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About gillmon72

  • Birthday 05/15/1980

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    anime freak

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  1. i don't know what to do after u get the rod from vault
  2. tell me what u think of it
  3. then u probley know how p***ed i was then!isn't that funny:laugh:
  4. what should to char when i fight him he runs and salla says to lead the to white base but then it gets blown up!:nervous:
  5. ok:D but what about char:devil: :demon: :naughty: :flaming:
  6. journy to jabru{i think the is spellt it wrong}
  7. i keep geting killed or white base gets destrodey and what should i do to share and everything elas.:excited:
  8. i don't want a war but if it is for peace i will
  9. crap that means less money aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh:flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  10. i know and they better get them soon:flaming: :mad:and i am prying for any one with friends or famly :angel:
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