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Dead Alice

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Everything posted by Dead Alice

  1. Most of my close friends like anime (okay so like 3 of them -_-) Poor Nick doesn't have cable so all he likes is Gundam Wing (he has like every episode on cd). At least he saw 1 ep. of Yu-Gi-Oh! and thought it was interesting. And Sephi just likes FF7 and she doesn't have cable either. And Fesha doesn't really like anything but InuYasha. So it's just me and Kai. THE REAL OTAKU(S)!
  2. I loove the Bebop soundtrack (well, what I've heard on the show). I've memorized (the shorter version of) The Real Folk Blues and I sing it like 50 million times a day (yes, I am that boring). And, not to brag or anything, but I sing it pretty damn well too (I'm in choir :sweat: ). I rented Samurai X last weekend and that opening song annoyed me n' my bff to DEATH! That guy needs singing lessons. We were like "NOOO!!! NOT THE SONG AGAIN!!!" The blood was really shiny... :wow: Anyway... I like My Will, Fukai Mori and Dearest. Dearest is really sad... I was singing the Genocide Song (Trigun) at school today and it was sooo funny! My friend Sephi was like, "Amanda, SHUT UP! You're scaring people." :P I told this kid his name is Bakayarou and he has no clue! It's soo funny. He's all "I am Bakayarou!" And I'm laughing... hahaha... I like the ending song thing to Zoids (Chaotic Century). It's kewl, but the stupid announcer dude has to talk over it. >_<
  3. I think I have become obsessed with anime and Japanese culture in general ( :sweat: ) and it scares me sometimes. To quote myself: "BUT I HAVE TO WATCH YU-GI-OH!!!" But I [I]try[/I] to balance it out with everyday life (high school... is blah... [size=1]stupid pep rallies...[/size]). Most people find it extremely odd that I am attracted to cartoon characters. (...) "Look! I drew this really kewl picture of Bakura! Isn't he cute?!" -"Uh..." - "He's from Yu-Gi-Oh!" - "Okay..." - "He's evil. ^-^ That's why I love him." - "Right..." Scary, ain't it?
  4. Zoids Fuzors??? Wha?? (yes I am horribly lost) I watch Chaotic Century every morning at 6:30 b4 I go on the bus. ^-^ (IRVINE!!!) INUYASHA RULES!!! I stay up to watch it even though I'm not supposed to and my grandma tapes it anyway (shh don't tell). Hey, I can live on 5 1/2 hours of sleep! RUROUNI KENSHIN IS AWESOME! ^-^ RK and IY are my fave shows EVER!!! I really hope they show the rest of Yu Yu Hakusho. 'Cause if they deprive me of Youko Kurama any longer I just might have to go buy it! (gasp) I watched part of the first ep. of SD Gundam and I thought it was really weird. Well... the gundams are cute but the people scare me. :sweat: Whatever happened to Lupin? I miss Goemon!!! -_- The Big really really big BIG premiere on WB is tomorrow! Weeeee.... splat. (don't ask)
  5. I understand it... I feel sorry for you... :cry:
  6. hahahahahahahahahaha... this is funny. The Mokuba one was hilarious. And BAKURA!!! *glomps Bakura* mineminemine!!! :laugh: muahahahahaha... You should do one with Duke. And Tristan (well... okay Tristan's not really that funny...). Why couldn't you do Pegasus? Darn it.
  7. Very good. I like it. ^-^ You get a virtual cookie! [size=4]O[/size]
  8. Name: Kurisutarubara Raikou (call me Kuri) Age: 1,387 Gender: female Race: fox spirit (human body) Weapon: Jouraikou (lightning staff), bow Appearance: dark red eyes, long black hair (bangs) with red tips, yellow gi with white hakama, sometimes wears black cloak Bio: I'm the priestess of a small village. My best friend Kai and I hunt demons to protect the villagers. (anything else just ask) ^-^
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]It's so majestic. A symbol of power, but not a symbol of fear. It's something that just seems so respectful. A bird that rises from its own ashes. Something that cannot be destroyed. A giver of life. Everytime I've seen the Phoenix represented in some form of media entertainment, its always made fire look more beautiful than dangerous.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson] I love phoenixes. Dragons are awesome too. [/color]
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