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Dead Alice

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Everything posted by Dead Alice

  1. OOC: lol... I GET TO BURN THINGS!!! *dances* Anyway... Guess what? I drew a picture of us! (except for Kit, cuz I didn't have room >.
  2. ((*blushes* aaawww.....)) "How are your wounds healing, Miss Amaya?" Megumi asked out of doctor's instinct. "I think they're doing pretty well," Amaya said as she stared off into space. [I]Why was Kit in my dream?[/I] "My goodness, you children sure are tolerant," said a sickly looking old woman. "When I was your age blah blah blah blah...." "Uh huh..." said Amaya. "Amaya? What are you looking at?" said Kaoru. "I think I just saw a squirrel," said Amaya. Yuki giggled. "What's so funny?" "Nothing..." Yuki muttered, suppressing her grin. Amaya just looked confused. "...we were taught respect back in my day blah blah blah blah..." the old woman went on. ((old people are funny...))
  3. ((Sorry I haven't been posting... It's just... never mind... no one cares...)) Amaya fell into a dream state once again, her body numb to the feel of soft grass and night wind ((wait a minute- Amaya [I]means[/I] night wind!!! haha, how ironic)). "Daddy...? What are you doing? Wait... Stop!" "Come 'ere now." "No, daddy you're drunk!" "Come 'ere, dammit!" "No!!! Daddy, please don't hit me again..." Amaya thought she had woken up, but her dream had shifted... She was somewhere else... [I]Where am I?[/I] Butterflies... [I]There are butterflies everywhere...[/I] She thought she saw a familiar figure... [I]Kit...?[/I] He was... bleeding! Pierced by a dozen wooden needles...[I]No, Kit!!! I have to save him...[/I] She began to run, but tripped... and landed in a pool of blood. [I]No... Wait, I'm bleeding too... But how? Am I still dreaming?[/I] She stood up and realized that she, too, had been pierced several times. [I]I feel pain... But... I thought this was a dream![/I] Amaya awoke to find that her arm was uncomfortably numb. [I]Yuki...[/I] Out of instinct, Yuki had grabbed Amaya's arm as a source of comfort and was squeezing it posessively. Careful not to wake her up, Amaya removed her throbbing arm from Yuki's grip and tried unsuccessfully to go back to sleep. [I]It's no use now... I can't sleep.[/I]
  4. Ta da! My very own poetry thread! I'll start off with a very odd one that makes no sense whatsoever! :rolleyes: [size=1][color=red][B]Falling Backwards[/B] In a world of candy canes and paper cranes the sky is green and no birds sing Where blood flows through rivers like wine and tears become the dragon?s spine The morning clouds pour acid rain and wait for night to come again Pain is a weakness from within a tortured soul Sitting in an upside-down room of clocks and mirrors Viewing outside the window where the earth is gone Spinning in squares; I?m falling backwards Stop me before I wake up and have to face the light beyond the veil There?s too much darkness; I can?t see anymore Time is ticking; it won?t wait for you to rescue me Hurry, I?m slipping through the black demon?s mist Grab its wings; don?t let it get away Stab through the surface as the silver bells chime Blood floating in the sky as golden raindrops fall from hell The signal?s gone; your time is up and back to the beginning you return I fade and reform again; my body is melting like ice Burn the ashes, torch like flame and listen to the fallen angels sing Death is stalking you, for you have failed Life shall be repeated as I sit here in my upside-down room A deaf ear listening to the frozen clocks on the wall Tick tock your time is up The mourning doves shall laugh at you as I sing my hollow song[/color][/size] [color=blue][size=1][B]Your Wings Are Mine[/B] Listen to the spirits calling A cold night wind Shadows fleeting Let the darkness hold you As time is slowly shifting Be quiet now Can you hear them singing? They're beckoning to the earth Do not be afraid I will watch them slip away Form and fading Tightly gripping Quickly slipping Into fragile dreams Hold still, be strong You must hold on As wings emerge The blood is gone Floating freely Screaming in pain Your life is hanging Let it fall The nightmares end Do not stop Do not look back Sipping poison In broken glass Cutting ribbons Falling fast The ropes that bind Your fate to mine Cannot be cut now Say goodbye[/size][/color]
  5. Name: Niphredil Fanui (nee-frey-deel fa-noo-ee) Age: unknown (looks around 20) Race: Elf Gender: female Location: Rivendell Order: Ranger Weapons: long bow, small dagger, short Elven sword Abilities: extremely good eyesight, heals slightly faster than normal Elves Advantages: dead-shot with a bow, climbs trees easily ((haha, yeah right...)) Bio: Niphredil was always a troublesome child. She was often made fun of for being a tomboy. Her mother had passed away during childbirth, leaving her father in charge. He was never a very good parent, so Niphredil was forced to take care of herself. She learned archery and swordsmanship from her male friends, and always seeked adventure. Despite her dainty appearance, Niphredil was rough and unpredictable. She often got into fights and ended up hurting others more than she wanted to. She became very lonely, feeling she was misunderstood. She spent a lot of her time in the forest. Even with her boyish personality, Niphredil had a sensitive side. She was also very intelligent, but hid herself from others, fearing they would mistreat her, like so many often did. With so much time on her hands, Niphredil became skilled as a ranger and swordswoman. If it weren't for her mysterious air and natural beauty, people might forget she's a woman! With the news of a war brewing, Niphredil takes up her arrows, ready to die with honor. She will give up anything for the land and people she loves, even if it means her life. Appearance: Tall, slender; Long dark hair (like Arwen's) that reaches her mid-back, tied back in a half-ponytail, with numerous braids; dark grey eyes; pale (not [I]that[/I] pale) skin; outfit: white blouse with very long sleeves, dark red vest, long black skirt with pants (like Legolas's) underneath, black boots, pierced ears! [url=http://images2.deviantart.com/i/2004/02/8/b/Niphredil.jpg]See, I drew a piccie![/url]
  6. OOC: So are we all kids now? GIMME A COOKIE!!!
  7. ((Owie! Why did I have to get stabbed?!?! x_x)) Amaya felt a huge rush of pain surge through her body as she fell to the ground beside Kit. Everything became black, and she went unconcious. [I]Am I dead?[/I] ((Not much else to post, since I almost DIED!!! >.< ergh))
  8. ((OOC: Actually it's C'est la vie... ^^;; Yeah, French is weird... But I have an A in French so nyah!)) Yuka started hitting Amaya's arm with the squeaky hammer. "You go next!!!" "No!" Amaya protested. "YES!!!" Yuka yelled. "I don't wanna!" "GO NOW!!!" Yuka pulled out her real hammer and had a crazy gleam in her eyes. "Ok, ok," Amaya sighed. She stood up and looked around nervously. After a few deep breaths, she started singing The Real Folk Blues ((I like that song! ^.^)). Everyone was surprised by how well she sang. ((I'm in choir!!! ^__^ hehe))
  9. I kinda liked Android Kikaider (they showed it on CN a few months ago). Even though it was really old and only had 12 episodes, I enjoyed it. The plot was very interesting, and the ending actually made me cry. It's kinda weird tho, that it was based on a Power Rangers type of show from like the 60's... o_O Anyway, once I got past the unusual animation, it was one of my favorites for a short time. The ending song is catchy... ^^ The last episode was so surprising... I can't believe I cried!!! I've only cried twice while watching anime. The last episode of Cowboy Bebop, and the last episode of Kikaider... I'm weird...
  10. Anime... Man, anime opened my mind to so much more!!! I can't even explain how different I'd be without anime. I'd probably still be some LOTR/Harry Potter freak... I'd be sooo bored without it... I've learned a lot of things about life from my favorite shows, like Kenshin, Trigun, and Cowboy Bebop.
  11. ((*coughs* *looks at Kit* *blushes* *coughs some more* *sweatdrops* ^^;; Man, you people are crazy!! Lol, normally I'd join you, but we gotta have SOME rational people around here!!! ^^;; I despise eggnog... o_O)) Amaya had the dream again... A horrible nightmare that had haunted her ever since her mother left. It was as if the woman had left a tragic imprint upon the little girl's very soul... An imprint that would cause endless pain and suffering in her heart. As many times as she had faced that dark void, Amaya was still plagued by it. An eternity in hell that began with soft breathing, slowly bringing her into a state of peaceful unconciousness. A peace that would soon become suffocating. Amaya tore away from her dream-state forcefully. Her eyes shot open as she sat bolt upright, her breathing rigid and unsteady as she clutched her stomach. ((Where did this come from?!?!?! o_O *looks around* Who let the angst in? AAGGHHHH!!! *runs into a pole* @_@ Ow... I have writer's block!!! GRRRR!!!! -.O))
  12. "Are you still bleeding?" Kit asked Amaya out of nowhere. "Why do you care?" snapped Amaya, who was still clutching her stomach. "Just... wondering..." Kit blushed slightly. "Look he's blushing!" Katana teased, poking him. Kit sweat-dropped. "It's just a little cut, I think I'll be ok," Amaya said. "Besides, I've hurt worse. My dad beat me once, but not on purpose. He was really drunk and stressed out." ((SPASTICNESS!!! Wahahaha, I have created a new word. I have no idea where it came from, but that happens a lot, so whatever... *avoids squeakiness again*))
  13. ((Hehe this is fun! ^_^ *avoids squeaky hammer of doom*)) "Please stop this senseless bloodshed," Kenshin huffed. The girls stopped fighting and lowered their heads in shame. "This is ridiculous," said Sano. "We're definitely in for it now," muttered Kaz. "Ow," Amaya had just realized that there was a deep cut in her stomach. She looked at the blood on her hands and started coughing. "Amaya!" Kit yelled. "I'm ok," Amaya coughed. "Ok?!?! You're bleeding everywhere!!!" Kurumi exclaimed. Amaya used her sword to keep herself standing up, while she held her stomach with her other hand. Megumi quickly ran over. "We have to take care of that wound-" "I'm [I]fine[/I], Megumi," Amaya said stubbornly. ((Why do I always end up making my character get hurt?!? And this one has to be stubborn too. *runs away from Yuka*))
  14. ((Well there's Yuki and Yuka! To me, that is confusing. @_@)) Amaya had trouble sleeping. This place was so strange and unfamiliar to her, no matter how many times she'd observed it in the TV show. She was still trying to get over the realization of where she was. It was like some strange dream she couldn't wake up from. She wanted more than anything to see her father again, to let him know she was safe. And she longed to know whose blood she had shed, for her shuriken could not have been stained without slaying someone. Amaya stood up from her bed and tiptoed into the darkness of the hallway without making a sound. She slowly edged along the wall until she saw where Megumi and the others were. Hiding in the shadows, she watched silently. She fought back a gasp when she saw Kit. He looked so bruised. [I]That boy's got nerves of steel,[/I] she thought.
  15. [I]Great, I get stuck with the hyper kids,[/I] Amaya thought to herself. [I]Oh well. I'll survive.[/I] She sat on her blankets and meditated. "What are you doing?" Yuki asked. "Expanding my aura. Now go to sleep." "How do you do that?" said Katana. "I'll tell you later. Go to bed." said Amaya without opening her eyes. Katana grumbled and reluctantly scrambled under her blanket. After Amaya had cleared her mind, she took her hair down and fell asleep.
  16. Amaya rolled her eyes. "All men are idiots." The other girls nodded. "What was that?" said Kaz. "I didn't say anything," Amaya grinned. ((cannot think of anything else at the moment))
  18. Amaya had run in circles around the town several times before losing her chasers. She nearly fainted from her lack of breath. "Man, these people are crazy," she panted. After finally regaining oxygen, she looked around. "Wait a minute.... Is that..... SANO?!?!?!" She started walking quickly over to the spiky-headed Sanosuke. ((She's not obsessed like Katana, she just really likes Sano.))
  19. Amaya walked toward the crowd and found blood splattered all over the ground. [I]Cool...[/I] "Excuse me, what happened here?" "A few people just arrived and-wait a minute," said an old man. "You've got a sword too! And what about those bloody shuriken in your hand?" "But I didn't do anyth-" "GET HER!!!" Amaya found herself being chased by an angry mob faster than she could say Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki ((lol, had to add that)). She would've defended herself, but she was in enough trouble already. She realized that she was running faster than usual, but it still wasn't enough to escape.
  20. Amaya shook her head vigorously. [I]This isn't happening...[/I] She looked up and saw a frightened policeman running past a group of confused people. [I]Who knows.... Maybe I'm in the Meiji Era... Ha! Yeah right...[/I] She looked at her shuriken. Hm.... She was about to fling one at something when she heard familiar voices. [I]Where have I heard those people before?[/I]
  21. Amaya sat in the back of the classroom, drawing pictures of Sano all over her notebook. She had to get out of there... "Mr. Tano? Can I go to the bathroom?" she asked, raising her hand. "Get a pass." Amaya got out of that stuffy classroom as fast as she could, with no intent of using the restroom. She wandered around in the hallways, looking for something to do. She turned a corner and found the entire hallway engulfed in darkness. "What's going on?" She slowly walked toward the shadows, and started to feel light-headed. She felt like she was floating... Then everything flashed a bright white and she felt herself changing somehow. "Where am I?" she said, looking around. She seemed to be in the middle of a street, but the houses lining the road were old-fashioned. She found herself wearing different clothes and her hair pinned up. She also had a katana on her back and was holding several bloody shuriken (ya know, the star-blade things ninjas use). She stared blankly around, trying to get a clue of what was happening...
  22. Name: Amaya Hazumi Gender: female Age: 14 Grade: 8 (even tho im in 9th... oh well) Present Time Appearance: (sry, no pics) shoulder length, layered black hair with red tips; dark brown eyes; 5'6"; wears a red tank top and a long black skirt Meiji Era Appearance: hair like before only longer, tied in a messy bun; dark amber eyes; wears a red Chinese-style shirt and a short black skirt Weapon: katana, shuriken Personality: Amaya is a very independant, kick-@$$ chick. She goofs around some times, but when the occasion calls for it, she's totally serious. She also has a weird obsession with blood and fighting... Bio: Amaya's mom left when she was young, leaving her hard-headed but loving father to care for her. She grew up with a lot of discipline, and learned not to let people get in her way. She doesn't really have friends, since most people are afraid of her. She's very lonely inside, and escapes her loneliness with her obsession over Rurouni Kenshin and a certain tall guy with spiky hair and a bandanna... Thing They Miss the Most from the Present Era: TV, video games, Dad
  23. "James!" said Mira, snapping him out of his daze. "Huh?" Mira stood up and pulled on his arm. "We have to get to the hangars, NOW." "What, why?" James asked as Mira dragged him along quickly. "Matt needs to get to a hospital," she said as she fought back tears. "We're going with Charlotte and Zieg to find one." "Oh man," said James frantically. They broke into a run and arrived at the hangars finally, gasping for air. "Charlotte! We're here!" Mira said, spotting her. She saw Matt's pale face and felt her legs weaken. James had to hold her up. "Matt! Hold on, we're here for you," said Mira with a horrible feeling in her stomach.
  24. Mira looked down at her hands. "I wish we could leave this school [I]now[/I]. I'm sick of all these teachers pushing us around." "They're gonna get what's comin' to 'em," said James. "One of these days." "I don't know why I'm even here," said Mira. "I can't remember anything before I came here." She held out her finger and a butterfly landed on it. "You know, that's good luck," said James, smiling. Mira nodded sadly as it flew away. ((erk... I'm in a frilly girly-girl mood today *sweat drop*... Stupid Cardcaptor Sakura manga... -_-))
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