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About Josh

  • Birthday 03/10/1991

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  1. Josh


    [quote name='Kamui']That is why I like all 4 seasons of digimon in my opinion and I can't wait till season 5. comes on tv. :) :love:[/quote] Season 5, i thought season 4 was gonna be the last one, or so I have heard, but never the less I will love the show all the same.
  2. [quote name='Neko']It is an amazing series. Of course get the fourth game! The .hack games are like a great big book: you can't just stop reading ten pages from the end. And trust me, finishing the story is really cool, it's a good end for such an amazing game.[/quote] K thanks you for you advise this game is great though i am still having a problem finding all those virus cores.
  3. Hello, my name is Josh and today I am planning on getting the 4th volume today with my birthday money however I just wanted to know all of your oppinions on dot hack quarantine
  4. The wind blowed as Josh came toward a forest.He enterd the forest and began to walk through it.Soon he arrived at a part of the forest that was unusually dark.Josh wounderd through a Dark and Gloomy forest.He taped his staff on the ground and a small light came from it As, the light glowed from his staff he began to feel uneased. Then, all of a sudden he heard a sound, Josh turn around and saw nothing as a dark mist began to fill the air. The sound kept getting louder as something approached him. Josh decided not to find out what the sound was a he quickly began to run through the forest. The sounds kept getting closure as he ran.The, Josh ran into a misty, dark area.There his eyes widened a bit as he saw Nisha, Alex, and Harru standing there.
  5. Meanwhile in a distant part of the place a young boy wounders where he sence the clow card. Then he finally realized where it was. He quickly got up and ran toward the pegein slide. when he got there he saw a bunch of cardcaptors already there. His eyes darted to a card he saw Nisha holding a card.Nisha turned toward his direction as he came closer. The boy smiled as, he approached Nisha. Then in a joyful tone the boy said,"Well it looks like i got here to late."He got closer and closer hoping to steal the card. He then pulled out his staff and yelled "Mist card" The air began to fill with mist.As the air filled with mist he took his opertonety and stole the Fly Card and ran away behind a bush.
  6. [b]Name:[/b] Josh [b]Age:[/b] 13 - 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Side:[/b] Both [b]Role:[/b] Unknown Card Captor [b]Key and Staff/Magical Weapon:[/b] This weapon has the power to change its form into a Key, Pendant, Staff, and a Magical Sword. [b]Bio:[/b] He was once a kind your boy who was about to turn 14, until one day when he tried to capture 3 cards at once. When he tried to capture them his guardian was destroyed. From that day he has slowly been becoming aggressive and mean.
  7. Dose the magna have any of the characters from the game in it?
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