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About Michelangelo

  • Birthday 07/14/1989

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  • Biography
    Tall, dirty blond hair, pretty girlfriend.
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Michelangelo's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Thanks and sorry about that
  2. Which of them do you think is better? Mine is a tie between Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson.
  3. Goldgerg didn't win becasue of Brock and I think that was bad and I wanted Eddie to win and he did but I thought Hardcore Holly should of won becasue Brock broke his neck and I would be made to if he did that to me.
  4. Do you guys like the banner I just made I think it is the best one that I have done out of all of my banners. I know it is very big and I need to fix it but do you like it?
  5. I ask for alot of video games and I also asked for some basketball jerseys. I should of asked for a gamecube instead but thats alright.
  6. Does somebody like them as much as I do if so please tell me so I know I'm not alone on this.
  7. Is thanksgiving really important because all you do is sit around and get fat!
  8. I thought it was funny when Charlie Sheen's brother was trying to be a rapper.
  9. In my opinon about G Gundam I think it is sad compared to Gundam Wing it was weird because they couldn't even make the gundam's look good.
  10. No I didn't hear that where did you get your info from?
  11. I feel sorry for you Zanarkand Abes I've been grounded for my grades in the past to I'll tell you if it is worth seeing or not when I see it myself.
  12. Where did you get your info from about all the jokes they make on the movie ?
  13. Who has seen it and do you think it is good ? I just watched it on DVD and it was great I could watch it over and over until it dosen't work again.
  14. I'm looking forward to all the fighting that is going to happen and I hope that the dwarf is going to be funny again.
  15. If you could be a rapper for a day who would you be ?
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