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Everything posted by outlawstar69

  1. Sadly, in alot of cases, when a series is dubbed it is also automaticly cut and edited as well. At least in cases where the market is TV audiences... when it's a direct to DVD release, that's not what happens... for me it all depends on the emotion, quality, and professionalism of the anime in question. Trigun was good subbed, but it was excellent dubbed. Slayers is hilarious subbed, but it's dub is horrible...
  2. Does anyone in here read Reader's Digest? I'm sure I can remember a few years back that they did an experiment of sorts, where they went to different places around the world and the US, leaving wallets on the ground to see if they would get returned or not. Things is, I can't remember the results. Does anyone remember that?
  3. I guess I'm the first Muslim to post in this thread. I was born in quote/unquote "muslim community" in the Brooklyn area, but in the 4th grade moved to where I am now, in the sticks of PA, where there is a predominant Christian community. I've had the chance to look at other faiths, compared them to my own, and decided that I am quite happy being a Muslim. As for a creed or something that represents our religion... I'm not sure that there are any, but I did find a Surah, or chapter, of the Quran (Muslim's holy book) that I feel is representitive of my views on other religions. Keep in mind that the Quran is in arabic, so this translation to english may differ slieghtly with others. Surah Al-Kafeeroon (Those who reject Faith) 1) Say: O you that reject faith! 2) I worship not that which you worship, 3) Nor will you worship that which I worship. 4) And I will not worship that which you are wont to worship. 5) Nor will you worship that which I worship. 6) To you be your way, and to me mine. Pretty much, I think of this as saying, " that you will do your own thing in religion, and I'll do mine, let's leave each other alone" kind of thing.
  4. I was thinking about the presidential candidates and their running mates (vice president hopefuls), and the prospective ones for soon to be chosen democratic nominee John Kerry, when I thought about George Bush's Vice President, Dick Cheney. Ever since 9/11 when he put into hiding, I haven't really heard that much about him in the news. Sure, what gets on the news is selective, based on what some editors decide to put on the air, but doesn't that also show that "nothing is happening" with the VP? As I remember, the other VPs were on the news as often or more often than the presidents themselves. What I was wondering is that when Bush runs for re election, do you think he wil decide to have Cheney as his running mate? I'd like to type more, but I have to shut down, and I will either come later to amend this post or post a reply. What do you think?
  5. Wow, a thread that I read that not's dead.. ok: 1) The first series I watched, way back in the day, was Megaman... although I do remember seeing the end credits of Sailor Moon, I don't remember watching it. This was way back when in the 80's, or at the latest 1990. 2) oh yes, time has made me more paticular about what I watch, but it also has broadened my horizons. What I'm watching now, I would never have gotten into or even understood when I was younger... hence, I now watch more anime, but better in my opinion. 3)Goin g back to my second answer... no, I definetly wouldn't have appreciated the stuff I watch now back then. Chobits comes to mind, as does Hellsing... All in all, I think as an otaku I've matured, and become the better for it.
  6. [quote name='Kapnronh'] What I'm really afraid of is the possibility(note, I said POSSIBILITY) of companies using digitally generated voices instead of real voice actors. Technology has gotten so advanced that computers can now actually speak phrases with simulated emotion. It would save the companies money but, it'll make voice acting a thing of the past. I'm somewhat anxious to see the future of anime but then again, I'm a little afraid.[/quote] From what I understand, part of the reasons some people even watch some animes are because of the voice actors or actresses who are featured in them. Certain female actresses, for example Megumi Hayashibara, have almost a cult following. Just as if Miyazaki lending his talents to a project animation wise would instantly draw a fan base, certain voice actors would draw the same effect. I don't think that anytime soon they would use digital voices in place of real actors/ actresses.
  7. Didn't they prove that theory was not true? ... I don't think that we could ever normally devolop that ability to what we see in the movies and such... but with genetic engineering and nano machines we could maybe find a way to alter our auditory nerves so that communication could be possible, as a recieveing end... I'm not sure about sending messages though.
  8. I believe his name was Skullmaster. I remember watching this show in reruns, after it was over. It aired in syndication with The Mask, as part of some generic tv station that later got swallowed up by a network... that show was pretty good.. too bad I lost all the toys I ever owned from it... the pieces were pretty small, as I remember.
  9. I recently came across this anime not too long ago, I have yet to watch it. Are there any people here who have seen it, and what are your opinions on it? This series is in the same style as Lain, and has some of the atmosphere of Witch Hunter Robin (at least that's what one review said.) I'll post what I think when I watch it.
  10. As a Muslim, I believe that life is a test. You make a set of decisions, and how you do in life determines your place in the afterlife. Now, as to why we are taking this test, or what we are supposed to do with ourselves while living, that's up in the air for anyone to determine for themselves. In religious terms, if you pass the test you go to heaven, if not, you go to hell. What qualifications or actions are neccessary for either to happen can be disputed by different people, so I'm not going to discuss that in here. If you choose not to believe this, I'm not trying to press my opinion, this is what I believe. Read it as you will.
  11. *Yay! I'm back from my OB hiatus :) !* Online relationships... this issue depends alot on the nature of the relationship, I think. For instance, I think for the most of us, there aren't many people that we've met online that you would invite to a holiday dinner, or on a family vacation with you. (Thank goodness most of us exercise some sort of caution.) Are you refering to a relationship that consists mostly of something like, "ohh yeah, I saw that anime / played that video game", or "yeah, my day was kinda lame because I was grounded" kind of depth? Does this pertain to exclusive anonymous relationships; would an online relationship with someone you knew personally before, but they moved away? We've heard stories of people who end up getting kidnapped by people they've met online, but we've also heard stories of people who meet online and get married, and live quite happily. Concerning one of my own questions, does anyone think that having an online friendship with someone you knew personally, and hung out with be able to be the same as when they were physically there? (Not to change the subject intentionally or anything, just want some thoughts about this.)
  12. The fact that that she keeps on winning isn't a bad thing in this anime, as a guy I like alot as well. (Partly because it's something that all my siblings can watch.) I'm on episode 17, woot! It gets better and better as it goes on, trust me.
  13. Ahh... siblings... I have many, so I know what you guys (and girls) are talking about. In our family, there are 6 kids. To some, that may seem like alot, until you look at my dad's family (11 brothers and sisters). 11 is alot by any standard, so I haven't complained about how many of us there are. I am the second oldest at 17, and I often feel like the oldest though. My one brother (3 boys, 3 girls) who is the closest to my age at 15 is autistic and goes to a special school, so I never really got to know him that well. (Too bad he can't comunicate well.) I have another brother in 7th grade though that I get along with rather well, until he act's like an idiot and I have to be authouritative with him. My three sisiters.. well, one is older, and goes here as well. (stays off that topic.) My other two are normal sisters but they act rather bratty sometimes. I think once we all get older we'll have a better relationship.
  14. Go away, you whose assaults have driven me here! Stay back your hand! ? That which is stained with blood anew. Your affront with my beloved Shall cease now! For I have come, rushing To the side of my angel Nearly felled, by you! I shall bear the brunt of your attacks, Take it, blow by blow Counter it, thrust and parry All for the one most precious to me. Fie! You black hearted fiend As I halt your violence Ere you hurt another. Be gone! I cast you off To your dark and hellacious corner Where you shall cower Lest you cross into my sight again Ergo I punish you with a vengeance! * For those who post more regularly here, I would like to say that I'm amazed that you can post frequently here with good poetry. I will continue to post, but not so often. Inspiration hits me not too often, and I don't want to force anything. Kudos to you all.
  15. I think you are correct in that. From what I read, Angel Links is pretty much tied in to Outlaw Star in the fact thatthey are in the same "universe". They share the same species and whatnot, and the Galaxy forces and Pirates may be in there, but storywise... it has absolutly nothing to do with Outlaw Star what soever. I heard it wasn't that great of series either... On a lighter note, I did hear that the creator is considering making a few OVA's on OS this year. If it's true then I'm going to look forward to it. *imagines better qualtiy, and more the stroyline continued.* I do like Cowboy Bebop too btw :). But don't like comparing anime as such; they are different, and that's why they really can't ever be compared sucessfully.
  16. From what I'm reading, it sounds like some of you guys / girls are embarrased thatyou haven't kissed anyone yet, at varying ages... I'm going to put my two cents in here, and say that you shouldn't feel bad for that. I was raised (in my culture and religion) to believe that: 1) No dating until you're old enough / ready to be able to get married (in other words mature enough and financially able to; not in high school). 2) When you do date, in my case being a guy, I'd have to make sure that my "date" has someone with her, either a sister or an aunt or just a good friend, so that we aren't ever alone together. Think about it. 3) No sex until you're married, (that includes kissing That may sound harsh to some of you (hears gasps of, "What? No kissing!"), but to someone steeped in that kind of atmosphere from birth, then dropped in Rural America where the culture is completly different, I see why some of those guidlines are the way they are. I'm 17, and even if it's a bit lonely, I know that it's for the best. These aren't all of the guidlines, and if any of these are wrong then please tell me and i will edit my post in due haste. (wrong in terms of Islamic context; I'm not a religiuos scholar after all.) Guys (and girls), don't feel bad because you haven't been kissed, regardless of age. You have the whole rest of your lives to find someone special, I doubt any of you are 90 and on your deathbed talking here. *looks back at post, realizes that it may be more than two cents worth, and counts out change accordingly*
  17. Sigh... Outlaw Star used to be my favorite show. Hence my board name, email address and multiple screen names :p . I read from more than one site that the creator of OS is seriously planning on making one or two OVAs, sometime next year. *still has hopes, however small, that rumours of Witch Hunter Robin, Ghost in the Shell, and Inuyasha are coming in February are true* . When is Lupin coming back? I never thought of taping it the first time around, but I read a review for the movie which I won't list because I can't spell it. It looks good, so I'm looking into it.
  18. Yeah, they do ring a bell. But I'm not sure that's what I was thinking; I distinctly remember when they had at least one day when they showed nothing but anime, because I remember my mom wouldn't let us watch it. And when it was on, it was more than DBZ and Gundam Wing (although those were in it too). Thanks though. From what I know, Tenchi isn't coming back. The license ran out. Same for GW. Cardcaptors (the dub) I heard was not very good at all. They cut episodes out completely, they didn't voice it well, and they actually changed elements of the storyline. I heard it was very good originaly though; that's on my list of animes to see. I can't wait till Febuary! :)
  19. I've watched the first episode. I liked it; I hadn't seen the others in the same style that you had mentioned. I heard it was coming to adult swim in february from a friend; does anyone know the validity of this? I'll wait untill then to watch it, if true.
  20. I do believe that they have done that idea before; all day toonami a few years back I think. dragonball z, gundam wing, pretty much what ever was on the line up at the time. I didn't get to watch it though. They could do it again though.
  21. When I was about 5 or 6, my dad started my sister and I in a karate program. We just started getting into the meat of it when we moved, so that quit taht field for me. It's been 11 years later, and where we live there aren't any places that teach any form what so ever. Does anybody know if there are colleges that teach martial arts? Even as a sidw program?
  22. Meh... I'm not christain, so I don't celebrate christmas. In Islam you're not supposed to celebrate anything not already put down as a holiday before (I think this means religious holidays, so that the religion doesn't get changed or anything). We recently finished Ramadan, which is a month long time of fasting during daylight hours. Eid Al-Fitr was right after that (to celebrate Ramadan being over, I think). So right now everyone around me is celebrating christmas, or gearing up for it. I'm kinda feeling left out, but only because we don't live near any muslim communities to celebrate the holidays we have with them. But I have fun with my family during those times at any rate.
  23. My school isn't too bad, now that I've heard some of your guys' stories. As of now, there's alot of construction going on, which shows that they care about our old school getting better and stuff like that, in terms of up grading it. As for faculty and staff, they're nice enough. Alot of them are old, or related to everybody, so it's all good. :)
  24. I'm glad to see that there is some intelligent convo here; other wise I wouldn't state my opinion. I'm a muslim; and am a religious person. It affects many of my views (not all of them though.). In Islam, I believe, (I'm not a religious scholar, so don't quote me on this as I may be in error), if a murder occurs it is up to the family of the victem to decide punishment. They can have either recompensation (blood money) or the murderer can be put to death. That's not perfect, but seeing as I have a short time here; that's all I will say for now.
  25. Yay! People who know about this, other than me! The Tales series actually started a while ago, and a game called Tales of Phantasia was realeased for the super famicom (aka japanese super nintendo). Seeing as I do not know any japanese to play it, I had to find .. well, you all know what I had to find, to play it patched in English. All I can say is that it has some of the best graphics for the snes, and some of the best sound too. (And of course, the story line is awesome.) They ported that game to the gameboy, then to the psx, and now they are porting it to the gba, here in the US. Very good game. I don't even own a Game Cube, and i'm looking forward to this.
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