Yami Asura
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Everything posted by Yami Asura
Is the Eye of Truth a Cummulative Trap Card (Can you play more than one. For example, you can play more than one Chain Energy or Toll.)?
Gatta and Luzzu are the names of the Crusaders that you meet in Besaid. I can't remember though, [spoiler]which one of them dies from Operation Mi'ihen. Whether it be Gatta or Luzzu. But still one of them dies.[/spoiler]
I'm real hyped up about getting this game sometime soon. When I do get it, no-one will see me out my house for a LONG TIME!
It doesn't affect WotBF or Sangan, because they're SENT to the Graveyard, not special summoned.
I do have Suijin in there as well, which would be dropped to Level 6, enough for 1 tribute. That's why I use ALO. But, I will take 1 ALO out. It should make my Deck faster, as you said. Thanks. ^_^
[Quote][i]Originally Posted by Solo Tremaine[/i] [b]Asura- I think the Ritual monsters and rigmorale attached to them might slow the Deck down- seeing as you've only one Crab Turtle and ritual card, it doesn't seem that necessarry alonside monsters such as the Dragons you also have as hard-hitters. You could just as easily have another Wind, Water or dragon-type monster and then replace the others needed for Crab Turtle with other usefuls. Of course, it's entirely up to you, heh.[/b][/quote] The Crab Turtle was only placed in because my friends complained about me not having any use to the 3 A Legendary Ocean cards. That's also why I added 3 Tornado Wall cards. I really don't know.
Final Fantasy VIII. No contest. I just love everything about it, flowing graphics, intense scenes and amazing characters. My list is though: 1. Final Fantasy VIII 2. Golden Sun 3. Final Fantasy X 4. Star Ocean II 5. Final Fantasy IX
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]According to UpperDeck's restriction list, you can only have one (Graceful Charity) in a Deck. That must be a fairly recent change, unless I'm slow... [/B][/QUOTE] UpperDeck very recently changed restrictions, to name a few: Limiter Removal is no longer restricted. Witch of the Black Forest is Restricted on 1. and the said.
I have a question: I currently have a hatred for Yata-Garasu (8 Giant Crows), are there any cards in English that can stop this card dead in its tracks, except Spiritual Energy Settle Machine and Fengsheng Mirror?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forgotten_Angel [/i] [B]heres a question: Q: What did Mayor Dobe do before he went to F.H.? [/B][/QUOTE] Just to get this question out of the way, Mayor Dobe used to be a scientist in Esthar. He conducted various experiments regarding the research of energy.
Yep. It's Sic's turn to ask a question.
Not all people rely on Squall and Lionheart. After all the chances of getting Lionheart aren't 100% either. But people do evenly balance every character, so they can make light work of Ulti. Take me for example, I've 100%ed the Euro Game [spoiler](Can't 100% completely, cos of Chocobo World)[/spoiler] but still, all GFs and Characters are Level 100. All my characters have a GF with Str-J and HP-J, which are, in my opinion, the 2 key Junction Abilities to defeat Ulti. High HP = Low damage taken in, High Str = High Damage given out. Bearing this in mind, I do have my own little "key party", as I call it, which consists of Squall, Rinoa and Selphie. But with GFs equipped to all Party members, I can beat the game with Quistis, Zell and Irvine. I like to call it Consistance Training. If you're unsure with what to do on the 4th Disc, head to the Island Closest to Heaven/Hell and give Consistance Training a go. If it doesn't work, then you might not have done it right. Try getting Ultimate Weapons, changing your strategy for defeating monsters (mine was 100 Death Junctioned to ST-ATK), use anything you can. Even, if need be, try Kamikaze. Kamikaze is an underestimated maneuver. Sure, it annihilates one party member, but the move could become your best friend. It delivers around the same amount of damage as Eden. Try experimenting with different moves and abilities. If you still can't beat the game, then you're obviously doing something wrong, so change strategies again. It's the changing factors, that makes this game so much better than any other FF.
Okay, maybe Sephiroth didn't need them, but there has to be some purpose to their existance in the game, they wouldn't JUST stick in a load of Black Capes. Oh, and one Sephiroth Clone made it to the Reunion. That was [spoiler]Cloud[/spoiler] Hence, the famous line, [spoiler]You are just a puppet.[/spoiler]
Actually, you're wrong. My question still remains.
Actually, if it's the Japanese name then it's Yuugi Mutou.
I'd like to raise the "Did Sephiroth kill President Shinra?" topic. I'd say no. If you hear Palmer's description "Man in a black cape." Just like the rest of the world. Their talking about the Black Capes, the followers of Sephiroth. If you also remember, [spoiler]Masamune was buried in Cloud's body. You don't know what happens to it. He may have just left it there, he may have dropped it.[/spoiler] I suggest you don't leave up to assumption. Anyway, that's enough from me.
You'll find out that the bonus track was called "This Time Imperfect". I like that song as well.
Nah, Michief and Trickster are the only 2 items that randomly give you things. You can just sometimes get Trickster in Fun City.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]When you get Griever down to really low HP (the sky starts changing color) make sure you're fully healed and have shell on everyone because that's when he'll cast Shockwave Pulsar, which should do a crapload of damage (but if u have shell only 4000 or so).[/B][/QUOTE] If you want to half the power of Shockwave Pulsar, then you cast Protect. Shell halves the power of magic attacks, not physical, SWP is counted as a physical. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]You can have Quistis learn shockwave pulsar btw by getting 100 sharp spikes[/B][/QUOTE] Wrong. Quistis learns SWP by obtaining 100 Curse Spikes, obtainable from Marlboros on the Island Closest to Heaven. You then refine those 100 Curse Spikes into 1 Dark Matter, which allows Quistis to learn SWP. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WW2 [/i] [B]Then, in the last fight with Ultemercia, some thing very interesting happened. I found that I could use Seifer and Edea in the final fight, for some odd reason.[/B][/QUOTE] Perhaps the reason behind that is because you used a Gameshark. Most people prefer "Once Playable" characters, such as Laguna, or in FF7's instance, Sephiroth. They find them powerful. I, on the other hand, have never resorted to cheating, if people say I'm cheating, they'd be wrong, as Gameshark has never been nor will ever be in my possession. I don't believe in cheating, to me, it is known as the "Lazy Way Out". Usually, it involves Selphie and The End. (The End works on ALL monsters and bosses, including Ultimecia.)
He's probaly lying. People do that for attention usually. It is true that Dual Magic is in this set?
Just take the lazy person's way out: The End. Selphie's a great character, don't underestimate her just because she's hyper. Anyway, the best way to beat Ulti, I find is the Aura-Lionheart strategy. That's just me anyway, if I can't get Lionheart, then Pulse Ammo or Wishing Star or even Shockwave Pulsar could do in Ulti.
Name: Energy Rain Level: N/A Attribute: Continuous Type: Magic Attack: N/A Defense: N/A As long as this card remains face-up on the field, monsters in your Deck with Level stars 5 or above do not require Tributes, but cannot attack the turn they are summoned. Name: Standing Ovation Level: N/A Attribute: Equip Type: Magic Attack: N/A Defense: N/A As long as this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent's monsters cannot attack. In addition, the lose 500 ATK points during each of your Standby Phases. You must pay 1000 Life Points to keep this card on the field, if you cannot, this card is destroyed.
My deck: (It needs a name, help out on this part and rating also.) ~ means it is on its way to my deck * means I still need it Tributes: (4) Tri-Horned Dragon Suijin Luster Dragon Tyrant Dragon Ritual: (1) Crab Turtle Monsters: (28) Jowls of Dark Demise ~ Cyber Jar ~ Cobra Jar La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x3 Trap Master Sonic Bird Hysteric Fairy x2 Opticlops x3 7 Colored Fish x3 Harpie's Brother x3 Senju of the Thousand Hands Dice Jar Asura Priest Yomi Ship Man-Eater Bug x2 Magician of Faith Armed Ninja Witch of the Black Forest Wall of Illusion Magic: (20) Spiritual Energy Settle Machine Malevolent Nuzzler x3 Different Dimension Capsule Graceful Charity De-Spell United We Stand A Legendary Ocean x3 Mystical Space Typhoon Mage Power Change of Heart Dark Hole Fairy Meteor Crush Scapegoat Monster Reborn Turtle Oath Raigeki ~ Trap: (11) Bottomless Trap Hole Seven Tools of the Bandit Acid Trap Hole Trap Hole Michizure Enchanted Javelin Needle Wall Tornado Wall x3 (2 are on their way to my deck) Magic Jammer
Name: Supreme Ruby Dragon Level: 10 Attribute: Fire Type: Dragon/Fusion/Effect Attack: 3900 Defense: 3800 Effect: "Tri-Horned Dragon" + "Tyrant Dragon" This monster can only be Fusion Summoned. When there is a monster on your opponent's side of the Field after the first attack of your Battle Phase, this monster can attack once again during the same Battle Phase. In addition, negate the effect of a Trap Card that specifically designates this card as the target and destroy it. This monster can only remain on the field if "Molten Destruction" is on the field.