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About Paleo-Rex

  • Birthday 03/10/1989

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  • Biography
    Otaku and future paleontologist.
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  1. That's one of the better parts of that particular episodes! ^^ The backround is really cool and the text is really easy to read. I aslo really like the scratchy-ness on the sides, that makes it pop out a little more. Good job! 10/10
  2. Anyone who likes TRIGUN, here are some banners that I made simply becasue I have no life and I'm obssesed with TRIGUN. I guess the first one I'll post is my young Nicholas D. Wolfwood one. Song is copyrighted to Good Charlotte.
  3. Ok, I made more banners and I'm pretty happy with them but I do realize they could use some work. Considering that I only have MSP, I think they're just ok. This is a Hamtaro Banner, simply because Hamtaro is cute and cuddly! ^^ *Wait, did I just say cute? Oh my god!*
  4. It's one of my first banners. I got into a huge fase and there you go! Thankies!
  5. I decided since everyone is getting so good a making banners, I'd try to get in on it too. So, I tried this zoid banner thing with Shadow-Raven's Organoid- as the main focus. Done with MS Paint-I don't have photoshop or anything of that nature.... :( Anyways, here it is, and if you'd like any banners that are simple but stylish, PM me.
  6. Is any one looking forward to the release of the mini-series Immortal Grand prix on Cartoon Network. I think it looks pretty good and, of course, you can't go wrong with Toonami. I think it looks awsome, I haven't seen this style of anime in the new for a while.
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