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Everything posted by outlawstar69

  1. I'm kinda glad that people can come here and share their problems like this; as a place to look for support and all. Keep in mind that I am, in mind anyway, fully behind whatever you do that will help you with your situation. If any of us were in your place, we'd be thinking differently, not with a clear head. I hope that all of our cheers of support and advice help you, in some way or another.
  2. (gives the thumbs up sign) Yep, that'll work. I'd be one of the people to either give a wird look, or come and join you. Lol. Ah... what fun. Just for the heck of it, when I can actually go somewhere that has an elevator, I'm going to (in complete anonymity, of course) turn around, face to back, grin, and in the deepest, hoarsest voice I have, say, "I need a new host...." and just look at everybody... lol.
  3. Wow... I've waited three weeks to watch this. First, because of AS's mistake, then becasue I had to wait till my mom worked (she's not a fan of anime) . All I can say is..wow...
  4. Lol... I saw a tv show that is almost dedicated entirely to socail deviency. (Trigger Happy tv I think) Anyway, try this one on for size: dress as the grim reaper and go door to door asking if (insert name here) is there.. or even just stand on a corner and stare at a group of people (wearing your mask of course) and just look at your watch every minute or so, and keep staring. Lmao, that would rock!
  5. Gotta love satire, :). I think maybe what DeathBug was looking for may be to hearken back to the days when the artists expressed their views in a more subtle maner. (Just as everyone here has said..). Or not. The point is, you can pretty much take anybody in their line of work and they will express their views in whatever way they can from that line of work... like newspapers. There's alot of political views in there.
  6. No, I don't think that's wrong. Unfortunatly, people will choose whatever venues they can to get their opinions heard, regardless of tact.
  7. Yay! I've found other people who like this anime, finally. I've watched only the first two episodes, but I like it. (I'm the kind of person who knows alot more about the animes than I get to watch, sadly.) Oh well. Wasn't this on techtv's anime unleashed or something?
  8. I think we've already established the fact that the worls isn't perfect, so there's no point in wishing for that. Besides, that would mean taht you wouldn't be able to say anything to the KKK member walking in your school to hand out flyers.
  9. Well now... nobody form Brooklyn... I guess that makes me the first :) . I was born in Brooklyn, and lived there till about 1st grade or so. Then I moved to New Jersey, somewhere near Elizabeth or so. (nasty place, that was.) Then around 4th grade we all moved to where I am now, Huntingdon County, PA. Where there are more trees, pastures, and farm fields than anything else... It's cool though. I live next to the woods, and we see wild animals frequently. (Heh... me: Look! Aah! Bear! Run!... sister: No wait, that's a deer... silly fool...) Lol... I aspire to visit many parts of the world though, someday.
  10. Wow... I don't come here for a few days, and I miss out on an interesting thread. Bleh. In response to all reading this (to PoisenTounge and Mitch especially), do you mean by "ultimate freedom" of the mind? Are you refering to what some call nirvana? Or do you mean evolving into a higher form of pure mental being? (I watched the matrix on Sunday as well. I can't believe I've been missing out on all this. Sweetness.) Unless we eventually develop mind reading devices (which if you consider thought to be nothing but electronic impulses and chemical reactions then that may come to be sooner or later :( ) then we all have freedom of the mind. Well, at least the potential for it anyway; if you remove the idiots of our world who are close minded. Think of all the communistic or totalitarian governments that were over thrown by their people: they weren't allowed to bash the government, they weren't allowed to say anything that the government didn't allow them to. But in their minds, they had ideas and visions and dreams that enabled them to eventually start their revolutions. True; if their governments were able to watch over them akin to the setting of 1984, then they couldn't hold secret meetings or whatever to plan "events", but that's besides the point. The point is that they were free to [I]think[/I] without any constraints or laws saying what was or wasn't allowed. ( I shudder to think of a day when that may be possible) A racist can be a racist without saying a word; if he doesn't act on his views then they are his own. You can think to yourself about how much you may want to asassinate somebody but if you don't say or do anything then no one would be the wiser. And in response to : quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Baron Samedi Re: Mitch and PoisonTongue Unless you believe in religion, in which case you go to heaven, Blah-de-blah-blah, then you need to eat. Physical compulsions will drive you for necessity. If there is no form of higher plane, then the death of your physical body would mean the death of your mental self as well. Yes? Achieving "total mental potential" still requires the use of your body to sustain the object that is powering this consciousness. yes? You only have a conscious form because of your brain. Without a working brain, you don't have a consciousness. Yes? Or no? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are those who dispute that the mind or conciousness has anything to do with the brain, to a certain extent. People who are in comas have no brain activity, yet they remember when people visted them and talked with them. Some patients who have been put under for surgery (having alomst all body functions put on standby via drugs, ice, etc) have been able to recount experiences that happened during their surgeries that should not have been possible, because they weren't having ANY brain activity. Which is what is supposed to be the whole process of thinking and memory. I truley believe that there is no such thing as "true" free speech; we will probably always be monitered or censored in some way. Yet, I don't mind what we have now. It's not that bad, considering what our country could be like. It's better than Big Brother watching over us in our homes and lives to the extent of that infamous book. ( I wonder how many people who reference it have actually read it....)
  11. I've heard about that article; it goes for guys to I think. *Reads Molletta's post* Hmm.. are there any catholic scholars here who would care to elaborate on this? I'm not catholic, and haven't heard about it much. Is there any religious line of reasoning behind it?
  12. That would be the vampire, and it's been a while since I watched it so I don't remember his name (sorry). I don't have a question, because I haven't read this whole board and don't want to double ask a question.
  13. This is a tricky topic, and I'll try not to step on anybody's toes here. With the way I was brought up, and the importance of religion in my life (yes, I do think religion is a big factor in my choosing, but not the only one) I do think the best idea is to wait. Besides the risks of STD's, most people aren't mature enough to even think about the ways that having sex early will affect them. I've had some introspective musings with myself lately, and I thought about how my life would change if one of the things that could go wrong happens: What if I got a STD, and died early; What if I became a father, before I was even done growing up, etc? I wouldn't be able to do any of the things I want to do before I even considered getting married. (Well, maybe some of those things... but that's beside the point). I would have to drop plans of going to college full time, or part time even to go to work. And because I would have to go to work and not have enough time to go to college, I wouldn't be able to use any scholarships that are currently the only way I'd be able to go. This is even just thinking personally about my self, and not considering my family (not that what I would do has anything to do with them... but hey I'm 17, I still live with them and that counts for something), my friends, and all that goes with it. If there are any people that are having pre marital sex, I understand that it's your call, and maybe you can and do deal with all the aspects that go into making such desicions. I also know that whatever I say probably won't change the opinions of someone set in their ways, and that's ok too.
  14. I hope that this can help you out... I can understand that you seem to be going through a rough time in your life. To the extent of that, I know not. We have all gone through difficulties in one way or another, and I'm sure that some have it worse than you do... you say you don't think that there's any reason to go on, that your existance is meanlingless? Let me tell you something that happened to me the other day: I am currently looking for a job, as many of my friends know. I was asking around, and someone said that the local pharmacy was hiring. No special skills required. Sounded good. Since I've been driving to school lately, I thought it would be a good idea to swing by after school and look into it, pick up an application and so forth. So I went, taking about 10 minutes to get there from school. The guy in charge was taking a phone call, and I had to wait 20 minutes. Then I went home, taking about another 20 minutes. I come home, and I found my mom crying. It hadn't occured to me to call you see, (yes I know that was dumb, and I know now to call next time I go anywhere... live and learn I guess..) She had called the school, to see if I was there. Of course I wasn't and apparantly the people in the office were afraid for me too, for they were combing the area looking for any car crashes. We live in a small, tight community... for the most part, people care for each other even if they're not related. So I came home and found that my mom was crying, because she thought I might be in a crash or something, and had the people at the school worried sick as well. All because I didn't make a phone call (which I have learned now, should my sis read this) I learned that had I actually been hurt, or dead even,.. I just think about how much pain it would have caused, and of how much the people around me do care, even if they don't show it. So, even if you don't think that there's any reason to go on, I assume that you are around the average age of people here (teens, maybe later teens for you).. just hold out a little longer. Be tenacious, resilient for the days that neither you nor I know of that will come... after all, nothing ever stays the same. Things will either get worse, or (hopefully) get better. Just look around, and see what you can do about changing your situation. People may think that they can't change anything, that it's all one big cattle line, in and out, all the time but I know from experience... take the initiative. LIVE..(or at least find a good reason to hang on..)
  15. Along a roadside, in between remote villages, there was a traveler camping for the night. This camper's name was Garoad, and he contemplated his life and where it was going. He was wandering about at this time of his life, and had nowhere to go. He cared not for people at the moment, and was bored. He had a past that he wanted to run away from, but not to forget. As he sat there drinking his tea, he sensed a change in the air.. an evil was being intorduced that he knew nothng of. As he drank his tea, he smiled. He knew that he would have somewhere to go now.
  16. Saber Marrionette J is about a boy on a planet where there are only men, cloned from the 6 original people who crashed on it. Since there are no women, they make android "pupets" - the marionettes - as replacements. They are mindless robots, fot the most part. Until the boy finds some special one, that have minds and personalities. It's very much reminiscent of the tenchi series from what I heard. I have never watched it; all this info is from anime review sites. Go look at them; I've made many a decision on whether to watch an anime or not by asking friends and browsing reviews.
  17. Well now... I've read all of the posts here, and am glad to be reading something mentaly stimulating before the thread was closed. (Even with all of the under handed personal comments). Here are my views on this: I think that taken in the right way, stem cell research is worth taking up. It doesn't have to be from fetuses, which by the way are able to have stem cells taken from them before they even develop a nervous system. That only matters if you want to debate when fetuses become sentient beings, of course. Some believe that they are humans, people, upon the moment of conception. Some think that they are people (in the sense that they have a soul) after a certain point in thier development (I wish I could give a time period but it's early morning and can't rememeber). Still others think that moment is when ever they are born... you know, I read that they can extrapalate (take out) stem cells from adult humans fat tissue, as well as from umbilical cords. The reason why fetuses are even involved is because the stem cells from fetuses are the ones most able to become whatever the scientist's want. We have to remember that the whole reason we are even talking about stem cells is because of their ability to become like any other cell in the body. That is all I will say for now, seeing as I have to wake people up for school and get ready for senior pictures. I really hope that I will get some intelligent replys on this.
  18. Keep in mind that it's not about segragation, it's about preserving the modesty of girls (and boys too I guess). These are more prominint in other countries that don't have the same "free" society that we do. By free, I mean that they are more closed when it comes to public displays of affection, clothing, etc. So it's not about segration I think.
  19. Hello all! I shall be a deckless character! I had tried to do the art of rpg a while ago, on another site. There weren't enough replies, so it died out. So I decided to bring him here. Name: Garoad (he may get a full name later) Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon: He shall use a mage's staff for now. Class: A special paladin, the one who also foolows the way of the samurai. Bio: His origins unknown, he walks between towns and villages looking for somone. (Yeah, I know you would like more deatails, but he will be fleshed out more as time goes on. I won't be posting as often as I would like to anyway..) He has skill of the sword as well as the mage. He is an introvert, by nature or by design unknown.
  20. Hmm... this is interesting. I used to go to a religious school where the boys were on one side of the class, and girls on the other. Always. We weren't supposed to talk to each other, though we didn't get in trouble if we did. After I moved, I found out they later moved to the different rooms idea. As someone who is now a senior in a regular public high school now, I can say that there is merit in both systems. For examle, boys as a group tend to be rowdy or rambunctious, and this is perfectly normal. When they are in a mixed group, they are forced to sit still and are diagnosed with ADHD. If boys are the only group in a class, the focus on learning will tend to be hands on, which is what most boys learn best by. (For example going to a pond to learn about biology, instead of with books). The same can be said about girls... they tend to sit still (the ideal classroom behavior) and are better learners that way, with books. However, I can say that when I moved to the public school system, I had no experience whatsoever with the other sex, and had to learn from the ground up. It wasn't a bad thing though; I've been told that I'm more polite and talk better with girls now than the other guys.... maybe it would help to mention that my religion advises no dating untill we are ready to get married, and that's why we were separated. I still don't date yet, actually. I haven't had to go through all the hassles of the dating game in high school , which I think is kinda pointless for the most part. Almost always ends in heartbreak... Those kind of conflicts are avoided in single sex education. Not totally, but alot nonetheless.
  21. Hmm... Now that I think about it, I do remember some anime-ish thing as a child that had cars in it.. and robots. Would that happen to be Speed Racer? Would anyone like to clarify this, as to what Speed Racer is about? (Were there any robots, or a plot to take over the world by a bad guy? If not, then I'm thinking about something else, and would like to find out what it is that I'm thinking about.)
  22. Considering I have about 3 classes, and am a senior, my school is great. I want to get out too, but seeing as I am taking a college course at collge, I can see the difference. College is hard, but since it's optional for me I think it's kinda fun, at least what I'm taking. Oh yeah, and this is directed at PoisenTounge btw, just because some of us can comprehend high level stuff and others can't doesn't mean you should get on his back about it. You are a 20 something year old in college, he's still in high school, of course you will know more about that stuff. (Send me a PM if you can, as I sense some sort of intelligence in your posts... I'd like to converse)
  23. I think I may have a bit of everything from all around. Egyptian (yeah I'm related to someone else on the boards *cough lea2385 cough*, and I think there's a bit of welsh thrown in with us. I may as not say the rest, just read my sis's post. Not that any of us could actually trace our lineage so certaintly anyway, unless we are part of a royal family that traces that kind of stuff.
  24. Well, it's better than nothing. I'd rather remember some words pronounced badly than none at all... They would be able to understand you, anyway. I mean, you can understand foriegners with accents, even if they say things wrong, right? (And we would be just that...) I took spanish for two years, and I'm still in high school and forgot it already. I didn't like the teacher either. Oh well.
  25. Hey, if you guys like learning languages, but have trouble learning the words, go to [url]www.unforgettablelanguages.com[/url] .You have to buy the courses, but they make them in a way that's easy to remember. For example, read this: "The Japanese word for BREAD is PAN [pan] Imagine a PAN full of BREAD." They use memory techniques to get you to remember the words quite easily, and they don't cost much either. These won't have you mastering a language in a day, but they will let you get by in a conversation. And that's how you start learning, isn't it? (Look at this... lol. I hope this isn't considered to be advertising, because I don't work for them or anything.. I just wanted to help out in case you haven't heard of it.) When they make an Arabic course that's more than a survival course, I'll be buying it. It may take them some time, as I have already asked about it, but I'm patient. I think its something to look at, anyway. (If putting this in is considered spamming or advertising, just let me know, ok? I wasn't sure.)
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