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Yami Asura

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Everything posted by Yami Asura

  1. Yami Asura


    Yeah, they're good albums. I do like "Sing the Sorrow", especially the first song. I can never remember the title of it though.
  2. Yami Asura


    Has anyone ever heard of AFI? If so, do you like them? I do. I recently purchased "Sing the Sorrow", their 4th album. It rules so much!!! I have the UK Edition, which has a few extra tracks.
  3. Yami Asura


    It's not so much a phobia, but I am afraid of Anaesthetic injections. I can deal with Intravenous Sedation but Anaesthetic injections just scare me to hell.
  4. A nice hard one to get your brains pumping: FFVIII - What is Squall's Student ID Number?
  5. Two-Mix. They're my favourite Japanese band. Of all time. They rule so much.
  6. I like GC. I think their more punk than most bands. On the first album, they're more of a Emo band though.
  7. You cannot destroy any magic with a monster unless it specifically says as part of an effect.
  8. She isn't actually Barret's daughter, she was Dyne's. Barret took her into care because Barret thought Dyne was dead. In response to Wondershot's question: I think the first four characters are: [spoiler]Celes, Setzer, Sabin and Edgar.[/spoiler]They're in no particular order.
  9. Ah, so you're on Disc 1. Having completed the game before, you should know that you can buy Vellum Paper from all the shops on Energy Nede.
  10. I don't see why. My deck consists of Beatdown monsters to wipe away any weak monsters that the opponent has. Effect monsters to worry the opponent into attacking and decent tribs such as Tyrant Dragon to deal heavy damage. Plus a lot of Equips and the such. Anyway, why bother arguing over how they would fare in the real game? In the anime, they use different rules in comparison to the real game rules. That's why their decks work better in anime as opposed to real life.
  11. Anger. Many a time have I been a victim to my own actions when anger takes over my thoughts and feelings. I generally don't think angry, I just do things to be angry. Sort of like Anger management.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]I mainly like using effect cards that make my oppoent mad. HEHEHE [/B][/QUOTE] That's what I use as well. Old favourites such as Man-Eater Bug and things like that, as well as the new blood such as Jowls of Dark Demise and Yomi Ship. Right now, my favourite cards have to be Tyrant Dragon, Fairy Meteor Crush, United We Stand and Mage Power. If all played on Tyrant Dragon, you're quite literally unstoppable. Tyrant Dragon's effect is really ace, except for the Special Summon rule, but that's only there to restrict its power. United We Stand is just a really good Equipment Card. As is Mage Power. You could really put a duel in your favour with just those 2 cards on any monster!
  13. FF8 is and forever will be my favourite. I don't see why people don't like it. Here are my points: [u]Experimental?:[/u] Yes, Square made it to test out new systems, but that shouldn't put the game down. Why let the experimental value put it down? If you simply played the game enough then you'd learn to at least like it. Everywhere I go, people are putting FF8 down. I usually seem to be the only one defending it. Why? Because people get bored with the fact that the characters are introduced fast and the story is drawn out. Just play the game, and if you have and still don't like it, then okay. [u]Junction System:[/u] A very-well put together system on Square's behalf. The fact that they reversed the usual method of magic. The made it easy to obtain magic, and hard to implement it. Kudos to Square for noticing a weakness in most FF players. You usually find the system hard at first, but you get better with experience. With FF8, on the other hand, it's just a case of how you implement your magic. If it's Junctioning that turns you off, then get someone's advice on Junctioning or at least listen to Quistis' tutorials. [u]Replay Value:[/u] I find that there's a lot of Replay Value in ANY RPG. You underestimate FF8's replay value. Sometimes you replay a game, just because you don't understand the ending because you forgot a vital part of the storyline, because let's face it, storyline is most important part of any RPG. With FF8, it's easy to follow the story, because it's drawn out. That means you have time to let a certain vital part of the story sink into your brain and so you can understand it. I understand EVERY part of FF8 and that was just from one play. I find the replay value comes from the Junction System. The Junction System allows you to manipulate magic in countless ways. [u]Conclusion:[/u] FFVIII is more superior than most RPGs out there. I find it even more superior to FF7 and FF9. The only one I find comes close to FF8 is FF10. By the way, my current count for completing FF8 stands at 241 times.
  14. I can't remember but with the skill "Forgery" I think you can get an item there which gives you a lot of money, but beware, the skill often gives out Bounced Checks which take money off you if you keep them.
  15. My girlfriend duels, in fact, she won't shut up about Yu-Gi-Oh, which I am thankful for. I met her at a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament. Anyway, I've duelled her. She thrashed me, which doesn't surprise me cos she's the 2nd best duellist in her area.
  16. When your opponent uses Scapegoat, send out a Tyrant Dragon and equip it with Fairy Meteor Crush. All their LP will be diminished, losing 2900 everytime you attack a Scapegoat, and with Tyrant Dragon you can attack them all in the one Battle Phase. I use this combo, it's great. xD I'm also the stupid one that powers up Scapegoat. xD
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