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Everything posted by outlawstar69
Hmm.. I'm a bit older than some of the people here... does anyone remember Mega Man? From way, way way back I can remember watching that as a little kid. Sailor Moon was on too, but I don't remeber watching it. Then anime faded out for a while.. then it was DBZ one saturday morning when no one else was around. Then I got my other brothers and sisters to watch it. Now they watch what I let them watch :). Watching DBZ at midnight led to uncut Gundam Wing, and that led to oh so many others... now most of the anime I watch isn't shown on tv. Oh well. (Thinks about Chobits and Love Hina...)
I'm glad my teachers have been "characters". In 5th grade, I had a cool teacher who I would talk to during recess. We would have discussions about religion, cloning and stuff like that (hey, it was better than fighting for space on the merry go round). He died the other year, and I felt that was a loss for everybody. I liked him.. he was one of those rare inspirational teachers.
I, for one, am glad that my mom doesn't get emotional about my grades. She's never made an issue about it, and I'm also glad that she hasn't needed to either. (Hey, whatever happened to the person who started this thread? I want to know if the problem got resolved. MAybe I should send a PM...) Oh yeah, to all those worried about the SATs - don't worry about it. Should you get a bad score, you can always take them again. And again. Or as many times as need be. Eck. I'm glad I only needed to take them once; I liked my score :) .
Well, all of these ideas are likely to work. It depends on what kind of people you and your teacher are. Since everyone is offering what they would do, I may as well join in. When it comes to classes at my school this year, I'm glad to say I only have three. English, Math and Visual Basics 2 (we're learning C++ though..). For my major classes though, it is with the same group of people, about 13 or so girls. I don't know why all the advanced classes for my grade are mostly taken by girls, maybe it was the well water that year. Anyway, to my point, I am a guy who has learned by being with this group of people since 9th grade how to be quiet. (I can still shout out anything I feel that needs heard, but you know what they say: go with the flow.) If a teacher asks a question in any of these classes, you will not find a quieter group of people. You practicly have to wait a minute or two before someone raises their hands to venture forth an answer. We know the answers, it's just that no one wants to say anything. Out of all of us, there is one girl who always raises her hand with an answer. She's an outcast, by the way. Our teachers understand; no one has gotten their grades cut because they were quiet. (Thank god.. or we would all flunk). I like the diplomatic approach, by the way. You usually won't fail with a nice approach. Go talk to him, if you are naturaly a shy or quit person then tell him this, and ask how you can improve your grade with out making you feel uncomfortable.
i don't know if this counts, but I'm taking a course in computer science at a place called Juniata College. It's a private liberal arts college I believe, and kinda expensive. Thankfully though, I'm still a senior in High School, so they have an agreement with my school that lets me go there at a reduced price. It's only one course anyway.. I'll take a math there next semester. I may go there com next year, but I'm not sure yet. They have the computer software department that I want to learn for my education (they are ranked pretty high up there considering that they are such a small school; my computer science clas shas around 13 people or so), but they don't have any engineering departments. Where would a person go if they wanted to learn about AI and that whole technical field? (I already considered MIT, but they don't offer enough scholarships. Juniata has alot, enough for me to be able to go there with help of other scholarships. Maybe.) What names would those courses have? And I still need to think about what field I could work in employing those skills.. sorry if this is a long post, but there aren't any people I know who know this kind of stuff.
As much as I like outlaw star, I would rather that they did not make a sequal if they weren't going to do it right. I liked that series alot; it was one of the first animes that I watched, and it left a big impression on me. I wouldn't want to see it chopped up (like they did for angel links; the idea wasn't sound. The characters were what made the anime special.) Oh yeah, and the hot springs of planet tenrei episode was a good one; but don't show it to your younger sibs, as there is a reason that they didn't show it here.
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
outlawstar69 replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
Hey, I didn't think Gundam SD stood for Gundam Seed.. I have seen Gundam Seed, trust me there's a big difference. I think it stands for Superior Defender. In any case, movie night would be great, as far as adult swim goes. If CN was really looking for an anime market, you'd think that what with their aiming towards younger kids (Toonami) and to adults (adult swim) that they would aim for the adolescents in between... Oh well. I fit into that category that they are not aiming for, and i'm happy with what's on, regardless. -
Ok, let's keep in mind that we are from diferent backrounds, and will have different lines of reasoning as to how we get to our conclusions. I, for instance, am currently in the backwoods of pennslyvania, in a majorly catholic and protestant community, with the majority of people being white/anglosaxon. I was born and lived for years in the one of the citys of new york, in a muslim community with alot of very diverse kids. I knew people from jordan, egypt, saudi arabia, and one even said he was from palenstine. (I'm guessing the region formerly known as such.) Anyway, with the way I was raised, I heard opinions that most people don't get to hear, from many people (not from the kids I knew, rather from other adults) with different perspectives. By "different", I don't mean terroristic, or anti american. I mean that these people were born and raised in a totally different place than the US. People from a different enviroment will have different ideas. From what I heard, the opinions that these people had went somewhat along the lines as: 1) Israel does get alot of money from the US. I believe (and Icould be wrong) that either they as a nation recieve the most or the second most amount of forigen aid. Egypt may be the first or second, either way they are in the top number. They (the Israelies) use that money to buy weapons that they use against the Arab world. You can buy alot of weapons using billions of dollars a year of extra cash.. and to the group known as the palestinians, this is unjust. All they have are stick and rocks, and they are up against tanks and jets. Look at what the situation they are in.. many of them are in poverty because they are not allowed into Israel where the jobs are. Not all palestinians are intent on blowing themselves up you know, but the fact that most all of them are not allowed in to even work, would cause animosity I would think. 2) (I will only list two things today, as I don't want to write a book) Lets go the subject of the military in Saudi Arabia, I remember hearing a bit about this on the evening news. When Operation Desert Storm was brough about, to have a base near iraq we asked to stay at one in Saudi Arabia. They lets us, but after the war was over we stayed. In fact, I believe that we still have troops over there. To get the point of this section, you have to know that in Islam there are a few holy cities, just as in most of the major religions. Jerusalam for instance, is one shared by Christianity, Judiaism, and Islam. Anyway, 2 of Islam's holy cities are in Saudi Arabia, being Mecca and Medina. Mecca is the site where we belive Abraham and his son built the kabaa, a building of worship. In fact, it is required of all Muslims capable to make a pilgrmage at least once in their life times, it is a big thing for them. Medina is the place where Islam's prophet Mohammad and his followers escaped to when they were chased out of mecca, a really long time ago. Now, I believe (and I am not a religious scholar, so I may be wrong) that there is a rule that no one who is not muslim may be allowed in either the citys or the country, I'm not sure. The fact that the US has a whole military base there, with people and troops and everything, has made these people somewhat angry. Very angry. They reason that the war is over, so why don't they leave their sacred ground? Keep in mind that these are not necessarily my opinions, so don't knock me if you don't agree. You can post your opinions of course, I'd rather like that. I posted this big long thing to point out that things are not in black and white.. ever. To say something is the truth means only that you and alot of people you know say it is the truth. Well, I'l leave all that for you to ruminate over.
I wonder why we give Israel all that "foreign aid". From what I hear, they are a so-called first world country, as far as their level of living is. It's comparable to ours. So why are we giving them billions (yes with a b) of dollars that I'm sure we could use very much over here.
Well, just because it is different does not mean it's unamerican. I was trying to make the point that most of the rest of the world knows what is happening in the US, such as the name of our president and so forth, yet we americans (for the most part, sadly) would be hard pressed to do the same. How many Joe Schmoes out there could say who the leader of Norway is? Or many other countries for that manner? Why is it that our news talks about.. well, us? I can't remember a time when i last heard about news from another country that wasn't about some diaster, or whenever it wasn't a country our leaders are visiting. (By the way, not all countries are "anti american". Keep in mind that every country puts a different spin on their "news", including ours.)
Has anyone here ever watched BBC, any station? Do you notice the difference between their 'world news' and ours? (meaning abc, cbs, etc.) Whenever I watched BBC, I always noticed a difference in how they presented their news. They were usually unbiased, and had a lot more "world" news. They actually talked about things happening elsewhere in the world. How many times on our networks do you hear a forgien president's name, or what they're doing, unless it concerns us? It's been a while since I've seen it, since our local pbs took it off, but watching it you could tell that it was a good news network, if you know what I mean. They are, afterall, the biggest news network in the world. They have branches in most countries, including ours: BBC america, I do beleive. Well, I was just asking. Please post your feedback on my opinions :babble: .
Well now... I've taken the time to read all of the posts in this thread, and after consideration I am ready to state my opinion. As concerning to racism, which is what I believe this thread is about, I believe it is a by-product of upbringing. If an african american family (or any race), who were not racist, who lived in Norway were to raise one of two white kids separated at birth, undenialbly if the other one were to be raised in the deep south by a white family of racists (or any race), then the two would grow up very different. I will post later more of my ideas, as the bell will ring shortly. As an intelligent teen, if I do say so myself, I have many ideas. (not to toot my own horn of course)
Saying that makes me miss my departed senior friends of yesteryear.... blah. Ah well, I still have some friends left at school who like anime, which is good. And my 4 -5 other siblings like it too, although that's not the same. Life isn't always a buquet of roses, I guess.
Actually, Trigun does have alot of themes to it... it's just that most of them are subtle. Very subtle. If anyone wants to read what Imean, look at ww.theotaku.com's articles of trigun: They're very good. There's alot of moral and even religious themes in it, for example that green apple that guy WolfWood knows, who was his teacher, carries. it's all in the articles at the site, so go there. Be enlightened, if you will.
Hello all. (extends greetings to everyone willing to take one) At my school, I'm a senior this year. Just about everybody in my age group who liked anime graduated last year, when I was a junior. I'm still in contact with them, and we can get some conversations going (especially with the foreign exchange student from japan) but it's not the same. My class is really small, and I live in an area that largley homogeneic: they're all very simaler to each other, not personality wise but you can guess what I mean. When i was in 1oth grade I think, I got ridiculed for watching dbz, but as a rockin senior my self esteem has gone way up from then, and I proudly where whatever anime shirt I like. Ha! I say. I like alot of anime that has never or will never be on tv here in the US. I like for instance Getbackers and Slayers, wolf's rain and love hina, and that's a small listing of what I like. I'm glad Miyazaki's movies are coming here by disney, that will increase the viewing range of people. My mom never got to see a good bit of anime (her first look at anime was seeing vegeta as a saiyen ozaru. Not the best one for a first I guess. I think my many siblings are slightly influencing her though : she bought spirited away on dvd, because she thought it looked a bit different, like it was better quality. (which it is). I need to wrap this post up... in other words I think it's sad that alot of people I know won't watch anime because "they're cartoons" . Makes me sad american tv didn't take the same route anime did. Shows like Ed, Edd and Eddy, beavis and buthead and ren and stimpy mess up the whole industry. Blah.
If you had supernatural powers what would they be?
outlawstar69 replied to Max's topic in General Discussion
The idea of choosing your powers is ok, but I like the X-Men theme: They were born with their abilities and learned to bring out their unique inner potential, which is what I think is cool. (If not, I'd like the tele powers too, or like the ones from golden sun) -
Wow. I really was missing alot when Ididn't register a long long time ago. This stuff is deep. I like deep. When I first saw this place, the entry page looked like a game control pad, and there were only about a dozen to 20 threads. How long ago was that? I'm amazed that a site that started from nothing could grow into such a fountain of ideas and thoughts. Just how I think...
Hello all. This is I think my second post, but I've been reading for a while (I was going to register a long time ago, when ever the boards were first started, but I didn't. Now I kinda wish I had...) Anyway, I too want to learn some foreign languages. Mainly Arabic, because of my heritage, but also Japanese. I've picked up some japanese just from watching subbed anime for a while (nane seems to mean "what", baka means "bozo/idiot/dummy etc"). I had the program that the people over at [url]www.unforgettablelanguages.com[/url] made for japanese learning. It uses a way of teaching it to you that makes it stick in your head. For example, the word for dog is Inu, and they tell you a sentence to visualize in your head like this one: "Imagine there was a dog, and 'e knew he was a dog." I have a question for all you people out there: Does anyone know a good site to learn arabic? That site told me they're making an arabic one, but they haven't yet. Can any one help? I have my aol name in my profile I believe.
Hey guys (and gals), this is my first post, though I've been browsing for a while. I have to agree with the mod; from what I've seen of EEE and CB there is no comparison whatsoever, other than their names. Ed from Cowboy Bebop is on a whole other level than the other ED. (The same holds true for their respective shows as well.)