They say time heals all wounds
But that's not true
Time wont heal my broken heart
Nothing will ever change
It will always be this painful
I will always want her
She will never want me
They say time repairs all aches
Well they are mistaken
Nothing can make me feel the way I did?
Nothing can take me back
I will always be lacking
I need to be complete
But it will never happen
They say time fixes all problems
Well they are incorrect
I never will be the same
You can?t change me
Don?t blame it on me
You?re the one that hurt me
You can?t deny it
They say time can replace my stolen soul
Too bad it has already collapsed
It will never be returned to me
Because time doesn?t replace, fix, repair, or heal anything
All it does is age you
And the only thing that can heal my heart
Is her?
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