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Everything posted by outlawstar69

  1. CHW, I'd have to say that yes, I have noticed a difference in how people percieve me, not just because or racial or religious beliefs (that's a big part of it though). I'm of Arab descent, and with the recent goings on in the world, that has led to what i believe is part of the cause of my Job Hunting Woes. I'm also a muslim, which while it doen't put me at odds with my christian classmates and neighbors, does make me see things differently than they do at times. I've learned to deal with that though... one of the things that makes me a bit mad is discrimination that doesn't have to do with race or religion: has anyone ever been treated differently because of their percieved intelligence level? I'm talking about either being percieved as mentally challened, or as being percieved as being percieved as mentally superior. I've often (more than I like, actually) know that I've been treated differently because I can do things that some people can't, or percieve that which they do not comprehend (I don't mean that in a smug way, i just don't know how else to put it). Has anyone else known this to happen to them?
  2. I graduated one week ago, with a class of 83 other seniors. We had a congressional candidate as our speaker (who happened to not win, although I don't think that would have made his speech any better..). Our class song was "So Far Away", by Staind. Luckily the rain let up, and we had it outside. Speeches were what you would expect, from the valedictorian and the one co-saluditorian. I made a speech too, but it wasn't like the "cliched" graduation speech I think. We had an empty chair with a cap and gown, flowers and a diploma for someone in our class who died last year of cancer... then after we got our diplomas, we formed a circle, and let ballons fly in tribute for him. All in all, it was a time of goodbyes, and reassurances that I would never have to see the people in my class that I didn't like ever again... unless it was in passing.
  3. Ah, panful memories are often the ones that we remember. When I was about 4 or so, maybe even three I went to a sleepover at my cousin's house. The one babysittng me didn't want to deal with me, so she put me in a room and shut the dorr. While I tried to open the door, the dresser beside the door rattled. There happened to be a bronze basee lamp sitting on the edge of that I didn't see... you could probably guess what happened next - KLUNK! It knocked my out, and I woke up in the living room. Apparantly she had heard the fall, and took me out. I wasn't sesverly hurt or anything, seeing as I thought the highlight of that night was that she let me eat all the ice cream that I wanted. I still have an indentation on the top of my head though that I can feel through my hair... I don't remember if she got in trouble or not, but I hope she did. My nearly 18 year old self is a bit indignant at having been shoved away in a room like that.
  4. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Does anyone besides me remember this stupid NEwspaper boy game that Nintendo had? The object of the game was to get rid of all your papers by tossing them on lawns and if you didn't deliver the papers you lost customers, but if you did good you got more customers. I think there may have been more involved, but I don't remember, I just thought it was a screwed up game with just a boy, a bike and papers. Maybe teh occasional dog. I just remember playing that game and thinking, damn, I could do so much better than this. Oh and Oregon Trail. That game was just so I don't know what. I don't know if it was ever on a consol, but I remember it on an Apple computer. All my oxen died from exhuation and I think I may have made it to Oregon once. I also think one of my people died from small pox. One from starvation and one from exhaustion. Then they broke a wheel and I quit. So did anyone else play some of those games as a few of their first video games?[/color][/QUOTE] I remember the Oregon trail game from elementry school, because that was the only place that had the old machines that played it- I remember having to load it off the old floppy disks... (I don't think I ever made it ither, Chibi.) For the newspaper boy game, yes I do remember it, but not from when it first came out. I remember it because last year, the Enrichment program at my school was lacking in all things intellectually stimulating, so we made due with what was available: a computer with an internet connection specially sanctioned for us. Now, i don't know about you, but a room full of guys (yes, primamrily guys last year) who were like us automatically turned to video games. Through this, I was able to watch the entire game of Original Zelda played out, from over the shoulder of Mike. I was also able to see the Newspaper Boy game, but it wasn't so cool. (Oh, and if mentioning emulators, albeit indirectly, is frowned upon, then just PM me and i'll modify my post.) Does anyone remember the SNES game of the Simpsons, when aliens invade Springfield? I actually remember my cousins playing that one.. when Bart lost a life he'd say something that sounded alot like "eat my shorts" or something like that...
  5. The very first console I ever played on was the original Game Boy.. the large, heavy one that used 4 batteries. It was bought new, and it came with two or three games... I believe tetris, the racing one, and pac man were the ones that came with it. Also, these were the first games I played. Come to think of it... we still have the ol' gameboy around somewhere, and it's still being used by my younger brother at times. I have played on the original Nintendo, Duck Hunt if I recall. Having been born in 1986, I wasn't old enough to own an Atari. (Not that I mind...)
  6. Somebody mentioned it before, so I looked into it on the net... from what I understand, it is definitly a 16+ manga and anime. For one, there's quite a bit of sexual content in the various scenes, and as you mentioned cursing... and since this is a fighting action type manga, there is violence as well. The main goal for the main character of the story (as well as a few of the other characters) is to become Ikko Tozan - Warrior with the strength of a thousand men. That's as much as I remember, and I hope it helps you.
  7. Why is it that racial profiling is used when convienient, and how is it useful in any way? When WW2 was going on, it was the Japanese who were targeted, even though I'm sure the vast majority of Japanese immigrants weren't spies - looking back on our history, it almost seems that they were put in the camps to "make the rest of America feel better". When Timothy McVeigh bombed the building in Oklahoma, we weren't all told to be on the look out for "average sized caucasian males", for one reason: it wouldn't be good for the Spirit of Nationalism if everyone suspected everyone and his neighbor... oh wait, with the authorities telling us to report anyone acting suspicious to the proper authorities I guess it's too late. My point is that I think the entire idea of racial profiling, be it at the airport, in standardized tests, in the "driving While Black" situation, or in the people of different races getting advantages in college, I think it's demeaning. I can quite assure you that if you see me at the airport, I have no intention whatsoever of hijacking an airplane, regardless of my heritage that I'm quite proud of.
  8. Hugh Jackman, eh? That's not a bad idea, he fits the lone rebel archetype at times. Who would be good to cast for the other roles, I wonder... Melfina and Jim were the characters I liked the most from the series, it would have to be good talent for me to not be disappointed. Outlaw Star was one of the first anime that I watched, and it influenced my tastes immensly, as evidenced by my user name. Do you think the plot of the series would be brought to script, or would they scrap it for something new? Also, I wonder if any of the so called "important people in the industry" ever look at message boards such as these and get inspiration for them?
  9. On a small sidenote, I asked the one girl who was quite literally screaming with excitement at the airport where the wrestler was, what his name was. She mentioned either Nick or Mick Foley... the name still didn't ring a bell with me. Regardless, maybe I have to much empathy for them. I just keep on imagining what it must be like... because there are some people who enjoy acting purely for the love of the stage light. They might not want all the trappings that come with being a movie star. They sometimes go into theater acting and if you're good enough that line of work often leads to becoming a film or tv actor(ess)... How would you feel if you were, oh, I dunno, a great doctor who happened to love your job because you were helping people, would you want your face plastered on the TV, or crowds of people hounding you to treat them, 24/7 ?
  10. *curses fools who program scheduale guide for Dish TV* I'm ticked... the channel guide that Dish TV uses said that Case Closed came on at midnight... so, I set my VCR for midnight. Next day, I find that I taped Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I double check, it still says midnight, so I figured I made a mistake, and set if for 12 am again. Today I find that yet again it wasn't what I wanted. So I do the smart thing, check the internet, and find that the real time was set for 12:30. Grr... the first two episodes are a mystery to me now, and I was really looking forward to the show too. *Sighs, decides that watching from ep 3 isn't that bad, and waits for reruns.*
  11. *Sigh* I have thought about this idea before reading this thread... and my senior class trip reaffirmed my ideas. While we were in Atlanta airport, on our way to Florida, a large portion of my class all of a sudden gathered near one of the rows of seats. I wandered over there to see what was going on, but as I looked I couldn't see anything worthy of drawing such a crowd. I asked one of my classmates what was going on, and she shrieked out the name of some wrestler from TV and started taking her camera out. I don't remember his name, but I'm sure if I asked her she would... along with the dozen or so pictures she took. My point is, I felt sorry for the guy. Icouldn't stand being in the public eye like some celebrities are. How would you feel if everytime you needed to go to the store to pick up groceries or something personal you were mobbed? I felt that if I ever saw a celebrity outside, the best favor I could do for them would be to not point them out... just let them blend in the crowd, like they want.
  12. It probably isn't coming to theaters because it's not the type of movie that would appeal to the masses. Think about who the target audience is for this movie: Final Fantasy fans, people who've played Final Fantasy 7, and people who like CG animation. Although we might think that this is worth going to theaters, it's not a movie that someone who has never heard of Final Fantasy would be able to pick up... this is considered a sequel to the game of sorts, and not many people would watch a sequel without watching the first.. in this case, the first part was a game.
  13. [QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade]The flapping of a butterfly's wing creating a typhoon is also a bit hard to buy, because at the same time as a butterfly flaps its wings a couple of people (a couple of billion) breathe and some birds fly around or something. Isolating some key instigator in this case, if one even exists, is flat-out impossible. So chaos theory is fun to talk about because it has fun stuff like the "alternate reality" implications, but ultimately seems hardly applicable.[/QUOTE] That's just one example that people use to try and explain the concept to people who haven't studied it for 10 years and recieved a doctorate. There are other applications, or examples. For instance, the way a droplet of water rolls along on a propeller surface. Or, the way that roots grow in the soil... chaos theory deals with the sort of situations where it's not cut and dry, not the type wherein 2 + 2 always equals 4.
  14. If I could say that one field of math was interesting, at least from a perspective of one who watches and not participates, I'd have to say that chaos theory has some really cool aspects to it. I believe that the concept was touched upon in the book Jurassic Park, and that's what introduced me to the whole idea. (I still think that malcom was the best character in the book, but anyway..) In response, yes I do think that something small can have a profound effect on the enviroment. I mean, there's really no way to tell if it doesn't have such effects, because there's no way to recreate conditions exactly for any scientific experiment, let alone one with such a large margin of error. That is, unless we discver time travel, do the experiment, go back, change something, then see the effects...
  15. Hmm... I haven't completed FF7 yet, but I remember someone telling me about the three armed mechanical thing before the sub, abiut how hard it was to fight because it would grab your partners. I remember giving it a beating, without Cloud, and no one died... I was like, "In your face, haha!" I also remember when, years ago, I defeated OoT for the first time: I had gone into andrenalin mode then, with my siblings cheering me on. I thought it was such an accomplishment, that I fought that battle over and over again... until I could beat Gannon in 5 minutes, bwa ha. Pretty much any decent boss fight gives me l33t pleasure. (pardon my leet speak.)
  16. *drools* Semjaza Azazel, you just made my day... and I was already excited for my class trip to florida, in which I'm leaving tomorrow night. I tried looking for info about it, right after I saw the screens, but I couldn't google anything up. Kudos for making me realize yet another reason as to why I should buy a GameCube...
  17. My AP class is a total waste... there are kids there that don't belong, and we don't really do anything harder than what the academic kids do... we just "discuss" things more... bah. AP classes are supposed to be there so you can gain a few english credits for college, and it turns out that the school i'll be going to doesn't accept anything less than a 5 on the AP test score - that's a perfect score. Humbug.
  18. [quote name='Shinmaru]Well, I don't really see how this is a problem lol. The Ice Arrows [i]are[/i'] an optional item; they're available for you to try and obtain if you want them, but they're not needed to beat the game by any means, which you mentioned. However, I don't see why that would lower your opinion of the game. *shrugs*[/quote] I'm not saying that it lowered my opinion of the game at all; I was just saying that they could have made it necessary, or at least fun to use it... for example, you could use the fire arrow to burn things, and there were points where you had to burn things to go on. However, there weren't any places where you had to freeze something to go on. I was trying to say that even if it wasn't necessary to get to new places or solve puzzles, they could have made it still fun to use... for example,an interesting effect when shooting the water with ice arrows, or lava, or something.
  19. I agree with you. I pretty much played the dungeons in order, except for the last two... I completed the spirit temple before I completed the desert one. The concept hadn't occured to me before. That game was the first game I bought, let alone first zelda game, and it raised the bar by which I judge video games that I often reference to this day. There was only one weapon qualm I had.. there was no need for the ice arrow power. I played through the game without ever needing it, so I never bothered to get it. I went back to my game after a while, and found the flying carpet shop in the desert (something I had not known about :) ). It was a rather good game for it's time, and today, and I'd like it if they made another Zelda game in the same fashion.
  20. For me, senior year has been ok. I graduate June 7th (yay!) and I'm looking forward to it. Costs... I decided to forgo the big graduation things, like anouncements and all the other stuff they try to make us buy, but I did buy a cap and gown, yearbook, and I've spent the whole year trying to a salesman to raise money for my senior class trip, which is in a few weeks. *I'm going to Florida! Horray for something different!*. My last year has been a bit different than most peoples', seeing as I'm only in school for about two subjects. I spend my mornings taking a class at a local college, as part of their program that lets us high schoolers take a course a semester at a reduced cost. I'm already accepted, but I'm worried that I won't be able to live on campus... to me, it's a big deal of if I stay at home with my large family, or finally go off by myself. *Commences looking for a summer job* Oh yeah, unless you have a good job, or family money, then you will be poor. I felt guilty trying to sell my fundraiser things to the people I knew in class. Trust me, plan ahead.
  21. Since it isn't being sold in the US on DVD yet, I'll consider this to be "new". There's a series called, "Full Metal Alchemist" that i believe is rather recent. Its a story about two brothers who can use alchemy, in the anime it's a form of science. I've seen the first episode, and I rather enjoyed it. Another good anime I'm looking out for is called "Azumanga Daioh", its about the lives of 6 high school girls and three of their teachers as they go through high school. It's based off of the manga, which was in a 4 panel form... which the one reviewer deemed unusual for manga; making it into an anime was akin to making a comic like Garfield in to a show. (They're nothing like each other, btw.)
  22. Hmm.. from the way I play games, the sound doesn't have that much to do with my immersion factor. Sure, it helps but for me, the thing that pulls me into the "state of gamer's enlightenment" is the combination of story and gameplay intensity. For example, anyone who has to have their focus constantly on a game like Super Mario (yes it's a bit outdated, but feel free to insert any other similar game), where you can't look away to watch TV, because if you do there goes that power up and you're small mario, or dead knows that feeling where you are "attuned" to the game. When in that state of mind, you can play that level in record time, without touching any enemies and beat the boss like he's a wuss. In other games, like Chrono Cross or a Final Fantasy title, I can get so immersed in the story and battles that I'm drawn in. Hours go by and I don't notice, untill someone shakes my shoulder and tells me to leave. For a game like Zelda, you have to pay attention to all the small details to open that door or defeat that enemy, and can also have the same effect. Is that what you are referring to Petey?
  23. It's sad and disturbing because its not a work of fiction; we know that its a true story. I read it a while ago, and I believe that there are two other books that go with it. I think it's important to read because it helps you recognize some of the signs that abuse is taking place... and it keeps you aware of what some kids go through, and possibly allow you to be able to help them.
  24. Hmm... would the length of an anime have an impact on its movie potential? For example, If you had a series in the short range, say 5 to 13 episodes, would that make it more available to be made into a movie than let's say, a series with about 70 episodes, or 200? Also, would anime fans take offense if the movie wasn't a rehashing of the series, or would that be a bonus, making up a whole new storyline, with possibly new characters?
  25. To Omar: I believe that the DBZ movie officially has been scrapped, according to [url]www.toonamiinfolink.com[/url]. I too have my own comments on the idea of a NGE movie, but seeing as I have yet to see the series myself, and no one knows exactly what the movie will be like (too early to tell), I shall keep them to myself for now. As to other anime adaptations (which I think is an aspect of this thread)... Does anyone think that there any other possible candidates for a live action remake? Trigun doesn't have the enthusiatic following that NGE does, nor the depth of said anime, but I think that it's workable. It's an example of a good anime in my opinion, and most of the characters look like people (aside from some of the Gung Ho Guns, of course). What do you all think about that idea, or any other good candiates?
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