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Dead Alice

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Everything posted by Dead Alice

  1. [color=red][size=1]The city of Menendel was dark and cold as always. The streets were fairly quiet, except for the occasional merchant passing by in his carriage. A steady torrent of rain flowed down the stained-glass windows of the church. The mourning doves were all huddled under the bell tower. The empty sanctuary was dimly lit with candles, and the only sound was the pounding of the thunder outside. Old Father Tobias was slowly making his way around, dusting off the pews with a damp cloth. It had been a while since any children visited the church. Ever since the Faith left, no one came. Tobias vowed to keep the church standing, as a memorial to the Ancients. He sighed and looked at the old piano. It hadn?t been played in so long, he was afraid of how out of tune it would sound. A young girl sat upon the protrusion of her window, staring out at the usually busy street. Her room was small and serene with little furniture, but she didn?t mind. It must?ve been a restful day for the villagers. Azaria sighed, silently wishing she could feel the rain outside her window. She heard the croaky voice of Father Tobias calling and reluctantly left her room. ?Would you mind doing something for me?? Tobias asked. ?There?s a woman whose son is ill. She lives a few houses down on the right.? Azaria simply nodded, and grabbed her cloak from the knobby stand near the front doors. Azaria was glad to feel the soft patter of rain again as she made her way along the muddied street. It only took a few minutes to reach the house of the woman and her son, who Azaria knew had a record of illnesses. ?Bless my soul, she?s here!? cried the woman when Azaria arrived. ?My son?s right over there.? Azaria went straight to him and began to heal him. For unknown reasons, she had been gifted with the power to heal. The little boy slowly opened his eyes and sat up. The woman embraced her son, tears welling up in her eyes. Before she could even give thanks, Azaria was gone. ?My, that was fast,? said Tobias when she returned. Azaria tossed her wet cloak aside. ?I try not to waste time, Father,? said Azaria. Her voice was soft, like an angel?s. ?Well, no studies today,? said Tobias, who was sweeping the floor. ?Do what you will.?[/size][/color]
  2. [I]I'm only 15... but...[/I] "You love him," Haze whispered, nudging Mira in the shoulder. She looked at Kitsune. "Mira..." he was still crying. She crawled over to him. "Fox, why are you crying?" "You are too..." Mira quickly wiped her eyes. "How do you feel?" Mira looked at Fox with deep concern. "Like crap... but at least I have you..." Mira couldn't find words to say... Her head was filled with too many thoughts. An endless wave of emotions, filtering through her web of innocence... ((writer's block sucks. @_@;;;))
  3. OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while... I just can't think of anything to write... -_-;; Now how am I gonna reply to this?!? @_@ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything was covered by a blinding white light, causing Kenshin and Sano to cover their eyes. Simultaneously, the middle schoolers directed their energy toward Hayao... He tried screaming but it was useless. Everything was silent. Then all turned pitch black... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry, I'll post again later... ^^;;
  4. [I]I'm finally getting out of here...[/I] Mira thought wistfully. [I]After all the crap I've been put through... I'm finally leaving...[/I] "I'll be waiting for you in the hangar," said Kitsune, kissing her forehead. He got up and walked to the door. "We'll all be waiting." Mira nodded before Kitsune left. She gathered up her few posessions in her backpack, then managed to fit most of everyone else's things in two trunks. With a firm grip on both handles and her backpack strapped tight, Mira made her way to the hangar. "Where do you think you're going?" said a guard trying to stop her. "I don't have time for this," Mira huffed as she knocked him out with one of the trunks. "Oo, that looked painful..." --------------------------------- Sorry I've been at a loss for words lately...
  5. "Mira..." Kitsune began. "I don't deserve this," said Mira with tears in her eyes. "Yes you do," said Kitsune softly. "This must've cost you a fortune..." Mira looked at the floor. "I can save up again." "I don't know what to say..." Mira stood up and hugged him tightly, tears still welling in her eyes. "Thank you." Kitsune smiled and hugged her back. "I have a lot of homework, so... See you later?" "Ok..." Kitsune looked disappointed, but reluctantly let go. Mira glanced back at him, and went to her room. After all her homework was finished, Mira added to her picture.
  6. Locke? Alrighty then... Your post actually made me say "aw" out loud. ^^;; Then I kinda laughed because that song was from Tarzan... Hey don't get me wrong, I love Tarzan! -------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm such an idiot..." Kitsune muttered. "No your not," Mira said reassuringly, patting him on the shoulder. "It's ok. I was having a bad dream..." They looked at each other and blushed slightly. "Hey, you're bleeding everywhere!" Out of motherly instinct, Mira went to the first aid kit and got a roll of bandages. "Ow, that stings!" said Kitsune as Mira cleaned his wounds with rubbing alcohol. "You're such a baby!" Mira teased, wrapping him up as if she were a nurse. Kitsune laughed to himself. When she was done, Mira gave him a playful punch on the arm. "Now you quit getting all banged up or I'll have to punish you!" "Ok, I'll try," Kitsune laughed. "Now get some sleep." Mira grabbed her sketchbook and stuffed it back in her bag. "You too, Fox. Don't forget to read that note." Mira felt Kitsune's gentle eyes watching her as she went to her room. [I]That was... nice...[/I] No dreams would haunt her tonight.
  7. OOC: That was very sad, Legacy... *sniff* --------------------------------------------------------- Mira sat on Kitsune's bed as she looked over his letter, staining the ink with her silent tears. [I]What am I going to do?[/I] she thought. [I]I guess I'll have to write back...[/I] She dug around in her backpack until she found a pencil and her notebook. After thinking for a minute, she took a deep breath and started writing. [I]Dear Kitsune, I don't know what to say... I've considered liking you as more than a friend, but haven't really given it much thought. I hate to say it but... I think I like James. But the thing is, I'm pretty sure Haze likes him too. I don't want to hurt her feelings or yours, but I can't help my emotions. I've known James forever... But I think I've overlooked you because you treat me like a sister. I just need to think... You don't know how badly I want to get out of this place. It's like a nightmare I can't wake up from. Someday... You and I and James and Haze... We're all gonna bust outta here, bro. But until then... you're my life support. Love ya, Mira[/I] Mira gently folded the piece of paper and wrote Kitsune's name on it. She hid it under his pillow, because she knew he'd find it there. Mira sighed heavily and wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her jacket. She took out her sketchpad and began to draw a picture of James, Kitsune, Haze, and herself. "Mira?" She heard James' voice coming from the doorway. "Come in," said Mira, trying to act normal. "Are you ok?" asked Haze. "We thought we heard you crying." "I'm fine," Mira lied. "I was just... remembering stuff..." James arched an eyebrow in disbelief. "You know, Mira," he said as he placed his hand on her shoulder, "You're a terrible liar."
  8. Mira's thoughts of revenge were interrupted by the sound of a chair scraping the floor. She lifted her head to see her best friend's rival sitting right across from her. "Huh... Zieg?" Mira muttered. "Why are you here?" "I don't feel like going to class," he said with his arms folded across his chest. "What about you?" "My schedule got ruined," Mira groaned. "And that damn receptionist in the scheduling office was being a b****. I hate this school." Zieg snickered. "Giving up already?" "I would've given up everything a long time ago if I could... Everyone here treats me like crap. All I have is a few friends and a little hope..."
  9. Mira looked frantic as she searched everywhere for the piece of paper she had dropped. "Oh no oh no," she muttered, trying to get past the crowd of students blocking the hallway. "Excuse me... Hey that was my foot!" Then she saw it, her schedule, in the middle of the floor as countless feet trampled it. "No! Damn it, I need that..." When she was able to retrieve her schedule, it was destroyed. "Man... Now what?" She grumbled at her lack of coordination. She stood up and began the long walk to the other side of the school where the scheduling office was. "Excuse me, ma'am," Mira said nervously to the receptionist. "I need a new schedule." "Why?" said the receptionist dryly. "I accidently dropped it, and then a bunch of people walked all over it," Mira responded. "And whose fault would that be?" "I dunno..." "Your name, please," said the receptionist. "Mira... Student #2251." The receptionist pulled up Mira's name on her computer. "I see you have an impertinent record of tardies and detentions," said the woman with a cold look in her eyes. "Perhaps if you were less clumsy you wouldn't have such luck." "Can I just get a new schedule please?" Mira was becoming impatient. "Don't use that tone with me, young lady," the woman sneered. "My name is Mira. Now please, just give me a new schedule." "I'm sorry, only one schedule is allowed per student. If you want a new one, you'll have to ask the dean of students, who'll probably refer you to the counselor, who will probably refer you to me..." "I'm sick of this school! AARRGGGHHH!!!" Mira shouted, stomping out of the scheduling office and slamming the door. Mira ran, all the way to the empty cafeteria. "I think I'll just sit here and die," she muttered, slamming her head on the table. "Oww..."
  10. Yay, you guys have awesome sign-ups! ^_^ 2 more for each side... and I'll PM you all to let you know when I'm gonna start, just so ya know.
  11. OOC: Whee! Kit's not dead! ^_^ Kat, didn't you see my post? I ran REALLY FAST!!! wooosh... [url=http://www.deviantart.com/view/4886808/]Lookies![/url] I drew a pic of Amaya and Kit! ^__^ Amaya looks a little weird (her hair is down bcuz I say so), but Kit turned out so CUTE!!!! ^_____^ I'm gonna become obsessed... n.n;; Cute cute Kit Kit cute cute Kit Kit Kit is cute lalalalala LAAAA....... Cute cute cute cute la la la dun dun dun dun da... WHEE!!! OK I think I had too much candy... x_x;; ------------------------------------------- "Kit...?" Amaya said slowly. He looked at her and she could see a confusing mix of emotions in his eyes. "I'm so glad... you're ok..." She blushed. "Cut the mushy crap!" Katana demanded. "We gotta catch that Aconite guy or Hayao or whoever the heck he/they are..." "She's right, we have to go," said Kit as he tried to get up, dispite his headache. "No... please..." Amaya pleaded with sad eyes. "I don't want you to die...." ---------------------------- Eh... can't think of ne thing... I'm hyper!!!!
  12. OOC: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Ok i have to let my mom get on so ill post later... I'm gonna draw Kit! ^_^
  13. 2 more for the good side and 3 more bad.... still waiting! Please sign up, I promise it'll be fun...... *puppy eyes*
  14. [I]I hate to leave Yuki, but I have to find the others...[/I] Amaya ran through the woods as fast as she could, with only a slight idea of her direction. Luckily her element gave her extra energy and the ability to run really fast! She heard voices, so she followed them. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, and- WHAM!! She ran right into Kaz and knocked him over. "Oops, my bad," she said quickly as she skidded to a halt. "Are you trying to kill me?" he said with swirly eyes, rubbing his head. "Sorry, I was just looking for you guys..." "Kit's headed for the city!" Yuka said, bouncing up and down. "What?" said Amaya as she turned around. "He's insane!" said Kurumi, stifling a giggle as Kaz stumbled to get up. "We have to stop him! He'll die!" Amaya said in anxiety. Without another word, she started running again. "Stop running so fast!!!" Yuka groaned. Kaz had to teleport to keep up with her. ---------------------- I'm a speed demon! Fwoooosssshhhhh ~~~ ^^;; hehe
  15. The first poem was very deep... I liked it a lot. ^_^ Lots of emotion. Emotion is good. No, emotion bad. Bad for me. Good for poems. Dark is good. I like dark things. I like my cold, dark place. Dark places are fun... *scampers away while mumbling to herself*
  16. OK, I need one more person on the good side and then 4 for the bad side, just so it's balanced...
  17. OOC: Uh... where am I again? oO Forgive me for being blonde... well not really... I have blonde highlights! *points to head* I can't help it if my brain is scrambled!!! @_@ Is it nighttime? I dunno... I think it was... I would've posted but ya know... The whole being confused thing... Anyway... ------------------------------------------------- Amaya felt a sharp twinge of pain in her forehead, and she knew that meant something was wrong... It never failed. --------------------------------------------------- I'll post more... when I'm less confused... x_x *holds up sign that reads "Stupid" with an arrow pointing toward her head*
  18. Thanks for signing up, guys! ^.^ And thanks for pointing that out, Ayokano. ^^;; I'm blonde sometimes... Oh, and Rayne's character is reserved for The (Sic) Shape.
  19. [size=1]Long ago, the Otherworld of Eovyn was a beautiful realm, filled with magic and creatures of all kinds. There were lush forests, majestic plains, and clear blue oceans. Everyone, Humans and creatures alike, lived in perfect harmony. But unknown to most, there was a place in Eovyn ruled by evil. Underworld. This realm was constantly buried in darkness and chaos. The leader of Underworld, a vampire called Rayne, desired to rule all of Eovyn. Blinded by his own greed, Rayne searched for centuries, seeking a power that could destroy Eovyn's very core. After endless research, he discovered a text of the Ancients, one that foretold of his desire. There was a Crystal. Just one tiny crystal that held immense power. But the only way to use that power was to infuse the crystal into the body of the Chosen. Now Rayne faced the task of finding both the Crystal and the person who would become Eovyn's demise. Little did Rayne know that his fate rested in the hands of an innocent girl....... An Elder who knew the Chosen discovered Rayne's secret plot, and sent five young warriors to protect her, while she stood unknowing in her innocence... Ok, there's the basic plot... Here are the main locations of Eovyn and what they're like. (remember, this is very different from Earth) Eovyn (means "Faith" in the word of Ancients): the Otherworld (Eovyn is kind of like a twisted mixture of Middle-earth, Spira, 18th-century England, and Riven... oO) Forest of Telzena ("light") - This is not your typical forest. The trees glow, faeries enchant the earth, and magic fills the air. It's basically just an enchanted forest filled with mythical creatures. (kind of like Macalania Woods from FFX-2) Rohen ("strong") Mountains - A vast range of towering mountains in the Northern region of Eovyn. Few people live there because of the freezing temperatures, but there are some who reside in Rohen Valley. There are also some Harpy clans, who like to stay as far away from Underworld as possible. City of Menendel ("earth") - This is where most Humans live. It rains often, giving Menendel a gloomy atmosphere. However, the people are usually cheery. Cottages and wooden houses are common, along with stone pubs, shops, etc. Velreyn ("young")Wood - Home of the Elves. They have elaborately decorated homes, built high in the tall white trees. There are also centaurs, as well as other forest creatures. Some people have homes on the outskirts of the Wood. Erian ("vine") Cove - A clean, sandy beach next to the ocean. There are cliffs and sand dunes, as well as a small rainforest behind the cove with an abundance of plants and small animals. The Merpeople are very protective of their territory, and don't like Humans. Lerenie ("safe") - Not really a place, just a huge building where all the Elders, Wizards, and High Priests live. They decide the Fate and monitor everything in Eovyn. The Underworld A dark and brooding place, hidden from the world, where evil resides. Vampires, Werewolves, and Demons haunt the alleys. Violence is common. The only Humans that live there are ones who have been turned to the dark side. Sign-ups Name: Please don't have a typical earth name. Make it something unusual and mysterious. Last names are optional. Age: Should be at least 15, no older than 25. If you are an Elf, Vampire, or other mythical creature, please make it reasonable. It can be in the hundreds, not thousands. Sex: Please make it balanced. I don't want more girls than guys, or vice-versa. Race: Human, Elf, Faerie, Vampire, Werewolf, etc. You can be anything. If you're a Demon, explain what kind. (You can also be a combination of more than one race, except for a Harpy/Vampire crossbreed. They hate each other and would never mix.) Location: Where you live. Does not have to be one of the main locations. (You can make up your own small village) Side: Are you a protector, or are you on Rayne's side? I'd like 5 people on each side. If you wish to be one of the Underworld characters but on the good side, please explain why in your bio. Weapons: No more than 2. The only guns are handguns. Make your weapon unique. Fangs and claws do not count as weapons, even though they are included with some races.. Wizards use magic instead of weapons. (therefore you ignore the next section) Powers: I will allow each person to have one or two small spells they can use. No one is invincible. Personality: Just a few sentences explaining how you act around people. Bio: Don't write a book. Just a short paragraph or two. Please be very descriptive and use good grammar. You also might want to explain how you were summoned by the Elders. Appearance: Pictures are very helpful. If you can't provide a picture, please be very descriptive. You can look like anything. You could have blue skin for all I care. Even if you're Human. Wizards don't all have to be old men. Not all faeries are the size of a thumb. (You get the idea) I hope I didn't forget anything. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to tell me. I want dedicated, experienced people with good writing skills to sign-up. This is my first RPG, and I want it to be a great one. I spent a lot of time creating it. My sign-up (The Chosen) Name: Azaria Age: 15 Sex: female Race: Human, with a single drop of Demon blood. Location: Menendel Side: good (except, of course, when she's infused with the Crystal) Weapons: Avoids fighting as much as possible, but uses a staff when necessary Powers: Heals minor injuries. In her evil form, unleashes dark waves of magic, Chain of Destruction. Personality: Azaria is very quiet. She rarely smiles, except when she is sad, but means well. She is gentle and kind, and cares for everyone and everything. She is innocent and naive, untouched by hatred. She almost seems emotionless. She enjoys the company of animals, especially birds. In her evil form, she becomes a lifeless assassin. Bio: Azaria has no knowledge of her past. She grew up in an abandoned church (like the one in "Ballad of Fallen Angels" in Cowboy Bebop) in the city of Menendel. An old priest found her lying in the street at age 5, so he took her in. He taught her everything he knew, about life and love. He taught her to care for others and appreciate all the beauties of the world. When Azaria was 7, the church took in another orphan girl named Ferilan. They became best friends, and were inseparable. Until Ferilan died of an unknown disease when she was only 13. Part of Azaria's spirit was broken, but she fought to keep her chin up. That was the only day she ever smiled, because she knew that now Ferilan could be with her mother forever. The priest named her Azaria at the tender age of 5, for it meant "angel" in the word of the Ancients (a language no longer spoken in Eovyn). Now, at age 15, Azaria cares for the lost children of Menendel. The priest left her in charge of the church, in his old age. There isn't a citizen in Menendel that doesn't know her name. She also writes poetry, and if she's in the right mood, sings hauntingly beautiful Songs of the Ancients that were long forgotten to the children of Eovyn. What Azaria never knew, is that she was destined to decide Eovyn's fate. Appearance: ([url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/4809718/]click here[/url]) Her hair goes down to her knees. She wears a white blouse with a long black dress underneath. In her evil form (side view), she has glowing red eyes, silvery black hair, and her clothes become all black. She also has black feathered wings. (She's somewhat based on Chii... Even though I have no real knowledge of Chobits...)[/size]
  20. I've loved Jim Carrey since I was a little kid! ^_^ Bruce Almighty was definitely one of his best, along with The Grinch. I love Ace Ventura too. It always cheers me up if I'm having a bad day. I've never seen The Majestic, but my mom and dad didn't like it... It's been soooo long since I've seen The Mask...
  21. Mira is back in action! Oh yeah! *gives peace sign* Name: Mira Age: 15 Appearance: [url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/4769804/]click here[/url]dark grey eyes, long black hair (bangs) with red ends sometimes tied in a half-ponytail, wears a red tank top and baggy black jeans (when not in school uniform) Bio: Mira has been James' best friend since they were kids, but their childhood is the only thing she remembers before Kakashki. She's a little ditzy and can be air-headed sometimes, but she knows when to be serious (kinda like Rikku from FFX-2 ^^;; ). She tries to befriend people, but others look down upon her as an outcast. She has a knack for helping people, and uses her artistic talent to the best of her ability. Though her exterior seems playful and happy, inside she searches for answers and dreams of a future beyond Kakashki's walls. Mech Name: Angel Apperance: white, black and red with gold wing-like thingies oO Weaponry: rocket-propelled grenades, lazer-targeted missiles
  22. Niphredil sat alone in her cold and empty room, staring at the stone walls. She already missed Ivannath, and was starting to doubt her own strength. [I]At least I shall not fight alone,[/I] she thought. [I]And I am glad to have fellows of my own race fight along side me.[/I] She lay on her bed and gazed blankly at the ceiling. [I]I am still alone in spirit... Only one true friend I've made, yet my eyes have never shed a tear. I cannot show my weaknesses. I am a soldier now, and there is no gender in the battlefield. I am a woman with a curious heart, rough and beautiful all the same. The grey sky, a reflection in my eyes shall recede, revealing the future that lies ahead. I only pray that that future doesn't hold destruction. A sky of blood and tears will be the beginning of the end...[/I] A knock came at the door. "Who is it?" Niphredil asked, sitting up. "Danuke-" "GO AWAY!!!" Niphredil yelled, throwing a pillow at the door. "I just wanted to-" "GET OUT LEST YOU DESIRE THE COLD TASTE OF STEEL!!!" "Ooh, a feisty one-" "I'm not fooling with a threat. I swear to save an arrow for you." "Fine, fine, I'll leave..." "Men... I swear, every one's a fool. I haven't met a man I've yet thought as intelligent." She flopped back down on her bed with an aggrivated sigh.
  23. [size=1][color=red]OOC: I wanted to post yesterday, but I had to clean my room. >.< BTW Swordsaint, you never actually mentioned what your hair/eyes look like... You just said you wear a hood... oO So anyways, if you tell me, I can draw you and Kaz... ^_~ Oh, and uh, my post is during nighttime so... yeah... oO ------------------------------------------------- Amaya almost slept peacefully, until her dreams were engulfed in darkness. Yet, everything seemed so real... [I]Where is everyone? Kit? Yuka? Kurumi?[/I] She wandered aimlessly in the shadows until she felt a cold hand grab her mouth and gasped. "It's ok, I won't hurt you," said a male voice as the hand fell. "Who are you?" Amaya whirled around to see a tall man with long, silver hair that was blue at the ends, wearing a long blue Chinese coat. "I am everything. I know what fears and strengths lie deep within you. I know feelings you hide that even you are not aware of." "That doesn't exactly answer my question," Amaya said with a confused look. The man smirked. "Tell me your name." "I have no name." "Come on, of course you have a name!" "You'll find out later. Just trust your instincts." Without another word, he dissolved into thin air. "Wait! What's that supposed to mean? Get back here, dammit!" Amaya said, aggrivated. "That was pointless. What the hell does he mean by 'trust your instincts'??" A smile appeared on her face when she saw her friends waiting for her. "Hey, guys! I was looking everywhere for you!" Then the smile disappeared when she saw the looks in their eyes. They were all blank and cold, like lifeless statues. "What the..." She tried moving, but as soon as she took one step, Yuka was pierced througth the heart with nothing but air. Yet she didn't bleed, as if she really were a statue. Foolish as she was, Amaya took five more steps, desperate to reach someone. Now only Kit was left. "Dare you take another step, lest you kill the last friend you have?" said a cold voice, echoing off the walls of darkness. Amaya felt the need to scream, but it was held back by her choking sobs. [I]This can't be happening...[/I] Without thinking, she ran toward Kit, the fastest she'd ever run in her life. She was nearly there, her hand outstretched-- He fell, shattering into a million pieces. "There, you see? Just like your childhood. All alone. Everything you've ever had is broken..." The voice laughed maniacally, leaving Amaya crumpled on the floor as burning tears filled her eyes. [I]It's all my fault... Everything is my fault.....[/I] "Young lady? Are you all right? You're shaking like a leaf." "She's right. You look terrified." "Huh..." Amaya slowly opened her eyes to see Kaoru and the old lady above her. "I'm fine... Just... a nightmare..."[/color][/size]
  24. OOC: Yeah, I guess I'll do that too because... it's just easier that way... ------------------ "You're getting *clang* better at this *clang* every day," said Ivannath as he defended himself against Niphredil's blade. "Thanks to your training," said Niphredil. They often sparred, usually ending up in Niphredil's victory. "Niphredil!" came her father's voice. "What is it, father?" she replied with a sigh. "There's someone here to see you." "I suppose we'll continue this later," said Ivannath. "I suppose so," said Niphredil, sheathing her sword. Reluctantly, she walked toward her home where her father waited. "This messanger has come all the way from Stygia just to see you," he explained, gesturing toward a skinny, unkempt-looking man. "L-lady Niphredil-" he began nervously. "Don't call me that," she stated. "I am only Niphredil, master swordsman and archer of Rivendell. I hold no title as Lady." "I apologize, Niphredil," said the nervous messanger. "You are requested to attend the king's service in Stygia." "For what reason?" Niphredil asked. "He wishes for seven noble warriors, and has decided that you are a worthy candidate." "Do you hear that, father?" said Niphredil excitedly. "Finally my efforts are being recognized!" "That's ridiculous," he said. "I refuse to let you leave." "I have to go! I will be honored as a defendant of this city!" "You're not leaving me alone. You will stay here, and that's final." "I'm leaving whether you like it or not. You can't barricade me within these walls forever! Come my noble messanger, you shall show me the path to Stygia." She ushered the nervous messanger out the door, without another word to her father. "Ivannath!" Niphredil called. "What is it?" he asked. "I'm leaving Rivendell." "What for?" "To defend this city. The king has asked me to come to Stygia. It is an honorable decision." "I understand. Niphredil, please do not forget me." "I could never forget you, Ivannath." She did something she'd never done before, and hugged him goodbye. "Thank you. I could never have become a great fighter without your guidance." "No, thank you Niphredil." "[I]Namarie, mellon.[/I]" "[I]Namarie.[/I]" He kissed her forehead, then watched as she departed, the fidgeting messanger beside her. "Farewell....." Luckily, the messanger had brought a horse. OOC: Ooh, I wrote all fancy-like... *snickers*
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