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Everything posted by lumberjack80

  1. By far, the absolute worst ending I've scene was for Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi. Over the course of the series, we slowly start to see Arumi and Sasshi grow up and slowly become very well developed characters. The whole series slowly built up to what I felt was the only final logical conclusion with [spoiler]Sasshi finally having to face tell Arumi that her grandfather passed away and accepting the fact that she was going to move away.[/spoiler] But, this was not the case, as Gainax decided to put [spoiler]a happy ending to the story and had Sasshi save Arumi's grandpa[/spoiler] which I felt really hurt the story.
  2. I feel that His and Her Circumstances has some of the best, fleshed out characters I'd ever seen. I prefer a good comedy or action oriented anime, but I decided to give His and Her Circumstances a shot, because I read such great reviews on it and it blew me away with its characters and relationships. Even though the anime ended rather abruptly, I felt like I knew where the characters would be 1, 5, 10 years down the road, because they had been explored so thoroughly inside and out.
  3. 2 of my favorite anime series are Cowboy Bebop and Kino's Journey. Cowboy Bebop was amazing characters and one of the best dubs and soundtracks. My only hang up on the series is that only 5 or so episodes were dedicated to the main story arch. Kino's Journey is one of the most underrated animes in my opinion. It is rarely talked about, but the story is mind blowing. Each episode seems to have a huge twist at the end which changes everything you though you knew. The cities and the people the Kino meets along the way are EXTREMELY unique. I haven't finished the series yet, since Volume 4 will be released at the end of June, but if it's a fraction of the first 3 volumes...
  4. name the zelda games where music plays a vital role in the game.
  5. how about this then: 1) link to the past with the 7 maidens in the 7 crystals 2) adventures of link with the crystals you have to set in the statue in the dungeons 3) ocarina of time with the emerald, sapphire, and ruby
  6. for like 80% of the series, the story seemed to revolve totally around victoria with alucard swooping in at the very end to pull her our of trouble. the only time, in my opinion, that alucard was the true main character was during the last episode.
  7. which boss has appeared in the most zelda games?
  8. alright, alright...so, you don't need the the deku nut, magic beans, ice arrow, farore's wind, nayru's love, and 3 of the 4 bottles???
  9. i think it's the deku nut, magic beans, ice arrow, farore's wind, and nayru's love. i'll wait for confirmation though. (although, i guess you COULD guess your way through the shadow temple without the lens of truth but...)
  10. answer: a blue potion and 5 magic beans question: in ocarina of time, what is the fewest number of keys you can have and still get the "treasure" in the gerudo training ground?
  11. what was the first card from the pgd set played on the tv series?
  12. i believe the first person to play it was bandit keith when he used it to get the zera ritual in his match with yugi.
  13. how many duels was joey in during the duelist kingdom tournament?
  14. i think the first monster he played was giltia and the last was the time wizard (i believe roulette spider and scapegoat were both spell cards).
  15. i enjoy FMP, but it isn't my favorite anime by a long shot. it's good, don't get me wrong, but it can't stand up to powerhouses like cowboy bebop. i picked up the first 3 FMP dvd's and some of the episodes seem like night and day. for instance, the episodes are grouped together like 3 will occur at the high school and then 3 will occur on a battlefield. i think the plot could have been smoothed out a little better to help balance out the comedy, romance, and action. i'm interested to see how the rest of the episodes pan out. but, i have to hand it to them, some of the funniest television i have seen are the scenes where sousuke tries to act "casually" around other students his age.
  16. just out of curiousity, has anyone heard the opening theme "Shell" from Witch Hunter Robin. The opening credits are incredible and i really enjoy the electric guitar. that's the opening i enjoy the most right now, but some others i enjoy are cowboy bebop's and outlaw star.
  17. well, Dagger IX1, i'll venture to guess at the answers to a few of your questions. note, these are just initial thoughts that will probably change after viewing the episodes a second time. anyways: [spoiler]1. Who was controlling Paradigm City? It seemed to be Angel, but could it also have been Roger? I think that Angel was in fact controlling Paradigm City. If you look on the Metropolis book at the end of the show, it has her name on it. Also, at the end, Gordon Rosewater says something like "It's up to you now negotiator." So, the only reason Paradigm was saved was because Roger convinced Angel not to destroy it. So, I guess you could say that Angel was in control, but Roger pulled her strings??? 2. When Angel "reset" everything at the very end, did Dorothy become human? In the control room with Roger and Angel, she still seemed to be an android, but when she and Angel were standing in the street during the credits, she definitely looked different. This one I'm not sure about, because I changed the channel before the credits, but in episode 14, during Roger's "hallucinations" Dorothy appeared to be human ... hmm ... 4. Is the Roger we know the original Roger Smith, or is he a copy? Is Roger actually an android, or was that hallucination nothing more than a hallucination? My initial guess is that Roger is an android. There was that one brief cutscene of a factory making a number of carbon copies of Roger Smith. Also, he being an android is the only way I can explain why he is in the picture with Gordon Rosewater from decades ago and not having aged a bit. [/spoiler] Like I said, these are just my initial reactions and i'm sure when the dvd's start coming out in January and I can view the episodes again, it'll all change. I'd be interested to read anyone else's response.
  18. ok, here goes: what was the first card from lon played in the television series?
  19. What is your most favorite/least favorite boss to play in the Zelda series and WHY? My most favorite boss was Goht from Majora's Mask simply because there was a very unique way in which you beat him (strap on the Goron Mask and hit and run him continuously). Very nice. My least favorite boss was the Armos Knights from Link to the Past. To me, they were very unoriginal and quite boring to play.
  20. i think the answer is that all the cards came from the psv series. let me know if i'm right and i'll edit with a question.
  21. fair enough...then which items/weapons have appeared in all the games?
  22. well, it's been a few days with no new question, so i'll post one. name all the trap cards that were used in the Yugi/Strings duel.
  23. well, been a few days and no new question, so i'll post one. name all the items/weapons that have only appeared in one zelda game. note: only include items/weapons that you can set to an action button (i.e. "a", "b", "c" buttons, etc.) and don't include items from trading sequences.
  24. yes, big o and batman the animated series has a lot of similarities. both bandai and cartoon network have admited it. bandai admitted it in a advertisement they had in toyfare magazine (i'm sure it was in other magazines as well) and the cartoon network did it in a promo they had where brak introduced the show (back when they were playing season 1). the brak promo was pretty funny to if i might add. it went something like this: "If you like Bruce Wayne, then you'll love Roger Smith. If you like Alfred the Butler, then you'll love Norman. If you like Robin if he was a girl and a robot, then you'll love R. Dorothy Wayneright. If you like the big giant robots that Batman didn't have but you always thought should, then you'll love the Big O." anyways, i was first drawn to the show, because i was told it did parallel batman the animated series in a number of ways. my favorite megadeus is the Big O. before season 2, it was the Big Duo, but i like how they upgraded Big O in season 2 and gave him a much bigger arsenal (as opposed to basically the chains and the piston punch in season 1).
  25. You can lay down a bomb so that it does not get swallowed by the Dodongo, but when it explodes, the smoke still stuns it. Then, hit it quickly with your sword to kill it. Name all the games that the Dodongos have appeared in.
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