yeah. they are. They can get a little annoying sometimes though. Like when you use ressurrect on your character and then you die. I sucks. But other than that its really fun! I think you should play. They games are very Addictive. I had 33 hours and sumthing on the first volume...
Does any one know what kind of gruntys you can get on .hack//infection? I've only gotten a noble grunty and a poisen grunty. My noble grunty is a Psycho..-.-' Tell me what kind of Grunty Food to feed the babys. Thanks
okay Orphan is fun and all but it gets reall damn annoying! :mad: grr.. it needs help with the battle system, and the voices...bleh, I should bought Zelda....I wasted my 12 bucks...:rolleyes:
well I just watched X-play and they showed the trailer for it and the CG movie looks soo alsome. I can't wait till it comes over here, I'll prolly end up buying it off ebay when it comes out in japen though -.-' I also saw the trailer for Kingdom hearts 2 and sora looks so kool dressed in black! I think I saw Zell on there ohh I hope so!!! (FYI: i love Zell!!!):toothy: :blush:
Q: FFVIII - What is Squall's Student ID Number?
A: I think it was 09871 or sumthin....Thats an ID number of sumthing...can't remeber...
heres a question:
Q: What did Mayor Dobe do before he went to F.H.?
alwright, I'm stuck on disc 2 where you have to battle the Black Monster and the White Monster, and I can't beat them. I die every time!:mad: I need help, tell me what characters, elements and weapons, or whatever. Just please help me!
Yeah I remeber that attack, I always hated it. Lets see..I had Cid, Vincent and Cloud in my party and all my characters were on level 60-65. I always had the materia that had esauna in it equipped to Vincent, and then equip all to esauna and then its reall easy to win. oh yeah, don't forget Full Cure!:cool: