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Everything posted by Gimble

  1. Little point from a rather new person who know alot about literature. Shakespere actually didn't "write" Romeo and Juliet. He took an old Italian play, (essentialy the tale of 2 star crossed lovers) and revised it with new characters and a slightly more modern plotline (for his time at least) just as the Americans did several years back with Leanardo Dicaprio's version. Though (if i remember correctly) it stayed with the Shaspere version it did modernise the tale a little just as the old beanbag himself did with his revision.*relises that had nothing to do with the topic.* Oops. Yes well i do belive that love causes war in some form may it be indirectly, over lust, or something else. Hope tha tmakes this post on topic enough cause i can't think of anyhting else..
  2. Well i personaly do not know much about the scientists you name but i do know one thing. My cats are named after Physacists(sp?) Mandelbrote,Grusendorf, and Figenbaum. All three great intalects of their times. Mandelbrote invented the unsolveable math equasion that when digitalised looks somthing like [url=www.fordham.edu/mathematics/ mandel.html]this[/url] Sorry but the colors are wrong. My searching skills have been wrecked by IMT class..Lets see.. Mandelbrote:Invcented the equation Z = Z 2 + C which makes a brilliant mathmatical artistic piece that never ends. Mandelbrot was born in Poland in 1924 into a family with a very academic tradition. His father, however, made his living buying and selling clothes while his mother was a doctor. As a young boy, Mandelbrot was introduced to mathematics by his two uncles. Ect. Ect.. Grusendorf: OMG i'm wrong. Grusendorf is a senate member.. Figenbaum:Master physacist. All i can find..odd..
  3. They do be uploaded. Annabelles FTP server is throwing the proverbial poo to the fan and might not work all the time. Unfourtinately also my server is throwing it up so i cant host it. so might want to try again.
  4. YEha i do indeed like the gundams themselves but the characters intreague me. THough i don't know much about gundam Wing itself and do hope that i can find more, the 3-5 episodes i did see where full of more character development and plot then most modern live action movies. And if there is any character there that i just want to hug to death its Quatre cause i look like him bit..we have the same last names..
  5. Despite the title yes this is about art. I managed to get some of my art scanned in trhe other day. Yes i know that 2 are not originals. One was taken from a MSN page and the other was taken from that marvelious publication Wizzard Magazine. Tis pretty obvious which one is which. But so everyone knows they are freehand copys. The other i drew several weeks ago ni a bout of depression. Try and guess if its a guy or a girl.. Art: [url=http://annabelle.ns.tc/sakura/alexspics/alexspic1.JPG]Mysterious person of unspecified gender.[/url] [url=http://annabelle.ns.tc/sakura/alexspics/alexspic2.JPG]Ultimate Iron Man. Not the whole pic. DId htis like 2 years ago. Got some water on it..hmm..[/url] [url=http://annabelle.ns.tc/sakura/alexspics/alexspic3.jpg]Northstar.[/url] All of these pics need to be run through Photoshop to cure some bad stuff that heppened to theim. I'll do it sometime and replace these. More to come if i can get them to Abra's house caue she has a scanner. Thanks goes out to Abra for scanning, and Annbelle for hosting of the pics. Now everyone what do you think?
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