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Everything posted by outlawstar69
I can cook, but I don't do it often. I remember one time I was making tea in the microwave; I forgot to put water in it. The cup cracked; but all as well, nothing spontaneously combusted. Now, something akin to a nucular meltdown occured with my cousin a few years back. He decided to put a G.I. Joe in the microwave... that was memorable...
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
outlawstar69 replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
What sadness, what sorrow Lies in the coming of the morrow? As of yet, I know none. Regardless, I'd like to say Ready or not, here I come! (yet another bit of inspiration caught on paper; now to exixt forever in the electronic medium.) -
Anime .hack Volumes have interesting titles... (Easter Egg Discussion)
outlawstar69 replied to AzureWolf's topic in Otaku Central
I had high school psychology before; I belive it has something to do with that. (makes mental note to look it up) -
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
outlawstar69 replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
I've seen the first episode of Witch Hunter Robin; I'd say it will be a good show. It starts out with a group of people hunting this person down, who uses some sort of power (thus a witch, even if male), and that makes the hunters witch hunters. They are the good guys here, I think. They catch the guy, get back to HQ, and eventually this girls dresses in black shows up, an addition to their team. She too, is a witch. I don't know much more, and I am looking forward to watching it on AS (which is the most likely place for it). I wonder who will do the voices... -
Hmm... I guess it doesn't really matter to me. From the culture that I was partially steeped in (that culture being Egypt; even if I was born here), the tradition there is that the women take on thier husband's surname, then the kids have their dad's first names as their middle names. It's kinda different I guess; I haven't heard this anywhere else. (My mom chose all of our first names, she's from Pennsylvania and wanted to choose them. My dad didn't have a problem :) )
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
outlawstar69 replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
As I opened my eyes, this I did see On the spent battlefield laid out before me. Down in the mud of this place of woe Laid both the forms of friend and foe. As I stood up, I could thus hear The Ballads of Fallen Angels and their auguries of destruction and fear. Yet as I leaned on my sword, lest I should fall Not all was lost, not at all. For as I limped off, to roads anew A lullaby of love I did over hear. And tired as I was, my spirits grew Refreshing my spirit all and through. (I have no idea where this one came from; I just sort of one day decided to write and here it is, for all to see.) -
2004 Re-Elections [a.k.a. Is Bush a Good President?]
outlawstar69 replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
Regarding the whole Patriot act issue, and Guantanamo Bay.... Yes, I am at a potential for losing my rights. Did you know that right after 9/11, after the bill was passed (which, by the way, was introduced in a lesser form the day before, when congress looked at it. When they went home for the night, it underwent some "revisions" that no one noticed the next day, when they voted on it. Look here : [url]http://www.michaelmoore.com/takeaction/issues/patriotact.php[/url]), there were several American citizens who were detained, with no cause at all? They were held without telling thier families, no lawyers, all that stuff.. they were held for months. When one arabian restaurant owner was finally released, with no apologies, his business was shunned. They never charged him with anything, although he had interrigators yelling at him to admit that he was a muslim terrorsit.... I am a muslim, I don't mind saying that here. I look the spitting image of my father, who was from Egypt. I have his last name too, and just based on those I'm likely to be a target to such bills and laws. On a "random" search last year, my sister was the only one in her class on her senior trip who was searched, even though there were other people whom it would have served better to search than her, like the kid exporting and importing drugs as a little side busniess. The fact that an american citizen, who is muslim or is from the areas where there's trouble in the middle east, can be held for months without any reason means that someday YOU might be in his situation. -
Love can be a sticky issue for some, I think, especially if they got burned before. I won't sit here and talk about it though; I'll hopefully be able to experience it soon enough for myself. From what I hear from the more positive members here though, it will be well, worth it. Thanks guys, for letting me see past the naysayers; that it is something worthwhile. :)
To Artimis, from what country do you hail from? If you're from one of the world powers or westernized societies, then yes I see your point. I myself know many males who are "players" or "ladie's men". Pox on them all. I also know a few that aren't. For one, I would hope that I'm not a player, for I have not and will not date untill I'm ready for marriage; it's a religious and personal decision. There are some people in these societies that are nice guys; there really are. Just don't limit yourself to looking in the areas where you live; keep in mind that there are different societies that raise their males differently. Some treat women with more respect; some treat them with less respect. That's just the way it is sadly, but don't lose hope. (if that's what you're losing.) Not everybody wants to get in relationships to get laid; so to speak. I would hope not anyway.
2004 Re-Elections [a.k.a. Is Bush a Good President?]
outlawstar69 replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
In response to holding prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, saying it's ok because it's legal, what kind of justification is that? Under the name of the patriot act, officials are already starting to profile regular protestors, the kind you see waving signs, onto the no-fly lists because of their activities. Bush is the man who signed it, as well as the many people who passed it to get to him. I know he's not dumb: he was a very successful businessman; made millions with oil and all, so that's not an excuse. What good is a bill that would undermine the rights of those without any rights, and at what time will we see that it will eventually come around to those with rights, protected by that wonderful document called the constitution? Should it matter that they are "enemy combatants"? Did you know that there are still american citizens who are being held from when they arrested all those people around Sept. 11? They were held without charges, had no lawyers, and their families were not even told that the government had arrested them. Did you know that was allowed by the first Patriot Act, and guess what? They are making a Patriot Act II, which would allow the government even more powers to do as such to anybody they deems so. Doesn't this scare anybody else here? -
My my.. what violence runs amongst us all! How could you be a part of that and say how magnificient it is? You guys got hurt. Sure, I like the occasional bout to see every once in a while, but when blood spills that's getting serious.
I agree; just let it be. As long as we can differentiate between between what's love and what's lust, just let it go. I, for one, have not used that term yet because as a 17 year old male I look around and I know that it would be better for me to wait for someone really special.
Eh, I'm not so sure if cheating is the best idea. Regardless of the stakes. Figure this: lets say you can't pass this with out cheating. So you do. You get caught. You get into a lot more trouble than if you would have just flunked, even if it meant you lost some privliges. Besides, cheating can become addictive. That's not a habit you want to pick up, because especially in later years you'd get into alot more trouble. (by cheating I mean some way of taking answers with you; I think it's ok to ask people who took it before what it's about. Be wary of that too though, because some teachers have different versions for diff class periods.)
2004 Re-Elections [a.k.a. Is Bush a Good President?]
outlawstar69 replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [B] Quiz of the day: Why did Bush make a tax cut that would grant people 90,000 more bucks? You see, rich people spend that 90,000. It goes into the workplace, and helps out the economy. If a rich person buys an expensive car, the makers of that car get the money, and then the entire company gets that money too, and then their workers get paid more because of the more money, and then more spending on stuff like gas, and electricity... Even if the tax cuts are effecting many budgets, it'll come back later. Every buisness loses money it's first years. This WAS working before 9-11, and then people saved their money incase they were attacked by anthrax. If people would spend money, then most of our problems would be solved. And they worded it to make it soudn worse I.E. 1.6 trillion in 10 years. Um... Little government lesson: They net [b]7.5 trillion bucks a year!!!![/b] In 10 years, they would have nearly 70 trillion bucks. With the tax cuts, that 70 becomes 68.4. And that is projected with how things are going RIGHT NOW. Not a little later. [/B][/QUOTE] Doesn't that reflect the trickle down theory? I dunno, but if you look at it that way, doesn't that mean that societies where the top borguasie (sp?) have all the money would be the ones with the best economies? Because if the rich have most of the wealth, doesn't that mean they can buy that yacht they always wanted? Ooh, that means that there will have to be workers to build that boat, and servants to serve cocktails while they go a yachting. Oh, and don't forget the the people it will take to keep that thing clean and shiny! Oh my, of course that theory will work. Look at all the jobs that were created because the the rich were the ones with the most money.... I dunno, but that logic doesn't work for me The less of a gap there is between the high earners in terms of finances and the bottom where the lowest earners are seems to be a better way too look at things. Look in Europe; they have CEO's same as we. But in many countries, including Britan, there is a set ratio as to what they ceos can in comparison to their low paid employess. For example, I believe Germany has a number around 13-15, where the ceo can't make more than 13-15 times the salary of his lowest paid employee. Where as in america, that difference between ceo and lowest employee may be as high 415 times the salary difference. Look at the problems we have here, with Bush's rich friendly tax cuts and policies. Look there, where there are no such policies. Do they have the same scandals that we have? No, they don't. -
2004 Re-Elections [a.k.a. Is Bush a Good President?]
outlawstar69 replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
Sigh.... too bad that everything has to based on whether you're a conservative, or liberal, (which does not mean republican or democrat retrospectivly either) or anything in between. Oh yeah, and Transtic Nerve, I agree with you on the forcefed news thing. Unless you watch outside sources of news, (or if you have the ability to extrapolate the "good truths" and the "real truths") you really don't know how much the propganda machine works. Every country has one, but in this country it seems ridiculous. (not in the same way as a communist country's propoganda, I'm not saying that.) For the fact that we are supposed to be free speech country, I'd expect to have certain people who are in charge of the news conglomerate impose their opinions. But still... the amount of information that is left out, or in some cases even contrived, and then displayed on all of our news media sources (and sadly most of them are owned by the same people, in their business merging kind of way). For all of you who base your opinions soley on what you read and see on tv, please, look into other sources. BBC is a good one, as well as france and germany's news. I am feeling slightly faint so I shall take my leave and get some rest. I'll be waiting for whoever replies next. -
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
outlawstar69 replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
You know, when I first was told of this thread, I had no idea it had such good poems in it. I started this morning trying to read them, and only got to around page 7 or 8. I decided to add my own and I see there are more than 50 pages! Whoa! I should have found this sooner. Oh well. Here's a peom that I wrote for an assignment; it's not my best but here goes: The Gift of Winter The gift of winter, made ever clear; By the falling silence that none can hear Of the coming of snow and crytaline ice; Heralded by the turning of past seasons thrice What is it?, some may ask; Each of whom wears their own mask Made by their greed, anger and lies, They see not that thing which they despise. Of the rest, yes they can see With their hearts of mirth and eyes of glee, They are the children, and those with children within. In case you couldn't tell, this was one of those "christmas spirit" poetry contest things. I don't celebrate though, so my teacher told me I could make it secular. Now that I've posted, I'll be posting often :) . -
2004 Re-Elections [a.k.a. Is Bush a Good President?]
outlawstar69 replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rttocs77 [/i] [B]Well, in case you did not know, quite a few conservatives have also written books with *gasp* proven facts! 1) Let Freedom Ring: Winning the War of Liberty over Liberalism by Sean Hannity 2) Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got It Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First by Mona Charen 3) Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security by Robert Patterson 4) The Savage Nation: Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Borders, Language and Culture by Michael Savage Just to name a few. You still also didn't state any facts right there so your complete arguement is practically void. :D Better luck next time. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I'd have to say that I didn't post any facts because I didn't post anything that needed them. What I posted was pure opinion there. Now, had I posted something that rewuired facts, like as in a date, or details to a certain event, then yes, I would have posted them. In any case, I said which books to read that actually had FACTS in them. I need not post the contents of an entire book, I believe. (Besides, the one I would post quotes out of, the one bt Michael Moore, was borrowed from a friend. He has it back already.) I wouldn't want to post anything that I could not be sure of the complete validity. Oh yes, and about your book choice number 3: how is it that you believe Clinton endangered our security? As I recall, the Clinton Admin. left behind when they left several warnings to the new bush admin. concerning Al-Queda (sp?) . While Bush jr. was in office, there were even reports by CIA Director Tenet about how al-Queda could be planning to hijack airplanes, delivered to said president on August 6th of 2001. Do you want to know where the president was? In Texas, on the longest presidential vacation in over 32 years. Doesn't that give you that nice, warm safe feeling? That's all I'll say for now, because I only have the one book by Al Franken in my temporary possesion at the moment. (Frankly, that's all I feel like saying about this now, unless I'm compelled to defend any of my positions, in which case I may or may not feel like doing so.) -
2004 Re-Elections [a.k.a. Is Bush a Good President?]
outlawstar69 replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
Spider, I'm not even going to point out all that's wrong with what you have in your post.... agreeing with poisen toungue; and to quote from a book i've read before (it's not an exact quote, but oh well) Utopia: "Why is it that you don't see wise men in counsel with the king, on their courts? Because they know they will not be heard. If all of the village would be standing outside in the rain; they know that going out to tell them to come in only leads to them getting wet as well, from experience. So they stay in, and make their wisdom grow, by themselves." Hey, why don't you actually post some sources or citations? Where's your proof? If you want some books to read (with, gasp, prooven sources) go read "Lies, And the Lying Lyars Who Tell Them", by Al Franken, and "Dude, Where's My Country?", by Michael Moore. They are both good, witty (michael more than al) and actually have proof to back up what they say. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about here? -
Anime Martian Successor Nadesico anyone?
outlawstar69 replied to ElrickOtaku's topic in Otaku Central
I recently got into it as well; my interest was piqued before they had Giant Robot Week on Toonami though. I seem to watch all anime at a very slow rate... I'm only up to show number 5. Still, it's hilarious and often makes my side split I'm laughing so hard. -
Hmm... I'm a senior in high school this year; and I am glad that my school never went to such lengths. For one reason, it's relativitly poor (being a rural school and all). They put in a dress code of sorts, which gets violations everyday; we're not allowed to have backpacks, and we have to have passes to everywhere. (Some people don't though :rolleyes: ) Being a senior, they're at the point where they don't care what you're doing, as long as it's not illegal. Having a modified scheduale, I can come in at pretty much any time in the day and never be late. :) *Oh yeah, BabyGirl, I agree with you on the college thing. I can't wait to go next year.
I hope my sister doesn't see this.. heh... I'm 17, and have 5 other siblings. I know very well what you all are going through. I can remember most of them being born, and all the stages that led up to now. I can say this from experience: It will get better. The youngest one is now in 5th grade, and they have all grown up and matured a great extent. I have had my disputes, but I settled them of course. They act up, as they are all still young, but that's ok. I know they'll grow up someday. They won't be little kids forever you know. If you're having a tough time; stick it out, and remember that you get to move out first :)
Even if the face changes, there are aspects of most animes that are immedialty recognizable. These would be features comment to most animes. For example, if you took the animation from Princess mononoke and compared it to animation from Slayers, they don't look the same but you can tell that both are examples of anime. Does that make any sense to anybody? (can't think because of a sneezing fit)
I remember POGs. That was a longtime ago; now I feel old. Meh. I don't think the meaning behind 'prep' is a trend, for those fade, not linger like the smell of dead things that the cafeteria served up. In school, we're reading a book from the 50's, called "The Catcher in the Rye", in there there are several people who fit the qualifications for today's meaning of the word 'prep' who were to be despised... you know, the shallow type and all. (yes, I know the narrator was depressed, and that had an effect on what he said.) My point is, I don't think that the way preppies act is a trend. It seems that until something changes there will always be people who believe that high school is such a big deal social wise, and that they have to be on top of said social ladder or the world's going to come crashing down on them. Or something like that. I for one know come from a school that's pretty small; we don't have enough people to form all the cliques that you hear about. For example, I know people who fit into the jock and smart kid category, or the skater and popular kid category.. and the prep / geek... we do double duty, lol. I for one have no idea where I fit on this social ladder myself, and I frankly don't care. It would be nice if everybodu didn't care.
While it may be true that there are actual "preps" that whet their sharp tounges against the self esteem of some of their "lower class" bretheren, I don't think that should count against ALL people who dress or look like them. Stereotypes are the basis or foundation of concepts like racism or elitism. It's not beneficial for any group to have any concepts such as these .. imbedded ... (I think that's a good fit, for the phrase) into their collective psyches. It's not like we would know what group we fell into unless someone told us, because nobody fits all of the so calles "qualifications" for being in any group. (If we were all blind no one would care about skin color, for example.)
I know it may sound repetitive, but I think it would be a good idea to seek help. Even if it's just confiding with someone who cares, or going to a therapist, it would help you with what you're going through. I have not done that myself.. but I know where the sources of those urges come from...