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Everything posted by Kyoofu

  1. I say Ryoko and Yosho would have to have their own seperate brawl cuz they'd come out just about even. In that brawl I would like for Ryoko to win cuz she's my fav char
  2. I think that you are a really good friend because you don't want to hurt anybody or maybe get hurt yourself. Backing off is a good idea because that way Justin doesn't get hurt by being cheated on or broken up with. Also he won't get mad at you and maybe let his fellings get in the way of his actions and then hurt you and maybe Tadie too.
  3. [COLOR=purple]Mirai no Trunks is waaaayyy better. GT Trunks is just too different to come close.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=silver]Whenever I think about the future I get kinda wigedout :wigout:I want to know what will happen to me but there are soooo many possiblities that it is simply impossible to know so I try not to think of it. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Purple] I would love to live where ever the DBZ peeps live like to be their neighbor, that would rule. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=PURPLE] I AM OUTRAGED!!!! On my second day of school (the horrible s word) I have a project, a large project due in less than a week from when we got it!!! NOT KEWL AT ALL!!!!! :wigout: [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=deeppink] I have this person who holds a grudge against me for abosulutely nothing (note to all of you she is NUTS) anyway so I have no feeling for her cept that she is really mean ( I DIDN'T DO NOTIN TO HER OR ANY OF HER "FRIENDS") I have a huge grudge on this boy from 5th grade (i'm in 7th) cuz he started to be a total @$$hole to me for learning Japanes. He can screw off. But other than him I don't hold grudges at all (to forgiving I guess) [/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B][COLOR=coral]I personally detest Ayeka and Sakuya from Tenchi in Tokyo, and Serena from Sailor Moon.... :flaming:.::ANNOYING DUB VOICES::.:flaming: [/COLOR]:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue green] I agree and to think at my friends call me Sasami, that would mean I hate my sister, Oh well. [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=red]I'd wish for more wishes so that I could get everything I want/need free. But hey shopping's fun anyway.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=blue] Yeah, I'm really mad at Funi, they ruined the series, maybe not all of it but most :mad: [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=red]Personally, I think Veggie-san is the best out of all the villans even if he doesn't stay as a villan :wigout: [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=teal] My school is about half and half u can walk around and see peeps wearing the shirts but still get made fun of alot, but hey, those wearing the DBZshirts, keep it up, don't let any1 discourage u to make u fit in, be ur own person :wigout: [/COLOR]
  13. :wigout: I think out of the two Vegeta's is the best, but add Trunks and I go wit him.
  14. [COLOR=blue] I thinks Vegeta-san is the best because, well, I don't relly know why, but if u had but Trunks on this poll He would be first cuz he's my all-time fav, and Veggie-san would be in second. [/COLOR]
  15. I'll have to look out for that when it comes around.
  16. [COLOR=purple]I like human form Ryo-oki. I like her little song. It's the cutst thing ever.[/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B] [COLOR=coral]LoL :laugh:.....Does anyone else see the irony of this^^^ ?!? [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=red] I do, I think the only thing Yajirobe ever did in a fight was cut off Vegeta's tail, and he's always saying that he's not goning to fight with Goku. [/COLOR]
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