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Dr. Eggman

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Everything posted by Dr. Eggman

  1. Here is some info from PlanetGamecube Nintendo is planning to release another Zelda Bonus Disk! That's right folks another one.... This disk (Zelda Bonus Disk Version 2.0) will include 4 games: The Legend Of Zelda (NES) The Legend Of Zelda II: Link's Adventure (NES) The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (N64) The Legend Of Zelda: Majoras Mask For some reason we do not have ALTP which is pretty sad but this is great! They say they should have this by the end of this year for the holiday season. Note: Don't believe me? Checkout PlanetGamecube for yourself...
  2. You're Blue Link, and your passion is delving into the many secret- filled dungeons. You don't care for Rupees or fighting--you're content just to be able to explore, solve puzzles and find secrets, and the Roc's Cape compliments this perfectly, letting you explore areas you wouldn't otherwise be able to reach. You're the loner and slowpoke of the group, which means you don't get along with Red Link at all. On the other hand, however, Purple Link loves tagging along to collect all the Rupees you uncover.
  3. I'm REALLY Good With Peach and D.K. after all Peach puts the each in Teach!
  4. I used to think that it was an anime but it might be American Anime but it would be horribly drawn probably... but seeing as how we have Teen Titans I'm going with American Anime
  5. Yeah F-Zero anime that is a good idea .... BTW I Was Being Sarcastic It would get old real quick
  6. Has anyone here seen Sonic X? If ya did what did you think of it so far? I like the animation the most.... but I've only seen the U.S. Dub so I don't know about the Japanese dub...
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