Dead Alice
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Everything posted by Dead Alice
"My sooouuulll..." "Poor Sano," Amaya and Katana said in unison. Amaya shrugged. "Katana, you can have him, ok?" She grinned at Kit, who blushed. "Ooh, can we take him home with us?!?" Katana asked excitedly. "NOO!!!" Sano shrieked. Katana's eyes became watery. "But..but..." "We're finally going home," said Amaya, squeezing Kit's hand and looking at the setting sun. He put his arm around her waist, and Yuka groaned loudly. "You guys are gonna make me sick!" "You wanna be burnt to a crisp?!" "BRING IT ON!!!" Kit sighed loudly as Yuka started chasing Amaya with the giant fish, and dodging random fireballs. ((I have a knack for short posts, don't I? ^_^))
[I]Is this the end? Is there nothing left for me? I feel no reason to go on... no hope at all...[/I] Keitaro had been told to go home and get some rest, that she would be contacted in the morning, but she refused. She wandered aimlessly along the road, feeling ultimately empty. The sky was getting darker and darker, like her soul. She was alone now. No mother, no father, no brother, no friends. She began to feel that her existence was useless. She couldn't even cry any more. Every time the chain on Keitaro's jeans rattled, she thought of numerous ways to kill herself. She wanted to see her own blood replacing her mother's. She wanted to bleed for Kodachi, for her father. She wanted to die, hoping that maybe she could be with her family that way. Keitaro stopped and looked at the road. It seemed like her last hope. She stood on the right side of the road, facing away from the direction a car would face, hoping for a quick death. The speed limit should be high enough... Keitaro closed her eyes hard as she heard the sound of an approaching car, its horn blaring loudly in warning... OOC: Hope somebody pushes her... o_o By the way, Keitaro's not gonna be this depressed all the time. I'd be the same way if I were in her shoes!
[I]Another day wasted[/I], Keitaro thought with a sigh. [I]If only Kodachi were here... No, I've put that behind me. I will forget...[/I] Thus she walked home alone as always, expecting to recieve another lecture from her overprotective mother. "I'm home," Keitaro called into the empty silence of her apartment. "I didn't get homework today either," she added, wary of her mother's suspicions. She recieved no reply. "Mom?" [I]Maybe she's shopping...[/I] Keitaro set her backpack on the coffee table, when she noticed something strange on the wall in front of her mother's bedroom. It looked as if someone had stuck their hand in red paint and smeared it everywhere. But Keitaro knew it wasn't paint. [I]Blood... but that means...[/I] Keitaro felt something like ice drop into the pit of her stomach, the coldness of realization. Though she wanted to fight it, she needed proof, to know this wasn't just a nightmare. With her heart beating at an alarming rate, Keitaro slowly made her way into her mother's room, and her eyes grew wide at the sight of Asuko Fujima's dead corpse. She wanted to scream, to faint, but she couldn't. All she could do was call the police, barely able to speak, and wait for them to haul her mother's body away. "Apparently she was bashed in the head with a curling iron, and stabbed repeatedly in the abdomen with a sharp kitchen knife..." Keitaro felt sickened. Listening to the police report was almost worse than seeing it herself. Everything disappeared from around her; all she felt now were the salty tears that burned her ocean blue eyes with regret. ((I would've wrote more, but we're going out to eat...))
Keitaro sat staring for a few minutes, her eyes wide at what she had just seen. [I]That girl... Cortiga... She was really weird, but for some reason I feel respect for her.[/I] She probably would've sat longer, but the bell signaling that lunch period was over forced Keitaro out of her bewildered thoughts. [I]Where am I going again...? Oh yeah, math...[/I] Keitaro groaned. "Nice to see you aren't late for once, Miss Fujima." "Hai (yes), Nataka-sensei," Keitaro muttered, finding an empty seat in the back of the classroom. Once class had begun, Mr. Nataka began the Geometry lesson as usual, and Keitaro found herself dozing. "Miss Fujima, would you stand please?" His commanding voice brought Keitaro back to reality, summoning a few giggles from other students. "Huh? Uh...ok." Everyone was familiar with Mr. Nataka's ritual of forcing sleepy students to stand up for prolonged periods of time. ((OOC: My science teacher does that. ^^; )) However, this didn't help anyone to be interested in his lectures. [I]Seems like he makes me do this every day...[/I]
OOC: Time for introductory posts! :D If you need character info, go here: [url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38697[/url] ~~ [I]Another body was found in the -[/I] Click. [I]A woman originally from Tokyo was said to be dead -[/I] Click. [I]You can save now on clearance items -[/I] Click. ?Keitaro, you?re going to be late for school,? the impatient Asuko Fujima called to her 16-year-old daughter. ?I?m coming, Mother,? Keitaro sighed. ?Onegai (please), Keitaro-chan. You spend far too much time in front of that television.? Keitaro decided to ignore her mother?s rant this morning, as she wasn?t in the mood to argue. She grabbed her bag from the coffee stand and left their small apartment without so much as a goodbye. When she made her way outside onto the busy sidewalk, the sky was still as dark as it had been for the past few days. She began the walk to Takizawa High that was her morning ritual. The occasional gusts of wind made it apparent how annoying skirts could be. Thankfully her dark brown hair was plaited to prevent further disturbances. Keitaro reached the school as usual, around the same time as her classmates. Of course, everyone ignored her, though she was used to it. She managed to carry a smile on her face until lunch period, when she would be forced to sit alone. She decided, though she hadn?t eaten breakfast, that she wasn?t hungry, and chose to draw rather than eat. ?Did you hear about Nanashiro-sensei? His wife died last week?? Every five minutes someone would mention death. It seemed to be all they could talk about since the murders began. Keitaro remained silent as she mindlessly sketched gothic portraits of no one in particular, at the same time painfully repressing memories. Her stomach continued to protest its lack of food, but she ignored it. [I]I wish they?d all just shut up? It won?t be long until one of[/I] us [I]is dead.[/I]
Thank you all for signing up. ^_^ I think I may start this some time next week, so if you're going to be gone for some reason or another please let me know. ~chaos~
[B]Name:[/B] Lena Hart [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Race:[/B] human [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Cause:[/B] curiosity, fear, desire [B]Alliance:[/B] neutral but willing to help others who deserve it [B]Persona:[/B] Lena was once a shy, polite girl who always kept her thoughts to herself. She was caring and content, despite her lack of direction. No one had ever tried to convince her of a religion or purpose. Thus, she never really understood her meaning in life. After she had matured, she became more interested in finding herself. She slowly grew less introverted, and learned to speak up for herself. She was very opinionated, but knew when to hold her tongue. She still had compassion for human life, but wasn't afraid to harm others that deserved it.. Somewhere along the way Lena realized how truly lonely she was. Then she began falling into a darker sadness, hiding her emotions from the world. She masked her true self with a confident, somewhat cocky reflection. Now people see her as something of a rebel, fighting for honor. Nevertheless, though she is brave and reckless, Lena still shows her soft side now and then. She is fairly intelligent and focused, trying almost too hard not to let her guard down. [B]Weapons:[/B] two black handguns (I don't know much about types of guns so bear with me), specializes in martial arts skills [B]Appearance:[/B] Lena is fairly tall, around 5'8", and athletically built. Her skin is a soft peach complexion with a few freckles here and there. Her eyes are a bright blue with flecks of green, which can change to a darker green if she's mad. She never wears make-up, but doesn't really need to. Her pin-straight hair is naturally a dark blonde, with a few sections dyed a scarlet red. She has choppy bangs that reach her eyes. Her hair is layered and reaches her mid-back, which she sometimes braids or wears with a black bandanna. She usually wears a black tank top or t-shirt and loose, comfortable jeans, accompanied by black rolled-down knee socks and worn out combat boots. She almost never goes without her red leather trenchcoat (which also hides her gun holsters). Her accesories include several chains on her jeans, black fingerless gloves, and a heart-shaped locket made of pure gold that never leaves her neck. Though she prefers comfortable clothes, Lena is not afraid to wear a dress now and then. She also likes to sport stylish sunglasses on sunny days. [B]Biography:[/B] Lena Hart grew up in a nice, quiet home. She never knew her father, and her mother never mentioned him. She was taught to be polite and never scolded, and her mother was very proud. She was home schooled until age 12, and therefore never knew any friends. Over the years she developed a mother-daughter relationship so strong that it seemed nothing could break it. However, her mother was an Atheist, and therefore Lena had nothing to believe in but facts and realistic goals. This mindset kept her going for a while, as she remained sheltered behind books and the grand piano in their elegant living room. Once her mother had summoned the courage to let Lena attend public school in 6th grade, she was introduced to an entirely different lifestyle. Her antisocial behavior didn't help to make any friends, and everyone seemed to ignore her. However, she eventually became less shy around people and managed to get to know several accquaintances, all of whom drifted away from her. When Lena was around 14, her mother began to show signs of lung cancer, and it was not until later that she discovered her mother's secret smoking habit that had lasted for the past 25 years. Lena found herself asking questions, wanting to know more about why she truly existed. After being mugged by a street gang, Lena took up fighting for self-defense and enjoyed the rush it gave her. The prim and proper facade that had been molded into her was starting to break. Lena would come home from school and train herself to be strong, secretly fearing that she might wither into old age like her mother had. However, when her mother became bedridden, Lena was forced to take up several jobs in order to support them both. They soon got rid of their fancy posessions that had come as a result of her mother's well-paying job, and moved into a smaller, more affordable house. The doctors informed Lena that her mother's condition would only worsen, and she found herself with no one to turn to for guidance. She was beginning to feel hopeless, until one day she saw something that would change her life forever. On the cold, rainy eve of her 17th birthday, as she was walking home from work and feeling lonely and exhausted, Lena passed an old cathedral. What she saw nearly caused a seizure. There was a boy about her age sitting on the front steps, yet he was no ordinary human. He had wings, yet from his demeanor Lena could not tell whether he was an angel or a demon. She took this as a sign, and ever since has been searching, hoping for something to reveal her true purpose, to find faith. When she returned home that night, her mother wasn't breathing... Other: Lena hasn't told anyone about what she sees, and therefore everyone believes she is still sane. OOC: I hope this isn't too long! ^^;;;;;
Witch Hunter Robin turned out to be a lot better than I expected! I missed 3 episodes... >_< But yes, I really enjoyed it. The characters were interesting, and the plot was so unpredictable. Amon [I]is[/I] hott. ^_~ Those mustaches were hilarious... But the ENDING!!! The ending killed me. [SPOILER]Robin and Amon supposedly died... And everyone was arguing about it.[/SPOILER] That really killed me. x_x All in all, WHR is probably one of my favorite anime series. I'm glad I can record shows on my Dish Network reciever. ^_^
I think the only thing I like about Cartoon Network nowadays is Adult Swim. I just record my favorite shows and watch them after school. I love Rurouni Kenshin, but why couldn't they put it on Adult Swim in the first place instead of butchering it for Toonami? I guess as long as they give me new episodes, I'll be happy. I also wish they would bring back Gundam Wing. I have never seen the series, and now that I'm actually interested in it it's gone. I also miss Sailor Moon and Tenchi... I watched those in 6th grade, before I even knew what anime was. Because of CN, I'm starting to be more interested in manga than anime. Barnes & Noble is the best place on Earth!
OOC: I'm really sorry I haven't posted! I wasn't sure if this was still going. ^^;; ------------------- Amaya sat under a tree and yawned, the light wind warm on her face. [I]Wonder what the others are doing... Maybe they won't mind if I take a little nap.[/I] She pulled the black tie out of the tight knot at the back of her head. She shook out her raven hair, the scarlet ends flying, feeling very relieved of her headache. "I dunno why I bother wearing it like that," she mumbled, leaning back against the large sakura tree. She felt her eyelids get heavy as a few soft pink petals floated around her. [I]I'll miss the Meiji Era... It's been great fun here. It's not every day you get to meet your favorite anime stars! But of course, when I get home, I can see Dad again. And I have friends now... very... odd... friends...[/I] With that last thought she drifted off to sleep. ------------------- Yesh it's short. >_<
Takizawa High seemed like your average, modern Japanese school. There wasn't a big problem with drugs, violence or poor behavior. The teachers were understanding yet determined, and most students were appreciative. No one ever expected to see blood on the walls. When a wave of unexplained murders hits the city, it leaves the community in an uproar. People with no relation to each other are found dead, and no evidence is left behind but the blood that seems to be drowning the city. Some frantic citizens believe that it's either the Apocalypse or some kind of invasion, while others are skeptic. After 20 consecutive murders, the city where its people once felt safe has been shrouded in darkness. The sun has not been seen for days, and it feels like an eternal nightmare. The deaths become a daily topic, and the main headlines on almost every TV station. Despite the frightening atmosphere, all students are still attending school regularly. A group of teens at Takizawa finally decides to take matters into their own hands, but they end up getting more than they bargained for... Please do not sign up if you are not going to post. Do not post really short replies. There can be romance but no graphic depictions of sex. I will allow swearing. There will be graphic violence. And PLEASE use good grammar! I will start this RPG when I think there are enough people. If you have questions or concerns please do not hesitate to tell me, since I tend to forget things... Sign-ups~(please be in 3rd person) Name: [It should be Japanese, since this is a Japanese city. However, I may allow a few students to be from other countries.] Occupation: [Student or teacher (and what you teach). If you really want to be a citizen or some other person, please PM me.] Age: [15-18 if you are a student, 25+ if you are a teacher.] Gender: [This should be obvious... I will allow girls to play as guys and vice-versa.] Appearance: [NOTE: All students at Takizawa High wear black and white school uniforms. Otherwise, explain what your character wears outside of school. If you can't provide a picture, please be very descriptive with hair, eyes, etc. And you don't have to look Japanese to be Japanese. ^^;;] Weapon(s): [This is only for self-defense outside of school. You're only high school kids, so no fancy swords and stuff like that. You could have something such as a switchblade or a small gun. You do not [I]need[/I] a weapon, but it could be useful. Nobody has mystical powers either, BUT some kids could have a tiny 6th sense or something to that effect.] Personality: [Doesn't have to be really long. Just an explination of what your character acts like and what kind of people he or she hangs out with.] Bio: [At least a paragraph about your character's history. You also might want to include exactly why you decided to investigate what's going on in the city. If you want to be related in some way with another character before starting the RPG, please ask them first!] My Sign-up~ Name: Fujima, Keitaro (some people just call her Kei) (foo-jee-ma kay-tah-ro) Occupation: student; also works as a waitress Age: 16 Gender: female Appearance: (picture coming soon) 5'6", lean but not too skinny; dark blue eyes, always wears eyeliner; brown hair that reaches her mid-back, feathery layers and wispy bangs, lighter brown highlights; out of school, usually wears a lot of black and red Weapons: pocket knife and chain Personality: A lot of people think Keitaro is "demented". She seems to have an interest in dark, gothic and medieval things. Even though she is good-natured and does well in school, people seem to avoid her like the plague. She doesn't really fit in anywhere, being too nice for the dark side of the school and too evil for the other. All she really wants is to be understood. Bio: Keitaro grew up in a fairly nice home. Her father died of lung cancer when she was 4, and her mother rarely came home for long periods of time, since she was working several jobs and hardly had time for anything else. That left Keitaro in the care of her older brother Kodachi, who she grew very fond of. One day when Keitaro was 12, Kodachi mysteriously disappeared, and she hasn't mentioned or heard from him since. She never grew close to anyone else, out of a secret fear that anyone she loved would be taken away. Her mother quit one of her low-paying jobs so that she could spend more time with her only daughter, yet Keitaro avoided her. No one really knows why she became as dark as she is now. She chose to find out why these things were happening to the city because somehow, maybe they were related to her brother's disappearance...
I want a banner/avi with some kind of angel, but I don't know who. Something to go with "Angel of Sacrifice" in nice letters... mmkay? I can give you something in return. Thankies.
It'd be cool to be in Cowboy Bebop. You could go to any planet! I'd like to visit that church in Ballad of Fallen Angels. Or I could be a bounty hunter. ^_^ Or in Rurouni Kenshin... I could learn what it was like in the Meiji era! Or Trigun with all the cowboys and sharpshooters... Or InuYasha with pretty forests... If I could be in a video game, DEFINITELY Final Fantasy X-2. Spira is so beautiful.
*bows* GOMENNNNN!!!!! I'm really sorry... I had major writer's block, plus I was kinda confused.... ^^;;; --------------------------------------------- Kaoru looked hurt. "I'm tired of having people complain about my food!" she yelled. "We're sorry, Kaoru-dono," Kit mumbled. Amaya nodded nervously. "That's it. I'm getting Kenshin to teach me. KENNNSHIINNN!!!" "I feel kinda bad for her," said Amaya. Kit nodded. They looked at each other for a moment and blushed. "Do you miss the present era?" Kit asked. "I've had a lot of fun here," Amaya said slowly. "I've met friends and had experiences I never thought I could have... But I really miss my dad. He's probably worried sick about me. I didn't have any friends back home, but I was always happy with him... Not to mention I've been [I]aching[/I] to play Final Fantasy." Kit smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind Amaya's ear. "But if we go back now... at least I have friends." She found herself lost in his eyes... --------------------------------------------------- Wah, I can't write long posts. n.n;;
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Dead Alice replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
[I]For as long as I've known him... He protected me... A bit dimwitted at times, but always friendly. He never gave up... Always hiding his true gentleness behind a goofy exterior. Trying to prove himself to the world... Never showing weakness.... Am I his weakness?[/I] Aris stared at her, tears brimming in his eyes. [I]What I feel... Do I love him? Or is this... just an illusion?[/I] Azaria could think of nothing to do but follow her impulses and wrap her arms around Aris, causing him to gasp in shock. [I]But why would he... sacrifice himself?[/I] "Aris..." ((Yeah it's short again... But you people need to post more!! *pulls out whip*)) -
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Dead Alice replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
"A..ris..." Azaria could feel her heart beating. [I]He kissed me... and I liked it... but something is telling me... I can't have him...[/I] She felt her eyes welling up with tears. [I][COLOR=DarkRed]You cannot love him, Azaria.[/COLOR] But... I think I've finally realized... [COLOR=DarkRed]No. Don't listen to what your heart tells you. Everything is just a lie.[/COLOR] Everything... is... a lie? [COLOR=DarkRed]You cannot trust anyone. Love only leads to betrayal.[/COLOR] Yes... Betrayal... [COLOR=DarkRed]Go to sleep now...[/COLOR][/I] Azaria cried herself to sleep. She was in a dream world... A world of darkness... The only light was from the floor, an intricate circle of designs upon which she was standing. She was alone. [I]If I can walk...[/I] One step outside the circle and she fell, slowly into oblivion. Even as her lungs dared to scream, no sound escaped. She landed on another circle... or was it the same one? "Hello?" she called, but still the air carried no sound. She felt something drip onto her face, like water. But it was red. Drops of blood began to fall from above, and she forced herself to wake up. "A-aris..." -
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Dead Alice replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
"What do you mean?" Azaria asked in confusion. Aris sighed. "Azaria..." he spoke softly, looking into her eyes. "What do you feel...?" He placed his hand on hers. She felt a wave of mixed emotions, yet part of her knew she enjoyed his touch. "Sadness... pain... strength... friendship... confusion... warmth..... comfort." Azaria turned slightly pink and turned away from Aris's gaze. [I]His eyes are so deep... It's like he can see into your soul...[/I] "The world will not be at peace for long..." Aris said to himself, walking away from Azaria and pretending to examine one of the tapestries. "I wish Ferilan were here..." said Azaria so quietly that Aris didn't hear her. [I]I see a great warrior in his eyes... but he is full of sadness... or perhaps loneliness...[/I] -
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Dead Alice replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
"Here it is..." said Aris as he set Azaria down. They were in some sort of ruin. Bits and pieces of demolished buildings were scattered everywhere. It seemed there were graves also. There were no plants, not even grass, but there were still trees surrounding the area. There was a chill in the air, and Azaria knew it wasn't from the temperature. Dark clouds cast illusionary night on the cold ground. "What happened here?" Azaria asked out of curiousity rather than fear. Aris was silent. He walked over to one of the graves and sat with his back against it. "Will we be safe here?" Aris nodded slowly. "I hope so." ((sorry it's kinda short ^^;; Mom wants to use the computer.)) -
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Dead Alice replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=DarkRed][I]What's going on?[/I] Azaria wondered as she tried to keep up with Aris's pace. "Stop walking so--Aaah!" She tripped over a tree root. "Oww..." Aris turned around and looked at her quizically. "Aris... I can't get up... ugh..." The Drow sighed and reached out his hand. Azaria took it and felt a strange sensation, but chose to ignore it for the time being. He pulled her up without much effort. Azaria stumbled but Aris caught her, making them both feel very awkward. "Sorry..." she mumbled. "I think I sprained my ankle..." "Can't you heal it?" Aris inquired. "Actually... It's kind of strange but... I can't heal myself..." said Azaria quietly, turning slightly pink. "Well I'm not carrying you," said Aris stubbornly as he started to walk away. "Hey!" Azaria groaned at the pain in her leg.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Dead Alice replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
"Aris..." Azaria's words were barely audible. "I'm worried about you." Aris turned around to see Azaria, who looked like she'd been crying. "I know Father Tobias told me to leave you alone, but I can't just sit there knowing someone is hurt," she said softly, looking at the floor. Aris winced, as if her words caused him pain. "Azaria... Can I ask you something?" said Aris slowly. Azaria looked up. "Why don't you ever smile?" She was slightly taken aback. "I never really saw the point. I only smile when I am truly sad, because it makes the pain feel like less of a burden. I only smiled once in my life..." "Ferilan..." said Aris knowingly. "Yes..." Azaria nodded. "But aren't you lying to yourself?" Aris asked. "You hide pain behind a gentle face, and mask happiness with naivete." "I'm not lying to myself... I'm fighting my weaknesses by believing in a false faith." Aris stared blankly at the floor. -
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Dead Alice replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
Azaria sat in her cold and lonely room, staring blankly out the window. [I]What's wrong with him?? I hope he's feeling alright.[/I] In her naivete, she saw nothing beyond Aris's friendly and sometimes annoying face. "Azaria?" She heard Father Tobias' croaky voice coming from the door. "Yes, Father?" "I hope you understand, that Aris needs to be alone," he sighed. "Is he sick?" "I'm not sure..." Tobias was quite good at lying. "Just let him be for a while." "Alright." Azaria nodded. [I]Everyone's acting so strange...[/I] She decided to resume her prayers. The clear sky didn't stay for long, but it didn't rain the rest of the day. -
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Dead Alice replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
"Huh?" Azaria stood up in confusion. Her moment of peace was interrupted, as soon as Aris collided into her. "What's going on?" Aris looked dazed. "The light... you were... in danger..." "The light from the window?" Azaria was confused. "It's because the clouds disappeared..." Aris was about to protest, until they both realized that he was right on top of her. "S-sorry!" He scrambled up quickly, his face turning red. Azaria was slightly pink, but still had no idea what was going on. As she stood up, Aris was turned away, scratching his head in embarassment. "We must help Father Tobias regain his memory," said Azaria. "What? Oh, right," Aris shook his head. [I]I understand him less every day,[/I] Azaria thought. -
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Dead Alice replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
"Are you alright, Father?" Azaria asked concernedly. Tobias blinked. "Who're you, young lady?" he said in bewilderment. "You have amnesia..." Azaria sighed. "I'm Azaria, don't you remember anything?" Tobias just scratched his head. "I'm afraid I cannot heal memory loss..." "Az..." Tobias mumbled. "Remain sitting, lest you further damage yourself." Azaria sat in one of the front pews, folding her hands together in prayer. "Dear Ancients, I seek guidance. I'm not sure what's going on, but I need answers..." Her voice was barely audible, even in the silence of the empty church. The thunder was beginning to end, and the rain ceased flowing down the windows. As the clouds parted, a beam of light shown through the stained glass, falling on Azaria's fragile form. Tobias squinted. "My eyes..." -
*sniff* I was waiting so long for that... and on the 200th post! *sniff* :rolleyes: ------------------------------------------ Kit pulled away, blushing profusely. "Um... I..." Amaya stuttered. "Kit... I... think... uh..." She took a deep breath. "I love you too. Well, I mean, if you can call it that. We're only 14, after all... But I do like you... very much..." This time Amaya kissed Kit, and he looked happier than she'd ever seen him. ---------------------------------- Yesh, it's short. >_<
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
Dead Alice replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
"You should be healed," said Azaria softly. "The wound was deep, but you are very resilient." "Thank you, Lady Azaria," said the man in gratitude. "I'd best be leaving..." He turned and left through the huge oak doors. "'Tis such a blessing to have you here," Tobias sighed. "This city would be in ruin if it weren't for your gift." "I deserve no such praise, Father," said Azaria as she left to the stairs. Above Azaria's room was a small library, filled with many ancient texts that hadn't been read in years. She pulled out her favorite book, though she'd read it at least a hundred times by now, and sat in a creaky rocking chair. This and her room were the only ones without stained glass windows. Azaria didn't spend much time in the library, but enjoyed a good book now and then.