I loove the Bebop soundtrack (well, what I've heard on the show). I've memorized (the shorter version of) The Real Folk Blues and I sing it like 50 million times a day (yes, I am that boring). And, not to brag or anything, but I sing it pretty damn well too (I'm in choir :sweat: ). I rented Samurai X last weekend and that opening song annoyed me n' my bff to DEATH! That guy needs singing lessons. We were like "NOOO!!! NOT THE SONG AGAIN!!!" The blood was really shiny... :wow: Anyway... I like My Will, Fukai Mori and Dearest. Dearest is really sad... I was singing the Genocide Song (Trigun) at school today and it was sooo funny! My friend Sephi was like, "Amanda, SHUT UP! You're scaring people." :P I told this kid his name is Bakayarou and he has no clue! It's soo funny. He's all "I am Bakayarou!" And I'm laughing... hahaha... I like the ending song thing to Zoids (Chaotic Century). It's kewl, but the stupid announcer dude has to talk over it. >_<