her father than just his looks, and she was enrolled full time into one of the local magical academies in Lerion. She excelled in her studies and proved herself to be a very capable young lady with an aptitude for both red and black magic. Officially she became a student of red magic, but she spent many late nights in the academy pouring over black magic texts. However, she never got along well with other students and preferred solitude to company. Now, in her early twenties, Iara works in one of the more bustling cities in Lerion, using her talents as a mage (both red and black, though the latter is used a little more discreetly) to earn a living. Iara trusts no one but herself, and maybe her aunt, and holds a very scornful view of the upper crust of society. Like her mother before her, Iara is a very proud and independent woman and eventually took her father?s family name. This raised some eyebrows and long held beliefs about her family, but Iara mostly ignores them. She?s worked hard to prove herself and her honor, and though she will always stand up for the reputation of her family, Iara has a lot of buried grief about the death of her mother and her father?s immediate departure. Recently she?s made quiet attempts to learn more about him and his past, but so far not much has come up.
[size=1]Paranoia has officially begun in the Adventure Inn, so if you're still interested in signing up, you can check it out via this [url="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=627540#post627540"][b]Super Cool Link[/b][/url]. Other than that, it's really nice to see that a lot of you seem pretty interested. We had hoped that the variety of races would draw a lot of people in, and I guess it's working. ^_^ If you guys have any other ideas, questions, or random comments, please keep them coming. Input is awesome. [/size]
[center][font=Tahoma][size=5][u][b]Paranoia[/b][/u][/size][/font][/center] [size=2]A key. A simple yet powerful object that you take for granted every single day of your life. It can give you the security of knowing that you're the only one who enters your house. It can satisfy you with the knowledge that you're the only one who can enter that curious attic on the third floor. But it can also allow any stranger, any stranger at all, into your home. And unbeknownst to you, they can bring your entire world down.[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]1028[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2]?What is that?? ?Maybe I don?t want to know.? ?Run!? The shadow quickly gained on the village, covering it like a flood without liquid. Yet, when it passed, nothing seemed different. People stood in the streets breathing heavily from their running, looking at their hands as if they were foreign objects. It had come and gone without harm to anyone. Unknown to them, the damage was more than sufficient. Crime quickly spread through the village. News of thefts, rapes, and murders skyrocketed. The odd thing? The criminals were well known for their calm nature. ?A shadow in the South. We should?ve known.? The Witch Rhea spoke with fear in her voice, but with confidence in her mind. Around her were Artemis and Fawne of the Witches; Tuor Lossëhelin, Findecáno Elensar, and Ainariël Mithrandír of the Elves; Jarig, Harris, and Kingston of the Mages; Merlin, Dimitri, and Leo of the Sorcerers; Marcolus, Narciss, and Griffin of the Shifters; Tyger, Eon, and Swanya of the Anima; Volcan, Atlantic, and Zephyr of the Golem; Dinè, Kyra, and Musica of the Nymphs; and Lucanus, Evene, and Xian of the Draconians. ?The Nexus has taken our brothers and sisters,? said Kingston. ?We are the last strength for our kind.? ?Everyone here is the last strength for their kind, Harris,? said Merlin. ?We must fight against the Nexus together.? Thus the Innocence was born. Three remaining members from each race inhabiting Gaia. Together they would fight and defeat The Nexus. Together, they would save their homes. But unity did not come easy to these beings. The Elves, humble and confident, thought that the playful and free-spirited Nymphs were immature, and let them know. Often times, when the Nymphs needed help, and an Elf was nearby, they would be ignored. This brought on many fights within the Innocence. The Elves also feuded with the Draconians because of their blunt force and love of battle; Tuor, Findecáno, and Ainariël thought that they were mindless brutes and weren?t worth keeping around. The Golem, made purely from natural forces, were often under the control of the Red Mage Kingston, as he could control any element. This angered the three Golem, and they retaliated often. Because of their lack of understanding of each other, the Innocence was failing. Dimitri of the Sorcerers was soon fed up. ?It is sad that in this time of darkness that this is the only way to make you see the light!? Dimitri yelled as he went into the Nexus voluntarily. ?One day, one bright day, the Key will be born! It will be a force of pure light embodied in a man of earth! And so the end of the Nexus will be seen!? Dimitri?s self sacrifice caused The Nexus to be severely injured, and it went into hiding for many a year.[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]1043-1058[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2]In the years after Dimitri?s death, The Nexus had returned and cast total darkness over Gaia. The inhabitants of Gaia began to deal with the presence of The Nexus, and those who were not affected by it lived their lives normally. The remaining members of the Innocence had since become Elders, the heads of their races. Utan of the Draconians, son of the Elder Xian was a renowned fighter. He was, perhaps, the strongest Draconian of his time. But what makes his destiny stand out is that he discovered the young girl Linwë in the forest outside of Memoria. The girl was only an infant when she was discovered, and noticeably of Elvin decent. Utan took Linwë into his home and treated her like his own. His father, from the very beginning, told Utan that she was the Key; the one who would save Gaia from the evil of The Nexus. Utan did nothing because of this. He just wanted to raise her. Linwë knew, of course, that she was the Key, and she took no interest in finding the parents that had abandoned her (it was very odd and rare for Elvin parents to abandon their young). It was as if she never had parents in the first place. On the day of her eighteenth birthday, more sunlight broke through the darkness than it ever had since The Nexus had arrived. Linwë left her home without saying a word and traveled to where the great evil remained. There, she fulfilled her destiny. ?The Nexus will inevitably return!? she yelled as she defeated her foe. ?Then, there will be born a new Key and it will have the same fate as I!? The battle destroyed Linwë?s physical form and spread light throughout Gaia once again.[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]1619, Present Day[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2]He didn?t turn to his assistant as he spoke. He stared out the window and said, ?Alert the Elders of each race. We need them to gather, especially the Draconian Elders. When the Elders of the Innocence knew that The Nexus would return, they put a magic marking on each of their descendants. ?Other than the descendants themselves, the Draconians are the only beasts that can recognize those worthy of becoming the New Innocence; their drive for protecting those of their earth enchants them with the ancient magic to do so.? The King of Memoria turned to his assistant and said, ?Get them here two days past today. We need to find the Key and the New Innocence.?[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]Races in Gaia[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2][b]Witches.[/b] Witches usually have a distinct magical power that they stick to, such as astral projection, divination, or even something like blood magic. They?re also very good at charms and hexes and often are called upon to charm objects or weapons to make them lucky or, as the case may be, unlucky. [b]Mages.[/b] Magic users that focus primarily on specific types of elemental magic, mages can be found just about anywhere, doing anything, and are often hired to do odd jobs by those who need them. [i]Red Mages[/i] deal with the elements, such as earth, fire, water, ice, air, etc, and are probably the most prolific type of mage. [i]White Mages[/i] deal with different kinds of protective magic, such as healing, shields, and wards. It should be noted that many priests/priestesses are of the white variety. [i]Black Mages[/i] deal with black magic. Things having to do with the manipulation of shadows or calling forth the undead. Because of the darker nature of black magic, this mage is kind of like the black sheep of the mage family. [i]Blue Mages[/i] are summoners and can summon a variety of interesting creatures to fight or perform certain errands for them. All summoners start with three different creatures. [b]Sorcerers.[/b] Generally more powerful than mages, but they have certain limitations. Their magic can only be controlled through an instrument like a wand, staff, or even a sword that has been bonded to them ? they can?t use just any old stick they find. Also, they must use Latin-based words in order to derive their spells. Sorcerers are very wise in the ways of the world and are more often than not advisors to the Kings and Queens. [b]Elves.[/b] Like mages, elves derive their magic from elements, but because of their special connection with the land, their magic is generally stronger and more varied. Their physical strengths include increased speed and agility, as well as excellent senses. Most have grown into a sort of subtle haughtiness over the years and if given the choice, will only associate with their kind. [b]Shifters.[/b] Though they generally keep to their human appearances, these beings have the ability to morph into fierce creatures of legend. Once they?ve transformed, they gain certain skills appropriate to the creature they?ve become, though general things like strength and stamina double in power. [b]Anima.[/b] A sort of distant cousin to the Shifters, Animas are creatures that are half human, half animal. They are especially gifted in divination and are often very learned creatures. Though they are generally peaceful enough, when provoked Animas can become very fierce warriors. [b]Succubi.[/b] This also includes Incubi and even Sirens; these are the creatures that lure others either through song, dance, or spell and are highly sexual by nature. The Succubi and Incubi specifically often act like vampires and drain energy from their victims through their sexual frustrations. Sirens, on the other hand, are more like temptresses than anything else, and more often than not turn out to be famous singers. [b]Golem.[/b] Golems are creatures of the elements and are, in fact, made out of them. Their powers are obviously specific to whichever element they?re created from, such as fire, shadow or water, and they are usually smaller in stature than any of the other beings. For a long time these creatures have often been servants to the Red Mages and it is a position they have long reviled. [b]Nymphs.[/b] Nymphs are close relatives of the Golems, but unlike the Golems, they are not bound to any race through slavery. They prefer to stay hidden and are usually only seen during the changing of seasons (which they help along) and during certain winter or summer solstices. During these solstices, however, they become more curious and celebratory and thus pairings between other races often result. You can always tell what sort of mood a Nymph is in by the color of his or her hair ? it changes colors constantly. Nymphs can also be called on by Blue Mages, but whether or not a nymph responds is based entirely on whether or not the mage has any previous relations with nymphs. [b]Draconians.[/b] A proud race of winged beings, the Draconians are famed for their prowess in battle and are thusly often sought after as royal or private guards, or even hired mercenaries. All of the regions also employ their own airborne strike forces of Draconians, and their use of arrows to reign down on their enemies is legendary. Their wings are made of feathers but are very durable, and their colors often signify rank. The strike force?s wings, for instance, are always dyed black.[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]Sign-Ups In Paranoia[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2][b]Name:[/b] Something a little more creative than plane old Jane. A name final fantasy-esque would be quite appropriate. [b]Age:[/b] Above 15, unless you give us a reason to make an exception. [b]Race:[/b] Choose from the above races. [b]Location:[/b] Choose from one of the four regions: [i]Memoria, Rivera, Lerion,[/i] and [i]Victoria[/i]. Please note that only elves hail from Rivera, and it is rare that they ever leave their beloved kingdom. [b]Appearance:[/b] Please provide a picture of your character. [b]Spells/Weapons:[/b] Everyone can carry a weapon, but your reliance on that weapon depends on what sort of powers you have at your disposal. [i]Witches:[/i] Include the power you employ, as well as any specific spells or charms that go with it. [i]Mages:[/i] Mages can have up to three very powerful spells (or if you?re a Blue Mage, then the three creatures and their skills), though this doesn?t include everyday things like throwing fire or simple healing jobs. These are the really big, impressive spells that drain large amounts of energy. [i]Sorcerers:[/i] Describe the conductor you carry, as well as your three most powerful spells. [i]Elves:[/i] Maximum of three spells, again. [i]Shifters:[/i] Include what you transform into, and what special skills that creature has. [i]Anima:[/i] What sort of half breed are you, and if you follow divination, what kind do you rely on? [i]Succubi:[/i] What sort of succubi are you exactly, and what are some of your trademark moves to ensnare your victims? (These can be spells ? limit three. It?s a special number here.) [i]Golem:[/i] Specific element (it can ONLY be one), and if you?re bound to someone, it would be wise to mention that person here. Three spells. [i]Nymphs:[/i] Three abilities. [i]Draconians:[/i] Three spells, but these should be tied to the weapon(s) that your Draconian uses. [b]Biography:[/b] Should be at least three paragraphs long. This part of your sign-up is especially important because it explains why your character thinks and acts the way they do. Please note that not everyone will be accepted into the RPG, so be sure to put some real time and thought into your sign-ups. We?ve given you plenty of room to be creative, and we encourage you all to sign up for different things. The idea is to have a wide variety of races and not a bunch of elves and mages, so please keep that in mind. As of now, [b]the Key has not yet been chosen[/b]. After the sign-ups are closed and we've accepted a number of different characters, Patronus and I will go about letting you (and [i]only[/i] you) know if you are the reincarnated Key. This works so that we all appear as Innocence. When the time comes, the key will be revealed.[/size] [center][font=Tahoma][size=3][b]Other Notes[/b][/size][/font][/center] [size=2][b]Paranoia[/b] will operate in a [b]Chapter System[/b] similar to what you may have seen in other RPGs in the Arena. Here's an example of how one might be set up: [quote][b]Chapter Six: Trial and Error[/b] [i]Characters:[/i] Generic Girl and Random Guy Generic Girl has a nightmare; a flashback to a traumatic event from her past. She wakes to find Random Guy stealing into the night to confer with the nymphs. She follows him.[/quote] PMs will be sent out to let you know which chapters you will be posting in. The majority of them should include most of the characters, however, so if all goes according to plan, everyone will be able to participate on a regular basis. As of now there is no set date to when we'll close the sign-ups, so you have plenty of time to think about what sort of character you want to submit. If you have any questions concerning the story or if you have some ideas that you want to run by us, please PM me or Patronus and we'll figure things out. ^_^[/size]
[size=1][color="#FF9900"]misaobaku13, please read through both OB's rules and the Square's sticky before you post anywhere else on the boards. There are a few things that you need to know in order to continue, and reading both of these threads is the best way to gain that knowledge. For instance, all RPGs must have a sizable backstory in order to be kept open. They also must have an appropriate rating in the title of the thread, which yours does not. There also an emphasis on quality on the boards. The use of proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling can go a long way in making your posts much cleaner and easier to read. Breaks between paragraphs is also a good way to keep your ideas organized. Please straighten up your posts before you make any new threads so that other measures won't be needed. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me or another moderator through private messaging. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF9900"]LashamaruChaos, please read over the Square's sticky before you continue to post in the Arena. There are certain guidelines set out in the sticky that all RPGs must follow, such as a sizable backstory and an appropriate rating for the story. This thread is closed, therefore, until you've read through the rules and have come to an understanding about what is expected on the boards. If, after you've read, you'd like to try this idea again and you properly follow the guidelines we have set down, you may re-post the thread here in the Inn. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to PM me or another moderator. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1]Nice work, Unborn Lord Xion. ^_^ I like the idea, kind of a historical horror thing, but with a fantasy aspect. There's a lot of creativity here, especially with the different monsters. Very awesome. It's like the fort is experiencing the effect of karma hundreds of years later. I can see that you're still adding to this, but I do think it would be a good idea to give a little bit of information about the original Suffering. More about the other monsters, and all that. All in all though, it looks very cool. (Yay for New Orleans!)[/size]
[size=1][b][u]Matt's Current Girlfriend[/u] Name:[/b] Estelle Tulores; her friends call her Elle, Ellie or even Stella. [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Appearance:[/b] Estelle is a very attractive woman, but her beauty is more understated. She?s lithe and slender from her days as a dancer, though she gave that life up long ago because of an ankle injury that resulted in surgery. The scar is still very visible. Her thick blonde hair is worn just past her shoulders, with longer bangs that taper off in layers. Her easy smile and comfortable brown eyes give her a sort of girlish innocence that often helps with her photography. [b]Personality:[/b] A very friendly woman and an easy conversationalist, Estelle makes friends wherever she goes. This kind of charisma helps a ton with her photography, as it enables her to approach her potential subjects without any any fear or apprehension. Her easy-going nature is a welcome presence in the busy, bustling city of New York where a friendly face is sometimes hard to find. Her humor can be a little wry at times, and she has the tendency to joke about herself, but it is apparent to any that she?s a vigorous, confident young woman. She?s a sucker for a good story and anything old or historical. [b]Occupation:[/b] Photographer; she also helps out where she can with her parents? business. [b]Bio:[/b] Her father was a full-blooded Frenchman whose parents had come over in the early nineteen hundreds and started their own winery. Eventually he married an Irish girl, and they continued the work that his parents (Estelle?s grandparents) had started, accumulating his wealth. Though by the time they had Estelle and her older brother they were fairly affluent, they took care not to spoil their two children and brought her up very carefully. Now, Estelle works as a photographer in the city, between helping her folks out at the winery (taking pictures and working on the advertising and brochures) and spending her time with Matt (who she first approached as a random photography subject). Her brother will someday inherent the family business, and Estelle has vowed to always be a part of it in some form or another (the two Tulores children made a pact that the business would always stay in the family). She has a lovely yellow vespa and a very tiny apartment to her name, as well as growing recognition within the photography field. If all goes according to plan, she?ll host her own photography exhibition at the local gallery in the coming months.[/size]
[center][size=4][b]There?s A First Time For Everything.[/b][/size][/center] [size=1] This is something that everyone can agree on. Whether it?s a first birthday, your first car, your first funeral, your first experience out of the country, or even your first kiss, we all are continually introduced to bold new things, the good and the bad. How you choose to respond to these new things (if you accept and adjust or refuse to do either) speaks volumes about who you are ? your strengths, your weaknesses, even your dreams and ambitions. The goal of this thread, then, is to write about these experiences. They can be realistic or otherworldly; they can be romantic comedies or epic tragedies; they can be true-life events or completely fictional tales. That choice is left entirely up to you. My hope is to create a collection of stories and ideas that the OB community can read and enjoy, and possibly even learn from. There are a few rules. All of the stories [b]must have a rating in the title.[/b] This thread is rated Mature under the pretense that those who read will understand that there can be some stories that contain themes that they may not want to read about, and those who post will specify what themes are present in their stories. If you do not include a rating somewhere in your post, then it will be deleted. You may also only post one story at a time. There is no required length to these stories, however, so they can be as long or as short as you like. If the idea of chapters (or parts, to cut down on size, perhaps) appeals to you, then you can do so, as long as each post is only one part or chapter long. You may write in first, second or third person, about whatever or whomever you want, as long as it is a [i]first time experience[/i] (hence the very purpose of the thread). If you?d like to include graphics, music or other HTML-y things, then you may do so. The possibilities are endless. I will probably create a sort of index that lists all the authors and their stories by page so that you don?t have to go searching through the entire thread. It will follow this ramble, once there are a number of different stories posted. Hopefully my own addition to this will be up shortly (after somebody else posts, because we all know how evil double posting is). Until then, however, merry posting to you all. ^_^ [center][b][u]Page One[/u][/b] [b]Stepping Out [PG-L][/b] by Shinmaru [b]All Consuming [M][/b] by Heaven's Cloud [b]Disappear [T][/b] by Mitch [b]Make It Go Away [M][/b] by Annie [b]Walking Corpses [M-LV][/b] by Siren [b]Sleepover [PG][/b] by Lore [b]Don't Try That Again [PG-VL][/b] by Altron [b]Resurrection [M-VL][/b] by Deathknight [b]Things Invisible To See [E][/b] by Lore[/center][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF9900"]I hate to have to do this to you, but I am closing this thread because it does not have a proper rating in the title. If you read through the Inn's sticky (at the top of the forum) you'll find that all threads [b]must have an appropriate rating[/b] or they will be closed. Here is the link to the [url="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318"]sticky[/url]. If you look through it, you'll find a link to OB's official rules page (which is, consequently, also on the left menu) and a basic guideline detailing how the Square works. If you have any comments or questions, please don't hesitate to private message me or another moderator. Welcome to the boards, Grunt Salesman. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF9900"]piro-sama, please read the Underground sticky, as well as the OB's rules and the other Arena stickies, before you post again. The Arena Underground is for discussion of RPG ideas, not for the actual recruitment thread. You should also note that there are certain guidelines that all RPGs must follow in order to be left open in the Inn. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in your threads being closed and a possible ban warning. That's why it's very important for you to read the rules we have before hand - it'll help you to better understand and use the different forums on the boards. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM a mod. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
Art Syk3 The Corroded Reindeer [Special Animation For All OB]
Arcadia replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[size=1]Yeah, this was most definitely your best effort to date. The way James kept dancing into the screen was awesome, as was teh uber sexy Dragon Warrior and his evil laughter moment. Good times. lol I don't like Mr. Phil, though. He'll never be my super hero. *shakes fist*[/size] -
RPG Wolf's Rain Paradise (Charters+orignals needed)
Arcadia replied to shaharazod's topic in Theater
[size=1][color="#FF9900"][b]Shaharazod[/b], please read through OB's rules and the Square's Sticky before you post anywhere else. First of all, there is no double posting. Second, all RPGs must follow a few simple guidelines in order for them to be kept open. For instance, you recruit members in the Inn, not the Square. You also must have a detailed backstory to go with it. All RPGs must also have a rating in the title. You can learn more about all of this if you just read the sticky (this goes for [b]otakufan[/b] as well). Also, [b]The Nameless[/b], you are not a moderator, so please do not post like one. We appreciate the help, but if you find a post like this in the future, just press the exclamation point at the top of the post and we will be alerted. If any of you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me or another Square moderator know. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size] -
[size=1][color="#FF9900"]The best way to figure out how the boards work is to read the rules, ShadowWolf925. I'd also advise you to read through the Square's sticky as well, which you can find at the top of this forum. It explains in detail how both the Square and the Inn work and would most definitely benefit you at this point. All RPGs, for instance, must start in the Inn, and they must follow a few specific guidelines in order to be kept open. Also, all threads must have a proper rating, or they will be closed. Dj professor DM, I appreciate your help, but in the future just click the little exclamation point at the top of the post instead of adding more spam. The exclamation point will alert us to the problem and we can take care of it from there. If either of you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me or another mod know. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
?Merry Christmanzanukkah.? She said, smiling as she fixed her scarf, getting ready to dare the cold. He nodded, and returned the smile. ?You too.? A second later he had her in his arms again and was kissing her vigorously. Again. All warmth and laughter, she conceded, ?All right, all right. Five more minutes.? He grinned.
[size=1][color="#FF9900"]piro-sama, please read the [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318"]Square's Sticky[/url] before you post anywhere else on the boards. There are a few guidelines that every RPG should follow - you can find them there in detail. Generally, though, we ask for every RPG to have a decent back-story of a few paragraphs in order to explain the purpose and basic idea of the story. Altron, while I appreciate the help, please leave the moderating to the moderators. If you come across something like this again, just click the exclamation point at the top of the post and we will be alerted. If either of you have any questions, don't hesitate to let me know. - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF9900"]All right, I've moved your thread to the Arena Underground. In this forum you can suggest ideas and get feedback from other members for any ideas you might have. Phayt, make sure you read through OB's rules, as well as any stickies you may find at the top of any given forum. They're up there because they contain important information, and can help you better understand and effectively use the boards. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM a moderator. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF9900"]I've closed this thread because you do not have a proper rating in the title. Please read through the sticky at the top of the forum ([url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318"]here[/url]) - that'll explain the ratings in detail, as well as other guidelines you should follow in the Arena. Afterwards, you may post your RPG again, as long as you've included a rating in the title. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me or another Square moderator know. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[size=1][color="#FF9900"]This thread is closed because the RPG does not have a rating. Please read through the [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318"]Square's sticky[/url] and familiarize yourself with the ratings system, as well as the rules that go with it. Afterwards, you can re-post this RPG and try again, as long as you've included a rating in the title. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to PM me or one of the other mods. ^_^ - Arcadia[/color][/size]
[quote name='Ganny'sBuddy][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]:wigout: Ooh ooh ooh! Can I join too? [B]Please.[/B] I[I] looove[/I] Star Fox! :D [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [size=1][color="#FF9900"]Ganny'sBuddy, this RPG is almost a year old and is, as far as I know, no longer active in the Arena. Please do not bring back old RPG threads unless you have specific permission from the creator of the RPG. I'll close this to prevent any further confusion. In the mean time, I suggest reading over OB's rules and the sticky at the top of the Square for more information. - Arcadia[/color][/size]