Long live the Queen. Zep is by far the greatest band that had been metioned until now. THE CLASH!!!! C'mon people. Also, The Sex Pistols, the Ramones, and Black Flag. Don't exclude punk from your list.
If there's one thing that I can't tolerate, it's a bunch of dorks that dress like punks, play music considered punk, and then call themselves punk. I just put them in with Avril and Blink and all the rest. Deal.
Who up in this heezy digs one of the greatest anime shows ever? Like you can't tell from my avatar, but I'm a Trigun nut. The story is fresh, the action is dope, and the charecters are awesome.
Am I the only one other than my buddies who know of this great Irish-American punk band that features bagpipes (yes, bagpipes) to make kick arse punk music? If you have name your favorite song below.